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/lit/ - Literature

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13384617 No.13384617 [Reply] [Original]

German literature is the best because we have Goethe. That's why everything else that came out afterwards was so good, because he influenced every other german writer. No other nation had such a great author to build up on. Shakespeare doesn't count since he's not a real person.

>> No.13384625

And before Goethe?

>> No.13384628


>> No.13384629

Actually Goethe's literature is as mediocre as that ass.

>> No.13384630

Nothing worth mentioning, Don Quijote isn't that good.

>> No.13384639 [DELETED] 

that's cool and all but you stopped being a real, sovereign nation a long time ago, so nostalgic clinging to accomplishments from the past is all that you have left.

>> No.13384651

yeah, because it was a step down from literature written way earlier

>> No.13384667

Nigga please, we're the leader of the free world these days. Meanwhile the US has concentration camps after being propped up by the russians. Funny how history goes.

>> No.13384671 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 712x716, EU Tolerance Camps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh russians
hehehehehe, delusional kraut

>> No.13384693

Cocи нoги, пидp.

>> No.13384732
File: 82 KB, 1024x575, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No other nation had such a great author to build up on
>*blocks your path*
well, that was easy.

>> No.13384735

you don't have nuclear weapons kek. leader of nothing. you gave your country to the bankers so they could advertise your docile ass as 'leader of the free world'. meanwhile france is the real european powerhouse and has been under attack for over 50 years until macron the banker was elected. imagine thinking you're relevant when you dont have nuclear weapons.

>> No.13384746

Not a real person, see Shakespeare.

>> No.13384766

oi but i's got a picture of 'im right there >>13384732! how come he ain't existed?!

>> No.13384775

What is this, 1974? You don't threaten to destroy shit anymore, you buy up motherfuckers or give them a credit. Haven't you learned anything from the Chinese?

>> No.13384868

Goethe was a pedö. And his writing was average at best.

>> No.13384882

also not written by a single person
meanwhile England and Italy have dozens of great authors predating Goethe

>> No.13384972

Why do so little people understand this?

>> No.13384992
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1555277913060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please remove your picture op this is a blue board and i'm on day 30 nofap

>> No.13384994

Goethe is not the best German writer... not even by a long shot

>> No.13385001
File: 218 KB, 700x407, 1554234527059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And his writing was average at best.

>> No.13385007

>Goethe is not the best German writer... not even by a long shot
OP didn´t claim that either

>> No.13385013

Italy has Dante, Greece has Homer, Australia has nothing ):

>> No.13385015

How? The most I've been able to go in the last several years is a week. I was on like day 5 today and decided I couldn't resist. Fapped in the shower and I had so much built up I blasted my load over the sliding shower door. Almost hit the ceiling.

>> No.13385024


One person is an impostor and not German. Another person has two photo's of themselves. Identify both while also stating the greatest German of all time.

>> No.13385026

Ever heard of Homer or Dante?

>> No.13385034
File: 746 KB, 858x627, Germania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13385047 [DELETED] 

Contemporary german literature (post 1990) is horseshit and there's hardly anything noteworthy.
Fight me.

>> No.13385051

German here, contemporary german literature (post 1990) is horseshit and there's hardly anything noteworthy.
Fight me.

>> No.13385109

Bryce Courtenay is probably the best the Aussies have, though he was born in SA

>> No.13385117 [DELETED] 

contemporary germany (post 1945, esp. post 1968) is horseshit

>> No.13385127

contemporary usa (post 1776, esp. post 1865) is horseshit

>> No.13385129

Like a third of these people are Austrian you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.13385138 [DELETED] 

possible, i'm european so i don't really care.

>> No.13385143

I'm a Son of the South, so I care very much tbqh.

>> No.13385180

idk, getting old i guess, its easier

>> No.13385199

And? That doesn't make them not German.