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File: 100 KB, 952x717, 1560392721953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13381112 No.13381112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It seems like such an defining part of 21st century living that it should be ripe for artists to explore it's effects.

>> No.13381120

This is the famous /pol/-tier science that has brought nofap and other such nobel prize ideas to the world.
You'll never see a serious book about this, or anything besides pasta really, because typically good writers don't fall for childlike conspiracy theories.

This image is just some hunch by yet another failed incel that can't get his shit together and is trying to blame something. At least they are finally moving away from blaming jews I guess so maybe that's a step forward?

>> No.13381135

>good writers don't fall for childlike conspiracy theories.
I got bad news for you anon...

>> No.13381143

Brave New World predicted the pedo cumbrain.

>> No.13381204


>> No.13381231

have masturbate

>> No.13381255

Honestly if you're the kind of person who thinks they would benefit from abstaining from masturbation, then you're already too far gone to be saved. The non-degenerates of us don't need a programme of self-restraint to stop cumming because we're not fucking animals

>> No.13381264

i got issues with my inner animal and i'm asking for help. why not give the advice to stop cumming, if so easy pee-zee.

>> No.13381267

>This image is just some hunch by yet another failed incel that can't get his shit together and is trying to blame something.
t. Cumbrain.

How can you not understand that identifying the causes of ones unhappiness is NOT blaming them for your own inadequacies?
Being honest about where your problems lie is the most important step to self improvement and your criticism just doesn't apply whatsoever, as what is blamed is *INTERNAL* not external.

Also stopping to watch porn literally cured 95% of my social anxiety.
If the Placebo effect of not watching porn is bigger then years of therapy, then by any reasonable medical standard therapy is useless.

>> No.13381303

I don’t know but I jacked off more than 5 times today

>> No.13381305

porn = bad
masturbation = good

>> No.13381347

It's just the opposite. The non-degenerate don't masturbate period.

>> No.13381352
File: 264 KB, 952x1344, the cumbrain is real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/-tier science

>> No.13381368
File: 62 KB, 1024x961, 14343435500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One hundred percent seething. The irony to this post is that the physiological effects of sexual activity are well documented. They can and do cause neurochemical and hormonal changes; the mind likewise is a product of what it routinely does. The retard-tier approach is to pretend it is devoid of any effect and that abstinence or frequency make no difference. Guess its too late for you, cumbrain.

>> No.13381385

i see this meme and it makes me not want to masturbate. i know it is ironic hyperbole but the propaganda still works. we need to be looking at the meme brain more than the cum brain.

>> No.13381387


>> No.13381397

>i see this meme and it makes me not want to masturbate.
It should, most importantly, make you want to stop watching porn.

>> No.13381402


None of what you say is what the image says.
Also I'm pretty sure part of your cognitive impairment comes from spending 15 hours a day on the internet with no social interactions.
Also please tell me how fapping 3 times a day bad! But having sex 3 times a day with cute trad christian gf good! Because sex orgasms release different hormones or some shit?
I bet anything you want there are at least 5 things you do that are worse for your brain than fapping, on a daily basis.
You also have 0 proof that "cumbrain" is an irreversible condition, if it even exists.
I have had times in my life with two faps a day and also 6 month nofap streaks. It's fucking placebo.

>> No.13381404

Tolstoy's short story The Devil

>> No.13381409

Papers against nofap are funded by the porn industry. Just like back then cocacola was raising funds to "prove" sugar is healthy.

>> No.13381416

Are you braindead?
Can you even read?
This is firstly about *porn* not masturbation.

Also see:>>13381267

>> No.13381420

lol no, what are you the same guy replying to himself? he's a gay fag, a post isn't good becuase someone bothered to write 4 or 5 sentences with proper grammar and punctuation

>> No.13381433
File: 271 KB, 960x720, absolutely delusional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I'm pretty sure part of your cognitive impairment comes from spending 15 hours a day on the internet with no social interactions.
I do not prefer anecdotes but if you want to direct it me specifically, I measure my cognitive performance with cambridge brain sciences and motivational load. Sex and masturbation impair it. Spending all day on the computer productively reading articles, acquiring books. Social media, even 4chan are bad influences as they are cause for distractability. Direct neutral social interactions make no difference.
>Also please tell me how fapping 3 times a day bad! But having sex 3 times a day with cute trad christian gf good! Because sex orgasms release different hormones or some shit?
I never made this distinction. All sexual excesses have the potential of impairing motivation and making someone in a suboptimal state. You also presuppose religious motives. I do not believe in God.
>I bet anything you want there are at least 5 things you do that are worse for your brain than fapping, on a daily basis.
Fallacy of relative privation stemming from projection.
>You also have 0 proof that "cumbrain" is an irreversible condition, if it even exists.
Appeal to ignorance. Absence of evidence proves neither hypothesis.You gave nothing to support your claim that sexual activity is harmless other than your own anecdotal experience.
>I have had times in my life with two faps a day and also 6 month nofap streaks.
Doubtful those 6 month streaks were entirely continent but instead had sex, which impairs the benefits. I've also had times of the above in my life and the difference between the two was night and day. It's like being on a stimulant at all times. Masturbation and sex won't prevent you from living your life. They won't prevent you from performing in school or work. But they will prevent you from achieving flow states and having remarkable moments of lucidity and clarity, free of any sexual distractions.

>> No.13381450

You fucking larpers are becoming worse than sjws. You feel absolutely 0 remorse about using their same bullshit lying tactics. Don't you have the slightest bit of shame? Lets go step by step so your fucking cognitive impaired brain can keep up (and no if you stop masturbating you won't become less stupid. You're a lost cause).

First of all the entire image just cites effects that, unless you are a neuroscientist or at least someone with a degree in biology, are just meant to sound extremely scary and irreversible. That's step 1 of your propaganda. You are an intellectually dishonest piece of shit and it makes it hard have any serious conversation with you but lets go.

>Burned out dopamine receptors
Any over-stimulation of receptors can cause a """burn-out""", but that is standard operating procedure for the body for many tasks. You give it a rest, things balance out again. This is not a scary big deal like the image tries to pass. Propaganda.

>High prolactin. Killed his motivation
None of the papers cited talks about this. I have further looked for papers that tie prolactin to motivation and found a total of ZERO. Propaganda.

Again, word that means nothing to someone who is not at least undergrad level in biology/neuroscience. This word is here to induce fear. Anyone that has anything akin to depression or anxiety (i.e. 70% of the population and 100% of chan users) most likely already exhibit hypofrontality as that is a landmark symptom of those mood disorders. If you thought not fapping or watching porn or some shit magically makes this go away, I guess you shouldn't have listened to propaganda, and just worked on your fucking depression instead in the first place. If it's tied to fapping, work on fapping. If it's tied to something else, work on something else. Propaganda.

>Lost of free will blablablabla
Just shut the fuck up. Any addiction works like this. This is not exclusive to fapping. "HURR JUST STOP BEING ADDICTED BRO OR YOU LOSE YOUR FREE WILL". Really? Gee thanks for this epiphany. Propaganda.
>Measurable brain damage.
PROPA-FUCKING-GANDA. You need to phrase this in this extremely clickbait way to give your argument any ground even if, reading the paper, the findings can be inconclusive.
>Impaired problem solving.
Again up until here it's just a bunch of conflated shit and poor methodology trying to link the act of watching porn to all of this. It is beyond not demonstrated, and the clear bias of whoever made this image is showing.

I'm not advocating for becoming addicted to porn or to fapping. Becoming addicted to anything is bad. But from that to having this clear type of propaganda shoved into peoples throats is a step no one should be willing to take. Go fuck yourself for supporting this type of intellectual dishonesty. Literally buzzfeed tier.

>> No.13381454

look at this retard chimping about a meme

>> No.13381461

>You fucking larpers are becoming worse than sjws. You feel absolutely 0 remorse about using their same bullshit lying tactics. Don't you have the slightest bit of shame? Lets go step by step so your fucking cognitive impaired brain can keep up (and no if you stop masturbating you won't become less stupid. You're a lost cause).
LITERALLY the only reason I say anything about this is because it HELPED ME PERSONALLY.

Literally a Cumbrain response.
The only reason I take that Cumbrain meme not 100% ironically, is because responses like this.
You are unironically the best justification why that Meme is true.

>> No.13381462

No, it’s the non-degenerate who either do it infrequently, or don’t feel an indefatigable compulsion to jerk it. If you need to subscribe to something in order to prevent you from giving in to your urges, then you’re an animal that needs taming. Being above our animal natures means self-inhibition comes naturally, rather than requiring an excess of the will to achieve it.

>> No.13381463

>None of the papers cited talks about this. I have further looked for papers that tie prolactin to motivation and found a total of ZERO. Propaganda.
Prolactin - antidopaminergic - motivation is driven by dopamine. What is so difficult to understand? Also, absence of evidence is not evidence for your claim that its devoid of any effect whatsoever.

>> No.13381471

>this much bro science
>appealing to authority
>muh I'm to stupid to understand technical terms, so why don't you dumb it down for me, they sound scary so uuhhh propaganda
>muh propaganda

>> No.13381476

If looking up proper scientific sources and methodologies to guide my decisions means being a cumbrain, and being an absolute braindead tumblr-tier propagandist means being enlightened, I think I need to start fapping more.

>> No.13381482

What a strawman, but okay, that is a pretty serious cumbrain response.

Maybe you should just stop watching porn and see what happens and make your decision from that?

>> No.13381485

cumbrain in a weird way is actually good though, like not in the meme way, but in the real way, where if you practice seminal retention the cum goes up into your brain and sharpens all your faculties and your intellect. Nietzsche called it "semen of the blood"

>> No.13381495


Stop mastrubating.
Kill pornographers.
Fuck jews

>> No.13381497


Please refrain from ever stepping on a research laboratory. I think the fact this thread even exists is a clear sign it's time to abandon this board. Enjoy your stay, neo-sjws, and your war on porn.

>> No.13381503


Yes, telling people to stop hurting themselves is totally the same as being an SJW.

>> No.13381504

>Please refrain from ever stepping on a research laboratory.
nigga I'm not that tall.

>> No.13381517
File: 22 KB, 633x758, 1549124471409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going on nofap and noporn makes me have homosexual urges

I played myself and now it's too late

>> No.13381519
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 1561357716526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're not. You're using cheap rhetorical tactics, starting with ad hominem guilt by association with SJWs. Then you move on to an appeal to authority and assume the highest IQ board somehow is going to have problems understanding some technical jargon which is readily accessible with a single search. You're reveling in your ignorance of neuroscience and biology. Then, the rest of your post, rather than addressing the material in question, you question the motives for why it it was written (ad hominem), it being "intellectually dishonest" and propaganda. All of your arguments are shit tier and accost any evidence you encounter as "propaganda". The first point to the burned out dopamine receptors is fallacious and assumes any stimulation is qualitatively the same, which is patently false. You say it is not a big deal and reduce things to such a simpleton-retard bro-science way. Next, you demonstrate an inability to find evidence, and this is somehow supposed to back your case? Pathetic. Dopamine-motivation relationship is well established and prolactin has antagonistic effects. Low motivation is documented to occur with hyperprolactinemia, although nobody is saying that masturbation will raise it to that much of an extent. Hypofrontality, you conflate similar and fallaciously attribute cause and effect in such a matter-of-fact way. I hope to God you never practice medicine. At this point, you cannot even address the claims. The rest of what is being said is some autistic fit, directed in such a personal way, and showing such extreme denialism that I question if you're mentally ill. Even the study showing brain damage, you deny it as "the findings can be inconclusive." You assert that your opinion is near infallible and provide absolutely nothing to back it up. You've proven yourself to be a midwit that cannot take it whenever his viewpoint is challenged. You think you're smart but you're not.

>> No.13381738

That was me yesterday. Im tired as hell today, my brain is foggy, and i have a terrible headache.

>> No.13381774

I like how cumbrain actually makes people seethe so hard lmao.

>> No.13381854
File: 70 KB, 720x791, guaranteedfedorareplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much
>Learn how to get control of your life with this simple trick!
The essential oil soccer moms of 4chan

>> No.13381870
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x806, 1559537693687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol cope

>> No.13381880

I guess you're right in a sense considering its mocking the biggest cope post in this thread.

>> No.13381884

no, it's just brainlet cope

>> No.13381891
File: 103 KB, 725x831, c582a7dd0ac0c79adc85495edb9fd00cbc431b70fea1e05df4d809fa2dcdbe30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the meme doesn't mention any conspiracy theory at all, nor does it mention jews, but it still causes the jew to crawl out of the woodwork, name himself and attack the harmless meme in a display of impotent rage. A harmless meme that simply implies you should have some small modicum of control over your sexual desires.

>> No.13381902

Certainly is >>13381450, a brainlet cope. Great observation.

>> No.13381908


>> No.13381913

I love the cumbrain meme, it caused this guy to have a total meltdown.

>> No.13381918

i hate it when /pol/ is right....you fucking....k....KIKE! ITS ALWAYS YOU GODDAMNIT!

>> No.13381921

>n-no you!

okay brainlet

>> No.13381929

But that's what you did in the first place, so I guess you're the real brainlet here after all.

>> No.13381936

sure keep telling yourself that ;)

>> No.13381943

lol cope

>> No.13381947


>> No.13381951
File: 362 KB, 1150x750, antiquarian-sexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13381953


>> No.13381955

>People getting this mad when someone points out that pornography and masturbation are not virtuous persuits.

>> No.13381957

Which brings us back to your initial seething: >>13381870

>> No.13381969

im just laughing at poltards, you're the one having a breakdown over it

>> No.13381974

>gets blown the fuck out all over again:
Are you a glutton for punishment? You were already eviscerated in these posts just the other day >>13376303 >>13376344 >>13376359 >>13376397 >>13377765

>> No.13381975

There is a very important non-sequitur in that Image.
Even if you grant all assumptions it is just as well plausible that the decline of civilisation was what CAUSED anti-degenerate behavior, as the degenerate behaviour caused the decline.

>> No.13381980

>you're the one having a breakdown over it
Uhm, sweetie:
Are absolutely seething, the rest of the thread is just stringing their cumbrains along for the fun.

>> No.13381985

none of those are me and those posts are simply pointing out your ignorance, not seething over it

>> No.13381990

>are simply pointing out your ignorance
But you aren't. You're pretending to with cheap rhetoric and fallacious reasoning.

>> No.13381996

no, that's what you're doing with your regurgitated polshit attitude

>> No.13381998

>those posts are simply pointing out your ignorance, not seething over it

>>13381450 is the highest degree of seething I have sent in the past days.
>Just shut the fuck up.
>your fucking cognitive impaired brain can keep up
>You are an intellectually dishonest piece of shit and it makes it hard have any serious conversation

Yep, that is a calm and rational response if I have ever seen one.
His best argument is:
>Any addiction works like this. This is not exclusive to fapping.
Essentially "It's bad, but other things are also bad, so it's okay".

>> No.13381999

The decline is so many centuries and events and cultural shifts separated from the "peak" described in the image that half these replies are worthless. The idiot who thinks Aurelius (a middlebrow despot who handed the empire to his son, who rebelled against his father's lame stoicism and fucked shit up even further) is not a symptom of decline are not even worth refuting. Then there are the idiots who, despite never having read him, think Plato is some kind of nice Anglican who would never write about anything as nasty as that awful queer beastliness -- even though conservative and Christian scholars of the Greeks have, with the sole exception of Jowett, despite him having to translate a scene of homosexual sexual arousal in Charmides, all acknowledge the undeniable homoeroticism contained in Plato's dialogues and have never voiced any contrary opinion -- all because of a /pol/ infographic. This is the calibre of your intellect. You are untrained, unlearned, unread. You are symptomatic of the decline of the West.

>> No.13382002

keep crying about masturbation on 4chan lol

>> No.13382006

>doing with your regurgitated polshit attitude
The only "valid" arguments I have seen are:
-You don't understand the science, but I won't tell you why or how or show any source to the contrary
-Other things are bad too, so no need to worry about this

That's literally it, all arguments that were made against some mentally retarded meme image used to make fun of people with no self control.

>> No.13382010

It's about porn, first and foremost, you haven't actually read anything that disagrees with you in this thread.

Maybe start screeching about PROPA-FUCKING-GANDA?

>> No.13382012

try coming up with something more than poorly interpreted scientific studies as arguments, then :)

>> No.13382028

Start by making an actual argument.
Saying that the Interpretation is wrong isn't an argument, you have to explain what is wrong and why.

Your only argument is dismissing the evidence, not delivering evidence to the contrary or explaining why the evidence can be dismissed.

>> No.13382031

It's up to you to prove your argument yourself bud

>> No.13382043

>It's up to you to prove your argument
Yeah and I recall several studies being posted, to which the only counter argument was "They aren't valid, but I can't tell you why" and "PROPA-FUCKING-GANDA".

>> No.13382046

misinterpreting scientific studies is not evidence, durrrr

>> No.13382055

Refusing to say WHY the studies are misinterpreted is not an argument against them.

You are doing nothing but saying "These studies are misrepresented", but nobody ever explained why or gave evidence to the contrary.

>> No.13382056

Imagine being this much of a pseud and disguising ad hominem arguments in such a laboriously loquacious post in a poor attempt to convince people on an image board that you're an intellectual. You use buzzwords, and have clear animus against them "conservatives" and "christian" scholars, and have a clearly revisionist perspective on history that endorses homosexuality. The homoeroticism is absolutely deniable and is certainly directly contradicted by Plato.
>Aurelius (a middlebrow despot who handed the empire to his son, who rebelled against his father's lame stoicism and fucked shit up even further) is not a symptom of decline are not even worth refuting.
[Ad hominem, non argument]
>think Plato is some kind of nice Anglican who would never write about anything as nasty as that awful queer beastliness -- even though conservative and Christian scholars
Guilt by associations [muh christian, muh Anglican or inversely le based queers!]
>all acknowledge the undeniable homoeroticism contained in Plato's dialogues and have never voiced any contrary opinion
Absolutely false as explained above and is clearly contradicted in Laws and if you actually read ancient Greek, you would see that he did not endorse the practice ever.

>> No.13382067
File: 573 KB, 819x1094, 1561475261777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13382068

but it was said to you multiple times in this thread which caused you to sperg here >>13381471

>> No.13382082

That isn't me.

And surely if it has been posted you can repeat the argument by copy and pasting?

>> No.13382083

That's all perfectly valid criticism of the post it was replying to.

>> No.13382086

no it was a limp wristed ad hom
>proofs? heh no time for that jew shit I bet you look like a fag
like okay

>> No.13382087

>ITT: Cumbrains bargain with reality
The human being was invented to consume porn, Anons!

>> No.13382095
File: 351 KB, 1204x1002, 1552815318658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13382099

>pointing out fallacious reasoning is ad hominem
The absolute state of brainlet cumbrains.

>> No.13382101
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I don't have anything against Christian and conservative scholars, much the contrary in fact. Many of the most important classicists and Hellenists have been political conservatives -- Allan Bloom, for instance, who was responsible for the definitive English translation of The Republic. The point I was making is that no one denies the homosexual practices of ancient Greece, nor the references made to them in Plato's literature. Random 4channers such as yourself are the revisionists.
>Absolutely false as explained above and is clearly contradicted in Laws and if you actually read ancient Greek, you would see that he did not endorse the practice ever.
Do you read ancient Greek? If so, you have an advantage over me, since I don't. But I feel secure in my opinion, given that no academic, scholar or commentator -- regardless of their politics, religion or moral orientation -- agrees with you. Long before any gay clique or left-wing revisionist pack could have infiltrated Western academia, the word pederasty had been used by European Christian civilisation as a loanword for any kind of homosexuality precisely because of the influence of ancient Greek texts.

>> No.13382107
File: 79 KB, 640x626, 1561514064984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pointing out fallacious logic is not the same as giving an argument for the opposite opinion moron

>> No.13382110

Yeah, screaming "PROPA-FUCKING-GANDA" is a great argument.

Also what the fuck do you have with the Jews? Nobody but your people mentioned them in this thread and you bring them up over and over again.

>> No.13382115

And? I mean good that you accept that no single argument has been made against the cumbrain meme, as quite literally the only arguments were attacks on the sources, which aren't, as you correctly pointed out, arguments for the opinion.

>> No.13382117
File: 925 KB, 1200x832, 1497369296008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /pol/ my dude

>> No.13382121
File: 25 KB, 467x480, 1552746082473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What???? Whatever the hell you're smoking, I'll take some.

>> No.13382124

no argument has been made FOR the cumbrain meme either aside from incels fuming.

>> No.13382139

>no argument has been made FOR the cumbrain meme
The statistics are an argument.

I don't come from /pol/, that's why I don't seem to be Jew obsessed like the cumbrains.

>> No.13382148

single digit post.
>proving the guy's point he is trying to refute by his own post
hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this brainlet has lead poisoning

>> No.13382153

>I even used one of their dankest memes even if it didn't quite make sense. I still think it's better to have at least posted that pic than kill myself
Imagine the semen steadily dribbling from this Anon's ears

>> No.13382167
File: 58 KB, 960x537, 1551878042138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow the delusion is strong huh?

>> No.13382171
File: 185 KB, 293x928, ❗⚠️❗⚠️⚠️❗⚠️❗❗❗❌150℃ FIRE WARNING❗❗⚠️❗⚠️❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13382176


>> No.13382182

Why are YOU constantly bringing up /pol/ stuff?
Nobody else mentioned, Jews, or race or anything similar?

Also, I stoping to watch porn drastically increased my happiness.

>> No.13382184

Brave New World?

>> No.13382190

Still no argument why the studies are wrong.

>> No.13382192
File: 40 KB, 500x328, jc2amv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is /pol/ incarnate

>> No.13382193

Late stage cumbrain is known to rapidly progress into gender dysphoria

>> No.13382194
File: 678 KB, 2400x1011, 1560777217089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you are having a difficult time quitting, look at this image. Freedom is possible.

>> No.13382195

Obsessed redditer tranny tourist.

>> No.13382199

>this thread is /pol/ incarnate
Because the cumbrains keep bringing it up, don't get why though.

>> No.13382203
File: 23 KB, 293x462, Johnny_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13382205

Imagine being such a late stage cum brain you literally save someone else's images on your personal device

>> No.13382211
File: 2.85 MB, 5000x3337, 1559785203866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need to calm the eff down and penitently write about AOC or Rupi's feet

>> No.13382212
File: 51 KB, 1083x1128, ex3xwox6cmr11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a retard you treat 4chan memes seriously

>> No.13382216

Cease the friendly fire, and re-read the posts. We are in agreement!

>> No.13382235

>The Tranny will evade all assertions but that touching penises and cumming are good.

>> No.13382237


>> No.13382239

You brought up Jews, why?

>> No.13382256
File: 44 KB, 660x371, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah like that

>> No.13382258
File: 1.23 MB, 1665x1238, 1557893704511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe, who wants to live forever, Anon?

>> No.13382261 [SPOILER] 
File: 637 KB, 800x1129, 1561813936970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a tangentially related note, what are some books about the dangers of mixing sex and violence?
God I need help

>> No.13382263

>a thread died for this shitshow
Listen here you stupid asshole
Your life aint shit because you fap, or because you dont work out, or because you dont wake up at 4 in the morning or whatever new magic pill you decided to follow this month
This things are not the cause, they are outcome of your life being shit, the cause is you are a socially handicapped preachy autist that spends his time trying to convince anonymous people, in a literature board of all places, not to wank thinking you are spreading some short of gospel
Here is some actual advice on getting your life back in track
Learn to identify with the people around you irl and spend time with them instead of some obscure internet cult

>> No.13382271

You ran out of dank memes, Anon! Better go back soon...

>> No.13382274

Every time I do no fap, about a week after starting I'm having sexual fantasies about every girl I pass on the street. I broke my week steak last night and covered the wall with spunk. I want this shit to stop. No more porn. No more wasted bodily fluids. No more weak will. But I don't know how. If I could stop being physically attracted to women, maybe it would be easier? Idk. But I want it to stop

>> No.13382278

Just read Sade pussy

>> No.13382281


>> No.13382285

Back to red dit, cummie

>> No.13382286

>Your life aint shit because you fap, or because you dont work out, or because you dont wake up at 4 in the morning or whatever new magic pill you decided to follow this month
But my life was worse when I watched porn?

Why are you pretending that there aren't internal causes that harm you.
Having a bad diet is bad for you, so is not getting enough sleep or abusing drugs and you should fix all of that.

>> No.13382287

My life is mediocre whenever I masturbate. Worse than hard drugs. It slows your mind down and makes you have no motivation.

>> No.13382292

It seems this is now a highly contested topic, which is weird. I didn't think I'd ever see people DEFENDING porn, but such is life.
Anywho, the only thing we can say with certainty is that masturbating to porn = masturbating to porn. Anyone attaching "good" or "bad" to this action has to defend their case. I've only seen support for the "bad" side but am willing to hear the "good"

>> No.13382303

Proof beyond anecdote?

>> No.13382311

Even if cumbrain was true, so? Only seems like a problem if you care.

>> No.13382328

>Your life ain't shit because
>explain how it made my life shit
>wtf anecdote about your own life?

>> No.13382341
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>If the Placebo effect of not watching porn is bigger then years of therapy, then by any reasonable medical standard therapy is useless

>have cancer
>take several medications for years
>minimal improvement
>Decide to eat shitloads of blue M&M's
>Cancer disappears
>Blue M&M's are better than medicine

>> No.13382373

>>Blue M&M's are better than medicine
No, that's a Straw man.
My argument is blue M&M's are NOT WORSE then medicine.
And by any reasonable standards the medicine in your analogy wouldn't be considered very good if that were it's trial run.

Also, your analogy doesn't work, it's not like I had therapy and then stopped watching porn and then the effect settled in. I just stopped watching porn.

>> No.13382386

Placebo requires positive expectations. A search does not provide these. People doing Nofap are subject to nocebo because most information says "it's harmless" with the top search results.

>> No.13382399

I thought you people were all shit about masturbation, but then I found out you all masturbated every day, sometimes more than once. No wonder you fucks have problems.

>> No.13382404
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>why hasn't anybody wrote an entire book about how I jerk off too much

>> No.13382406

>My argument is blue M&M's are NOT WORSE then medicine.
If your claim is therapy being useless in face of a placebo, then the implication is that whatever achieved your improvement is better than the useless thing.

I could claim I solved my problems by joining the military, converted to Scientology, or starting listening to demon cleansing ASMR.
This does no account for others who have done those things and still deal with the same issue.

> it's not like I had therapy and then stopped watching porn and then the effect settled in. I just stopped watching porn.
Then you're even more of a retard.
Because you have no basis as to whether therapy could have given you relief.
You just claim it's useless in spite of never experiencing it.
There is literally no objective medical standard you're applying, it's just arguing from anecdote.

>> No.13382412
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>> No.13382423

i find it absolutely amazing that the same website that has some of the most depraved images that you can find anywhere is trying to turn people back to logic and health. it really is a fucking miracle. stop masturbating

>> No.13382442


its a struggle, and will take years at least to cultivate mental strength. resolve to never do it again. you'll have setbacks, but each time it gets easier. i'd start some concentration and vipassana meditation if i were you as well. don't judge yourself too harshly when those thoughts come up, just acknowledge them and suppress them.

>> No.13382449

Your mom is probably masturbating right now thinking about Big White Cock, there's nothing wrong with masturbation.

>> No.13382450

That's because you're on Nofap forum and thinking about sex all the time. If you focused on reading and controlled your eyes and thoughts, you would experience less horniness. That is one reason why I even do it.

>> No.13382458

Actually, I haven't ever gone to any nofap forums unless threads like this count. Regardless, I read and spent more time learning in the past week than I did even when classes were in. It's just the the constant stimuli of women wearing short shorts and yoga pants and just generally being whores that fill up the little spaces in my mind to the point where It occupies my thoughts until I fap.
Idk man, but feels bad

>> No.13382460

Thanks for the insight. I will do my best (again) this time around

>> No.13382466

It's like when you sometimes see Christians and Muslims throw shit at each other in some /int/ threads. When all of them should be sent to hell just for visiting 4chan

>> No.13382482

Well I wish you luck and hope you can get to the point where abstinence abates the thirst of lust better than the salt water of release.

>> No.13382483

seething cumbrain

>> No.13382506

Thanks bro. I'll hope for two weeks this time

>> No.13382516

hey guys we got some real original insight here. can we get some upvotes this way?

>> No.13382520

It was the opposite for me desu.

>> No.13382631

Pray the rosary. I stopped in September and never did it again. The rosary was what strengthened me.

>> No.13382641

Not a novel, but read Libido Dominandi.

>> No.13382650
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>> No.13382657


>> No.13382666

It's a /pol tier bs lmao

>> No.13382673

gravity's rainbow

>> No.13382686

Based anon. Thanks for this

>> No.13382690

>when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, orders Kek to label your wickedness with bedeviled numerology

>> No.13382715
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Post motivational pictures to defeat this evil.

>> No.13382723
File: 38 KB, 329x499, 51pq7x-x5BL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Confessions.

>> No.13382802

I relapsed after two weeks, and I feel notably worse, but I'm going back boy
This is very good, ty anon

>> No.13382826

Same. After 12 days; I came from almost daily masturbation. The key is to not despair after failing, it's not a night to morning matter. A priest said out of all people that confess to him, only old people had managed to conquer masturbation and lust :^)

>> No.13382840

This poster has not jerked off to tranny porn for over 15 minutes which is why he seems so irritable. I know this type. Maybe a onions pill and some rest would calm him down.

Either way, porn is degenerate, and so is excessive masturbation. If this is important things in Your life you need to change it. Sorry to break this to you but none of this type of boomer filth is good for you. The science may not always be correct, but it's close enough, and coupled with common sense and thousands of years of wisdom and observations makes it clear that this behavior is bad.

>> No.13382847

>Are there any novel about this?
That would be Portnoy's Complaint. Or maybe Russell Brand's biography.

>> No.13382858

Blessed and Christpilled.
This should be a sticky.

>> No.13382888

>/lit/ supposedly the highest IQ board on 4chan
>regularly falls for garbage /pol/-tier broscience

>> No.13382905

t. porn watcher who masturbates

>> No.13382919
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so this is the power of the cumbrain?

>> No.13382937

polfags seething

>> No.13382945

Wake up sheeple

>> No.13383082

the greeks thought being gay (in the modern sense) was trash.

>> No.13383085


>> No.13383098
File: 81 KB, 945x945, 15438531551003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cupid's Poisoned Arrow from Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships

>> No.13383104
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>> No.13383182

Not a mutually exclusive choice. Porn often leads to the latter to because it lowers your standards and impells you to think and act sexually and reinforces frequency and urges. That is why most porn addicts escalate to Tinder.

>> No.13383226
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>Also please tell me how fapping 3 times a day bad! But having sex 3 times a day with cute trad christian gf good!

Because it's not just about the orgasm, rather the moment shared with the other person. You're criticizing Christian belief without even understanding the basis of it. Maybe I just replied to bait.

>> No.13383242

This. I went to confession a couple of days ago and was given a prayer from Aquinas as penance. Haven't felt urges anymore; things are going great.

>> No.13383260

Sex 3 times a day isn't good for you either.

>> No.13383285

But wouldn't porn higher your standards?