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File: 523 KB, 750x747, 88B528D5-D43A-491B-ADD5-1E9467F66917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13354796 No.13354796 [Reply] [Original]

I need some suggestions for books on the period of the renaissance (1401-1495) outside of Italy. I've already read Jacob Burckhardt's "The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy"

>> No.13354811

Walter Pater’s Renaissance is a nice little read that covers a lot of different grounds.

>> No.13354847


>> No.13355292

The Renaissance by Will Durant is the only book you'll ever need for this

>> No.13356112
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God I fucking hate her

>> No.13356639

have sex

>> No.13356648

>u cant critcize wimminz
get over yourself

>> No.13356654
File: 426 KB, 750x738, 1560119938789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the maoist chick that decides what's in your music library

>> No.13356661

I don’t get it.

Gaw. Men are hideous... sorry.

>> No.13356663


>> No.13356849

Who is she and is john maus going to jail 4 statutory?

>> No.13356889

stop posting or talking about her please jesus christ

>> No.13357204

>she'll never be my gf
lads, how do I go on with this knowledge?

>> No.13357301

a 2.0 isn't necessarily bad
prog sucks tho grow up

>> No.13357326

What's the problem? I agree with about 95% of this.

>> No.13357344

She's a 19 year old obsessed with old synthpop and some anons have said she dates John Maus but no one can confirm

>> No.13357351

>ok computer half a star
kek what is the meaning of this

>> No.13357362

she doesn't
elevator music

>> No.13357367
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Nothing’s impossible with music!


>> No.13357383

OK computer contains several objectively catchy and or cathartic songs, it is at least a 3

>> No.13357397

Some people just have an unreasonable hatred of Thom York

>> No.13357410

I don't even like Yes and I'd put Close to the Edge at 4 stars. What the fuck is she thinking?

>> No.13357424

your brain on john maus cock

>> No.13357430
File: 54 KB, 828x120, B9AF9FA3-1698-4B5E-AA1F-B2178993801A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok she’s pretty based for this

>> No.13357499

CttE is one of my favorite albums but I can understand if someone finds it corny and self-indulgent.

>> No.13357540

Those people are brainlets who think music exists solely as window dressing for song. I know they exist but I refuse to respect them.

>> No.13357676

she’s so fucking cute and brilliant and her music opinions are so based. how do i find a girl like her

>> No.13357728

why won't girls let me love them I know they can't love back my cat lets me love him even though he's a dude and that's gay why can't cute human girls

>> No.13357751

Based john maus getting "19 yo" cooch

>> No.13357756
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>> No.13357758

>fucking her
he's breeding her anon. But she will abort the baby because that's a thing these types of girls do.

>> No.13357759

why "19 yo" in quotes
do you think she's younger?

>> No.13357778

I don't think a literally autistic girl from north carolina would abort the baby of her idol

>> No.13357779

You don't think like a woman

>> No.13357788

But you think like a baby

>> No.13357790

is there any fiction (not fantasy, but can be sci fi, i'm curious if ecen exists) set in this period? in italy or wherever. must be comfy.

>> No.13357830

>he’s breeding her
what do you even mean by this

>> No.13358003

And you think like a tripfag

>> No.13358175

give [this type of girl in particular] gf

>> No.13358251

seething pleb

that clenched fist is the size of her head

>> No.13358372

found this, it's her

>> No.13358511

pseud zoomer /mu/tard plague is not a problem, they said
it's all /pol/'s fault, they said

>> No.13358719

>low rated radiohead, bowie, prog trash
>this is good
>high rated krautrock
>oh no! she actually has shit taste

>> No.13358805

"Q" by Luther Blissett fits neatly into that category. An anapabtist is chased all over europe by a roman catholic spy while participating in a bunch of major events to the 16th century, like the german peasants war

>> No.13358868

These are oddly specific dates, as opposed to just saying 15th century.

>> No.13358901

In the past she was younger.

The more I looked into this the more depressing and sad it got.

I doubted this at first, but he seems the right age to be having a midlife crisis and the right type to do something like this with a vulnerable autismo fan. I mean Christ, the guy is claiming the 80s sound is incidental and it's really meant to be ecclesiastical modal or whatever superficial bs he's trying to put out.

>> No.13358905

15th C includes 5 years that OP is explicitly not interested in, too broad.

>> No.13359003
File: 257 KB, 970x542, 1534624969391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP talking about her and focus on the thread.

>> No.13359032

Never post an image more interesting than the subject.

>> No.13359066

There are few other ways to get you cumbrains to open a thread

>> No.13359102

>he seeks the opinions of cumbrains

read della Mirandola's Dignity of Man

>> No.13359582

Why post jezabel then? Anyways there was no renaissance outside florence desu

>> No.13359613
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>> No.13359752
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No more please my psychologist told me it's bad to see pictures of her because they trigger the pure O of my ocd

>> No.13359799

>Anyways there was no renaissance outside florence
This is one way to trigger protestants.

>> No.13359807

Purest orgasm.

>> No.13359820


She's just a skank, mayn. Have some more faith in your own self-worth. You're better than her, simply by virtue of not being a failed birth.

>> No.13359849
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>> No.13359873



>> No.13360043

I'd like to think that but my self esteem is so low. She's so pretty and she listens to so much more music than I do and she draws amd has all these interests and hobbies, I just feel sorry for myself in my room and she seems actually happy

>> No.13360106


Her taste in music is just a re-hash of some fuck-ups on a website that was initially intended for child porn, and her drawings are a load of crap.

>> No.13360130

major cope, what the fuck. her taste is nothing like /mu/'s and she makes cool art

>> No.13360167

People only care about owning her, it doesn't need to be any more complex than that.

>> No.13360190

Is that girl real? She looks like a character out of a shitty teenage sitcom.
But anyway anon. It's useless to desire her, even more useless to despise or demean her. You can become more like her. If you like her drawings and her taste in music you should view her as an inspiration, like an older sister of sorts. You may admire Baudelaire, but you don't try to fuck Baudelaire, do you? Instead you slowly work your way through poetry, or art criticism, or ironic prose fiction.

>> No.13360193

How is what she draws art? It's just a bunch of doodles.

>> No.13360206

those look like sketchbook pages anon, she's pretty clearly skilled at portraits

>> No.13360212

Where are the portraits? Show me the portraits.

>> No.13360239

bug kike

>> No.13360246

That is a generic anime tumblr piece of crap. Thank you.

>> No.13360257

1. have sex
2. post your art and face

>> No.13360266
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>> No.13360287

as i suspected you're an ugly romanticism fag

>> No.13360304

Not an argument.

>> No.13360328

>expecting a 19 year old american female to pump out something comparable to romanticism
again, post face and art

>> No.13360331
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>> No.13360422

Holy shit she's beautiful. What suffering to think that she will never love me. What despair.

>> No.13360428

Rubens is not a Romantic painter you shitscrub.

>> No.13360430

>The more I looked into this the more depressing and sad it got.

>> No.13360434


Based A R Tposter.

>> No.13360528

there’s no way to reconcile it. you can either choose to live a life of constant despair and unfulfilled want or kill yourself. i’m probably going to do the latter.

>> No.13360589

I will look at images of her every day, lust after her. But my lust will fade and I will learn to accept. I will accept that no woman will love me, I will forgo earthly desires, I will reach enlightenment. And it will start with her.

>> No.13360645

there’s no light at the end of the tunnel for us dude.

>> No.13360672
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I'd like to tackle her to the ground and rape her violently as the officers in napoleonic wars did to cute peasant girls on their war marches

>> No.13360683

Guys she isn't even that good looking. You could find a similarly attractive girl in your area. Then fall hopelessly in love with that local girl. That would be an improvement.

>> No.13360685

it's not about her objective looks

>> No.13360697
File: 680 KB, 822x802, 1547268650894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously stop this. I don't want my own thoughts to be reflected back at me through someone else's post.

>> No.13360702

just message her dude

>> No.13360716

I did and she blocked me because she figured out I use 4chan/nel

>> No.13360728
File: 22 KB, 236x282, A02FA03F-0A56-4BF5-A641-1DD521212491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would she want to talk to me? i’m so bad at having conversations. i’m so awkward. my self esteem is so irrationally bad that i have no pictures of myself on my instagram anyway. she wouldn’t want to talk to me, much less be romantically interested in me. i have nothing to offer to her

>> No.13360729


I did and she responded.

>> No.13360730
File: 123 KB, 1079x1045, 1558994945670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are girls so mean?

>> No.13360748

ever since making these revelations i feel like i’m floating and have faint nausea all the time

>> No.13360759

>get harassed and stalked by older aggressive men from 4chan for years since you were 14
>block people from 4chan
yeah wow totally unreasonable...

>> No.13360764

So should i just embrace my rapist nature?

>> No.13360767



>> No.13360778

nigger what? just go get irl pussy and leave autistic girls alone

>> No.13360792


>> No.13360812

So the only girls that are /lit/, /mu/, and/or/ /fa/ are actual autists? Makes sense, desu, and that's quite virtuous by me; but woe unto all the allistic girls, then!

>> No.13360841

Was talking completely normally about A R T, when she suddenly stopped responding. Maybe she is going for a wee. Who knows?

>> No.13360872

Krautrock IS prog trash.

>> No.13360874

Why did you post an image a renowned homosexual?

>> No.13360935

Please, not on /lit/. Keep your low quality memes and e-celebs on /mu/.

>> No.13361075

girls can wee? tell us more

>> No.13361087

She's not a celebrity. She's my wife.

>> No.13361088

>MDK: 3/5
Yep, she's an imstathot plebian.

>> No.13361099

She’s not your wife. She’s my wife.

>> No.13361106

an autistic girl that's heard thousands of obscure and acclaimed albums isn't an instathot desu even if she uses instagram. she doesn't whore herself out or even show cleavage
she's posted under 30 selfies in the past 6 years of her having an account

>> No.13361127

For me it was that Comus First Utterance 2/5
Typical art hoe shit taste.

>> No.13361128

Lads.. She's listening RIGHT NOW.

>> No.13361137

*avant-teen contrarianism

>> No.13361139
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>Top Track by John Maus

>> No.13361185

There's nothing avant about her, she doesn't even like avant-prog.

>> No.13361213

She has an avant-prog album at 4.5. You're lying to yourself if you think there's nothing avant about her. But who cares, this is a thread about.. about what again?

>> No.13361256
File: 200 KB, 956x837, 073A9FE2-8497-41A2-9A30-C799DFB75E58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The renaissance in europe, sans italy

>> No.13361265
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Imagine basing your entire identity around music you listen to. Not music you can play, not your own group, but literally just random albums online. Why do people see this as some gem of a personality? It's like the booktubers that don't care anything about literature and just want to fill up their goodreads. Embarrassing.

>> No.13361266

Me on the right

>> No.13361271


Was talking for a while, but she's gotten sort of cold. I think she finds me uninteresting.

>> No.13361274

a distinctive aroma indeed

>> No.13361280

she makes music

>> No.13361281

dude she’s probably messaged +5000 anons in total. You're no different, she probably hates men

>> No.13361310

shes gonna see this and feel betrayed lmao

>> No.13361377
File: 107 KB, 590x442, Allison harvard : creepy chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what it feels like. Do you think she wakes up and even gives a passing thought to the fact she lives rent free in a thousand losers' minds? It must be a very abstract state to be so desired by unknown people, people you'll never see or speak to, people who can only interact with you on screens. And for doing practically nothing, besides being a woman and having some overlapping online interests with these groups.

>> No.13361384

It probably drives her insane.

>> No.13361386
File: 21 KB, 480x367, 1444273333649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's doubly embarrassing in the age of streaming. i get that le obscure musics was kind of a big deal back in the day, even up until mp3 blogs, with chains of gatekeepers and influencers. but now? when quite literally everything in commercially recorded history is catalogued on rym/discogs/musicbrainz and available on either youtube or spotify and you just have to hit play? there is zero prestige left in being a nerd about music. leaps in technology has rendered it obsolete

/mu/ is a relic in a way, in that much of its userbase still cling to this low-effort hobby, still think in "albums" etc. they've sorta become the LARPers they made fun of when the decade was young

>> No.13361410

Projection. She's just some chick who likes music.

>> No.13361415
File: 374 KB, 1080x2220, WGeJe94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think that YOU have to message HER while she's the one that message other on /mu/

>> No.13361426

>google creepychan
>700k instagram followers
>works as a model

what the fuck, she literally made it

>> No.13361428

she was on a tv show called americas next top model

>> No.13361441

wow, a girl talks to people, amazing.

>> No.13361444

Yeah allison was pretty business savy about using her chan status. She never gave into "nudes" demands and used her fanbase of dedicated anons to propel herself into light model work and then America's next top model, where she got pretty far from just fan voting alone. Then she intelligently ditched 4chan and became a magazine model

>> No.13361521


Sounds like an utter thug.

>> No.13362181
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>> No.13362195


>> No.13362383

Maus is a pseud and probs low key abusive/manipulative given the opportunity, and she clearly had pretty severe high functioning autism even if she hides it fairly well.

>> No.13362421

examples? someone said she had severe ocd too

>> No.13363371
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>> No.13363391

they broke up forever ago

>> No.13364537

such a sweet princess (silently: *thegoslingscream.jpeg*)

>> No.13364553

mods please just fucking delete this already it's completely orbiting and not at all about literature

>> No.13365105

Aside from her actively looking for autism shit like animes about autism, it's gestalt, I just recognise it. OCD and autism are comorbid.

>> No.13366207


>> No.13366625
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