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/lit/ - Literature

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13356970 No.13356970 [Reply] [Original]

all that matters is living forever, collecting knowledge, becoming one with god and fuck the normie masses

>> No.13357189

Satan's appeal is self-evident and increasingly harder to deny. You nerds better come up with a pretty damn good God if you want anyone left to share sympathies with

>> No.13357194

rec me a guide on how to be more Jewish

>> No.13357200

The jews believe in becoming one with God? I thought they didn't believe in any sort of afterlife.

>> No.13357202

>living forever
No. The goal should be to live a good life, but I agree that the natural human lifespan isn't even enough for most people to do everything they ever wanted to do
>collect knowledge
>become one with god
More like kill god and take his place
>fuck the norm masses
Agree.How is this jewish doe?

>> No.13357225
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>More like kill god and take his place

>> No.13357227

cringe and teenage-angst-pilled

>> No.13357231
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>> No.13357235
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Culture of Critique
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

>> No.13357243

not a fan, to put it lightly.

>> No.13357245
File: 74 KB, 494x600, mephistopheles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Would you like to learn some more secrets?"
"All I ask is for a small sacrifice"

>> No.13357248

You can post your funny hats as much as you want, I don't want my ego absorbed by the being that put me on this universe to suffer

>> No.13357249
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That is fine and all if you are Jewish, but it screws over us g o y i m...

>> No.13357253

Jews were the first accelerationists.
Also blaming jews is beta shit, its shifting the fault from one party to another. If white weren't so trash and didn't readily abandon every single traditional value and start practicing usury and shit do you really think Jews would have done anything like they do today?

>> No.13357279
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>I don't want my ego absorbed by the being that put me on this universe to suffer

>> No.13357287

You can post pictures of a food youtuber that dresses like he came out of the 50s as much as you want but Gnosticism makes sense. Fuck the Demiurge

>> No.13357291

>caring about what jews think
>caring about what any group of people thinks
You ain't gonna make it

>> No.13357298 [DELETED] 
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You will born in hell, blasphemous scum.

>> No.13357306

jews are the least spiritual race, all they care is about materialism

>> No.13357318

>You will be born in hell
Cute, where do you think this is? And who do you think put us here?

>> No.13357328


>> No.13357330

Is there any truth to the Jews of today not being the ancient Hebrews? Or is that all bs.

>> No.13357339

Ashkenazi Jews (the ones in Hollywood, the media, government,etc) are descended from Khazar nobility that converted to Judaism in the XVIth century, they are not descendants from the Jewish diaspora and therefore, have no claim to Israel

>> No.13357352

The khazar theory was put forward by a jew who wanted to distance current jews from the fact they killed jesus. That's probably the one you heard.

There is a bit of truth to the fact that the modern jewish religion and the embrace of the talmudic teachings came after jesus. When the rabbis didn't want to give up power or admit they were wrong about jesus they began an oral tradition and rejected the logos. This was the start of the modern jew that we all hate. In that vein, it's a stand alone religion that's younger than Christianity.

>> No.13357356

> have no claim to Israel
There's a lot of reasons why they have no claim. The guy who came up with khazar theory was jewish himself so I don't trust it. Spiritually they lost claim to israel and being "God's chosen" when they rejected Christ.

>> No.13357364

I heard the ashkenazim were originally Greek Jews

>> No.13357376

That's just a hypothesis, though.

>> No.13357393

Yeah. They can't all be descendants. A lot of them where just local slavs and Germanic types.
Mediterranean coastal regions are likely legit descendants... I haven't seen any modern genetic data though

>> No.13357404
File: 138 KB, 738x1043, Screenshot_20190612-129113_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewess Priestesses of the Fempire will have us all publicly punished soon enough

>> No.13357458

Which race is most spiritual? No politics here.

>> No.13357462

>paid five figures
>to remove her feet
>says incel
Fucking liberals

>> No.13357480

Tibetans I guess?

>> No.13357491

At this point it must be those busmen in the Kalahari

>> No.13357516

To me spirituality also implies an IQ high enough to comprehend spirituality. So the bushmen and abos are out

You'd have to more specially define spiritual

>> No.13357529

No, you misunderstand. Real spirituality requires unenlightened minds. All westerners know deep down inside their god is on severely shaky ground and are only larping the role *just in case*

>> No.13357536

Slavs, it's definitely Slavs. Particularly Russians and Poles

>> No.13357556

>le noble savage
is reddit down or did you get banned there?

>> No.13357573

Le noble? If you say so.

Yeah, especially the one that want communism back. Ridiculous

>> No.13358300


So, Inglourious Basterds basically.

>> No.13358331

>kill god and take his place
>being this much of a brainlet

>> No.13358333

Gnosticism isn't about killing the demiurge lmao

>> No.13358342

Of course there's truth to it. The Jews of today are genetically confirmed to be a mixed race of some race of Middle Eastern origin and some race of Germanic origin. That Middle Eastern race may have been the Biblical Jews, but if it was they almost certainly broke the laws of mother lineage. I highly doubt the Ashkenazi today can be considered to be the Jews of the Bible either ethnically or, by those same Jews' laws, legally. Nor can they be considered the continuation religiously, as today's Judaism barely resembles the Judaism of the Biblical past.
tl;dr they're fucking white people posing as Jews for political gain
Some pure-blooded Mizrahim might be the Biblical Jews

>> No.13358354
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>listening to people that have been literal slaves for thousands of years and only got to where they are today because of other people doing things on their behalf

>> No.13358403

>it is subtitled "patrician edition"
that's the bit in cuck runes?

>> No.13358410

>listening to people who preserved their beliefs, values and roots despite losing their homeland and being a hated minority in most countires they fled to, and in some of these countries through their superior ambitions and intellect still play a leading role

>> No.13358418

haven't come here in like 3 years. damn, this place sucks now. when did /lit/ become /pol/ lite?

>> No.13358969

>>Gnosticism makes sense
"Gnosticism" and "making sense" are litteraly mutually exclusive. The logic of the World has been MADE by the demiurge. The way You think has been programmed by the demiurge. The whole physical logistical structure of your nervous system has been made by the demiurge.

There is No Such Thing as Making Sense and Being Gnostic at the same time.

>> No.13358991

As usual from You, the complete polar opposite of truth.
Modernity has been found wanting; postmodernity has been found retarded.
The future will Pray.

>> No.13359057

Not if I achieve Gnosis.

>> No.13359138


>> No.13359457

We are not going back to a medieval mindset. Not going to happen.

>> No.13359546
File: 91 KB, 740x1280, 9fc6320e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do there exist people that unironically need the all father to guide them? That sounds to me like a wish to escape reality. Religion seems inherently escapistic and therefore harmful.

>> No.13359554

You're a fucking loser

>> No.13359575

someone else is responsible for your suffering? AHAHAHAHAAH

>You are god, god is love, don't kill yourself, you are wise - just enjoy it

>> No.13359598

they believe in a lot of things, and it turns out monotheism isn't actually one of them

>> No.13359615

If I discard my affection for and desire to uplift the normie masses there's nothing left it's just a chasm

>> No.13359632

Accusing whites if "abandoning traditonalism" as if it was some trait unique to them is the same "beta shit" but for non-whites who want to pretend they're "conquering the west" rather than being invited in

>> No.13359668

When /pol/'s golden age ended around the middle of last year

>> No.13359676

That would be the Anglo actually.

>> No.13359705

In practice you put everything you want in the mouth of the father so it's not so much an escape as a reframing of the situation. Look at how much the Jesuit did. Even if you don't like them you gotta admit they're efficient.

>> No.13359711

ITT: we learn that "jew" can stand for pretty much anything in /lit/.

>> No.13359718

not true, the anglo may have an ugly face but his soul is beautiful.

>> No.13359722

nah that's anglos. not that jews are any better

>> No.13359760
File: 573 KB, 819x1094, Screenshot_20190623-192671_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13359767

steven pinker can eat a fat turd

>> No.13359781

Funny how these sociopathic technocrats weren't so vocal about their techno-fantasies around 1995. Maybe it's time for another most expensive manhunt in history.

>> No.13359910

>all that matters is living forever
Transhumanism is the path to dying forever, not living forever.

>collecting knowledge
Jews collect information, and data, not knowledge.

>becoming one with god
Jews worship the Demiurge, and Satan, not God, nor anything from God.

>fuck the normie masses
Yes, they are most proficient in this.

You are ignorant, and confused.

>> No.13359927

unironically based

>> No.13360763


>> No.13360789

>doesnt know anything about gnosticism

>> No.13360895
File: 122 KB, 640x533, Objectivist Goldpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffice it to say i am a BIG fan of jews. Hard-unironically, and with all the moral recititude echoesposters claim to have. Theist jews though? Fuck em and their tribalism. But no harder than christfags or muzzies.

>> No.13360944

Spirituality is ubiquitous in the 3rd world. God speaks in bones and rocks and dirt.

>> No.13361299

Embracing God is not a medieval mindset.

As a matter of fact, you can progress technologically and culturally while believing in God. :3

This unparalleled hatred of God is motivated by none but Satan, would that you could see, you would understand these are healthy psychological principles to uphold, that every day is a struggle against Good and Evil, and to overthrow these notions, instead of introducing perceptual slivers of differences for subjectivity, is inimical to civilization and its interests.

You are the stupid one for not believing in God, and you will have no argument to the contrary. Thank you.

>> No.13361358

Hard to believe in God when there ain't no mirrors around

>> No.13361413

why did the anglos became like this? was it the weather? the disgusting beer?

>> No.13361526

I think you mean kill christ and replace him my fine hatted brethren

>> No.13361560

i know racism brained lefties want it to be all about race, but the problem isn't "jews" it's "the jews" who are in charge of the banks and the media.

>> No.13361592

Lefties are the fucking worst for this, all they do is perpetuate the idea that we mean actual Jews and not the people who caused the schism in the first place who were the people who actually started Judaism in the first place.

>> No.13361613

I'm actually afraid of the frothing mass the left is degenerating into. At first I thought you could point out to them things they should dislike, but they just look at you pointing and think the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So now we have lefties that support european occupation in the name of religion, and lefties that like capitalism because we showed them that capitalism is on their side and they are just dumb npcs.

>> No.13361622

You can reason with them if you're willing to fuck up your own views, like kinda self satirize yourself. Like saying that the only reason people want guns is america is not because their inherently violent or some bullshit but just because they like guns. The hypocrisy shows through because what reason could leftist politicians have for wanting to ban guns other than simply not liking people because they like something.

>> No.13361644

kafka, roth, bellow, lowkey proust

>> No.13361737

>implying political discourse past the 19th century isn't just all a farce

>> No.13361739


>> No.13361743

The lefties aren’t a funny joke anymore.

>> No.13361985
File: 191 KB, 680x958, Blocksyourpath_9e54118dd47c8006a34c24bcbe473377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman that loves you, laughing with friends that accept you, enjoying a piece of art, and eating a delicious meal after a busy day.

>> No.13362493


>> No.13362580

the exact same thread was made right around when this one was created but instead of jews it said far right and it got deleted real quick

>> No.13362672

Goethe's Faust is the greatest work of antisemitic lit by this metric and here's why that's a good thing

>> No.13362677

So leave then?

>> No.13362761

all of this isn't nearly as nice as driving around in a car while smoking a joint and listening to your favorite tune