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/lit/ - Literature

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13355884 No.13355884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Inceldom = Involuntarily Celibate
>too ugly to get laid at all, literally cursed by genes

xD Stupid Incels just have sex!!! Lol rofl

>> No.13355928

I have a confession to make. I'm an incel and I was one of the original "have sex" spammers on /tv/.

>> No.13355948


>> No.13355962
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>gays are born gays, don't judge them!
>don't laugh at retarded people, they didn't ask for it!
>don't judge someone by their race!
>haha incels ugly idiots! have sex lol

>> No.13355977

>logic and facts BTFOs the feminists
Have sex, sweetie. Go back to /pol/ and watch Ben Shapiro

>> No.13355981

>Ben Shapiro

>> No.13355988

have sex

>> No.13356000

>huh we're not actually dumb, sweaty
You just exposed yourself, sweetie. Have. Sex.
What is more pathetic than a /pol/-tard in denial? Wanna feel like a smarty pants so you decide to shit on /pol/ like 90% of the other reactionaries on /lit/? Boy, you /pol/tards sure are stupid!

>> No.13356004

ben Shapiro is a Jewish neocon

>> No.13356021

>doding the main point
Sweaty... You're a /pol/tard. Accept it, own it.You don't browse /pol/ and you've read a little bit more than the average /pol/tard. But your worldview is more-or-less identical to that of the /pol/tard!

>> No.13356025

/lit isn’t your blog faggot. Get laid.
Whining like a feminine bitch is why girls aren’t attracted to you, they have a 6th sense for desperation which you must give off in spades you sad little cunt. The only physical requirement for having sex is good personal hygiene and not being obese.
So, clean teeth and fresh breath, wash everyday, use deodorant and aftershave, dress nicely, have a trendy haircut etc
Then all you need is a personality and you’re good to go.
I’ve had sex with 7 girls and have been in a relationship (which I’m still in) for a year and a half. I fucked all these girls in 3 months, it isn’t an achievement and isn’t even that cool. You fucking faggot face fuck.

>> No.13356033

ben shapiro is not favorably looked on by pol because he is a jewish neocon who supports mass nonwhite immigration and sending people to die for Israel

>> No.13356034

>The only physical requirement for having sex is good personal hygiene and not being obese.
I'm both of these things but I also have incredibly severe cystic acne all over the upper half of my body and much of my lower half. What is my prognosis?

>> No.13356040
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Why don't you faggots just swallow the waifu pill? Relationships and sex are literally just a meme.

>> No.13356045

You know what, I've had several phases of stooping to the level of dating apps and sites. I delete it all within a week after no matches and then I begin considering how I can buy sex. Then I begin looking into escorts and realize I don't know how to do even that.
And soon, I begin thinking about how one of the most basic human functions is out of my grasp. There is no other thing that I have fail so miserably at and fundamentally can't grasp as with sex.
Like, I'm poor but I understand how to make money. If i'm hungry, I understand how to eat and get food. If I'm bored, I can entertain myself. But wanting sex? Literally no reprieve. Masturbation doesn't cut it. I can jack off 3-5 times and still want sex.
I'd chemically castrate myself but there tangible benefits to testosterone that I want to keep

>> No.13356053
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My gf was friends with a guy and he asked her to lay in a bed and speak Japanese to him. She hid in the bathroom and called me to pick her up. Now "he's" a non-binary incel (self-described) that cries at baby showers and is an antinatalist.

All in all pretty based if you ask me.

>> No.13356059

What did he mean by this?

>> No.13356063

>you only need these two things
>then you need these
>and then you also need this one extremely difficult thing if you aren't born neurotypical

>> No.13356064

I wouldn't hate you guys if you didn't spam off topic shitposts all the time

>> No.13356075
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>> No.13356088
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Take the volcel pill.

>> No.13356093

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


>> No.13356097

Well acne is gross so no not okay. Fix that and you should be good

>> No.13356102

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.13356103

Aw you don’t like being told to wash? If you’re not willing to do these things then don’t moan about being a virgin. You realised you have to make it happen, it won’t just come out of nowhere

>> No.13356105

Go kill yourself faggot. I never said I haven’t gotten laid before. Never said I was an incel. I can do whatever the fuck I want cunt. Get in a car accident and die pls

>> No.13356108

Yeah, but saying "only" for these things is sort of misleading

>> No.13356111

fall in love

>> No.13356117

cut erotic visual stimulus
read something when idle
still probably need to fap 1 time a day to get rid of all sexual urges

>> No.13356121

suck my dick faggot shitposter, you retards are ruining /lit/ with your blog nonsense. Take it to ANY of the MANY designated shitposting boards
That's not even all of them, and yet you still feel the need to come over and shit up a board with your ceaseless fucking bitching.
Nobody fucking cares you dipshit. Unironically take it to reddit

>> No.13356123

>No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair.

>> No.13356127

lmao saved

>> No.13356133

If you’re getting laid then why are you making incel threads on /lit you fucking schizo

>> No.13356136

>missing the point this hard
lmao retard

>> No.13356141

>make it happen
Tell that to a deformed child, or a 4/10 looking person with shit genes. I think subconsciously you’re terrified of knowing that your looks define the potential dating experience you’re destined to have. It scares you knowing life isn’t that simple and a fucking shower won’t make you a chad. “Nothing is impossible” is probably one of your tenets as you write off your genes as if they’re insignificant. You’re a joke

>> No.13356142

>you don’t like being told to wash?
this but unironically it is an oppressive social construct that would malign my natural body odours in all their pungent grace

>> No.13356143


>> No.13356149

Who cares? Do them and you’ll get laid, stop wasting time being pedantic and start being proactive.

>> No.13356150

The only reason people deny the truth of lookism is because it presents a reality that is too shallow for them to come to terms with. They like to pretend there is more depth and compassion in human relationships. They're wrong. Lookism is fundamentally true. The fact you can even think of exceptions is because how much they stick in your mind, breaking the schema of a normal relationship. "She's dating HIM?!" You remember this because the disparity is so large and that is so odd. 90% of human interaction on the romantic level revolves around how pretty your face is.

>> No.13356152

>Wahhhhhh you need to do what I tell you

Go back to sucking your dad’s cock

>> No.13356155

Well not really because I’ve slept with 7 girls and have a long term girlfriend. I’ve seen some ugly cunts with girlfriends. Even far and disabled people can find someone. Stop making excuses, you sound bitter.

>> No.13356163

>take the blackpill bro xDD

>> No.13356167
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>> No.13356172

What’s wrong with people wanting to have sex with good looking people? Would you sleep with a fat, greasy, sporty girl with bad breath and hairy arms? Why should girls sleep with the male equivalent?

>> No.13356177

Your anecdotes don’t mean shit when confronted with reality. You’re delusional let’s face it

>> No.13356178

This proves my point^

>> No.13356179

The blackpill is for men with slavish personalities. If you are ugly there is no reason to dedicate your energy in getting laid. By all means, work out (fat people should have their citizenship revoked), but realign your values so that your celibacy is not the focal point of your entire inner life. Since I have come to terms with my own ugliness I have unironically made huge strides in creating beauty in the one realm I am capable of: art and literature.

>> No.13356184

I've seen you before, pretending you don't understand the concept of averages

>> No.13356185

>I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone.
Now THIS is podracing.

>> No.13356186

Absolutely nothing. I agree with you.

>> No.13356187

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13356189
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>Would you sleep with a [...] sporty girl with [...] breath and [...] arms?
Of course

>> No.13356191

That’s not the norm anon. Come on now and stop being dishonest with yourself.

>> No.13356195

What reality is that? The shite you just spouted? Why is that version of events any more real than mine, when concerned about my own life, of which I know far more about than you? Sleeping with girls isn’t difficult, if you disagree you’re inexperienced with these matters and don’t have a right to say the best ways of going about it.

>> No.13356199
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If I knew you IRL I would stomp on your head

>> No.13356202

There’s literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.13356204

My point about not needing to be amazing looking to find a partner or have sex.

>> No.13356211

You just KNOW

>> No.13356212

Exactly, so incels in this thread shouldn’t be bitter about not getting laid when they won’t even take my advice of being hygienic.

>> No.13356216

the other guy was talking about FACES, though. not about hygiene or being in bad shape.

>> No.13356224

Your own experience with these matters mean absolutely nothing retard.

>> No.13356234

It does though? Because they’re relevant to the topic in question...

>> No.13356241

My point is that a perfect face isn’t necessary as long as you’re hygienic and look after the looks you do have. If you can’t even do that then you don’t deserve to have sex.

>> No.13356248

holy BASED

>> No.13356252

No one expects anyone to have the perfect face, you know this. And no one is saying if you are not beautiful you shouldn't practice good hygiene or fashion. What we (or at least I) are saying is that all else being equal, your face is overwhelmingly responsible for your romantic options, and that this is generally out of your control. If you are ugly you are out of luck.

>> No.13356253

he's obviously not capable of giving her the D in any meaningful way so we'll have to assume that she's either not sexually active or maintains sexual relationships with other men.

>> No.13356254
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Fuck off retard

>> No.13356259

What does any of this have to do with literature? Fuck off.

>> No.13356264

Why would something have to be bad to be true?

>> No.13356265

Your argument is metaphorically equivalent to a schizophrenic denying the sky is blue. Your subjective experience is bullshit compared to reality of averages. What’s the probability of a woman being attracted to societal standards of what constitutes a physically attractive, high status male? 9 times out of 10 it will be the same.

>> No.13356268

based jannies paying attention
get what you pay for I guess

>> No.13356280

A model and an average looking guy can both get laid, maybe not the same girls or the same number, but both could get laid. The only way to attract the 1% of girls is to be loaded, or more looks, or famous etc usually. Everyone else can get nearly every other girl.

>> No.13356287

The average man gets laid though, the minority are incels. Hence I am the average so it’s applicable.

>> No.13356290

something tells me you're a socially unadjusted shut in never interacted with the real world.

>> No.13356291

An average guy has to settle for a below average woman most of the time.

>> No.13356296

What are you on about you weird fuck? How does your baseless ad hom add to your argument? I’ve already said I’ve slept with several girls and have a long term relationship, as well as a normal social life. You’re probably projecting.

>> No.13356302

doesnt make any sense. men and women 'settle' on average for someone who is at the same level as them. By definition

>> No.13356303

>Everyone else can get nearly every other girl.
I suppose if you view it is a lottery- everyone has a statistical possibility of winning. On a practical level you know this is not true, you know very beautiful people want other beautiful people, they have no reason or incentive to fuck people less beautiful. No one wants to have anything to do with ugly people. There are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who are too ugly to ever get laid and will never get laid. There isn't someone for everyone.

>> No.13356305

Got statistics for that or is it something you just decided to say? I often find the opposite is true. The way for an average guy to get an above average girl is through personality or wealth etc.

>> No.13356313

Bullshit. I’ve seen disabled people with partners. And that’s not how real world relationships work, it’s far more complicated than that- a hot girl can fall for an average Joe because he makes her laugh etc. It’s not models date models and ugly people date the ugly people.

>> No.13356317

>boasting/bragging on an anonymous internet forum
yup, everything you know about the world you've learned from netflix and reddit.

>he makes her laugh
kek, seems like you're the incel here.

>> No.13356318

not him but cringe

>> No.13356320

Sigh, alright mate if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.13356324
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>> No.13356325

Great discussion of literature

>> No.13356326

See >>13356150
Your "BUT I KNOW FREAKS WITH 10/10 MODEL GFs" anecdotes are meaningless. For the record, I know zero couples where the girl is hotter than the guy, and zero dudes with disabilities dating hot girls. Whose anecdote is worth more? We present conflicting scenarios.

>> No.13356328

What a faggot

>> No.13356333

Mine since you’re saying it doesn’t happen whereas I’ve provided evidence that it does.

>> No.13356337

Pussy fudge packer

>> No.13356339

>I know zero couples where the girl is hotter than the guy
Weird. In every couple I know the girl is always hotter than the guy, but not in any drastic way.

>> No.13356340

I know it happens. I've said it happens. It doesn't change the fact that romance is 90% quality of face. There will always be exceptions. The exceptions don't matter.

>> No.13356345

this is not exactly scientific lads. What does hotter really refer to here? It's obvious when one person is much more attractive than the other, but it's usually kind of hard to say

Also you often see a couple where one of them got fat or something, but they are in fact about the same level of genetic attractiveness

>> No.13356347

this bitch is just a social media virtue signaling att whore obviously

>> No.13356348

That isn’t fundamentally true. Faces might provide an edge in initial attention, but if you’re a cunt it won’t result in a relationship. Whereas a fatter guy who’s a laugh will be more likely to have a happy relationship. It’s more complicated than just face, attraction is based on multiple things which youve completely disregarded it seems, or at least downplayed.

>> No.13356356

There are plenty of things in a person's face that are essentially universal in terms of attractiveness. Everyone knows this.
Again, because of pedantry- obviously there is a small amount of taste involved- there are after all people who enjoy shitting in adult diapers. That doesn't mean some faces aren't more beautiful than others.

>> No.13356363
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>cherry picking
>implying she isn't in it for the 400,000+ subscribers free ride
I feel bad for the dude, she will leave him after they get married for "reasons" and take half his shit.

>> No.13356365

>What does hotter really refer to here?
That the girl is hotter as a female human than the guy as a hot male human. We can't judge them in the same scale, we must judge them in their own categories.

>> No.13356369

Making women laugh doesn't get you girls outside of American rom-coms.

>> No.13356371

Downplayed because they're secondary. First impressions are huge, beautiful faces carry halo effects that cause people to overlook major faults in character. Genetics are the most valuable resource on the planet. You don't think women endlessly fuck hot men who drive them crazy because they're rude or won't commit? You think women wouldn't jump at the chance to enter a relationship with one of these beautiful men even if their previous conduct was odious? I've seen it more times than I can count.

>> No.13356376

It really does, it makes you much more attractive as a long term partner.

>> No.13356380

First impressions are usually insincere. People don’t fall in love based off of first impressions, but over time- this is when these other factors become essential. Nothing will make a girl stick around a hot guy for anything other than sex if he’s the most boring guy out there.

>> No.13356385
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Should I turn gay, lads? Or just kill myself? I don't have the social skills nor the absolute beauty to captivate the women I like.

>> No.13356387

Okay, maybe, MAYBE. An ugly man will not have the opportunity to make her fall in love with him though. The first impression is too negative, the initial interaction never happens, there is no shot to shoot.
There is nothing sincere about modern dating anyways.

>> No.13356391
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>> No.13356409

True, only if he’s truly hideous though. Like HP Lovecraft universe butters.

>> No.13356421

Or, you know, just ugly. Even frumpy girls have literally dozens of guys hitting them up on Tinder. That have all the choice in the world.

>> No.13356426
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Even Lovecraft was a married lmao