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File: 318 KB, 1052x1159, 1540980896236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13349067 No.13349067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this cumbrain meme. It's pushed by literal fucking FASCISTS.

>> No.13349075

(And that's a good thing)

>> No.13349076

the state of 2019

>> No.13349080

Leave it to reddit to make memes a fascism symbol.

>> No.13349081

How many butterfaggots are there? I count at least two different ones active right now.

>> No.13349097

They expand to fill attention given them by the easily trolled.

>> No.13349098

porn is bad, tho

>> No.13349104

>old article
fuck off

>> No.13349109

No it's not.

>> No.13349117

Correct. We all know what they mean by "fascist" All good is an anathema to evil and vice-versa.

>> No.13349118

(and why that is based and redpilled)

>> No.13349119

>Abstinence is literally fascism and leads to the holocaust

>> No.13349125

Abstinence leads to sexual frustration which leads to mass societal chimp outs

>> No.13349128

Abstinence leads to incels and declining birth rates. Ever notice how many incels are fascist?

>> No.13349129

>chastity leads to sexual frustration

ahahah oh no no no

>> No.13349140

We truly live in a war based on information.

>> No.13349145

If the only thing holding you back in life is your need to jack off you won't ever be a success.

>> No.13349162

From your perspective that certainly might be the case. It turns young healthy drones into soibois shilling "communism" (meaning globalhomo and immigration) in order to keep the Großkapital afloat and that has to be your ensgoal, right?

>> No.13349178

ever notice how whores make for shitty mother's?

>> No.13349180

Actually an addiction to masturbation and sexual thoughts leads directly to just that. If anything, abstinence leads to a healthier relationship to the act of sex.
You wouldn't know as you're a sterile, impotent schmuck.

>> No.13349182

why are you so resentful at men for your barren cunt?

>> No.13349201

hey, a lot of Jewish families make ends meet off the porn industry

>> No.13349202

>masturbation has no connection to incels and declining birth rates
This opinion is so retarded that I'm assuming you deliberately want people to draw the opposite conclusion.

>> No.13349224

>seeing the girl you want to fuck
>being fucked by someone that isn't you
>jerk off to that
>not bad
yeah, u right.

>> No.13349229

Fuck off fascist scum

>> No.13349241

Ever notice how all woman are whores?

>> No.13349255
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>> No.13349263

lmao butterfly absolutely btfo cant even defend his shitty opinions and then spergs out when he gets called on it go kys you dumb nigger

>> No.13349264

some more than others. thats why you should periodically beat your wife

>> No.13349283

post more milker pics and keep your faggot opinion to yourself namecunt

>> No.13349285

Correlation not causation and yada yada. Why are libs so inconsistent with their rhetoric

>> No.13349289


>> No.13349291

>declining birth rates

No, this is the result of birth control and abortion. The Catholics were right all along. We should have listened to Paul VI.

>> No.13349298

The amish are correct, reject modernity, communities up to 1000 then split, pure Gemeinschaft, high high birthrates that will let them take over in 200 years. They have no history with perversion so it's impossible to stop this train

>> No.13349352
File: 394 KB, 1077x1336, 1556326257024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a woman with a woman's brain and a woman's libido telling men with cumbrain that cumbrain isn't real.

>> No.13349371

The left is unironically fascist

>> No.13349389
File: 722 KB, 1247x1920, jerusalem lodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ascended post

>> No.13349409

Fuck off incel

>> No.13349513

Everyone on /lit/ sees your gook ass posting. You are a beta male. Of course you advocate for cumbrains. That head of yours is worthless if you dont put it to good use you incel. Come to the right.

>> No.13349675
File: 827 KB, 1004x703, orgyofthewilldotnet-892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad Greek speaks.

>> No.13349686

This. People are fucking BORED, not addicted

>> No.13349692

>all forms of pornography involve a man fucking a woman
>there is no such thing as solo female porn
>there is no such thing as lesbian porn
Imagine modifying your behavior due to the beliefs of some idiots on an imageboard

>> No.13349699

>if you don't jerk yourself into oblivion you're a fascist
This is peak cumbrainism.

>> No.13349732

Lmao if you think this is new or hidden knowledge
Read the self help classics

>> No.13349762

Stop using this word. There's literally no proof masturbation is unhealthy. Porn, maybe, but choking your chicken is not harmful at all.
That's just a meme that only works for attractive men. If you're ugly and not fapping, nobody gives a fuck, even if you become more kunfident. It's just straight up placebo, go to the gym instead and get gains

>> No.13349771
File: 58 KB, 603x273, greek intellectuals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13349776

>masturbation inherently means jerking yourself into oblivion
Do you have no conception of moderation?

>> No.13349780

ok, cool. now what's the longest you've gone without jacking off? you have gone a long time, haven't you anon? else you sound like someone trying to write a brochure about a country you've never visited, and I'm sure a rational scientist man such as yourself would never stoop to such a level :^)

>> No.13349786

>not a Semite in a himation

>> No.13349789

It's said not masturbating increases the chances of prostate cancer. Have fun

>> No.13349805

i always imagine it's me thats why i never watch nigger porn or porn that shows the mans face a lot

>> No.13349812


>> No.13349816

>if you don't quit harmless activities for weeks in order to satisfy anons on a korean basket weaving forum you cannot tell those anons they need evidence for their claims
I'm not him, but I assume whatever answer is given you'll just keep moving the goalposts. If he says 6 months, you'll say he needs to try 7, and so on ad infinitum. You guys are always so irrational when disagreed with, it's like you need this to be true. Quitting a harmless activity like jerking off does not automatically solve all your problems, it takes hard work and dedication. Time to grow up.

>> No.13349838

The only perspective that I imagine would back this up is completely braindead consumerist "history is a totally linear line of progress, the more time goes by, the better things are: anything new is good" nihilism.
Even materialists have the argument that pornography exploits an ancient and powerful primal biological imperative, making money off of destroying people's dopamine reward systems.
And obviously any sophisticated spiritual tradition will tell you that excessive indulgence in such depraved sensuality leads to misery/a chaotic mind.

>> No.13349848


i sincerely doubt that anon has gone 6 months, i can tell just from the way he writes he isn't capable of it

i don't trust a chronic masturbator to know what is or isn't a wholesome use of your time

>> No.13349853
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, AF91EED8-E5AD-402A-897F-AAB9C5BA8C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely correct. Once again I’m proven right in my adherence to classical fascism.
>Cumbrains and abhorrent sexualites BTFO ONCE AGAIN

>> No.13349867

What are y’all planning to do to celebrate trump’s 2nd term?

>> No.13349899

Why are leftists obsessed with people being materialists controlled by urges

>> No.13349904
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 2D3FBB09-FA49-4343-9FBA-0CB77FA6DCF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

”[24] Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

[26] For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. [27] And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. [28] And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, [30] Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. [32] Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.“
Romans 1:24-32

>> No.13349919

I actually have gone for more than 6 months. Even now, I'm still on Nofap and nothing's really changed.
My life is still garbage, no girl looks my way, obviously haven't had sex yet. I'm thinking about relapsing, since it pretty much doesn't matter whether I fap or not

>> No.13349930

lol because you don't supplement your regimen with exercise and a rigorous diet of meditation and metaphysics

i noticed immense gains in creativity and cognition from just a few weeks of abstinence, because i was putting that energy to good use instead of letting it languish

>> No.13349935

You have to give up ALL sexual desires in order to become Übermensch.
Nofap is only the beginning. Results come after 30 years of semen absorption into the bloodstream

>> No.13349938

Just start fapping again. It's proven to make you happier and reduce the risk of cancer. I already proved that anti porn and anti fap movements are pushed by Christians and authoritarians.

>> No.13349940

nofap in order to attract women is a meme
nofap in order to purify your mind and develop yourself spiritually, however, is big brain shit

>> No.13349949

I have a daily workout routine. I've picked up reading. I go out and ride my bike. I keep adding new words to my vocabulary, I even draw sometimes. The only thing I haven't been doing is- writing.
>rigorous diet
Cope. Chad doesn't have to understand Kant or Hegel to get into a girl's pants

>> No.13349954
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 66B088C3-2E71-4175-967D-E637A1E81675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s proven
>I already proved
The STATE of the cult of (((science)))

>> No.13349955

lol you're doing nofap to attract girls, fucking pathetic

you haven't overcome sexuality, you've just put it on hold for a bigger nut

>> No.13349958

Maybe he didn't do that because the nofap meme doesn't mention it, and instead is focused on simply "stop fapping" as its core message.

>> No.13349960

>give up ALL sexual desires
So, cease to become human. Guess what, people want to fuck, is that really rocket science? There's plenty of successful people out there with active sex lives.
If it's not an obstacle for them, why would it be for you?

>> No.13349964

Why not quote the NIV?
>24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

>26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

>> No.13349968
File: 16 KB, 342x414, B80693B2-0FFE-4F1E-9AB4-3091C05CACE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13349969

overcoming sexuality is supposed to be a holistic regimen

>identifying sexuality with your humanity

the absolute state

>> No.13349970


>> No.13349974

>rant about how pumping is bad for you
cringe but ok let's hear this one out
>starts rambling about the occult and the freemasons
>gnosticism, rosicrucian order, sexual alchemy (????), chink ricehead muser
literally how the fuck are any of these things relevant
>when you cum body extracts precious minerals and proteins and goodies (???) from the brain
source needed, but of course you don't have any, since you're pulling this out of your ass and everyone knows it
>sickness becomes more prevalent, eyesight worsens, hormonal imbalance
you know literally all of those things could be scientifically tested? Unless you're that kind of retard who thinks the whole scientific establishment is rigged, this is by any measure absolutely a clusterfuck of bullshit.
>starts talking about clouds and shit, low spirits, demons
Alright, at least by now 90% of reasonable (read: iq above 85) people have stopped taking this seriously, so thanks for that.
> Write. Paint. Create. Design. Think
Good advice. Why coat it with all the bullshit?
>I am a writer amongst other things
Oh it shows! :P
>his fantasy consists of having sex with a beautiful wife
Aren't you still a cumbrain when you fantasize about puting your peepee into a weewee? Or does only fantasizing about dumpster fucks with rumpster pumpsters make you dirty minded? I guess congratz on successfully overcoming your addiction by fantasizing about more beautiful women :D
> I spent 2 hours writing this to help you
nobody asked you to
>I could have spent this time playing league of legends or reading power of creation
Oh I don't doubt it. Also WOAH dude you read?? WTF
>You have a choice : keep masturbating or go work in my carwash
I'll keep masturbating thanks ;P

>> No.13349975

>sexuality is what makes you human

>> No.13349977

Is this bait? It's literally promoted everywhere, in all media and culture, and going against the grain is somehow authoritarian?

>> No.13349980

>doing nofap to attract girls
Well, that's supposed to be one of the main benefits and why many men undertake it.
>overcome sexuality
Everything you do in life is to get sex, you retard. There's nothing to overcome, desiring sex is completely natural.

>> No.13349981

Ummm sweetie if you were Christian you would understand
>There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.

>> No.13349982

I like Douay Rheims becuase it’s from the late 1500s and not cucked. I would rather read the vulgate if I knew Latin

>> No.13349983

dogshit zoomer post

>> No.13349993

>why arent you watching porn, goy?
someone post that pic that shows how jews broadcasted porn in all tv channels after invading some arab country

>> No.13349994

>Everything you do in life is to get sex, you retard. There's nothing to overcome, desiring sex is completely natural.

america was a mistake

>> No.13350000

No it's not you retard. It's natural to expect it and do it, it's not natural to base everything around it. And who gives a shit why subhumans undertake something, think for yourself.

>> No.13350005
File: 45 KB, 447x653, 97FFD264-9D95-4377-A004-9808A97CEE85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Accept that there is no god, so that the state is the highest moral authority and submit. Accept that hedonism is good, so you can be corralled and controlled with pleasure. Accept that only the material matters, so you can be compartmentalised into work in pursuit of money and objects until you die. If you question this you are hitler.

>> No.13350006

Arabs are retards that make up a large percentage of internet porn searches.

>> No.13350010

Dogshit boomer post. Take a shovel and shove it up your ass :P

>> No.13350024
File: 44 KB, 500x637, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blinded by sensuality
covered by the net,
veiled with the veil of craving,
bound by the Kinsman of the heedless,[1]
like fish in the mouth of a trap,[2]
they go to aging & death,
like a milk-drinking calf to its mother.
- Ud 7.4

Attached to sensual pleasures,
attached to sensual ties,
seeing no blame in the fetter,
never will those attached to the fetter, the tie,
cross over the flood
so great & wide.
- Ud 7.3

Whoever avoids sensual desires
— as he would, with his foot,
the head of a snake —
goes beyond, mindful,
this attachment in the world.
- Sn 4.1

"The thought occurs to them: 'Now what future danger do those [other] brahmans & contemplatives foresee that they teach the relinquishment & analysis of sensual pleasures? It's pleasant, the touch of this woman wanderer's soft, tender, downy arm.'

Thus they meet with their downfall through sensual pleasures. Then, having met with their downfall through sensual pleasures, with the break-up of the body, after death, they go to a bad bourn, destitution, the realm of the hungry shades, hell. There they experience sharp, burning pains. They say: 'This was the future danger concerning sensual pleasures those brahmans & contemplatives foresaw that they spoke of the relinquishment of sensual pleasures and described the full comprehension of sensual pleasures. It's because of sensual pleasures, as a result of sensual pleasures, that we're now experiencing these sharp, burning pains.'
- MN 45

>> No.13350026

nah id rather masturbate :P

>> No.13350032
File: 5 KB, 250x174, D9FF2D3D-CD4D-4365-A74F-17DCFC0E9B6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what happens when you’re graced, temptation is reduced as you ascend
>everything I do is for the purpose of having sex

>> No.13350034

I sure hope you don't own a cellphone or microwave anon

>> No.13350040

The wording is archaic though

>> No.13350043

What a retarded post :D. Literally EMJ-tier (who is a retard like you). You think one example that happened literally more than 10 years ago will prove your extraordinary claim. Well it doesn't, and you haven't proven anything. Literally your response is bring out that meme i saw :DDDD That'll show them. Go make a rightwing channel on yt and make some money pretending to be a martyr instead of shitting up lit with your stupid posts, how about that? :p

>> No.13350052

Why does every religion hate masturbation?

>> No.13350053

The cumbrains are losing their composure gentlemen

>> No.13350056


>> No.13350066

Because religions are bad, but religion is good. The teachings were turned into dogma because founders of organised religion saw no way to help people understand the enlightened mindset without forcing them to live by the lifestyle of those that have already achieved it. The understanding needs to come first or people will feel depressed and constrained by meaningless rules. Once you actually attain the understanding, there is no greater freedom and joy than giving these things up.

>> No.13350069

Bing bing I am raping your brain with my cum :DDD OHHH DADDY come here let me suck out that intelligence and manliness out of that neat hillbilly brain of yours !!! I hope you don't lose your composture my friend because I will haunt you for ever and ever and ever and ever :DDDDDD

>> No.13350074

It prevents higher spiritual attainments and bliss (not just masturbation/sexuality, but all sensuality, although sensual indulgence of the sexual variety tends to be particularly powerful).
Being attached to sensuality and indulging (especially in a way as depraved as masturbating to pornography) is a major roadblock to any real spiritual development.

>> No.13350088

When you masturbate your asshole becomes loose and they can't stick their big log into your ass - that's the TRUTH. A man who has masturbated is a man who has no need for god. Eternal damnation is no longer a thread - he's a made man.

>> No.13350094


>> No.13350095

>spending like 20 minutes finding a video and fapping per day is somehow using up a huge amount of time and energy and not doing this will make a huge difference in your life
what do nofappers mean by this? that said, I have not gone longer than a day or two without fapping for the last 15 years. If there was any actual evidence that it could help I would try it.

>> No.13350105

That will be your safeword :DDDD I will put on earplugs though so I won't hear it. Your mom won't hear it either

>> No.13350108

Both also coincided with the moment cuck porn started flooding tube sites. I don't think it was a coincidence.

>> No.13350109

something something you're losing nutrients with each fap even though it's incredibly minuscule and a remotely decent diet will easily circumvent the loss

>> No.13350113

Oh the evidence is all there. You just need a flashlight that could fit deep into a nofappers ass. They're FULL of it!

>> No.13350117


chronic masturbator cope

>> No.13350120
File: 85 KB, 1080x1266, 8D34E50C-A8A4-4946-BFC9-2644B638DF93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nofap? don't worry about it so much bro just do whatever works for you

>> No.13350139

If you're not a chronic masturbator, it literally makes no difference. Ask any doctor, they'll tell you the same. Jerking off once or twice a day, hell, even 5 times, is no cause for alarm.
Nofap is just a pathetic cope that will only make you more sexually frustrated and miserable.

>> No.13350144
File: 264 KB, 952x1344, 1560970804612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this from a while ago. I doubt it's true desu

>> No.13350147

Chad can masturbate to porn all day and still have plenty of sex.
Whether you fap or not doesn't matter.
All that matter is LOOKS

>> No.13350148

>If you're not a chronic masturbator, it literally makes no difference. Ask any doctor, they'll tell you the same. Jerking off once or twice a day, hell, even 5 times, is no cause for alarm.

shoo shoo archon

>> No.13350153

5 times a day is somewhat a cause for alarm, but not because of any nutrient loss, but because you obviously aren't doing a damn thing with yourself and that could cause you problems down the line.

>> No.13350156
File: 31 KB, 625x625, sensuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lust for a woman mostly comes
From thinking that her body is clean,
But there is nothing clean
In a woman's body in fact.
The mouth is a vessel of foul saliva
And scum between the teeth,
The nose a vessel of snot, slime, and mucus,
The eyes are vessels of tears and other excretions.
The abdomen and chest is a vessel
Of feces, urine, lungs, liver, and so forth.
Those who through obscuration do not see
A woman this way, lust for her body.
Just as some fools desire
An ornamented pot filled with what is unclean,
So ignorant, obscured
Worldly beings desire women.
If the world is greatly attached
Even to this ever-so-smelly body
Which should cause loss of attachment,
How can it be led to freedom from desire?
Just as pigs are greatly attached
To a site of excrement, urine, and vomit,
So some lustful ones desire
A site of excrement, urine, and vomit.
This city of a body with protruding holes
From which impurities emerge
Is called an object of pleasure
By beings who are stupid.
Once you yourself have seen the impurities
Of excrement, urine, and so forth,
How could you be attracted
To a body composed of those?
Why should you lust desirously for this
While recognizing it as an unclean form
Produced by a seed whose essence is impure,
A mixture of blood and semen?
One who lies on this impure mass
Covered by skin moistened
With those fluids, merely lies
On top of a woman's bladder.
If whether beautiful or ugly,
Whether old or young,
all female bodies are unclean,
From what attribute does your lust arise?
Just as it is not fit to desire
Filth although it has a good color,
Is very fresh, and has a nice shape,
So is it with a woman's body.
How could the nature of this putrid corpse,
A rotten mass covered outside by skin,
Not be seen when it looks
So very horrible?'
The skin is not foul,
It is like a garment.'
Like a hide over a mass of impurities
How could it be clean?
A pot though beautiful outside,
Is reviled when filled with impurities.
Why is the body, filled with impurities
And foul by nature, not reviled?
If you revile against impurities,
Why not against this body
Which befouls clean scents,
Garlands, food, and drink?
Just as one's own or others'
Impurities are reviled,
Why not revile against one's own
And others' unclean bodies?
Since your own body is
As unclean as a woman's,
Is it not suitable to part
From desire for self and other?
If you yourself wash this body
Dripping from the nine wounds
And still do not think it unclean,
What use is instruction for you?
Whoever composes poetry
With metaphors elevating this body—
O how shameless! O how stupid!
How embarrassing before wise beings!
Moreover, these sentient beings—
Obscured by the darkness of ignorance—
Quarrel more over what they desire,
Like dogs for the sake of some dirty thing."
- Ratnāvalī

>> No.13350163

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.13350164
File: 71 KB, 644x800, 1561307795842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean, "The natural hypergamy of women that no longer has any societal stigma or boundaries due to changing taboos and birth control and Tinder leaves many genetically unattractive men, a large percentage of the population on the order of 20 %, without the remotest chance of sexual intercourse or relationships"?!!! BRO, we can all make it! Own it bro! Believe in yourself!

>> No.13350180
File: 42 KB, 500x262, wojakbuddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not by a shower of coins can sensual desires be satiated; sensual desires give little pleasure and are fraught with evil consequences (dukkha). Knowing this, the wise man, who is the disciple of the Buddha, does not find delight even in the pleasures of the devas, but rejoices in the cessation of craving (i.e., Nibbana).
- Dhp 186-187

The pursuit of sensual happiness in sensual pleasures, which is low, vulgar, the way of worldliness, ignoble, unbeneficial, and the pursuit of self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, unbeneficial.
- SN 56.11

>> No.13350187

I sincerely doubt you're so ugly that 3 years of intense lifestyle modification, intense diet modification, and intense exercise wouldn't make you attractive to a wide variety of attractive girls.

>> No.13350205
File: 45 KB, 463x470, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intense lifestyle modification
>intense diet modification
>intense exercise
Some of us have jobs..

>> No.13350208


>> No.13350209

I didn't know Buddhism was fascist

>> No.13350219

If you used your time wisely instead of on 4chan, how much would you be able to accomplish?

>> No.13350220

The fuck's that got to do with anything? Having a job means you have to continue eating like shit, not going to the gym 3 days a week, and spending your free time doing retarded shit by yourself at home?

>> No.13350222

Have children.

>> No.13350240

unless you're roofing 60 hours a week, you still have free energy to change your routines. stop drinking and get off the computer

>> No.13350242

Hopefully your eyes are opened on the wankpill, and soon you will accept that religion was unironically right all along.

>> No.13350244

This (with chasity in marriage) or complete abstinence are the only acceptable redpilled lifestyles

>> No.13350245
File: 58 KB, 610x813, 1542651552164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just go to the gym bro
it's all genetics (and mainly the face)

>> No.13350255

before some Evola fan starts posting about the eternal tradition, I'd like to say Evola's interpretations of Buddhism do not line up with the very primary texts he cites

>> No.13350259

God forbid you live a bluepilled lifestyle. Jesus imagine being called bluepilled on 4chan. Nothing could be more horrifying.

>> No.13350263
File: 48 KB, 350x427, 1558243819071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is all genetics but also
>dressing in a way that suits you well
>living a balanced lifestyle so you aren't needy or weird
>being sensible with the girls you pursue
>not being an idiot with no common sense plain and simple

>> No.13350283

What the hell is 4chan? Look at your URL buddy, know your place. YOU NEED TO GO BACK

>> No.13350286

>he used a word therfore I can reduce the argument to meme words

>> No.13350292

Just kill yourself and hope you're reincarnated as Chad.
That's the only solution

>> No.13350297

Your genetics aren't so fucked that you can't figure that shit out if you actually tried. The problem is you aren't actually trying. Don't pretend like you have.

>> No.13350314

The majority of incels are left wing and more left wing men are virgins as a percentage of their population.

>> No.13350320

How does it feel to be an Uncle Tom of feminism? Porn promotes misogyny and rape culture, and fucks the actresses in more ways than one.

>> No.13350328

imagine actually believing this

>> No.13350332

It's not the real butterfly. Also feminism is a meme and women are not and have never been oppressed in any way, in fact always having it much easier than men throughout history. Wake up.

>> No.13350339

Ummm sweetie. Women literally invented agriculture.

>> No.13350354

It's what's supported by the evidence and is the reality of the situation, there is nothing to "believe"

>> No.13350365

Actually it was a black eunuch sweetie

>> No.13350423

stopped reading there.

>> No.13350491

Reminder that jews literally freak the fuck out if you aren't watching porn and masturbating. What does it say when they give out porn for free and have conniption fits if you don't want to watch it and jack off all day?

>> No.13350507

It is suspicious such a miserly group give away such a commodity for free.

>> No.13350538

They broadcasted porn on palastine TV sets during the siege because porn keeps golems docile.