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/lit/ - Literature

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13224811 No.13224811 [Reply] [Original]

>book you are currently reading

>> No.13224832 [DELETED] 

Right now:

Leanardo Pisano - Book of Squares
Joseph Schumpeter - Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
Ptolemy - The Almagest
Alexis De Tocqueville - Democracy In America
Aristotle - Prior Analytics

Up next:
Witelo - Perspectiva (reading books I and V)
Oskar Morgenstern - On the Accuracy of Economic Observations
Alhacen - On the Configuration of the World
Adam Smith - Theory of Moral Sentiments
Aristotle - Posterior Analytics

I'm Male, 26. Butterfly is my bitch on a chain. She has masturbated to me on here before. ama :3

>> No.13224835

Are you good looking?

>> No.13224841

Somewhat, sure. I have gotten compliments on my looks, although I am a little shorter than most guys. :3

>> No.13224857

>Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann
>I'm a boy (male)

Really digging it so far. It's very detailed and beautiful. I'm only like 12 chapters in though and dont know shit about music, so the music theory stuff is going over my head. I usually hate WWII stuff and holocaust stories because, while it was an incredibly awful event, I feel like it is often exploited by authors to sell books on an emotionally manipulative bent.

>> No.13224878

>Through the looking glass

>> No.13224881

Room To Dream
good old boy

>> No.13224896

Confirmed for femboy

>> No.13224901

nop :3 i am a dominating lion rawr

She actually has a collar with my name on it. I am 100% certain. Which makes it even cuter that she lied about it.

>> No.13224904

> MLP fanfictions
> agender
> 26

I enjoy fanfictions while resting between my Heidegger close readings.

>> No.13224916

imagine having to walk up and down impossibly steep steps and climb a 6 foot + ladder just to go to bed and/or get up to take a piss. you gotta be fuckin dumb to design a house like that.

>> No.13224928

>he has to get up to go take a piss
Either small bladder or small dick (because urine is also stored in the penis once the bladder gets full)

Get your doc to check it and let us know if he says your dick is small, kid. :3

>> No.13224936

pee is stored in the balls

>> No.13225033

I, Robot

>> No.13225037

Nine Stories
The PKD Reader



>> No.13225059

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Some of Plato’s dialogues (ion, shorter hippies, death of socrates group, maybe symposium after)

Up Next
>Man and his Symbols
>On the Genealogy of Morals
>The Nine Doors of Midgaard



>> No.13225069

Jane Austen's Persuasion

>> No.13225085

Beyond good and evil

>> No.13225127

The Weird - edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer
Topographies - J. Hillis Miller
The Castle - Franz Kafka
Gender isn't real.

>> No.13225134
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The Fall of Gondolin

>> No.13225146

>Picture of Dorian Grey

>> No.13225316

>no tv in the house


>> No.13225320


I don't read books



>> No.13225322


>> No.13225350

All the king's men
male ofc

>let me take the bait
does Heidegger ever talk about gender? if not, why didn't he?

>> No.13225353

>The Twelve Caesars / I, Claudius

>> No.13225356

Who are we talking about?
Post pics

>> No.13225358

R.A. Laferty - Nine hundred grandmothers
Male 29

>> No.13225361

In your case pee is stored in your skull.

>> No.13225366

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.13225367

Retarded house design to be homest

>> No.13225433

The swarm- frank schatzing
Male (of course)
Its an okay read, ive read about 10 other books while trying to finish it, so its not the most captivating.

>> No.13225437

Fooled by randomness

>> No.13225458

Platos dialogues
For whom the bell tolls



>> No.13225466


deathtrap attic burn kitty

>> No.13225469
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>shitter facing the kitchen

Could have been comfy but no

>> No.13225474
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Critique of Pure Reason, Spinoza's Ethics, and some Schopenhauer stuff mainly.

Male 25.

>> No.13225483

The Bible
Mysteries - Knut Hamsun
The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton

31 years

>> No.13225553 [DELETED] 

The Trial
Female ;)

>> No.13225556

Go fuck :3 plz, get it out if your system

>> No.13225558

Kys tranny

>> No.13225564 [DELETED] 

>Crime and Punishment
>Fanged Noumena


>> No.13225568

Don't you have anything else to do in your life. I mean I'm wasting my life on here but I'm not proud of it like you are.

>> No.13225581
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How is fanged noumena? I want to know whether it's worth it

>> No.13225619

Metzinger - Being No One

>> No.13226245

I just finished The Idiot
>Bleak House

>> No.13226327
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>> No.13226347

The Stranger - Albert Camus
The Science of Mythology - C. Jung and C. Kerényi
The Sacred History - Jonathan Black
Metaphysics of War - Julius Evola
Bhagavad Gita - Vyasa

>> No.13226357

also male and 19

>> No.13226361

Nausea by Sartre

>> No.13226364


>> No.13226366

Middlegame by Seanan McGuire, Henry IV Part II by William Shakespeare, and Real Queer America by Samantha Allen

>> No.13226370

>Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.13226378


>> No.13226388
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Bow down zoomer

>> No.13226394


>> No.13226439
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Pic related
Female (male)
Forbidden fitness: summoning of the abs

>> No.13226442


>> No.13226468

Shadow of the Torturer - Gene Wolfe
Pedro Páramo - Juan Rulfo

>> No.13226470

OH no no no!

>> No.13226475
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Finnegans Wake with The Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake and St. Faustina's Diary
flipping through Finnegans Wake for the most part, having fun with it for now

>> No.13226486

>Two Treatises of Government

>> No.13226489

Dead souls

>> No.13226513

The Idiot

>> No.13226530

Im planning to read the trial this summer. Now, post you’re pusy (dick) u whore

>> No.13226541

This is wat hackers use to spy on girls
Anthony Kenny's 3rd book in his hist
Duh wheat

>> No.13226999

When Nietzsche Wept

21 Male

>> No.13227142
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>Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
And im just about done so after that Siddartha - Hermann Hesse. (Im new to lit so im doing "The /lit/ starter kit" (pic relate) before moving onto big boy books like Ulysses, 2666, Gravitys Rainbow, Infinite Jest, and Blood Meridian (not in that order)).

>> No.13227187

The Shining

>> No.13227203

Thomas Bernhard - Holzfällen

Thanks to whoever recommended this in the Frost thread.

>> No.13227211

>book you are currently reading
The Mask by Dean Koontz. I'm nearly done with it, it's been a very quick and easy read. It's alright I guess, though I have other Koontz books that are much better. Up next I'm going to be reading The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang, or Belinda by Anne Rice.
Fairly certain the fact that I enjoy Anne Rice is a dead giveaway as to what my gender is.

I hope you are enjoying that, anon. I read that one when I was in 7th grade and was very much a fan. That reminds me I should read it again very soon, as it's not very fresh in my mind. You have also read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I assume? What did you think of that?

Freud is such a quack. An amusing quack, but still a quack. Enjoy, regardless.

>> No.13227216

>Select Sermons of George Whitefield

>> No.13227220

>house of leaves

>> No.13227265

The New Silk Roads-P. Frankopan
Addicted to Outrage-Glenn Beck

>> No.13227317

is that garlic wtf?

>> No.13227393

Storm of steel-22

>> No.13227399 [DELETED] 

rhetoric, aristotle

>> No.13227406

>derrida - beast and sovereign vol 2
>bruno latour - down to earth
>calvino - difficult loves

>> No.13227410

underrated meme post /10

>> No.13227424
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Moby Dick, Rendezvous with Rama
All Man

>> No.13227487

>Pale Fire
>Sirens of Titan

>> No.13227754

>Michel Houellebecq - Sérotonine
>Slavoj Žižek - The Sublime Object of Ideology
>Henry E. Allison - Kant's Transcendental Idealism
>Karl Marx - Capital Vol. 1

m 26

>> No.13227773

>12 Rules for Life
>(Alpha) Male

>> No.13227824

Infinite Jest
I'm essentially the male version of an arthoe.

>> No.13228047


>> No.13228062

>The Iliad, The Passing of the Armies (Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain), and Love's Labour's Lost

>> No.13228089

>Hero with 1k faces,Dune,Storm before the storm,Mythology
>M ;)

>> No.13228182

Wuthering Heights

>> No.13228215

Holy fucking based list

>> No.13228835

The Tartar Steppe

>> No.13228847

>is a woman
>calls Freud a quack

nothing new here

>> No.13228886

Really faggot? Try and defend "The Psychosexual Stages of Development" and point out how any bit of that makes sense.

>> No.13228946

Just started it today, anon, and very surprised at how much I'm enjoying it. Through the first four sections of Chapter One and also read the J. Hillis Miller intro. How do you like it so far?

>> No.13229036

>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

>> No.13229048

>Ireland: A History

I read Dubliners recently and enjoyed it, but felt I didn't have adequate knowledge of Irish history/the Irish identity, so figured I'd do some background work on it before reading more Joyce.

>> No.13229113

Start your period somewhere else

>> No.13229215

Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima
Male 26

>> No.13229690
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Bradley K Martin: Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader
Edward Rutherford: Sarum: The Novel of England
Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
David Stevenson- 1914-1918 The History of the First World War
Ian Ousby- Occupation: The Ordeal of France 1940-1944

>> No.13229734

Dune, male, 29

>> No.13229741

Democracy in America is good

>> No.13229745

The Stranger is really good

>> No.13229747

>although I am a little shorter than most guys

>> No.13229791

>For Whom the Bell Tolls

the dialogue feels wonky

>> No.13230051

American Psycho and Factotum

"AP is overrated and not that good anyway" I am just getting into reading as a hobby, after years of avoiding it. My mother is an avid reader (she finishes about 125-150 books per year) but she mostly reads murder mysteries. My mothers lack of exploration in literature sort of put me off from reading somehow. American Psycho is among one of my favorite movies so i figured it would be a good starting place, so far I am really enjoying it, so much so that I've already ordered a couple of books that people frequently post on /lit/ to get further into this hobby. Thanks for reading my blog anons.

>> No.13230107

>An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.13230115

>book you are currently reading

>> No.13230135

And are you enjoying it?

>> No.13230137

The temple of the golden pavilion
Uni books


>> No.13230138

East of Eden

>> No.13230161


>> No.13230174

The Island, huxley

>> No.13230504

A history of western philosophy

>> No.13230994

Magda Szabo - Katalin Street

>> No.13231076

The Savage Detectives

>> No.13231206

>book you are currently reading
"The Sound and Fury", by Faulkner

>> No.13231209
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>> No.13231237

It's a nice read, although more highschooler-tier. Don't you think?

>Guy (>>13230115) post at certain time
>Another anon answers with an engaged question to his post 16 minutes later
>6 hours pass without answer

Half of /lit/ on a couple of posts

>Anna Karenina
How is it?

just go to mass

>> No.13231249

The Complete works of Arthur Rimbaud.
Male, 19

>> No.13231251

>The End of Eternity, Who Goes There?

>> No.13231258

Asimov can't write characters for shit but I appreciate his imagination on how different ideas would play out.

>> No.13231276

Naked Lunch, Master and Margarita

>> No.13231280
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I read it when I was 21, don't confuse "I had to read it in highschool" with "highschool tier"

>> No.13231282

Great book, I liked it more on the second reading

>> No.13231511

People usually read it when they are teengaers, but bc it's in every single guide or newspaper article "What you should read if you are 15"-kind.
That at least where I live.

>> No.13231543

>Ted Greene: Chord Chemistry
>Hermann Hesse: Siddharta

>> No.13231628

what are you going to do with all that knowledge?

>> No.13231655
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I’m currently reading:
The Interpretation of Dreams by Herr Doctor Professor Sigismund Schlomo Freud
A collection of some Baudelaire stuff titled “Cuadernos de un disconforme”
Pere Goriot (in Spanish)

Planning to read Spinoza’s Ethics with a friend soon along with The Psychopathology of Everyday Life and some novel (but idk which).


>> No.13231683

The Idiot

coming up:
Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History

>> No.13231697

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Kahneman

Next up is Vonnegut’s Jailbird.

>> No.13231716
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>house in the forest
>having a pet cat instead of a dog
a retard drew this

>> No.13231996

Good read

>> No.13232036

William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience

>> No.13232070


The Gay Science
Merchants of Doubt (most liberal book I've ever read)
The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature

Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.13232086 [DELETED] 
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The Illiad

>> No.13232094

>>book you are currently reading
The Holy Bible
Transdimensional unicorn

>> No.13232105

It's a man bro.

>> No.13232134

Audrey Thomas - Intertidal Life
Donald Kladstrup - Wine and War: The French, the Nazis, and the Battle for France's Greatest Treasure

Both these are good summer reads

>> No.13232172
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“Coming to Terms with the Nation: Ethnic Classification in Modern China” by Thomas Mullaney

“The Conquest of Bread” by Kropotkin

“The Possibility of an Island” by Houellebecq


30 years worth of regrets and missed opportunities old

>> No.13232179

U N D E R A G E B &

>> No.13232228

He is 15 and is reading the Illiad, far superior from you.

>> No.13232234


>> No.13232236

>Infinite Jest

>> No.13232246

>Herman Hesse - Beneath the Wheel

I'm too old for this one...

>> No.13232909

If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino

>> No.13232925


>> No.13232980


>> No.13232987

Rereading Cities of the Red Night

>> No.13233012
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For now
"A Portrait of The Artsist as a Young Man" by James Joyce
"Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"A Few Good Men" (I don't remember the author. It's a screenplay that I have to read for military college)
"Economics" by Thomas Sowell

I'm also embarrased to say this, but I read fanfiction from time to time depending on if I feel melancholic after 100% a video game or something.

I really, really like Portrait and Crime and Punishment, so I'm just rereading them and annotating them for fun. However, I'm planning on starting "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin as well as a biography on Churchill. I kinda want to pick up the Ender's Game series too. Thoughts?

I'm a 18 year old white dude. I've also read some philosophy here and there as well as some psychology, but it's mostly out of specific interests rather than a general one. Reading about writing techniques is fun too.

>> No.13233026

L'histoire de l'oeil - George bataille
Lil boy

>> No.13233042

The Discovery of Heaven

>> No.13233070

I just finished A Confederacy of Dunces, and will now resume reading A Crown of Swords

>> No.13233187
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>Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.13233203


>> No.13233453

The Scarlet Gospels

>> No.13233487
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I enjoyed both actually (finished through the looking glass today). The world and events that Caroll created areunapologetic fantasy nonsense at its finest. The poems and songs are fun and some of the lines have made me kek harder then most books ever have (pic related). His letter at the end is also very nice.

>> No.13233498

Victor Pelevin - Selected short stories

It's pretty damn good, I might add.

>> No.13233505
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>> No.13233511
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>The fine part about Bermuda is that your holiday begins the moment you step off the plane. There is is, the sea.

>> No.13233519
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>> No.13233524
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Additional Images:
Fonzie Sit On It button back Entertainment Button Museum
Sub Categories:
Text on Button:
SIT ON IT Television copyright 1976 Paramount Pictures Corp.

>> No.13233532
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>> No.13233541
File: 17 KB, 360x244, resize_format=full_c8f16aee1ceedb3fd36ae65c013efa0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempera on Masonite

Dimensions: 24 1/8 × 35 1/8 in. (61.3 × 89.2 cm)
Framed: 30 × 41 in. (76.2 × 104.1 cm)

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Richards through the Viola E. Bray Charitable Trust, 1967.29

Andrew Wyeth, son of the well-known illustrator N. C. Wyeth, was born in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, later moving to Maine. Attracted to art from an early age, he was essentially self-taught, learning by observation rather than by formal instruction. His intimate knowledge of these two environments in New England is manifested in his art and his body of work is largely devoted to subjects from Chadds Ford and his home in Maine. He achieved acclaim early in his career; his first solo exhibition of watercolors, in New York in 1937, completely sold out. The Sweep pictures a view with which the artist is well acquainted--a vista from the edge of the Wyeths' Maine property overlooking the road leading to the farm of their neighbor, the James family. This painting is executed with technical virtuosity, especially evident in the bristling needles of the evergreen trees, the texture of the cold porous surface of each stone of the rock wall, and the light falling on the weathered oar (called a sweep) leaning on the wall. The image is typical of Wyeth in its depiction of a silent, still world that is cool and remote in its austerity.
>This object is only available as a thumbnail. Why?

>> No.13233569

For every old photo in pristine condition, there's likely another that has faded with time, or been scratched, spilled on or damaged by water.
>courtesy of Waterloo Trust and Savings Company

>> No.13233570

War and Peace

>> No.13233596
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>the perfect lure for catching and trolling and casting, fini dessous NO. 816 PDS. 3/16 NICKEL

>> No.13233598

Chapter House: Dune

>> No.13233603
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Dinkyer in person not as wide looking

>> No.13233611

I want to fuck you

>> No.13233622

i get a ban warning the other day for posting something funny and yet butterfly gets away with this type of travesty on a regular basis

>> No.13233626
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Is it 'cause I knew?

>> No.13233705
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Interesting Blackwater 100 situation at Pinburgh.

Every ball of Blackwater 100 should start with the player plunging 3 balls. There is then a “skill release” by hitting a second flipper button at the correct time that can earn a non trivial number of points. The game then starts in multiball.

A player in my group stepped up to his ball 2 and plunged his first ball. The ball immediately entered the playfield and upon draining, his turn ended. The player did play the ball. The player had no opportunity to plunge the 2nd or 3rd balls, nor to attempt the skill release.

We called a TD. Ruling was loss of multiball is a minor malfunction, play on. On a normal game, I understand why this is the case. However, on an earlier round player 4 was not given a chance to choose a house in GOT. Bowen ruled that the player was denied a major feature of the game and therefore would be allowed to play a new game separate from players 1-3. I understand that ruling.

It seems to me that the player in Blackwater 100 was denied a major game feature. Even if you disregard the denial of the skill release, the player should have been able to plunge a 2nd and 3rd ball onto the playfield. He was not given the opportunity to so.

Afterwards the player asked Bowen if the ruling would have been different if he trapped up and called for a TD instead of playing the single ball. He was told that the ruling would have been the same.


>WARNING: Overloading electrical supply circuits is dangerous.
Do not overload circuits. To calculate the maximum number of
games for a circuit, check circuit amperage rating and divide
by the game Nominal Line Power Current rating for your line
voltage. For example, a 15A 120V household circuit, 15/3 A
(nominal current) = 5 games maximum.

>> No.13233711

>The Obscene Bird of Night

>> No.13233718

>You can’t take this away from me

>> No.13233733
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>> No.13233738
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>Hillary Clinton was criticised for appearing on stage in Washington without make-up

>> No.13233870
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Shadow and Claw(First Half)

I'm a 20 year old bitchboy.

>> No.13233881
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>> No.13233888

based. the best book i read in my early 20's. also quite opportune considering my life trajectory at the time

>> No.13233903

you don't exist

>> No.13233935
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A Crown of Swords By Robert Jordan

>> No.13233957


>> No.13233982

The Ego and Its Own

>> No.13234006

Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon

GR is hands down the greatest book I've ever had the pleasure of perusing. Only 50 pages in, so I've gotten a kick out of the banana motifs and dog chasing scene where Pointsman enlodges his foot in a toilet, an almost Three Stooges-esque predicament. Pynchon's prose is endearing and just carries you along like the dripping stroke of a paintbrush.

>> No.13234011

Change the world :3

>> No.13234025
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Ah yes, another one of those retarded threads where zoomers give their personal information for free and which I autistically use to get stats on this degenerate board and its users.

>> No.13234060
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>> No.13234074

Just give me your age anon.
Chances that you are under 23 years old are 61%.

>> No.13234077
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>> No.13234078

Grand Turismo 5 instruction booklet

>> No.13234124
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26, sorry for the 61

>> No.13234128

Is it any good?

>> No.13234133

It's ok, this thread is currently at 62% under 23.

>> No.13234183

great read but the story isn't much

>> No.13234188

Have some indulgence, I know sometimes it's a little bit frustrating

>> No.13234193

>conditioned reflexes (pavlov)

>> No.13234200

silence, femoid

>> No.13234211

It's peanuts, because they're a southern tranny

>> No.13234225

War and Peace

it's breddy gud but a bit long, nearly finished

>> No.13234248 [DELETED] 

Annals by Tacitus
Male Age 7.5

>> No.13234257

>(1.45 MB, 3264x1836)
>Taken with a potato
What do they mean by this?

>> No.13234264 [DELETED] 

The Upanishads. Just finished the Dialogue with Death, now in The Brahmana. Next up I'm gonna read the Bhagavadgita, then the Surangama Sutras, and then the Dhammapada. Before the Upanishads I read On the Immortality of the Soul by St. Augustine and Treatise on Divine Government by St. Thomas Aquinas.
I'm 17.

>> No.13234279

>100 Years of Solitude and the Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe collection
>19 :P
I keep changing my mind about whether or not I am enjoying marquez, which must mean I like it overall. Thinking about reading Yiddish Policeman’s Union next or maybe No Longer Human, depending on whether I love ligottis book and want to read more depressive lit

>> No.13234284

The Kill List
Is that book about China any good?

>> No.13234290

>American pastoral

As a 19 year I’m surprised I enjoyed Roth this much

>> No.13234292

>conditioned reflexes

>> No.13234299

Whats age got to do with it? I loved American pastoral and I read it senior year of high school.

>this thread is retarded
>not you
Think again

>> No.13234306

>As I lay dying

>> No.13234312

You don't need data to know that 4chan is full of 20 year old males

>> No.13234330
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What's costin' you time? What's the reason that you whine?What's in your wallet? Dead whites in mine So sour, in this light of lime

>> No.13234339

>the idiot and American Psycho

>> No.13234454

>The Karamazov Brothers and the full Sherlock Holmes original collection from Arthur Conan Doyle.


It's the first time I am reading Dostoevsky's work and it is only finally starting to get going. The first parts of the book were a bit of a chore for me for some reason but now I am starting to appreciate them. I hope Crime and Punishment is as good as this one.

>> No.13234474

>The Stand

I don't know why I haven't read it before. It's good.

>> No.13234633


>> No.13234679

>right now
Penguin introduction to Russian
Francis Bacon- Major Works
John Muir- Wilderness Essays
Aristotle- Politics
Rivers of Empire
Descartes Complete Works
Dante- Purgatorio
Hume- Major Works
Intermediate Russian Book
Et cetera

>> No.13234706
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Starship Troopers
Dragons of Fallen Sun
The Road to Verdun
The Case for Democracy
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Starship Troopers is an audiobook.

>> No.13234725

I thiught the discordtrannies was just a meme..

>> No.13234730

oh yeah

>> No.13234745

Political Theology by Carl Schmitt

>> No.13234749 [DELETED] 

>almost 17

>> No.13234789
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>> No.13234854

people on /out/ are retarded basically

>> No.13234855

Moby Dick
Gravity's Rainbow
Catch 22
Male, 30.

>> No.13235522 [DELETED] 

>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.13235542

The Stranger is great, hope you're somewhat enjoying it

>> No.13235883

The Sympathizer
The Road to Wigan Pier


>> No.13235959

bye bye summerfag

>> No.13236710
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>1Q84 by Murakami

>> No.13237372

21 yo

>> No.13237382

Kaputt: Curzio Malaparte

>> No.13237387

I thought /lit/ was supposed to consist of the more intelligent anons.

>> No.13237471

>the sailor who fell from grace with the sea - mishima

>> No.13237585
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>> No.13237874

Cool picture. But my first thought is, where is her electricity coming from? Who is paying for it? Who chops and splits her firewood? Maybe the cat? I do not see a firearm. What happens when a hungry grîzzly bear, smelling food or perhaps her blood, crashes through the door? This is a child's idea of a house, not an adult's. But as such, it is cute!
Also there is no closet space.

>> No.13237916


>> No.13237974

Children of Dune, Plato and the Socratic Dialogue, Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Microeconomics and Behavior, Accounting Principles and I dropped a shitty book about English idiom.

>> No.13238003

I don't read books. African-Caribbean Culture has a rich oral history dating back thousands of years. Books are a tool of the white man to keep those systematically oppressed. For every good book, there are 10000000000 evil ones.

Gender is non-binary bilateral, like a female winged bird. I like to imagine my gender as fluid too. Get over it.

Age can be picked too. I have always seen myself as an old tribal dudette, a shamanness if you will. I tell people I am over 100 if they ask my age (rude thing to ask by the way). It reflects my identity.

>> No.13238009

The Silmarillion
mail 26

>> No.13238078

Also one of my favorites.
I'm not sure why some people around here say it's shit or dumb, I guess it just left an impression on me that it didn't on them.
I imagine if you've read similar books before that are much longer, then you may find it too simple of a book on absurdism but it's precisely because it got ideas across concisely that I liked it.

>> No.13238082

This is the most retarded post I’ve ever seen in my life. :3

>> No.13238402


>thinks Freud is a quack
>reads Dean Koontz


>> No.13240086
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>Aristotle: Politics

>> No.13240097
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Never read a book but I just finished reading End of Eternity. What do I read next.

>> No.13240104

Thanks, I guess. You should read The Bible yourself.

>> No.13240163

The Darkroom of Damocles

>> No.13240580

pseud i smell you a mile away

>> No.13240713

>Mr. Mercedes
>Futurist texts and manifestos

>Male (male)


>> No.13240716

>Mr. Mercedes
>Futurist texts and manifestos
>Male (male)

>> No.13240719

Martian Chronicles

>> No.13240723


>> No.13240734


>Civilization - Niall Fergunson

>> No.13240848

(untranslated but title is basically "The Barn Owl Takes Off in Twilight")
It is an interview with Memeakami

>> No.13240867

>El tiempo es un hábil tramposo by Humberto Arenal
>25, male

>> No.13240884

>Anna Karenina

>> No.13240928

In the last two months I have read

-Reformations by Carlos M.N. Eire
-Famine Plot by Tim Pat Coogan
-Thinking about religion and violence by Jason C Bivins -Wars for Scottish Independence by David Patton
-Imperialism by Lenin -The wealth of Nations books 1-5 by Adam Smith
-The Celtic World by Jennifer Paxton
-An Essay on the Principle of population by Tomas Malthus
-How the Irish Saved Civilization by Tomas Cahill
-the Nuremberg Trials by Pual Roland
-Why Superman doesnt Take Over the World: What Superheros can Teach Us About Economics by Mike Chamberlain
-Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
-Oliver Cromwell by Charles Rivers -Empire of Guns by Priya Satia
-Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
-The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
-The Story of Midevil England: From King Aurthor to the Tutor Conquest' by Georgetown University Professor Jennifer Paxton.
-A History of England from Tudors to Stuart's, by Robert Bucholuz
-'William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies' by Peter Saccio
- The Great Minds of Western Intellectual Tradition 3rd Edition, by 12 Professors.

Currently reading 'Law School for Everyone'

>> No.13240932
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>> No.13240939

>the screwtape letters
just finished reading the subtle art of not giving a fuck. i only wanted to read it ironically, because i assumed it was gonna be full of total bullshit, but it was actually just boomer tier garbage thats so un-insightful its not even worth reading just to laugh at. before that was frolic of the beasts by mishima. it was decent. up next is king warrior magician lover, been meaning to read it for years, but just ordered it off amazon
i'm 34 pages into anna karenina right now and i'm not sure if i should read it in the background or just go for it.

>> No.13240957
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Starship Troopers is absolutely garbage, just finished it a while ago. The movie totally dunks on it. Well the first one anyways.

>> No.13240963

Magic Mountain

>> No.13241010

Dude just dive in, took me until the end of part 1 to really get into it, but holy shit, I'm almost done now and it might be my new favorite book. It does kind of drag in the middle so around then I'd read it in the background but once everything gets going again it's a really masterfully done book

>> No.13241112

generation kill

>> No.13241161

I don't think it's an outstanding read. But it's fairly interesting. Also the movies where meme magic.
It's a good day to die,
When you know the reason why,
Citizens we fight for what is right

>> No.13241173

Rawls - A Theory of Justice
Acemoglu, Robinson - Why Nations Fail
Hesse - Siddartha
Also a lot of assorted supplementary books and online articles about philosophers, mostly continental philosophers since my knowledge there is weaker

Male, 21

>> No.13241177

Popol Vuh

>> No.13241178

>The one that matters

>> No.13241204

>all these females
Is this a joke?

>> No.13241231

He literally blames the fall of western civilization on parents not spanking kids. The bugs are just a crazy alagory for the. Chinese, and you can cut the homoeroticism with a knife.

>> No.13241500

>Dracula- Bram Stoker
>Villette (re-reading)- Charlotte Bronte
>Hired- James Bloodworth
>Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People about Race- Reni Eddo-Lodge (I know, I know, I got halfway through and I left it on hiatus for a while, I should really finish it)
>Defining Women: Social Institutions and Gender Divisions

>> No.13241780

>guns germs and steel

Im thinking about dropping it after page 40 because pol told me it's not accurate.

>> No.13242097

Newfag spotted. /lit/ used to have a lot of females

>> No.13242141

>Crime and Punishment

>> No.13242157

>Blood Meridian
>Hell's Angels

>> No.13242182

Gravity's rainbow

>> No.13242214

>wuthering heights

>> No.13242456

Starship Troopers is a good book, I enjoyed it as a kid and when I reread it as an adult I thought it held up pretty good. Sort of book that is good for kids to read, too, teaches good lessons.

>> No.13242495

> Recovery freedom from our addiction

> Male


>> No.13242523

Infinite Jest

>> No.13242547

>book you are currently reading
The Doomed City by the Strugatsky brothers. I disliked the first chapter (a baboon invasion in my serious fiction?) but it have grown on my since, the protagonists journey from a regular convinced communist to a disillusioned oppressor is quite interesting.

I'm also finishing The Histories. Undoubtedly invaluable as a historical document but not that interesting to read as I'm only somewhat interested in the subject.

>> No.13242566

Have you ever had a bear perform breaking and entering on your house?

>> No.13242809
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>> No.13242818

you're beautiful

>> No.13242840

Trip by Tao Lin

>> No.13243018

Ghosts of my life, Mark Fisher
The courage of hopelessness, by zizek

>> No.13243484

Starship Troopers

>> No.13243493
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>Lord of the Flies

>> No.13243519
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“The Horus Heresy: Horus Rising”

Loken should treat Nero better

>> No.13243530
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A Clash of Kings


>> No.13243554

Blunders of Our Governments (yes, its brexit related)
Near 30

>> No.13243620

Moominland Midwinter
Lost in the Funhouse
The Bible


>Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People about Race- Reni Eddo-Lodge
what is in this book?

>> No.13244630


World as Will and Representation
On Ugliness - Umberto Eco
Filébos - Platon


I'm feeling well

>> No.13244670

>Advantages and Disadvantages of history for life, A Brief History of Painting, To The Lighthouse

>> No.13244775

>Jane Eyre

>> No.13244846

>Fahrenheit 451

Finished Brave New World last week, been really on a dystopia "binge", I suppose. Shortly before that I read The Last Wish and admittedly I've really been craving more fantasy and sci-fi books. I'm REALLY interested in Dune. If anybody can recommend me anything (I'm not picky) that'd be appreciated.

>> No.13244858
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>Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon
one day I'm gonna get in my car and just drive

>> No.13244864

a-are you actually a grill?

>> No.13244865

now that's a brainlet take if I've ever seen one

>> No.13244897

>Yeats' Collected Poems
>Male, but goddamn, I wish I had tits and a vagina to masturbate with. No desire to transition though

>> No.13244916

>SPQR/Mary Beard
>Our Story Begins/Tobias Wolff

>> No.13244958

Sirius by Olaf Stapledon

>> No.13244984

Well the title is attention grabbing, but not accurate as to what the book is actually about, since it's just the title of a blog post that the author made ages ago which inspired her to write the book.

The book itself talks mostly about the history of racism in Britain, the way that it works and lives today in British society, and some of the things that white people can often have trouble understanding, like the concept of white privilege or how white feminist spaces can alienate women of colour.

Whether that kind of thing interests you or you hate those kinds of discussions, either way this is a hard read, just because it's an emotional investment to listen to a side of an argument you're not used to hearing (assuming that you're white, which you might not be; in that case, everything in the book might be common knowledge to you.)

>> No.13245136

>29 M. I read the idiot of the family, an unfinished biography of Flaubert by Jean Paul Sartre. Volume I is 1112 pages, and boring, probably written under influence of various pharm amphetamines, maybe the least studied and appreciated of Sartre works, but i like Flaubert... Borrowed fro my ex gf mother, who is a psychoanalyst. Sometimes posting on /lit/ feels like being a french meme for me.

>> No.13245155


>To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.13245161

lmao you're a weak beta male

>> No.13245178


Beta? Maybe.
Weak? No.

>> No.13245241

> Silmarillion
> male

>> No.13245248



>> No.13245251

Dude, you wouldn’t believe it.

She basically said she’d suck your dick. I mean, as typical she didn’t say it outright, but she admitted to wanting to suck your dick tacitly

>> No.13245339

Read The Trial, it is kind of a dystopia, and it's wonderfully dark, confusing and claustrophobic

>> No.13245363

Capitalism and Freedom

>> No.13245368

Blessed based boy, have a good life fren

>> No.13245396

>The Illiad

>> No.13246198

Based red devil user

>> No.13246292

>The Strangled Queen

>> No.13246340

light in august
mrs dalloway

>> No.13247143
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>pic related

I am depressed to know that I will never be as well read as this poop-obsessed jokester.

>> No.13247260

>Bird Taxidermy: The Basic Manual by Carl Church

>> No.13247266

Brothers Karamazov 23

>> No.13247273

it's better plot-wise imo

>> No.13247693


>> No.13247725

>Noam Chomsky's Who Rules The World?

>> No.13248233

>Noam Chomsky's Who Rules The World?
do you like it?

>> No.13248278

> The fountain head

>> No.13248807

Looked it up and added it to my to-read list. Very interesting, thank you!

>AND claustrophobic
I love it already, thanks a bunch.