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13212785 No.13212785 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually 'understand' philosophy, or is it all just a reflecting board for our own ideas? So much of it is so abstract and slippery it seems not even the author always has a singular or 'objective' understanding of what they are saying.

I think philosophy is more akin to dance, or sex, or gladiatorial combat than the rational sciences it likes to disguise itself as.

>> No.13214206


>> No.13214423

depends on the author and era. deleuze is one of those who explicitly dives that route as adding something unique, doesnt necessarily mean his ideas arent testable on the 'stairwell of empiric'.

>to dance, or sex, or gladiatorial combat than the rational sciences
the greeks, start em

>> No.13214506

philosophy is taken seriously because the legitimacy of the church at its inception was based on the writings of two greek men. these two were translated by the arabs, who were in power, and the christians borrowed it. the arabs took it very seriously because the quran is very clear about the importance of learning. of all the works that survive, these two greek men remain supreme. the second is named aristotle. he the tutor of the son of the king of macedonia, the sons name was alexander. he would go on the conquer the known world at the time. his tutor, aristotle, is the beginning of what we now call science. he is referred to as the father of science. so when we think of philosophy we can't, even in the west, shake it off, because aristotle is there, and the absolute/objective/materialistic west is totally indebted to the work of this man, and therefore always have philosophy in mind. PHD literally means doctor of philosophy. Now, to the first man. This mans name was Plato. He was Aritotles teacher. For us in the west, we do not like thinking about Plato. Thats because Plato, quite literally, is philosophy. His work is what engedered aristotle, its what kept the muslims and christians in line, as far as thinking straight goes. when we think of philosophy, because of our indebtedness to aristotle, we think of it on his terms, that is scientifically. But that's not philosophy, that's not Plato. What is Plato then? Plato is quite literally a collection of dialogues of his master Socrates. These dialogues range in all topics, myth, poetry, law, logic, epistemology, etc. Plato is an enigma. But for those who study it carefully we find a strain here and there that connect the dots. In the Gorgias Socrates claims that he thinks he is the only one who practices real politics, because he is the only one interested in the good for the people, where as politicians only seek to please the people, and that for money. Socrates gives his life for speaking the truth. This encouraged many, Plato in particular, to put to papyrus these words of his master. Again, what's the strain, the good? what is that? Like i said, people always see philosophy through the eyes of science, but if you look at the words Philosophy-sophia, it means love of wisdom. But! If you read the dialogues you'll find wisdom, yes but something even more important; love. Philosophy isn't the love of wisdom then, it is the wisdom of love. If you think love is a sentimental foolish thing, then it is obvious you have never read Plato. Philosophy is not the love of wisdom, but the wisdom of love. Love is the gift of divine knowledge.

>> No.13215195

The real context for philosophy is less glamorous than what people look for in it, so obviously it becomes confusing.

>> No.13215240

To understand philosophy is to understand how to think, from there, it can be applied to specific texts/schools of thought. Even professional philosophers will have specific areas of competence since nobody can possibly understand the entire tradition, but all will be able to properly articulate their arguments and identify the arguments of others. If you think philosophy is slippery, you're either not reading it well, or you're reading Deleuze. I'm not claiming its intuitive all the time, but thats where training comes in handy.

Read Bertrand Russell and tell me he didn't have a singular or objective understanding of what he was saying.

tldr; git gud

>> No.13215709

omnomnom yummy

>> No.13215733
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