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13206551 No.13206551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some good books a 20 year old white man should read

>> No.13206556


>> No.13206570

thats a big fuckin turtle

>> No.13206575


>> No.13206579
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you guys are so fucking helpful thank you.

>> No.13206594

jew and their lies

>> No.13206596

Studs Lonigan

>> No.13206602
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>> No.13206607

yeah man

>> No.13206711

Mein Kampf

>> No.13206719

Communist Manifesto

>> No.13206722

what does being a white man have anything to do with what books you should read?

>> No.13206725
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>> No.13206751

Richard Whately - Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Bonaparte
Alan Sillitoe - Travels In Nihilon
Bacardo Bramantip - The Abraham Lincoln Myth
Adam English - The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus
Dostoevsky - Demons
William Kittredge - The Nature of Generosity
Herman Melville - Billy Bud, Sailor
Tolkien - The Hobbit
Chesterton - The Man Who Was Thursday
John Bunyan - The Pilgrims Progress
Peter Turchin - War and Peace and War
The Age of Sages
Mans Search For Meaning
Fear and Trembling
What is it Like to be a Bat?
Novum Organum
The Republic books VI-VIII
Aristotles Metaphysics book XII
Xenophanes of Colophan - Fragments
Aquinas - Five Proofs
Gods Crime Scene
Augustine - On Nature and Grace
Charles Leslie - A Short and Easy Method With the Deists
The apology of Aristides
Justin Martyr’s 1st and 2nd apologies
Mere Christianity
The Didache
The Bible

>> No.13206844

Science discovers the physiological value of continence.

Stop masturbating before mid 20s otherwise it's almost impossible to stop without forcing yourself with extreme measures like opiates and fasting. The habit will be too solidified and the brains neuroplasticity drops rapidly around then.

It will be easy to quit at your age. It doesn't matter of if the science is primitive or flat out wrong. You need to do all you can to get rid of it.

>> No.13206854

how to read a book reading list

>> No.13206867

I'm 24. Is it too late?

>> No.13206883
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yep. neuroplasticity is gone. its over

>> No.13206888


>> No.13206889

friday by michel tournier

>> No.13206894

Well, I'll see you boys on the other side.

>> No.13206895

Taras Bulba

>> No.13206899
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>> No.13206904

Not with effort and the end point is 26 or 27 I would say. Even after that it's still possible but it will be much more difficult. I battled to gain control around your age and it took me about a year to get back on track. And I was someone who quit multiple several month periods in my late teens up to early 20s. Around 23 and 24 are when I stupidly thought I could indulge as needed and abstain as needed but the habit turned out worse than ever in that brief year and it took me all of the next to recover. Good luck. I'm nearing late 20s now and have eliminated habitual masturbation.
Do not watch video pornography ever again. Set that as your cardinal rule right now. If you fail. Resort to images. Imagination is a mistake because it sparks the old pathways in remembrance which will cause you to fail again.

>> No.13206911

Can you explain what you think masturbating does to you that is so bad?

>> No.13206913

Thanks brother. I want to be free from this

>> No.13206917

Stop masturbating/watching porn and you'll find out pretty quickly.

>> No.13206922


>> No.13206923

I've done that before, not on purpose, but just because I was busy or depressed or whatever.

>> No.13206926

counterpoint: only masturbate to porn where the focus is big dicks entering twink turbobottoms. then you are closer to philosopher kings than you know.

>> No.13206929
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Mein Kampf

>> No.13206933

I havent read since high school english class, what are some good starter books?

>> No.13206942

ts eliot's the wasteland

go find an old norton reader at a book sale for $1. short stories or poetry or american stories or whatever.

>> No.13206947

Don’t listen to >>13206942
Read 1984

>> No.13206951

fuck you buddy my advice is 1000% correct you're just a johnny come lately know-nothing hater as described in culture of critique

>> No.13206962

>The Bible

>> No.13206963

im in the mood for post apocalyptic.
but not like american nuked and people band together with guns tape together
more like world gone to shit because humans fucked with the ecosystem, and just surviving in a really desolate, scifi world.
any suggestions?

>> No.13206968

thanks anon. i screenshoted your post. I hate being addicted to porn because it makes me feel good when I'm doing bad in life. i want to get out of my hole but porn keeps me in.

>> No.13206976

>pilgrim’s progress
This book is so boring and in your face with symbolism. Every character and feature of the environment is literally named for what it represents. The protagonist is named Christian, for example. If you’re gonna read any Christian literature, just read non-fiction

>> No.13206990

bc literally everything is racialized these days

no escape

>> No.13206998

Made me unmotivated and impacted my studies. There was a noticeable drop in motivation. If I was horny I was too distracted to study and if acted upon, tiredness and apathy would soon follow. It was like a lotobomy for 16 hours which led to more masturbation because I was unmotivated and did not feel like doing much else. My writing was impacted. My enjoyment of the smaller things in life was impacted. It ruined the quality of every other aspect of my life aside from the base pleasure of that 20 minute session. It wasnt worth the trade off. It was a vicious cycle that left me, hypersexual and slow.
Don't get me wrong I functioned just fine and nobody could see anything amiss but I wanted to read all the books on myself and do great things, well beyond the sorry mediocre state of affairs I was stuck in.

>> No.13207029

>20 minute sessions
weak shit

>> No.13207064

Do you have any evidence of this. Good sources please.

>> No.13207079

I really don't understand this. I watch porn and masturbate regularly, at least a few times a week, but if I happen to be very busy I will easily go a week without masturbating and it doesn't feel significant in any way, same with traveling for extending periods and not masturbating for a couple weeks to a month. The only thing I notice is that my balls hurt and I'm hornier. I think about sex far more when I don't masturbate a couple times a week than when I do. From my end it really seems like this nofap stuff is placebo/scapegoat. Porn is definitely a terrible thing tho.

>> No.13207090

Apparently you do not know what a tortoise is. That is not a turtle.

>> No.13207094

everything. especially if it clashes with whatever retarded ideology you hold.

>> No.13207097

I'm 24 and can stop master baring whenever I want
like it's not hard
just don't take your pants off like shit

>> No.13207102

>oldfag enters thread
First - get a grip on the political environment. An easy primer to get you a peek behind the curtain a bit is HL Richardson's Confrontational Politics. I'll walk my geriatric ass down the thread and see what else these faggots laid on you besides:
>start with the Greeks
but, seriously, at least read Homer.

>> No.13207107

I recc Henry Ford's The International Jew as an introduction to the Jewish Question. Ford had such a relaxed approach that he offends so few with his substantial reasoning on the topic. I certainly am not reccing against Luther - just not as an introduction.

>> No.13207109

yeah from my point of view it seems like no fap is just another thing for losers to hop on. basic ass self improvement that doesn't address root issues (being neet with nothing to live for for example)
My balls also start aching after just 24 hours of no cum and always getting elections throughout the day just from glancing at women.
after a week or so of no cum I end up having wet dreams
really doesn't seem natural to abstain for as long as some anons say you should be. but different people I guess

>> No.13207112

Michael Ford translation worked well for me.

>> No.13207118
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>> No.13207121

exactly. porn addiction is a serious problem but masturbating regularly or semi regularly seems totally normal and healthy, abstaining looks like more of a fad diet than anything

>> No.13207123

Almost none of these are primers for a young dude.

>> No.13207130

>Is it too late?
No. This is when I made a big turnaround. Stand fast. It is not too late. It will be uncomfortable. Deal with it.

>> No.13207142


The biblical Apocrypha
Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment, Demons
Melville - Moby Dick
Nietzsche - The Genealogy of Morals, The Gay Science,The Birth of Tragedy
Deleuze & Guattari - A Thousand Plateaus
Derrida - On Grammatology
Heidegger - Being and Time, The Question Concerning Technology
Milton - Paradise Lost
Junger - The Storm of Steel
Schmitt - The Concept of the Political
Hitler - Mien Kampf
Mussolini - The Doctrine of Fascism, My Autobiography
Marx - On the Jewish Question, The Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital
Kaczynski - Industrial Society and Its Future
Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling, Either/Or Part I, The Sickness Unto Death
Homer - Illiad, Odyssey
Plato - The Republic
James Mason - SIEGE
Saussure - Course in General Linguistics
Nabokov - Invitation to a Beheading
Hegel - The Phenomenology of Spirit, Philosophy of Right
Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Foucault - Security, Territory, Population, Discipline & Punish
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Clausewitz - On War
Otto - The Idea of the Holy
Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World, The Metaphysic of War

Assuming you've already read Kafka, Camus, etc as a teenager, as you should

Should be a good start

>> No.13207149

Start with some easy dystopias like 1984, Brave New World, Animal Farm. Work your way into some Philip K Dick. From there you should have some momentum and you should be able to determine your own direction. Fuck it - Charlotte's Web. There; I said it. It's more than a children's book. Meh, Lord of the Flies is OK for starters, also.

>> No.13207163

gouge evil from its shell!

>> No.13207185
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>> No.13207215

Turtle is often used as the general term for all water and land dwelling turtles, tortoises and terrapins, and it is not incorrect. Your pedantry is worth nothing. It is ugly to be the way that you are. Herp squad out.

>> No.13207242
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i actually made that post for this EXACT reply

>> No.13207244

Fine - toss it in the lake and see how well it swims then.

>> No.13207250

I am glad to have been of service. I tip my fedora to you, good sir.

>> No.13207252

Yes, you have successfully pointed out that the pictured animal is in particular a tortoise, which is a land dwelling variety of turtle, a general term for any of the three similar animals in the same family. You are brilliant.

>> No.13207258

Your life must suck to want to get all spun over this. Smell you later.

>> No.13207263

Technological Slavery

>> No.13208117

based and tortoise pilled

cringe and layman pilled

>> No.13208169


>rEaD prOpAGanDa


>> No.13208175

Read the greats as everyone before you has. The greeks, Romans, Catholics, renascence, revolutionaries, modernists, post modernists. Primary sources of the western tradition, the view from the shoulders of giants is beautiful.

>> No.13208392

I'm 18, as well as not masturbating what else should I do before I approach my twenties

>> No.13208443

Stop looking for recommendations and follow your own reading path you fucking brainlet.

>> No.13208489

this list is like 90% memes

>> No.13208501
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this is clearly a SCHILDKRÖTE. Disgusting anglos. Why not just speak latin already.

>> No.13208512

He is wrong. Neuroplasticity diminishes but does not disappear.

>> No.13208619

Metro 2033 is a popular Russian scifi about people living in the Moscow metro system after the end of the world. It has some supernatural elements and plenty of ideological reflection, though none of it that deep.

John Wyndham novels are decent apocalyptic books, though most not post-apocalyptic. Day of the Triffids is probably most famous.

I haven't read them yet, but I feel like Dune or a Canticle for Leibowitz might also have the right kind of atmosphere.

>> No.13208674

Physically, if you jerk off too much, you lose a lot of sensitivity in your dick and sex stops feeling so good.

There's a louis C.K. bit on how you shoudl never do drugs, so that when you do use drugs they work and they work well.
Its the same concept. Don't jerk off, that way, when you have sex its fucking awesome.

>> No.13208797


Most of this stuff, you can do through your early twenties as well.
>Have sex if you haven't
>Travel to a different country
>start going to the gym
>If you can move out by your mid twenties, do it
>quit or limit vidya
>Try shooting if you havent
>save some money, make it a habit
>eat better
>go /out/ at least once

For me, the ass end of highschool was peak power level. Its never too late to start treating yourself better. Don't put yourself in unnecessary debt, but if you're able, go away to college, It gives you a chance to reinvent yourself without much effort since you're in a new place surrounded by new people. You have to actively seek to better yourself.

If there was one chunk of advice i could give to my past self, it would be to take advantage of all the time you can. The only thing a dollar cant buy is more time. Granted, im still in my early twenties, but theres never a better time to do that thing you want to do than now.

>> No.13208804


Experience as much shit as you can.

>> No.13208844


I just turned 26 but I never watched any porn until I was in my 20s. Is it too late for me? Is the fact I've only been watching it for four years or so helpful? I definitely feel like I am a lot stupider than when I was 20, and not just due to ageing as I've talked to other people and they haven't experienced as strong a cognitive decline.

>> No.13208919

It will be difficult but still possible.

>> No.13208930

Are 20 yo still zoomers or do they become boomers? Is a 20 yo an oldfag?

I’m already have an age-anxiety anons. Please tell me the memes aren’t real

>> No.13208948
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Why did you change the meme?

>> No.13208984

How To Read A Book>>13206933

>> No.13208996

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.13209015

20-year-olds are millennials, you dumb fuck. Neither a boomer nor a zoomer.

>> No.13209038

>people born in 1999 are millenials
If you can’t remember 9/11, then you’re a Zoomer

>> No.13209069


>> No.13209081

No they're not. Zoomers start from circa 1995

>> No.13209394

Complete opposite for me, after a even a few days of successful abstinence, I feel less baseline horniness. Masturbating only ever takes care of the problem for about a half hour. You are a product of what you do ultimately. Your balls shouldn't hurt unless you had prolonged arousal. Stop thinking sexual thoughts and do not become aroused at all. Easier said then done I know but this is a prerequisite if you want to be abstinent indefinitely. The peaceful bliss experienced and sense of freedom are much better than the habitual need to constantly relieve oneself.

>> No.13209516

Whatever is written inside the dustbin of history.

>> No.13209551

i didnt have to image so i just googled cumbrain and saved the first image

>> No.13211464


>> No.13212237

Wheelocks latin

>> No.13212454


>> No.13212552


What if I didn't masturbate until I was 26?

>> No.13212601

Habituation is still possible, especially if done extremely frequently, daily on end. But you're in much better shape than those who worsened it during their formative years (often going from no set schedule, to once a week, to multiple times a week, to daily, to multiple times a day in the span of a decade).

>> No.13212636
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>> No.13213241

Read as much as possible.

>> No.13213261

White fragility = white common sense.

>> No.13213286

Dissecting the Holocaust by Germer Rudolf.

>> No.13213341


>Tao te ching
>How to win friends and influence people.
>Anna Karenina
>Blood Meridian

>> No.13214065

i always wonder if people who post lists like this have read a single item.

>> No.13214102

List poster here. I've read most of them, and some (Phenomenology of Spirit, Das Kapital, Being and Time) I've read partway. They're long-term projects.

They're memes in large part because they are really good and really important.

UNDERSTANDING Phenomenology of Spirit, or in fact most any of these books---That is certainly beyond me, you can keep reading them and keep getting new understandings. That's why they're great.

>> No.13215395

You shouldnt be reading anything at all, rather acquiring life experiences. Youre too young and immature to take any meaningful conclusion from anything worthwhile you happen to read. If you just want to read for the fun of it, any popular YA novel/series will do, but dont bother with serious works yet, because most of it will just fly over your head.

>> No.13215428
