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13185051 No.13185051 [Reply] [Original]

Why is so difficult to write a poem?

>> No.13185057

Because you have to study and put in a lot of effort

>> No.13185077

Because you
have never been
in love yet
thinks you have
but you can't
give love it

is mutual

>> No.13185093

fuck you and your ivy league universities meme. Rimbaud quit from poetry when he was 19 and he barely had studies

>> No.13185140

You don't need to go to university to study. I'm studying right now at home in my underpants. You're not going to write iambic pentameter out of nowhere. Rimbaud wrote free verse.

>> No.13186983

Is not, anyone can write a poem, though writing a good poem is something else.

>> No.13186992

she was a hamburger
i was a hot dog
she didn't like ketchup
so i gave her my

>> No.13186995

no that's not true, here's my poem:

Why is so difficult to write a poem?
Why is so difficult to write a poem?
Why is so difficult to write a poem?

Why is so difficult to write a poem?
Why is so difficult to write a poem?

>> No.13187038

>Why is it so difficult to create art

>> No.13187048

I cannent read

>> No.13187058


>> No.13187065

how too read bok
pls respond

>> No.13187072

I do not understand. Does this imply
That writing in poetic verse is hard?
It’s simple: one unstressed and then one stressed.
Just do five pairs like this in every line
And then voila! You’re writing in blank verse!
Is that extremely difficult to do?

>> No.13187074

Cuz your not me:

Man with a bucket
Placed by the faucet
Water all over the floor
The water did spill
Against the man's will
Oh what a bothersome chore

>> No.13187093


water in my basket


water on my flops


squat squat squat squat

>> No.13187096


>> No.13187112

>It's a nice video, that's all. Also, contains one of the shortest poems ever. When I search others apear, saying there are shortest. But it doen't matter, just watch it, if you haven't.


>> No.13187166

here's an even shorter poem I just came up with:


>> No.13187303

Because too busy washing my laundry basket

>> No.13187326

Fewer words mean each word is emphasized and carries greater import. Each word in a poem must serve as a sentinel forever on watch to uphold and maintain the integrity of the poem. In just the same way if you knock out a single word in a good poem it destroys the entire thing.

>> No.13187650

find the missing word:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

>> No.13187828
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>> No.13187832

Way better than what you (You)'d

>> No.13187891

Just claim it's "Free verse" like the brainlet anglos do.

>> No.13187955

Now compare what you just wrote to six lines from Hamlet

>> No.13187974


>Barely had studies

He was a child prodigy and excelled in all subjects. He won a poetry competition for his latin verse at 14 I believe.

>> No.13188020

influence anxiety

>> No.13188288

well but studies don't make you well gifted for poetry. If that were true, we would be enjoying actually a golden age for poetry considering the fact there is more literature proffesors, graduates and experts than ever before

>> No.13188297

tell me how ya
brush yer teeth in the morning

>> No.13188305

That's not my point sweetie the point is that if you substituted the wrong word in a good poem it would set it all to flames.
That's not a great poem to begin with.

>> No.13188338

Really good

>> No.13188359

not every art is as difficult as poetry is my friendo.

>> No.13189343

because poetry is one of the most minimal art forms. Its the same reason why its hard to make a song that's just drums

>> No.13189355

Because you're self conscious.

>> No.13189393

Poetry is dead. People who try are just LARPing -- usually pretentious art fags. They've never even heard of meter before. And it's not poetry without meter. 'Free-form' bullshit is just vomit, and means nothing.

>> No.13189417

Haiku isn't too hard if you can count and at least try to maintain the specifics of the style. It would take practice to write good haiku, but it's not particularly difficult to just write one.
>The south wind drifts here...
>It's soft breath is relaxing
>Through trees newly green

>> No.13189809

Being in verse doesn't make it a poem worth reading. Prose is just the natural way people think, speak and write nowadays. Poetry requires something else

>> No.13189849
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>fuck proven institutions, that's a meme, look at this 1 (one) guy who succeeded without

>> No.13190026

An airy hand wavy
sedates the rage of my enemies
And reminds them
Of my crushing power