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13176919 No.13176919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happens after death?

>> No.13176921


>> No.13176928


>> No.13176934


>> No.13176967


>> No.13177002

everyone claps and says congratulations

>> No.13177011

Some qt college-aged fine arts major discovers your entire self-published catalogue in the "local interest" section of the university library. She becomes so immersed in them that she misses a big assignment. Her ENGL 405 - English Poetry from 1799-1824 professor asks to see her to discuss it. She accidentally admits that she failed to complete the assignment because she discovered the lost works of an obscure early twenty-first century author named Anon Anyonevsky who used to attend this very school. The professor decides to take a look and is equally smitten by the brilliant works. He reaches out to some of his colleagues who know some big-time publishers and the works are published by The Modern Library and become something of a phenomenon.
...and you experience none of the benefits of this because you spent your time on this forum instead of writing.

>> No.13177035


>> No.13177036

Lots of fees, funeral, sometimes rain, sorrow, misery. Not really fun.

>> No.13177037

Member how things were before you were born? There ya go

>> No.13177062

You know what true hell is?
After death you reincarnate because you weren't a good person and didn't know enough to ascend into heaven.
You start over from nothing, no memory of your past life and experiences.
You are doomed to another life of harsh lessons, mind crushing agony of confusion and doubt, punishment for a crime you don't remember perpetrating.
The next time won't be any different though, you will make the same mistakes and fail to learn anything even a mile from a stone's throw from the truth, and you will be condemned to repeat it over and over in an endless cycle of this torment and not once will you be able to remember what you have accomplished thus far. Every life, you forget everything you've learned, losing the key to join almighty God in heaven. There's not enough time to learn, most times not even enough to regain what you already had. And you don't even know how many times you've tried. That's the real hell.

>> No.13177081

you hear what Zarahustra sprached about

>> No.13177109
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>> No.13177148
File: 58 KB, 400x605, Zarathustra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death only occurs for the body that interprets bodies. For the universe itself, death never occurs; energy simply transforms. This was the fundamental point of Jesus's message in the Gospel of Thomas.

As for what happens to our consciousness (i.e., to us) after our body (also us) initiates the transformation known as "death," nothing happens, because it never existed to begin with: we only assumed that it existed, because we assumed that what we were experiencing had to be effects of a certain cause (instead of the body simply willing itself towards its own power). The existence of causes and effects aren't necessary for existence; only willing is, and the will is a closed ring, a serpent consuming itself eternally, recurring eternally.

>> No.13177335

>This was the fundamental point of Jesus's message in the Gospel of Thomas.

Did he? Explain. I'm too intelligent to read the bible.

>> No.13177525


>> No.13177576

Gospel of Thomas is not in the Bible my man, you can find it online for free and it's not very long.

>> No.13177582
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Same thing that happened before your birth. Remember that?

>> No.13177588

I wish. christ fags should not be on such a sinful site.

>> No.13177661
File: 26 KB, 288x450, 41199321-288-k84852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our children and our grandchildren inherit little pieces of us, a miscellany of traits scattered across the umbrella of the generation. When this progeny comes together and stays together, little bits of our souls are reunited, the scattered self is temporarily unified, sparking brief moments of resurgence in the dead one's consciousness.

Books for this feel?

>> No.13177757

christ fags are doing much worse at this very moment. and that's the point. it's in our nature

>> No.13177772

Remember drinking from the river Lethe?

>> No.13177827

I honestly couldn't care less. Not knowing is the beauty

>> No.13177832

You go to the Abrahamic heaven and meet everyone you've ever gone to churh with and you hold hands and are happy forever and can't think bad thoughts and swim around in pools of merry fetuses

>> No.13177836

Union with God.

>> No.13177838

Something disappointing.

>> No.13177852

>Bowing for all eternity. Completely unfree. Forever.

>> No.13177854

Implying anyone on this board will ever write anything worth reading

>> No.13177856


>> No.13177863

Seriously. We need to stop writing threads and just focus on real literature. Nobody is writing anything good here or anywhere.

>> No.13177882

It is, isn't it?

>> No.13177896

go away I'm screaming so loud in my room rn don't talk to mee

>> No.13177912

What happens after death.

>> No.13177924

You see the tricky thing is that the idea that we forget our past lives is completely indistinct from the idea that we experienced nothing before our births. It's easy to believe you forgot something you never knew in the first place. Both reference a negativity, an emptiness.
Plato believed that knowledge was a type of remembering, but forgetting is not the same as never knowing. Unless you remembered that you have forgot, you don't know if you knew to begin with.

All this adds up to is that there is no rational basis for the idea that we have past lives but forget them in the present life.

>> No.13177942

nothing just like we were for many many years

>> No.13178036

My work is coming along slowly. I'm recognizing actual recognizable progress. (I've casually been at it for ten years, seriously for about 18 months). A few of us are gonna slip through the cracks and get published one day.

>> No.13178047

It's like human instrumentality in EoE.

>> No.13178057

The cease of subjetive happenings

>> No.13178075

>hack writer is confident in his work

What else is new

>> No.13178079

>recognizing actual recognizable progress

LMAO you’re probably a terrible writer

>> No.13178116
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>> No.13178117

Same as what happens to computer after power is switched off.

>> No.13178118


>> No.13178187

These types of comments are probably supposed to make me feel bad, but I've been at it long enough to not be bothered by the opinions of unpublished, self-conscious anonymous posters. I have a sense for what is good or not, and what needs work or not, and I'm filtering through it all slowly and steadily.
What's actually funny is how disarmed your comment is when I realize: neither of you has read my writing, but are willing to make decisive and definitive comments about it. That's actually really funny, upon reflection.

>> No.13178219

You return to the realm of the forms

>> No.13178279

>All this adds up to is that there is no rational basis for the idea that we have past lives but forget them in the present life.
unless the scientists from agartha edited our brains to forget those past lives for obvious reasons

>> No.13178299
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This is all YOU need to know:

Watch it all til the end

>> No.13180014

It’s all good man. Just never get cocky, and never assume you’re anything other than a prospective writer until you’re published.

Too much confidence in your work is an indicator that it’s not good; same way that having too much confidence in your intelligence is an indicator that you’re not all that intelligent.

Good luck man.

>> No.13180177

When we compare the present life of man on earth with that time of which we have no knowledge, it seems to me like the swift flight of a single sparrow through the banqueting-hall where you are sitting at dinner on a winter's day with your
thegns and counselors. In the midst there is a comforting fire to warm the hall; outside, the storms of winter rain or snow are raging. This sparrow flies swiftly in through one door of the
hall, and out through another. While he is inside, he is safe from the winter storms; but after a few moments of comfort, he
vanishes from sight into the wintry world from which he came. Even so, man appears on earth for a little while; but of what went before this life or of what follows, we know nothing.

>> No.13180378

Good question but I take the idea that one of two things happens. Either you go to spend eternity with your ancestors which is alot of people or you drift into an eternal dreamless sleep. And who doesnt enjoy a good sleep.

>> No.13180409

just kidding. Im actually a christian