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13165762 No.13165762 [Reply] [Original]

Alright. You have read all these books. What truths have you found? Let's have a thread where we share our knowledge so that we can finally figure this thing out once and for all.

>> No.13165787

>The logos is common.

In other words, any kind of philosophical elitism (like Nietzsche) is prima facie wrong.

>> No.13165803

The new meaning of life for any half-intelligent white man is that we have failed our ancestors and our civilization itself by letting a foreign tribe into our lands, who opened the gates for everyone, and we must now fight to expel them and take out lands back. Nonwhites don't think in these grandiose, abstract terms either so that is ultimately the only answer to your question.

>> No.13165807


>> No.13165825

One day Arthur will come back and all the non-brittonic filthy scum will be forced to leave the british soil.

>> No.13165835

There is no truth. All attempts at explaining the world have their root in perception and the neural architectures that underlie that. We will never arrive at absolute truth because we are relegated to a phenomenal world generated by perception. We will never know everything because we will always invent new models.

>> No.13165836
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>> No.13165841

The meaning of life is reproduction. Sadly that's literally it. All the rest is expedient or secondary BUT if you forsake this truth you will probably have a miserable life. If you row against your natural desires, life will be hell for you. So the point is cruising, tricking your mind into thinking what you do is helpful for reproduction while you actually do what your ego wants, rather than your monkey Brain. Then one day you die but that's probably not too sad considering life was somewhat meaningless anyway. My 2 cents

>> No.13165852

Morality is not absolute, it is morphologically and environmentally applied. Therefore, "good, "evil", "justice", "blame" objectively do not mean anything. As the cognitive neuroscience progresses, modern science completely removes morality/ethics from the picture. All your intuitions and feels are faulty and deceiving, by default.

>> No.13165855

I know that I know nothing

>> No.13165862

The meaning of life is whatever meaning you attribute to it.

>> No.13165871

That we are all much more alike than we imagine, and that our lifes are made of each other's, to the extent that our species appear more like a giant tree or a colossal octopus writhing through time that a river of separate grains of sand flowing seamlessly.

This constraint of being of the same mold, and being generated by the same process is what makes us who we are, and indeed you could say our lifes are nothing more than swinging back and forth under the pressure of contradicting constraints.

And yes I include our human ancestors in this. Probably animal ancestors too but to a much lesser extent.

Also, although that may seem paradoxical, it is true that contempt is the natural and honest response to one's kin, be it one's family, one's neighbor or a complete stranger on TV. This also applies to human production, theories, philosophies and art.

Ultimately our endeavours are self-referential, circular and masturbatory, and sitting still in perfect tranquility is wiser than building pyramid or coursing through earth, although it's just as insignificant.

Think of the edifice of human sciences, which is sometimes represented as a tree, sometimes as a long chain, sometimes as a great building. I'm starting to see it more like those dense balls-shaped rafts ants forms out of their bodies by holding onto one another in times of flood. This is essentially all that we do.

A consequence of this is you should admit the social and contigent nature of every human pursuit, including the most elevated metaphysics. Another one is you should have some generosity towards your human kin, even if they might seem sinful and foolish. Their lives are your life. Everything that happens to one of us happens to everyone in a sense. And this also entails cultivating generosity towards yourself, to the extent that you maintain a sense of self that is.

So simply put, the essence of human life is striving blindly under the whim of the waves without boat or anchor, sometimes without so much as a swimming manual. The best you can do is try not to drown and, at times, briefly join hands with a fellow swimmer.

>> No.13165873

The meaning per se is the radically heuristic application of evolutionary-conditioned strategies to your surroundings. Yet it requires stability of said surroundings and of its own structure. Once you manage to change your enivornment and your own biology hardcore enough, the meaning itself will physically crash.

>> No.13165874
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This question has already been solved by Chris "Hang 'Em" Langan

>> No.13165897

Nice but isn't it just Aristotelian virtue ethics in pseudo-mathematical jargon ?

>> No.13165910

Responders to this thread are exoteric fucks who can't think outside the modern world.

The meaning of life is to acheive gnosis, victory, coming into contact with the divine, and establishing oneself as a noble, differentiated, proud, and higher form of life. But don't take it from me, go start with the Greeks.

>> No.13165917

men think too much because they don't have sex. to live is to have sex

>> No.13165921

>The meaning of life
Semantic Apocalypse, dude

>> No.13165944

The arché is the fire of time.

Human meaning (the entire superstructure of human civilidation and history) is a sacrificial staw dog cast into this fire, a ritual jouissance, an ultimate repression of impotence in the face of futility.

Also eternalism.

Wisdom is hermeneutic and cross traditional.

I could also say the same thing as above in these terms for instance:

The 3 marks of existence turn samsara.

Delusion rears it's head in every thought-form.

the 3 jewels light up the kalpas.

The feminie-non-all. A pluralistic view, undeniable to a certain degree. Not necessarily implying relativism.
Neo-quasi-Kantian has a valid point imo.
Based Silenus poster.
I sympathize. As i indicated above though, I'm inclined to think, if we are using the phrase 'meaning of life', I'm actually gonna go with the pleasure principle (non-harm also, which implies the protection of ones genes to me), the circulation of desire around the objet a and then all 'meaning' is simply the way we justify this sado-masochistic jouissance that is human societies and history.
Neo-Bigbrow science poster is somewhat based.
Socrates was the embodiment of philosophy
>The best you can do is try not to drown and, at times, briefly join hands with a fellow swimmer
Based and touching sentiment pilled.
quasi-marxist poster? i.e. the material conditions that we react to are the base and the reactions are the superstructure?
let me introduce the point
unironically fits, also yuk yuk

>> No.13165969

>The feminie-non-all
What is this?

>> No.13165981
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The purpose of our lives. The meaning of humanity is socially directed (near blindly) towards one goal, and that is oil extraction/suicide. We are the Earth’s enema

This is the one that gets you?

>> No.13166008

Ask the dead ones what was their point of living? They might answer: kids(procreation) or work (leaving something after you for to be existing in different form).
Ask the first living organism on Earth or in the Universe what was the point of it appearing?
We didn't existed always and so we won't exist forever. The power of random is rule our Universe. Roll the dice of life and let's see what you got.

>> No.13166017

>Nonwhites don't think in these grandiose, abstract terms
Genocidetards are literally nigger-tier.

>> No.13166034

Why care about knowledge itself? Life is practice, so practical knowledge is all we need. Bonus is that it distracts from problems like identity, eternity, and liberty.
I just want three wives, ten kids and an orchard to be honest.

>> No.13166043
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There is no meaning in life, other than to eat, drink, and be merry. My wish to die conquered my fear of death and so I am no longer a mere human but a fearless hedonist who will live to see humanity's downfall.

>> No.13166061

Lol what if you get cancer instead and suffer for a couple months? No downfall to experience for you man.

>> No.13166066

>Based and touching sentiment pilled.

Thanks anon. It was nice joining hands with you.

>> No.13166144
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>our lifes are made of each other's
>our endeavours are self-referential, circular and masturbatory
>The best you can do is try not to drown and, at times, briefly join hands with a fellow swimmer

You would really like Durkheim's sociology I think

>> No.13166182


There is no god, it's all for nothing and you die alone. So enjoy life as well as you can if you wish to continue living it, since it all comes to nothing in the end. I am a well-read, educated 35-year old, and this is what I actually think and feel.

>> No.13166186


No. "the mechanism of animals doing what they tend to do" is not the same thing as "meaning". This is a confusion which goes back to the social darwinism canard as misappropriated by early 20th century magnates.

>> No.13166196

Thanks, I've been hearing of him a lot, putting that near the top of my reading list.

>> No.13166197

i will never have gf

>> No.13166203

He's wonderful. His sociology of religion is basically a celebration of community and relationship.

>> No.13166311

I know what you're saying, I agree that man can conceive a meaning of life that is beyond its biological tendencies, but in doing so he should not forget what he IS. Don't forget Freud, don't forget Schopenhauer, reason is subjected to will, man is not a blank slate. So when you think of a meaning to your life and you wonder what it could be, you may be thinking with your monkey brain without notice. For example you may think that meaning of life is knowledge and doing science, and putting your life at the service of it. But in doing so, you're using the motivational structures given to you by your ancestral brain: while you do science you expect recognition for your work, you expect to compete and win over others, you expect to help your fellows and then help yourself indirectly.

I'm not sure myself if this is completely true, but I think that our fundamental genes will can be embedded deeper in cognition and affect than we are willing to recognize.

>> No.13166374

have sex

>> No.13166382

You are trash and your opinions are trash.

>> No.13166387 [DELETED] 

have sex

>> No.13166395

That no definitive truths exist, and that digging too hard to find something as abstract as ‘the truth’ is only a rabbit hole that will leave one insane

>> No.13166401

Based and correct, but what’s your solution to this anon? To live like a heathen?

>> No.13166410

>Meaning of life
owning the gamers epic style

>> No.13166411

Nope, not at all. It would seem as though the morals we currently operate on are sufficient. Western society was built off of them. The benefit to an inherently meaningless life is the ability to adjust morals to tend to the needs of the current society; should Christian morals no longer serve us, we must adapt.

>> No.13166415

That things are likely generally how they seem; let’s not go too far and say that our perceptions are skewed. We can all collectively agree on universal truths; the fact that a being as fickle as a human can do so proves that general truths likely exist.

>> No.13166420

cringe and blue pilled

>> No.13166425


>> No.13166431
File: 415 KB, 544x497, asdafdsfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit these answers are fucking cringe

i thought lit was more woke than "hurr everyfin subjegtivv all is permits"

>> No.13166432

I like this, also probably correct

>> No.13166434

Not him, but recognizing truth as a property of a relationship to the world and to yourself and trying to live truth but dwelling on to that relationship seems to be a possible solution (perhaps the only possible). Kierkegaarding your way out of metaphysical despair if you will.

Now that doesn't necessarily means being a Christian. I suppose for some people there will be more fundamental truth in being a practicing Hinduist or in exploring deeply troubled bisexual relationship (you can't dismiss the spiritual dimension of sex, there's reason Catholic mysticism sounds positively like prayer-induced orgasm at some points). Heck being an hardcore STEMfag might also work if you're actually fighting for a more accurate science and not just winning meme debates for the Internet Atheist Federation.

To be more concise I'd say truth is about practicing relentless, soul-piercing honesty (in your self-consideration but also by looking clear-eyed at the world) and striving for a live worth living in light of that honesty. Hence the whole "art in order to not die of Truth" schtick.

>> No.13166437

But that’s not what I (>>13166415) said

Also lmao at thinking /lit/ is anymore than the usual collection of 4chan retards. Beautiful retards, but still retards

>> No.13166445

You must have skimmed most of these answers.
And you didn't contribute anything.

>> No.13166447
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The Incarnate Lord is still with us.

>> No.13166452
File: 31 KB, 448x419, 6938D1B6-37A8-4758-A60A-14B95B9A0D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lived a 1000 lives as a reader.
If I could reduce the learning to a post I would not of had to have read the book

>> No.13166453

Metaphysics are useless.

>> No.13166455

By asking the question you have appealed to the faculty of linguistics which is an abstraction separating you from the immediacy of reality as it is; by asking the question you have precluded yourself from getting the answer.

>> No.13166457

based neo-platonist anon

>> No.13166458

Most truthpilled answer in here

We’re like video game characters trying to learn what the coding exactly says. It doesn’t change anything in our reality; we’re just bored, lazy fags with nothing better to do

>> No.13166461

>That we are all much more alike than we imagine
Cringe and bluepilled.
You are like those female hackers that hiking in morocco and get killed.
Or the ngos that think you just need to give certain regions our government system

>> No.13166462

Holy based

>> No.13166467

Wholesome and greenpilled

>> No.13166468


>> No.13166478

I was actually channeling my inner Bernanos in that sentence, but thanks for acting on your pavlovian meme impulses anon. We really needed that.

On a side note you might want to read Diary of a Country Priest, maybe you'll understand what I meant and not mistake it from a trite political point.

>> No.13166496

find someone who loves you. love her/him back. don't go to parties, don't do social media. have 2-3 close friends. look after your family. stop thinking that you are some special snowflake. be humble. don't hurt anyone. go on walks and hikes with your loved one, travel around, also stay at home together, fuck a lot, watch movies, read books, listen to music. talk about those things. cook a lot of nice vegetarian food. have a dog. later children. just enjoy the small things, your company, the books you have read, the memories you have made. don't buy into all this instagram shit. love yourself.

>> No.13166519
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To a small ant, the meaning of life is the ant hill, the colony, the queen...

To the lion it is the grassland, the watering hole, the pride.

To humans, we are stuck in a moment of transition between all we know now and the true understanding of our physical world. In that physicality we can't get passed those things we anatomically can't ignore - the drive to eat, sleep, reproduce. We take this to be the actual meaning of life. This is so, as we move ever closer to understanding the depths of that physicality with extensions in knowledge of physics and mathematics we pick away at the lock on the door revealing the true nature of existence that we cannot yet perceive but is locked away in mysteries such as 'spooky action at a distance', and 'the double slit experiment'.. moving again ever closer to one day discovering this life is only a single slice of what 'life' is.

In the meantime, enjoy that physicality. It is the only meaning you will ever know in your lifetime.

>> No.13166560

There is nothing, this conscious awareness via the brain you developed in the womb is all you have.
In nature, lots of things strive for a path of least resistance, optimal efficiency. This may appear to be the consequence of divine intervention or a metaphysical purpose everything is chasing.
I know this is not the case, all this is simply the consequence of our human pattern finding brains trying to connect dots that are not inherently connected. A sort of methaphyscial pareidolia.

>> No.13166602


>> No.13166614

The only person that really cares about you is yourself. This is double-edged sword. No one cares about your mistakes as much as you think. No one cares about your successes as much as you think.

>> No.13166694
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We're all going to make it.

>> No.13166715

The meaning of life according to everyone is to serve others.

>> No.13166718

The purpose of human life is to carry consciousness fully to term.

>> No.13166832

The meaning is to bear witness

>> No.13166841

>video game analogies

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13167088

Why is he wrong?

>> No.13167117


>> No.13167174

Don't fear god,
Don't worry about death;
What is good is easy to get,
What is terrible is easy to endure

>> No.13167345

something i heard zizek talk about. he might get it from ranciere or derrida .

>> No.13167348

Imagine being allergic to peanuts and not being able to enjoy their robust flavor and the endless combinations of foods it enhances. Literally the egg of the legume/nut world.

>> No.13167470

this is what derrida means by philosophy of presence/absence no?

>> No.13167481

boring. why even fucking bother?

>> No.13167608

>taking advice from a tranny, ever

>> No.13167619

Good luck with that.

>> No.13167634
File: 1.06 MB, 2592x3888, 960CA422-19DB-42D5-92F3-D5FC94C0271F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither I nor Epicurus are trans

Like grass, we just grow. All warm wet balls of dirt in the infinite universe grow us. Spend your time feeling good. He mentions a few things, some may sound trivial to you, but just keep in my love and happiness. Being with others is best, but you can feel these things by yourself. Heal your sick mind, anon

>> No.13167638
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>i'm not a tranny

>> No.13167640

You can choose any way of living and believe in any life philosophy as long as it makes you feel truly fulfilled

>> No.13167667

>Don't fear god,
You fear God enough to misspell.

>> No.13167699 [DELETED] 

The meaning of life is just to be alive. Be like water.

>> No.13167715


ITT: reading and "education" causing people to arrive at the antithesis of wisdom

>> No.13167742

We are all moving in that direction, wherever you want it, or not.
If you have any recent experience teaching public school you are literally living this process of ‘subpersonalization’ on a daily basis, where more and more the kinds of character judgements that you would thoughtlessly make even a decade or so ago are becoming inappropriate. Try calling a kid with ADHD ‘lazy and irresponsible,’ and you have identified yourself as lazy and irresponsible.
We are approaching the day, where absolutely any action is evaluated not through moral lens, but through causal ones. Actions are viewed not in terms of "blame", but in terms of "malfunction".

>> No.13167745

>. But in doing so, you're using the motivational structures given to you by your ancestral brain


>> No.13167752

>Kierkegaarding your way out of metaphysical despair if you will.
whats this

>> No.13167755

>don't forget Schopenhauer, reason is subjected to will
Don't forget Nietzsche, will is not the cause, but the consequence of action.

>> No.13167790

>shitting on the thread while contributting nothing at all


>> No.13167858

Any position that claims to have an answer to a "meaning of life" question requires faith as its component. This can be logically deduced. From then we can only compare which models are consistent. Theistic models are far more consistent than others which can also be logically deduced. From then on one can observe that Christianity specifically has so many uncanny synchronicities from scriptural testimony (which are thousands of years old written by people who could not have foreseen modern developments in philosophy, logic, science, physics etc.) that a very strong case is presented for the Christian model. I do not claim that there is irrefutable proof for Christian testimony but the foundations behind it are so strong it makes for a very convincing case that having FAITH in Christianity as being true is a very justifiable position. Frankly after having spent time pondering this position I dont see any strong alternatives arising.

>> No.13168189

>while you do science you expect recognition for your work, you expect to compete and win over others, you expect to help your fellows and then help yourself indirectly.

Meaning that your will to do science is actually this. Would you still do research if you had to do it in complete isolation and knowing you'd have no recognition for it? My point is, often what you desire has already embedded in It another layer that is not always apparent. I'm not saying this is not OK, just to be mindful of it.

>> No.13168214

If it triggers the subhuman leeches it's gotta be a good idea

>> No.13168230

How does that work? Doesn't that undermine the very idea of will?

>> No.13168232

Are you talking about Nitzschean's will to power? If so, that is still interpreted as an unconscious force that drives life and desire.. Why would it be opposite to Schopenhauer's?

If not elaborate

>> No.13168266

The meaning of life is death yo

Read denial of death by Ernest Becker

>> No.13168290
File: 422 KB, 1197x509, beyond good and evil, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Beyond Good and Evil", paragraph #19

>> No.13168304

There is no such thing as meaning or purpose beyond a man's mind. No, the word 'meaning' has no place in legitimate biology.

>> No.13168330

Biology has no place in meaning.

>> No.13168375

>How does that work?
"Meanwhile we have come to our senses. To-day we no longer believe a word of all this. The "inner world" is full of phantoms and will-o'-the-wisps: the will is one of these. The will no longer actuates, consequently it no longer explains anything—all it does is to accompany processes; it may even be absent. The so-called "motive" is another error. It is merely a ripple on the surface of consciousness, a side issue of the action, which is much more likely to conceal than to reveal the antecedentia of the latter."

"Twilight of the Idols", chapter "The Four Great Errors", #3

>> No.13168394

Wrong. As cognitive/evolutionary neuroscience progresses we will find that there is an innate morality rooted in the behavioral evolution of social primates. That we avoid murdering our kin and fraternity because we exist (from an evolutionary standpoint) to maximize the frequency of our own genes. Just as chimpanzee will form rival faction and go to war, this doesnt mean that we will not kill others who we do not deem related to us.
All ideological moral virtues are secondary and stem from innate morality. These are our invention, but innate morality is an invention of behavioral evolution.

>> No.13168408

morality is an internal and subjective phenomenon, and will never be satisfactorily explained by gene propagation. I can just as easily say genes are secondary to morality.

>> No.13168458
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>an innate morality rooted in the behavioral evolution of social primates
Yes, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, that makes you give different responses to the variations of the same Trolley problems.
In other words: morality is an irrational can of worms, that makes you open for abusing and exploiting (especially, if you know where to look). It becomes detrimental for your survival, and effectively some sort of illusion to be recognized.

>> No.13168475

tl;dr - shit rolls on its own, you just falsely attribute it to your "I".

>> No.13168515

>innate morality rooted in the behavioral evolution of social primates
Joshua Greene "Moral Tribes" - morality works inside small groups, but it absolutely doesn't fucking work in terms of inter-group relationships. You'll have to go against your innate intuitions to make society work.

>> No.13168542

there is none.

>> No.13168545

People on lit are just racists but with more words.

>> No.13168612

>morality is an internal and subjective phenomenon
And these concepts are hardwired in your brain. You reverse-engineer brain, you shape the very meaning itself.

>> No.13168668

money is essentially the high score of life
now you don't need to get the highest score to have the most enjoyable experience. but it's a good indication of how good you are at it and if your score is especially low you probably suck at it

>> No.13168699

Imagine using this fake word in the current year and thinking you don't sound like a total retard.

>> No.13168743

>money is essentially the high score of life
Just see these superfluous ones! Wealth they acquire and become poorer thereby. Power they seek for, and above all, the lever of power, much money—these impotent ones!
Open still remaineth a free life for great souls. Verily, he who possesseth little is so much the less possessed: blessed be moderate poverty!

>> No.13168802

Don’t be salty anon

>> No.13168836

Have sex

>> No.13168846

>left hypocrites still think they can call out racism

>> No.13168890

It's almost as if humanity is a commune and not a bunch of loners

>> No.13169235

I'm not talking about the concept, I'm talking about the reality. It is my being INTERNAL to my neuroarchitecture and its processing, and the recognition that a subject also must accompany all other equivalent processes, that is the ground of morality. You will never, ever explain away a mother's life for her child as biologically programmed.

>> No.13169255


>> No.13169418

>Nonwhites don't think in these grandiose, abstract terms either
Muslim here, we actually do, and I understand your strife. I'm not proud of the foreign tribes invading your lands because they do not do it in the name of Allah, they do it for their stomachs and they are happy in the degenerate society the Hebrews have constructed for you. I would prefer in a Christian theocracy from the middle ages anyway over this nightmare.

>> No.13169437

>It is my being INTERNAL to my neuroarchitecture
Etiological anosognosia. You assume your "I" to be the cognitive agent, while in fact it merely takes responsibilty for actions, already commited by your body.

>the recognition that a subject also must accompany all other equivalent processes,
Your subject is an illusion of perception.

>You will never, ever explain away a mother's life for her child as biologically programmed.
Oh, please. You're merely a biorobot, nothing more.

>> No.13169458

I've read Bakker, he's a little too fascinated with recent findings in neuroscience to know they just formalize intuitions people have had about the self for thousands of years

a (true) automaton cannot self-register as an automaton. your system is completely incoherent

>> No.13169489

Ty muslimanon you speaking out means a lot

>> No.13170248

The truth is that not even "the meaning of life" is enough

>> No.13170304

>my sick mind
>degenerate hedonist

>> No.13170347

Why does life have to have a meaning lol? Do you think we’re here for any kind of purpose? Just chill out and enjoy it

>> No.13170359

>there is no universal truth
God I hate postmodernism
But you're right

>> No.13170380

wouldn't the meaning on Becker's view be to achieve successful ad stable transference?

>> No.13170422
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't really read
>pop in here to see if the end result of reading a lot is desirable
>read this thread

Nope, lol.

>> No.13170423

Wrong, most humans do not think in grandiose or abstract terms.

>> No.13170426

But thinking is the only thing that I enjoy. Consequently, it drives me the maddest of all activities.
Stories like Prometheus where a God gives man higher thought is a likely a long metaphor for "ignorance is bliss." But, having passed that threshold, some of us now find bliss only in the ignorance of ignorance i.e. the pursuit of knowledge. Consequently, as humans, we are limited beings that can likely never grapple with the sort of objective truths we search for. But, luckily or not, these type of people (individualists/philosophers) are a dying breed. The pre-Promethean man is returning to absolute power, and the Archon responsible for the original humanity (created likely as a slave labor force) will be able to return to happiness, and humanity can return to the blissful ignorance it was made for

>> No.13170448

I've found that /lit/ is just /pol/ but more verbose

>> No.13170456

Yeah right. I mean, sometimes, but there are plenty of things on here that would make /pol/ seethe

>> No.13170464

there are plenty of things on pol that make pol seethe, maybe even half the threads at any given time

>> No.13170470

The basic mindset that white=right even though both middle-eastern and east-asian societies have all been significantly better and white culture is only as wide spread as it is because the whites had created good weaponry on account of spending all day every day dwelling on how much they hate eachother

>> No.13170472

True, but to say /lit/ is 1:1 /pol/ just more verbose is an exaggeration

>> No.13170478

This. Those people honest to god want to be angry.

>> No.13170489

Not so sure that it's even that anymore. It's more like "I'm white, you're white, we're both being targeted and replaced, and we'd both like our kids to grow up around whites, because we're white; let's work together."

>> No.13170651

/pol/'s issue is that it does the nazi (not the social media version but the actual political party) thing where everyone who disagrees with them doesn't count. Their view of whiteness is so goddamn slim that they're going to be accidentally "genocided" no matter what

>> No.13170679

True. They are certainly too dogmatic for my liking, but I'd rather deal with theirs than reddit's or wherever else

>> No.13170699

I still think that SJWs are better than /pol/tards simply because the former hates white men while the latter hates everyone but a very, VERY small segment of white men. They're both shitters but if the former took over I figure there'd be a better chance of survival

>> No.13170704
File: 577 KB, 2400x1600, install gentoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as "Whiteness" in North America, is in fact, a bastardized form of late 19th/early 20th century Nordicism, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Nordicism plus Slav. Nordicism is not strictly based on skin pigmentation itself, but rather a European tripartate of classic phenotypes, Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean.

Many Americans apply this modified version of Nordicism every day to race relations, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Nordicism which is widely used today is often called “Whiteness”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically Nordicism, now with the inclusion of slavic peoples because their skin is intuitively fair. There really are Nordics, and these people can recognize them, but now they include Slavs because Americans focus less on nationality and even more on phenotypes than Europeans.

Nordicism is the kernel: the idea in the system that allocates peoples' ideologies to the racial stereotypes you can have. The kernel is an essential part of the United States, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete ignorance of history. Whiteness is normally used in combination with Nordics and Slavs: the whole system is basically Nordicism with Slavs added, or Nordicism/Slav. All the so-called “Whiteness” declarations are really variations of Nordicism/Slav.

>> No.13170718

Well, if you've ever spent time on /pol/, you know there are often disagreements as to what constitutes "white." Certainly some think only nordic is white, but I'd say at least half think any pure European blooded person counts. Anyhow, I'm not going to hate on myself just because. Wish I didn't have to make the choice but here we are

>> No.13170723

>Anyhow, I'm not going to hate on myself just because
That's really all that needs to be said. The entire assorted group of people expecting me to apologize for being white can suck a dick and get shot

>> No.13170831

Fellas, I'm afraid I've reached a dark yet irrefutable apotheosis.

That thing that you think is art inside you, is really a hole. We are profoundly empty and identity-less in the schema of the universe. Means of stimulating existence are fine but at some point, if you join me, you'll ascend these and learn to simulate any variety of stimulation in your brain to exact and eventually, enhanced effect. And beyond this there is nothing. I personally feel faceless, and like I'm not a person, as though I'm carrying nothing after all these years. I feel the shape of my face and I see my body but who’s in there. I don’t feel as though I’m carrying a life. I don’t feel stories in me.
The only thing I know is that a shotgun will immediately obliterate my brainstem, and that's my next stop.

>> No.13170874

*keep in mind love and happiness

Epicureanism is properly categorized as Negative Hedonism, and absolutely “your sick mind”. You said “why fucking bother?” That’s a sick mind. With what I have no idea. Are you just bored anon? Reading antinatalism garbage, something else as life-denying?

>> No.13171138

Hate to break it to you and ruin your dramatic moment but you haven't realized much of anything. Sounds more like you've got a mental disorder

>> No.13172082

you forgot the ending quote! -tulpa of a White Woman who follows New age beliefs in her late 30s, doesn't drink but makes great guacamole!

>> No.13172321

>God I hate postmodernism
Although somehow I accidentally arrived a postmodern perspective by studying Kant and neuroscience.

>> No.13172325

>Meaning of life

>> No.13172364

thats the memeing of life

subtle but different

>> No.13173728

True sadly

>> No.13173739

sorry jew, but you gotta go. We're gonna take a hammer to your entire bloodline

>> No.13173768

The pusy

>> No.13174075

That's why I was careful to emphasize that we are only moral within our in groups, giving the example of the warring chimpanzees. Societies work when citizens are "related" to each other via shared principles/ideology. Societies which are not culturally homogeneous fracture.

>> No.13174410

You should be ashamed for writing this post.
Also our ancestors were probably pieces of shit.

>> No.13174419


>> No.13174423

Unironically this.

>> No.13174429

>Nonwhites don't think in these grandiose

Have you ever read about world cultures?

>> No.13174476

People ask for meaning when they look for fulfillment, which complicates the discussion. As far as I can tell what most people want to find when they seek out meaning is simply something which will make their lives "feel meaningful", which is entirely different from finding an objective meaning to life. So some people will settle on hedonism, some will settle on self-sacrifice, on and on, according to what makes them feel like they're living their lives appropriately to what it's worth. The best you can hope for here is to find some author with similar preoccupations to yours and see how he reacted. Personally, I'm satisfied with aestheticism and a touch of Nietzsche.

>> No.13174591


>> No.13174592

How to find fulfillment when you realize that nothing matters in the grand scheme of things though? I can't seem to suppress this abstract part of my brain that keeps on looking at the universe as a whole, instead of just fully experiencing this current moment.
Maybe it's because I'm just naturally more inclined to abstract things in order to be able to understand them. The only remedy I have for this are music and (fictional) books. they allow me to be in the present moment, absorbed into whatever it is I'm consuming. But I have to escape reality in order to achieve that. As soon as I come back into this reality I start abstracting again

>> No.13174835

I can't tell you anything that will satisfy you, other than maybe your obsession with "living in the present" is unfounded. There's nothing wrong with spacing out into abstract thoughts, it's just a difference in personality. And if you think living in the present is important because it helps you avoid the despair of nothing mattering, that just sounds like escaping the problem. Still, plenty of people find fulfillment without believing that their actions have significant effects on an infinite grand scheme. Some even find it liberating, compared to the pressures of the usual narrative that life's an incredible rarity and needs to be enjoyed as such or it's a total failure. It might at least be worth investigating what you're really looking for.
Also, some would disagree that nothing matters in the grand scheme of things. But that's a different discussion.

>> No.13174900

This. Looks like a bunch of pseudo-scientific nonsense. But break it down for us, and how does it relate to the meaning of life?

>> No.13175001

I was about to write something, but I saw the thread is titled "meaning of life" I'm out of place.

Sorry guys, I don't subscribe to this topic. You can shove your nihilism and even anti-nihilism up your ass. I'm not having it.

>> No.13175047

I've been engulfed in nihilism a lot, with ups (being actually in love with life and motivated) and downs (nearing depression). The only thing that helped me is the following.
In the grand scheme of things no one's life matters, I agree, but the way you choose to live YOUR Life, everyday, the things you wanna achieve, before you die, the aims you have.. Those thing are actually what you should care about and In fulfilling them you will derive a sense (all personal, not objective nor escatological) that YOUR life is meaningful. One thing Is living life trying to escape the bad feels of death and existential dread, another thing is standing up to your values (not ethical, rather what you deem important for you to achieve).

>> No.13175090
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>You have read all these books.
Making a lot of assumptions there buddy

>> No.13175315

riddle me this

>you cant derive an ought from an is
>it is true that you can't derive an ought from an is
>then, you ought to cant derive an ought from an is...?

>> No.13175319

the basic question why do we ought to ought the ought?

>> No.13175612

I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

>> No.13176305

just read Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man and you'll find peace

>> No.13176748

The CTMU is a theory of mathematical metaphysics written by Christopher Langan. [...] Central to the CTMU is a revision of the Anthropic Principle called the Telic Principle, according to which life and sentience are integral to the creation of reality itself. Thus, life and reality are related in a circular fashion. It is thus possible to say not only that life is the reason for the universe, but that the universe is the reason for life. [...] The purpose of the universe is optimal self-actualization. This is called “teleology”. Accordingly, the telelogical CTMU version of the Anthropic Principle is called the Telic Principle. [...] SCSPL stands for “Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language”. “Self-configuring” means that the language is closed under generative configuration; “self-processing” means that it is self-reading and self-writing. So SCSPL is a reflexive metaphysical metalanguage that is closed under the operations of read, write, and configuration (as well as certain related operations). [...] SCSPL is logical in construction, has a loop-like dynamic, and creates information and syntax, including the LAWS OF PHYSICS, through telic recursion generated by agent-level syntactic operators whose acts of observer-participation are essential to the self-configuration of the Participatory Universe. These acts are linked by telic recursion to the generalized cognitive-perceptual interactions of quantum-level syntactic operators, the minimal events comprising the fabric of spacetime.

You'll have to read more about it yourself - http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net/question/can-you-define-telic-recursion-in-more-simple-terms/
Pass - ctmu-kb
Simple video explanation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfkVVENIglo

>> No.13177825

To gain mortal form, experience life, accept Christ and return to our Father in Heaven

>> No.13177848


>> No.13177879

Chapo infested /lit/ is so tiresome

>> No.13178056

Yockey was a hack

>> No.13179741

God bless the 40 year old man with a corvette undergoing a mid life crisis. to come to grasp with life's meaning so early on is a cruel punishment. There is absolutely no answer and for me all i hope is that God is up there, looking down at me like Job. I can rationalize a better future and i came close to escaping this phantasmagoria and embracing conventional life. In my mind, i had a future sorted and i got a gf but all of it came crumbling down when i couldnt reconcile my self with my being. the internet makes it so easy to disassociate but this makes living impossible. save us.

>> No.13180160

When asking any question the possible space from which an answer could come is in part defined by the question itself.
Imagine a child asking his Dad with all sincerity, "can Batman beat up Superman?". The answer is completely dependent on what the child means by Batman and Superman. There is no objective answer the father can give; all he can do is help his son explore his own knowledge and better understand what he is asking. To define Batman and Superman is to answer the question of who could beat up who. They are in some sense the same question.
In the same way when most people ask the "what is the meaning of life" they are not really sure what they are asking. The real problem is to define the question in such a way that an answer would even be possible. How can you ask for meaning when you don't even know what you mean "meaning"? What would count as an answer? Can you even imagine a possible answer?
The universe gives what you ask. If you ask for "what is the meaning", ie. if you wish participate in meaning-searching, it will give you meaning-searching. It is as if the universe is saying, "oh, so you want to play the what-is-the-meaning-of-life game? Well then, have at it! You can have as much what-is-the-meaning-of-life as you want!"
You trap yourself by your own conceptions. It's your words you are using to ask the question. It's your desire to know. It's all you. When you set up the game, did you make sure to include the space for a possible answer? If not, why did you make it that way?

>> No.13181200

Not just that you may even choose a philosophy that makes you less likely to feel fulfilled than had you never thought about the topic at all, in fact it's quite the trend with pseuds nowadays.

They're right though.
That said so are you.

>meaning of life
I know a lot of people have tried different approaches already for exposing this topic as the nonquestion it is, but in case anybody still isn't convinced, consider the following: We can't contemplate the meaning of life of a stone because it doesn't have life. But what kind of life are we talking about here? Biology has a bunch of definitions for "life" - none of them are philosophically sound. Being alive is just a term found in biology. And if you try to define it philosophically you'll realize that you can't. Life in the philosophical sense doesn't exist - unless you believe in souls. But you don't, right? And that's why you're dead, right now, just an organic computer, as dead as a machine, a piece of plastic, a stone. Humans can't find metaphysical meaning because they themselves are metaphysically dead. There is no metaphysical plane we have access to, it's all just physical.

>What truths have you found?
Personally I've solved the question of justice, karma, death, origin of the universe, love and art.

>> No.13181235

What you said is right the way you put it. I suspect you're confused because you're considering your statements "is"s, when they are "ought"s

Mind you I realize there literally is an "is" in "it is true", but that's just a grammatical is, there because it's how we put that idea into words. The concept behind it as an ought of the same level of meta as the statement below it.

>> No.13181245

>The concept behind it as an ought
Is* an ought.

>> No.13181260

>Biology has a bunch of definitions for "life" - none of them are philosophically sound.
Philosophy is a human endeavour. If curiosity/marvel (a human thing, thus a biological thing's product) wasn't a thing, philosophy wouldn't be either.

>> No.13181333

I'm not saying they're aren't "things", I'm saying they aren't metaphysical entities. And they aren't. The philosophy we conduct is not a metaphysical process. It's an approximation of one, just like everything else physical is an approximation of something metaphysically higher.
Granted there is a little set of exceptions to this concept, but I'll be skipping that

>> No.13181350

Metaphysics doesn't exist either lol, it's a human invention

>> No.13181374

A human invention that is an approximation of something greater, yeah. Since it's part of philosophy that's already established. It's not a strange concept bro, think of math. Nothing in this world is a true circle, but we can think "at" and around them and work with them.

>> No.13181401

bitch you've been non-brittonic since the saxons

>> No.13181444

So basically you're a materialist

>> No.13181471

How much time have you serisously spent on anything that is not Christianity or run-of-the-mill liberal secularism ?

The prophecies are frankly quite meme unless you're already willing to give them credence. With ten thousand rifles, even an army of bad shooter will eventually hit something.

Your claim that theistic models are more consistent than others also deserve to be examined further. Do you have access to the totality of possible models ? What measure of consistency are you using ?

>> No.13181491

I'm guessing you're hoping to accomplish more than stating the obvious. Was this supposed to discredit what I said? Do you have an argument?

>> No.13181516

Problem is postmodernism kinda evolved on the soil fertilized by Middle Age metaphysics, even if it took a long time. It's naive or perhaps disingenuous to pretend that without da joos/enlightment/the french/anlgl*s/modernity think would have stayed the same. Truth is the deconstruction train had already started to move by the time of Duns Scotus, and there are no brakes on it.

>> No.13181548

Eventually you ended up writing something anyway.

>> No.13181563

It doesn't say you shouldn't derive an ought from an is. Rather that this is unfounded in reason. You are free to be an irrational retard, everyone is. You'll still be an irrational retard in freedom.

Don't worry everyone since Aristotles and back was an irrational retard in that sense.

>> No.13181581

Based and Socratespilled

>> No.13181589

Not that anon, but it looks like an attempt at synthetizing your point to make sure he understood.

>> No.13181604

No its OK I was just not getting your point coz you didn't just state clearly that you hold a materialist position but was my bad for not getting it coz it was implied in what you wrote.
But one argument could be: the fact that people ask this question in the first place means that is more than a non-question. I mean your position is legit, but the fact that you say its a non-question doesn't make it any less real for the people who feel the need for meaning. It's not any less real than dominance hierarchies (not real, but still people behave like their real)
So your answer is philosophical to a question that I guess is psychological.

>> No.13181606

You of all people should know better

>> No.13181666

>the fact that you say its a non-question doesn't make it any less real for the people who feel the need for meaning
Well the issue here is the kind of real we're talking about. You can roll with the vagueness of the human mind and accept the approximations we have as absolutes, e.g. "accept" religion/family/joy as the meaning of life, but in all those cases you "settle" for something. In all of those cases somebody could come along and point out some flaw, to which you could only go "Well, I choose to ignore that." That's fair. Nobody can stop you - in fact, it's easy to demonstrate that it's impossible to be absolutely free of all such misconceptions of what has value. But this route goes down the "just create meaning for yourself" rabbit hole, which isn't the truth of the meaning of life. The truth behind it all is the classic "turns out the answer was the most boring one." In other words, yeah, my answer is an attempt at the theoretical fully rational approach to a problem we can in practice only approach irrationally. There's no point in trying to apply my answer to real life, because you couldn't achieve the state of mind where it applies to you - a matter of psychology, as you said.

I made some confusing turns in the argument here, but yeah. I wouldn't say the question itself is psychological, but you can tackle it either psychologically or philosophically.

>> No.13181768

actually fucking die

>> No.13181813

You can't create a meaning of life any more than you can bullshit a locomotive into disappearing.
Things either are or they aren't. The job of philosophy is to properly identify, relate, and categorize things.

>> No.13181815
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Yes, yes I agree

>> No.13181840

t. stopped at the tractatus

>> No.13181845

Things happen. It appears we can influence them, at least to some extent. The best we can hope for is to figure out what outcomes are better than others and encourage them to happen. The world goes on whether we actively participate or not.

>> No.13181855

>If I imagine that something is happening, it actually does happen!
Good luck with that.

>> No.13181861

If I imagine all its consequences at well it literally does reach the same level of having happened
Try not to bluescreen from this

>> No.13181869

>If I imagine all its consequences at well it literally does reach the same level of having happened
That sentence isn't even internally cogent.
The definition of literal IS that it actually happens as opposed to simply happening subjectively. Being in denial about the existence of guns won't save you from being shot.

>> No.13181870

Truth is the lack of errors.

>> No.13181876

How the fuck did somebody who's not even made it past Descartes' demon into this board?
You literally cannot prove that everything you experience isn't part of your imagination. Your idea with death depends on the fact that death is real, which you cannot prove, because you may just have imagined people's death all this time.

>> No.13181881

>The definition of literal IS that it actually happens as opposed to simply happening subjectively.
>it actually happens
And now you're going to tell us the criteria for something having actually happened, right?

>> No.13181918

Supposing that all of my life up to this point has been a brain-in-a-jar simulation, that doesn't change the fact that the brain in the jar ACTUALLY exists.
There has to be a bottom floor for any sort of perception: In other words, something has to exist for you to perceive something. The accuracy and scope of perception is and always has been in doubt, but the existence of things that actually are is a fundamental fact. The problem isn't figuring out whether we're in a simulation or not, the problem is mapping actions to outcomes and getting real results. If you want to kill yourself, then you step into a noose and hang. Maybe all the evidence up to this point is wrong and reality will fold in half to keep you alive, or maybe you were dead all along and your whole life is a B-Movie. But the movie really exists, or the light that causes it to be projected onto some 4D screen in the higher levels of reality actually exists.
More than that, imagining the unfolding of reality as you like it isn't always possible. Anyone who's woken up before they wanted to can speak to that. Even if you want to imagine something, it's not always something you CAN do. Implying that everyone in the world can make things heaven for themselves by lying back and thinking of England is escapist garbage for psuedointellectuals who don't want to have to deal with the real world.
Your entire argument is fundamentally connected to moving the goalposts: Any 'proof' I give you that contradicts your position will be dismissed as figments of imagining.

>> No.13181961

Good > other shit
basically all you need to know you'll be able to fill in the gaps yourself

>> No.13181963

>moves the goalposts
>accuses someone else of moving the goalpost
You said meaning can't be "thought" into existence.
The opposition said you are no arbiter of what can and can't be thought into existence.
Why go on to try to prove that *something* exists? Just because there is something that isn't thought into existence doesn't mean nothing is thought into existence.

I return you to my original point: If you imagine all the consequences of something, that something is real to you. If you imagine the meaning of life exists, along with all its implications, it exists for you. Objectivity doesn't matter because you yourself lack the means to measure this objectivity anyway.

>Implying that everyone in the world can make things heaven for themselves by lying back and thinking of England is escapist garbage for psuedointellectuals who don't want to have to deal with the real world.
Just because trying to imagine some extreme delusion into reality doesn't mean nothing can be imagined into reality either.
You'll have to concede some points if you're not prepared to oppose "Happiness relies on attitude" in its entirety.

>> No.13181971

To maximize existence. Meaning, that we must strive to attain as much knowledge as possible to create the necessary conditions in which the limitations destroying us will be removed, so to negate ephemerality and propagate perpetual ecstasy. Although this is more of a solution to life than the meaning. There may be a meaning, no one knows for certain, and this lukewarm state of uncertainty cannot be maintained, so the 'placeholder meaning' should be adhered to so to make existence pleasurable to the highest degree and consequently making it sufferable, and perhaps to negate suffering.

>> No.13182034

Why is pleasure good and suffering bad?

>> No.13182089
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Maybe a cop out but honestly I think subjective personal fulfillment, which usually boils down to using your body and mind for its intended purpose, learning, communicating, loving. Trying to capture every creature, element, atom, or idea under one umbrella purpose is diminutive.

>> No.13182096

I probably should've used despair as the malaise of life instead of suffering, since suffering can produce a greater feeling of pleasure depending on how it is produced. Although pleasure is good because it represents valuable conditions. For example: After laboring many years on a philosophical system the completion of it will produce a great feeling of pleasure. Of course there was suffering in the process, so suffering is not a bad thing in all situations, the same can be said of pleasure not being good in all situations, but pleasure always manifest itself when things are shown to be magnificent. Which is why I say you should strive for perpetual ecstasy, which is to say that you should strive for perpetual magnificence.

>> No.13182100


>> No.13182106
File: 41 KB, 856x482, image-w856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one thing you can be the most certain about in life is yourself.

What you believe, how you interpret the world, whether you're seeing things for how they truly are or if you're lying to yourself. Questions like "does god exist", "does truth exist", "is our perception reliable" are so far beyond the scope of reasonable, practical provability that I don't even care about them. They're too abstract to be of any actual use to me in navigating existence better. I care about knowing myself, my environment, my perceptions and my actions as honestly as possible.

If you fall into the trap of focusing on useless lines of thought that make it impossible to believe in anything as truth then you may as well just put a bullet in your head right now. I have no time in my life for abstraction, I'm far too busy with knowledge that helps me grasp reality better than yesterday. I live for the here and now, not the future or the past. You're beholden to no one and nothing, not morals, not ethics, not the social contract, not society, not civic duty, NOTHING except yourself and what you can live with.

>> No.13182141

You're getting there

>> No.13182319

Men are blessed with the curse of consciousness. Trapped in a canvas forever painting; blooming meadows of our reality. Asking the mighty brush of consciousness, "why paint the sea of blue, instead of red."
You could go and climb the highest mountain, or follow the path of the sacred lamb. Yet, your painting will be locked inside your mind.

>> No.13182341

Existence is fucking crazy

>> No.13182540
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This is your life on subjectivism.

>> No.13183679

This is one goal

>> No.13183718

>The new meaning of life for any half-intelligent white man is that we have failed our ancestors and our civilization itself by letting a foreign tribe into our lands
You are totally right, with a colossal emphasis on "half-intelligent"

>> No.13183726

The world only matters to you insofar as it affects you. That's the most fundamental truth of existence.

After pleasure, power.
It's how you best ensure pleasure.
Expansions of consciousness goes in line with both power and pleasure.

That's it really.

Are you joking?

Built society, all of this technology, but they were mean so that invalidates the rest?

>> No.13183738

>After pleasure, power.
>Expansions of consciousness
How to these all relate to the Good? and how does one supersede another?

>> No.13183857

I wasn't expecting to find the correct answer in the first posts like that. Basically this.

>> No.13184134

>As the cognitive neuroscience progresses, modern science completely removes morality/ethics from the picture.
You're joking right? is-ought distinction? Jesus Christ, you fucking pseud. Lurk more.

>> No.13184144

t. your brain on materialism

>> No.13184152

Not an argument.

>> No.13184163

There's no hope for this board. Whoever sees this comment: never return. This place has degenerate beyond all salvation.

>> No.13184172

There is no hope anywhere anon.

>> No.13184321

It is the Good.

I explain how the first two relate. The third is just an extension of the second, so not really its own thing.

>> No.13184379

>if i pretend to be retarded and slap the opposition's label on my forehead everyone will see how retarded the opposition is
This is your life on puberty

>> No.13184412

> if you wish participate in meaning-searching, it will give you meaning-searching. It is as if the universe is saying, "oh, so you want to play the what-is-the-meaning-of-life game? Well then, have at it! You can have as much what-is-the-meaning-of-life as you want!"

>if you want to play toast the bread game, that's what life will give you. Did you make sure to leave room for the actual piece of toast once you decided to toast bread?

What are you even saying?
Batman and superman are fiction. Life isn't.

I think you're intelligent, but you should think more. It's insane. I'm 27 and my philosophy on life is waterproof, but it's been a long time since I've really thought outside of the box. Your writing reminds me of it

>> No.13184416

all of our troubles stem from the idea that we need to force, compel, or coerce others who live near us to live the same lifestyle as ourselves

>> No.13184443

>life isn't fiction
wew lad, here we go

>> No.13184461

>I'm 27 and my philosophy on life is waterproof

>> No.13184473

Life is indeed an elaborate fiction you participate in with other people.

Something as basic as paying taxes is, in essence, not too different from having a book club or going to the cinema. The main difference is it is more rigidly ritualised and enforced than films or fantasy novels, ergo, life is a fiction.

>> No.13184692
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kys fags
especially (((You)))

>> No.13184788


>> No.13184819
File: 81 KB, 411x328, 540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no meaning -- and to arrive at meaning before death is both empty and a type of false enlightenment.

>> No.13185419


>> No.13185435

I don’t understand how you can be alive and not see that life itself carries inherent meaning

>> No.13185446

Semantic Apocalypse

>> No.13185461

Nice meaning you’ve arrived at

>> No.13185469

Ok guess drug addicts have it all figured out

>> No.13185475

Not really. You are missing the forest for the trees. You are alive, if that much isn’t compelling meaning wise you would have killed yourself

>> No.13185511

>we can't directly access truth therefore there is no truth

Oh, come on. You're not even trying.

>> No.13185569

>if that much isn’t compelling meaning
"The falseness of an opinion is not for us any objection to it: it is here, perhaps, that our new language sounds most strangely. The question is, how far an opinion is life-furthering, life-preserving, species-preserving, perhaps species-rearing, and we are fundamentally inclined to maintain that the falsest opinions are the most indispensable to us"


>> No.13185581

>we can't directly access Santa's home therefore there is no Santa's home

>> No.13185752

I too, share your distaste for abstraction

>> No.13185788
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You're right. To arrive at meaning is to have failed the search.

>> No.13186240
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We're all One.
We're all God.
We created everything.
Everything is one. Everything is connected. Everything we do in life leads to the same place that is Nirvana. You'll understand it when you die but you'll choose to forget it and live life again and again...

>> No.13186639
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something about the lack of a metaphysical self outside of, or capable of being ""outside"" of or separate from our bodies is what frightens me in a way.

As does the linear nature of time.

A knowledge of human history and how full of suffering it is, not just for the slave but for the souls of the master who abuses them.

how fragile and temporal our bodies are and how we are unable to detach them from the natural world and how much pain and suffering that must've occurred in the past and the present due to these realities. there's a beauty in it but it becomes all so distorted and dirty when you don't allow yourself to be detached from that individual suffering. People losing their fingers and limbs, women dying during childbirth, dysentery and cholera, lifelong limps..

people being crucified, hanged, disemboweled, or burned.
it's all so fucking horrifying it's all so fucking awful.

I look at pic related and I look at my hands and I see in my hands (even when washed) surfaces and grooves covering biological buttons that wire back to my brain, and that they're a part of me just like anything else, and am in some sense grossed out by the idea of flesh and blood and cells and all that stuff, but acknowledge that it's what makes me up.

everything feels like it's just layers of dirt, dust, and other debris, and all so inelegant and prone to indignities on an individual level.

>> No.13187402

I found out the meaning of life on a shroom trip, felt complete peace/nirvana, forgot everything after it finished. Though now I doubt reality.

>> No.13187421

The meaning of life is love.
The meaning of love is life.

>> No.13187439

Become all names of god.


>> No.13188721

Life implies death and the series of moments leading through to via the system of time placed on humanity at the time of the fall. We are now working to become gods again which only the chosen can comprehend how that is like. Because that is the realm of formlessness. Basically, our everyday concerns and inclinations have to do with life, which is artificial from existence.

>> No.13188734

I doubt that cretin has ever read anything in his life besides Breitbart.

>> No.13188939

Imagine an individual frustrated because he cannot find a perfect system for playing chess. Now, who's at fault for this? Is it not possible that the chess rules such as they are do no allow the possibility of an unbeatable system? You might say "yes, but that's chess and we made up chess". But that is exactly my point. All human words and concepts are made up. We made up "meaning". It doesn't matter if you subscribe to a metaphysics wherein the the chess board and pieces exist external to human subjectivity - if the physical atoms "are really there" - it is beside the point, since chess as a game cannot exist apart from the mind.
It is the same with your quest for meaning. It doesn't matter if your meaning game rests on top of on physical atoms. The metaphysical grounding is irrelevant for regardless of it's fundamental source since the final "step" - the actual game as such - is created by you and you alone.
If the rules of the game do not allow the sort of gameplay you enjoy, your only options are to A) to change the rules; or B) continue to manifest the contradiction inherent to your beliefs. The only answer to an impossible challenge is always "that's impossible". What else would you expect?
If a man wants to have a mistress and also a loving relationship with his wife this contradiction of desires will manifest in his life. Likewise, if you desire an answer to the "what is the meaning of life" question while simultaneously providing no possible space for an answer you will manifest the contradiction inherent to these contradictory desires.
I will say it again: life gives you whatever you ask. "Ask you and will receive" is the ultimate rule. If you ask for a contradiction, you will receive a contradiction.
This is why to me Jesus' turning of water in wine is the greatest miracle. How is he doing it? What is the trick? How is the salt made salty again? This is the secret. Right in front of our noises, but yet we need to be reminded again and again and again.

>> No.13188975

Jesus Christ is Lord of all creation. He is my only King and He is surpasses every earthly king in leaps of infinity.

>> No.13188993

Why would you use such an earthly term such as king to describe something so beyond our perceived reality?

>> No.13189035
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I've learned that when you start to doubt yourself and your actions, reality and the world itself becomes a living hell. People will butt heads with you in order to find meaning to their existence, though it is a meagre and fleeting meaning. Do not engage. You only enslave yourself in purgatory.

"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

There's a great truth to this adage.To do as you want is the greatest accomplishment you can achieve, but first you must discover what it is that you truly want, and if there is any doubt within you, you will not do what you want.

Also, I can't really disprove solipsism, but it doesn't really matter either way, I can live in the machine but I'll choose to live my way. Schizos are the truly ascended.

>> No.13189075

1. Because He called Himself King.
2. Because a king is one who commands, decrees, reigns and rules. Christ does all of these.
3. Because calling Christ the King or Lord turns worldly logic upside down. A king is one you devote yourself to, a king is your ultimate place of allegiance. Nowadays, we make kings of sex, wealth and "personal happiness." If I say Christ is my King, then I say that none of these lesser kings possess my ultimate loyalty. Hence "My Kingdom is not of this world." That doesn't mean "I am from outer space." It means something more like "Me and my followers are different than any other kingdom. Me and my followers follow another order, another path and another purpose than anything else in this world."

>> No.13189078
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That if you are asking this question, you missed it.

>> No.13189081

One: all composite phenomena are impermanent
Two: all contaminated things and events are unsatisfactory
Three: all phenomena are empty and selfless
And four: Nirvana is true peace

>> No.13189656

Truth is inevitably an interpretation or model of "pure" reality in a manner that conforms to our perception. The romantic notion that there is some base truth divorced from perception (i.e. subjectivity) is false. There could very well be alternative axioms and logic that are just as good or better at modeling reality than those we are capable of knowing.

>> No.13189901

Western Buddhism was a mistake.

>> No.13189980

Veritas adaequatio intellectus et rei.

>> No.13189987

Why not emperor or commander?

>> No.13190037

Alright, shut up. I get we come from our experience / existence.
We exist. That is the most inherent and fundamental truth (to our existence). To ourselves, we matter the most.
Yes, we can prescribe matter and meaning to anything, but inherently, our own experience is what matters the most. This is the singular truth. If other things matter to you more than yourself, then you are wrong.

Just like, even though chess is made up, it is still a definite system. A definite idea. Even if you change the name, or change the rules of chess. That original system is still it's own idea.

Now, the ONE THING THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT MADE UP: is our experience.
and THE ONE TRUTH THAT COMES FROM EXPERIENCE: is that our experience matters the most to us. THE ONE IMPERATIVE FOR EXISTENCE: is to do what is best for our existence.

Anything beyond that can be up for debate. But it needs to come from that axiom. If you're not willing to accept it, then we don't have anything more to talk about. Because you clearly can't refute it.

Anyway, you can learn to enjoy anything. Chess included. You can get a wife that is okay with you having a mistress. And asking the meaning of life leaves plenty of room for an answer.

>> No.13190329


Subjectivism explicitly does not even contradict "common sense". In fact, it is THE Epistemology by which Absolute knowing is affirmed. The comic itself is retarded, furthermore.

>> No.13190776
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searching for meaning is meaning itself. it's not about catching a rabbit, its about chasing it.
searching for happiness is a trap.
mathematics and philosophy combined leads to enlightenment and transcendence.
information exist in a platonic sense ,information is an pure abstract which is beyond space,time,matter .
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.(2 Corinthians 4:18 )
ancient literature and philosophy is even more important than new.
language is a form of philosophy,in some form ancient languages were far more advanced than the modern ones.
God sometimes speak to you through your conscience.
Neither pleasure nor pain should enter as motives when one must do what must be done.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.(Ecclesiastes 1:9)

>> No.13190855

Why telling me this? And what do you mean by Western Buddhism?

>> No.13190912
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>> No.13190954

Someone fight this argument pls, it's been obsessing me:
How can there be meaning to life given that you (yes, you) can die at anytime for circumstances you don't get to choose? Imagine a big asteroid is coming to earth right now and is undetected and will kill the whole population tonight. Or, that you step outside tomorrow and a car comes right at you and you die there. Or that you get an aneurysm and die suddenly (happened to a friend of mine). Now, this won't likely happen anytime soon on the people reading the thread, but it will happen to someone today on earth. How can there be meaning in this life if such things just happen all the time. We only get to ask questions regarding meaning because we are secure enough and our basic needs are met.

>> No.13190980

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