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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 545x281, 250px-Rene-guenon-1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13159220 No.13159220 [Reply] [Original]

*Mortal Kombat music starts playing*

>> No.13159254
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*Price is Right loser horn sounds*

>> No.13159361

the horn sounding to signify the utter inability of the Anglo to mount a defense against Guenon's ferocious and hard-hitting takedowns of them

>> No.13159366 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13159387

You're fucking cancer spergie. Two years ago there wasn't a tripfag to be seen on this board.

>> No.13159389

for the love of christ please, please post your tits

>> No.13159418

Anglos defeat Guenon. fatality

>> No.13159438

I guess you haven't read him then if you think that lol

>> No.13159452
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at least Schuon looks like he could believably throw a fireball. with Guenon i can't see the movelist at all

>> No.13159456

I haven't read Guenon. Why does he hate the anglos?

>> No.13159469



>> No.13159475

its not butter, just another guy larping as her

>> No.13159487

u jelly

>> No.13159574

Thats not a tripfag newfaggot

>> No.13159576
File: 101 KB, 608x712, 29f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One could show for instance that psychology as it is understood today—that is, the study of mental phenomena as such—is a natural product of AngloSaxon empiricism and of the eighteenth-century mentality, and that the point of view to which it corresponds was so negligible for the ancient world that, even if it was sometimes taken incidentally into consideration, no one would have dreamed of making a special science of it, since anything of value that it might contain was transformed and assimilated in higher points of view.

>For this reason it should not be a matter for surprise that the Anglo-Saxon mania for sport gains ground day by day: the ideal of the modern world is the “human animal” who has developed his muscular strength to the highest pitch; its heroes are athletes, even though they be mere brutes; it is they who awaken popular enthusiasm, and it is their exploits that command the passionate interest of the crowd. A world in which such things are seen has indeed sunk low and seems near its end.

>Such is still more certainly the thought of the pragmatists, who make utility a substitute for truth and consider it at one and the same time under its material and moral aspects; and we see here too how fully pragmatism expresses the particular tendencies of the modern world, and above all of the Anglo-Saxon world, which is one of its most typical portions. Indeed, materialism and sentimentality, far from being in opposition, can scarcely exist one without the other, and they both attain side by side to their maximum development; the proof of this lies in America, where, as we have had occasion to remark in our books on Theosophism and Spiritualism, the worst pseudo-mystical extravagances come to birth and spread with incredible ease at the very time when industrialism and the passion for “business” are being carried to a pitch that borders on madness; when things have reached this state it is no longer an equilibrium which is set up between the two tendencies, but two disequilibriums side by side which aggravate each other, instead of counterbalancing. It

>> No.13159604

>From rationalism, religion was bound to sink into sentimentalism, and it is in the Anglo-Saxon countries that the most striking examples of this are to be found. What remains is therefore no longer even a dwindling and deformed religion, but simply ‘religiosity’, that is to say vague and sentimental aspirations unjustified by any real knowledge: to this final stage correspond theories such as that of the ‘religious experience’ of William James, which goes to the point of finding in the ‘subconscious’ man’s means of entering into communication with the divine. At this stage the final products of religious and of philosophical decline mingle together and ‘religious experience’ becomes merged in pragmatism, in the name of which a limited God is stipulated as being more ‘advantageous’ than an infinite God, insofar as one can feel for him sentiments comparable to those one would feel for a higher man. At the same time, the appeal to the ‘subconscious’ joins hands with modern spiritualism and all those ‘pseudo-reli-gions’ characteristic of our age. In another direction, Protestant moralism, having gradually eliminated all doctrinal basis, has ended

>This also makes it possible to explain quite naturally a fact which is noticeable in England and still more so in America, and which at first sight might appear rather surprising, namely the association of an exaggerated development of the practical outlook with the almost unlimited dissemination of all sorts of follies of a would-be religious nature, in which both the experimentalism and the false mysticism of the Anglo-Saxons are simultaneously pandered to ; this goes to prove that, despite appearances, the most “practical” mentality is not always the best balanced.

>it has recently led to the formulation of a so-called “ esoteric Christianity,” which is no less fanciful. This organisation of American origin, while posing as international, has become purely Anglo-Saxon in its leadership, with the exception of a few dissident branches of little importance ; in spite of all its efforts, supplemented by a protection that it owes to certain political considerations which we not examine here

>> No.13159755


>> No.13160495

Here's my addition to guénon anglotrashing

>It should be observed that in a religion where the social and sentimental elements preponderate over the intellectual, both the dogma and the cult have their share reduced more and more, so that a religion of this kind tends to degenerate into “ moralism ” pure and simple, as is well exemplified in the case of Protestantism ; at the extreme limit, almost reached at the present day by a certain “ liberal Protestantism,” what remains is no longer a religion at all, since it has preserved only one of the essential factors ; it amounts simply to a kind of specialised philosophic thought.

>> No.13160609

Hope you feel bad every time you post on /lit/

>> No.13160711

Doesn't Guenon mostly have disdain for the West as a whole? Why do posters on here always harp on Britain, it's not as if British empiricism, materialism, utilitarianism etc. popped out of nowhere one day, and have their roots in the Renaissance at any rate.

>> No.13160716

The french and the dutch have done more damage to western civilisation than any other, so thats pretty rich

>> No.13160748

Youre overlooking british empiricism, pragmatism and evolutionism

>> No.13160804

Sounds like he's just mad Napoleon got beat by the better empire.

>> No.13160829

Because he's retarded for magic and gof butthurt that he couldn't convince anglos to run around wearing bedsheets and pretend to cast spells. He's like Crowley with no sense of humor or style.

>> No.13160835

No he isn't you retard, he refers to magic as the domain of the lower-classes and of the spiritual inept. Next time try harder before pretending to have read him.

>> No.13160864

>Regarding evil spells, there is a great difference between true sorcerers like those with which he had to deal with and simple occultists. The latter, notwithstanding all their pretenses, never reach any effective result. There have often been some of them who attempted to do something against me and, also like you, I never heard anything about it at all.
>On the other hand, when you think that things of that type should not be able to strike those who have a true spiritual vocation (but I don’t think however that can be said to have been that the case of Leon de Poncins), it is also necessary to make a distinction: if you want to speak of the psychic and mental side, you are absolutely correct, but things are quite different from the corporeal point of view and anyone can always be struck in this regard. Furthermore, since it has been passed down that some sorcerers succeeded in sickening the Prophet himself, I don’t even see who could boast of being secure from their attacks.
He believes in sorcery and is disdainful of those that do not, that's a check in the ol' retard box. He's like Crowley with no sense of humor or style. Abandon him, accept it, doesn't really matter to me, I just like knowing that you're wrong.

>> No.13160877

Just because he accepts that magic is real doesn't change what I said at all you moron, he says elsewhere in his books that magic is just a trap that distracts people from genuine spiritual progress/realisation and that it is something to be avoided.

>> No.13160954

It's a master-slave complex. Britian is objective the greatest country and built the world in it's image so no doubt it triggers some people's insecurities and need to somehow prove them wrong.

>> No.13160989

Anglo "thinking" at its finest

>> No.13161286

>Britian is objective the greatest country

sure, at least my country doesn´t have paki raping little kids

>> No.13161306

You don’t even have your empire anymore. You’re just a bunch of fags drinking tea and binning butter knives

>> No.13161308

forcing guenon into meemee immortality.

Is it just one nerd who keeps shit-posting these threads or is there a coordinated gang of them?
Are they "russian"?

>> No.13161513

It was never a forced meme to begin with, although lately people have been making more joke threads involving him. Many people on /lit/ have read him though starting around 3-4 years ago when he started to become common-place here. In any really big thread about esoterism/religious philosophy there are always a bunch of different people who've read him.

>> No.13161548
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Faggot butterfly needs to leave /lit/, kill self or go anon. Preferably all the above

>> No.13161580

>Doesn't Guenon mostly have disdain for the West as a whole?
It's called orientalism, and René Guénon is a filthy carpet dealer.

>> No.13161661

quand est ce qu'on lui dit? c'est la quatorzième fois qu'il poste ce message en un mois mdr. Quelqu'un lui c/c le premier chapitre du premier bouquin de guénon où il taille les orientalistes ou on continue de laisser la marmaille angloise nous divertir?

>> No.13161660

Because Britain and the anglosphere generally represent some of the negative tendencies of the west taken to an extreme. Guenon was full of praise for the medieval West but just thought modern western civilization was heavily flawed

>> No.13161666

not an argument

>> No.13161677

shut up faggot lmao, what kind of limp wristed faggot uses literal reddit phrases to make a point? just post vague and pretentious answers in french if you want to flex on dumb anglo posters

>> No.13161685

not an argument

>> No.13161698

but René la Guenon isn't much better than the average anglo, is he?

>> No.13161713


>> No.13161724

not an argument

>> No.13161730

>hate the west
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.13161735

Fuck off, I won't buy any of your stinky oriental carpets, Pierre.

>> No.13161749

Orientalism = hating yourself + loving the stranger

>> No.13161755
File: 5 KB, 129x187, 35 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path
>*decapitates Anglos and empiricist-cucks*

>> No.13161767

For instance:
Evola - The bow and the club
The bow = loving the distant stranger
The club = hating your own kind around you
Not very hard to understand.

>> No.13161775

>René Guénon
>blocking anyone's path

>> No.13161862

Another accurate definition of orientalism:
The art of convincing Europeans to hate their own legacy and embrace some oriental crap instead.
Shorter version:
The art of turning Europeans into traitors.

>> No.13161867

guenon fag is literally the most unbearable poster on this site

>> No.13161881


>> No.13161892
File: 82 KB, 240x386, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*looms over you menacingly*
>*shouts in Arabic to his habibis out back*

>> No.13161898

I don't speak african, sorry.
*beats you hard*

>> No.13161912
File: 20 KB, 178x298, addc1f2c3f2280f6e20f79b53169f0da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*knocks you to the ground with his psychic blast siddhi developed through the most esoteric metaphysical practice, causing you to collapse into a quickering mess and poop your pants*
psst..... nothing personal kid

>> No.13161926

Guénon fanboys are so pathetic.
The irl kind of pathetic.

>> No.13161928

It's been funny to watch so many people argue about Guénon and let yourselves get into so many arguments about him without really understanding him. Guénon's works are largely just an indirect commentary on the works of Ibn Arabi and Adi Shankara, in a similar way to how Evola is largely just an indirect commentary on and a response to Guénon. You'll never fully understand what exactly Guénon means and why he writes all the stuff that he does unless you read at least few thousand pages of writing from both of these thinkers. It seems like the the vast majority of people who read Guénon don't so this which IMO is why so many people seem to become befuddled or angry after reading Guénon's writings and why there are so many ad hominem arguments thrown at him.

I laugh every time I see people write stuff like "w-well uh he never fully explained intellectual intuition" or "he never solidly proved his ideas using logic according to my degenerated and emasculated empiricism"; that's besides the point!, Guénon was not writing to convince people who didn't agree with him, he couldn't care less about those people. His writing is aimed at fellow autodidacts who already read a huge amount of esoteric/metaphysics and who will actually read much the eastern thinkers he references. When you read Ibn Arabi and Shankara they literally take you by the hand and walk you through all the stages of understanding of all the stuff that Guénon explains and mentions in passing; it immediately becomes apparent once you read enough of them why exactly Guénon wrote what he did, many of the ideas that people consider to be his unique idea actually already appear in the works of these two thinkers where they are explained in even more depth than Guénon's treatment of them. I see many people complain or have criticisms of Guénon that he never demonstrates this eastern 'divine intellect' etc or 'metaphysical realization', that's because it's only something that very bright and motivated people can understand if they have the willpower and power of comprehension required to read through large amounts of both Ibn Arabi and Shankara; two sages who evade comprehension by the intellectually-dogmatic and dull-minded!

>> No.13161939

Look, an orientalist poop.

>> No.13161949

Hey, french guenonposter, have you read David Bisson's book about RG, how is it?

>> No.13162031

imagine thinking that repeating the previous adjective but with 'irl' attached was somehow a clever thing to post

>> No.13162063

No no no, I have personally met with Guénon fanboys in real life, and they were all creepy lunatics, the absolute gf-repellent kind of lunatic, their relatives asked me to try to save them...
But I didn't care, they were just lost causes, traitors to their people and families.
So pathetic.

>> No.13162068

yeah and my dad works at Nintendo!

>> No.13162077

cope, childless loser

>> No.13162126

>cope, childless loser
I'm a muslim with 2 wonderful wives and 7 children

>> No.13162164
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>being subverted away from the primordial Indo-European metaphysical tradition

>> No.13162172

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13162181

>Look at this carpet, it's yours, it's the primordial Indo-European metaphysical tradition!

>> No.13162218

>semite religion called Islam
>primordial Indo-European metaphysical tradition

>> No.13162236
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>> No.13162239

carpet dealer be carpet dealing

>> No.13162268

>*blocks your path*
>*Immediately runs away in fear of goblins and ghosts because he's retarded*

>> No.13162282

>a muslim with 2 wonderful wives and 7 children
>replyposting in a dying thread about Guenon
Pick one

>> No.13162298
File: 60 KB, 300x313, 5-19-17-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The portrayal of Islam in Revolt against the modern world occupies but a few pages, but presents with sufficient depth the aspects of Islam that, from the Evolian perspective, allow it to be characterised as “a tradition at a higher level than both Judaism and the religious beliefs that conquered the West,” (RMM 245) that is to say, Christianity. In the first place, Evola points out that Islamic symbolism clearly indicates a direct connection of this tradition to the Primordial tradition itself, such that Islam is independent from both Judaism and Christianity, religions whose characteristic themes he rejects (original sin, redemption, sacerdotal meditation, etc.)

>“Finally, Islam presents a traditional completeness, since the shariah and the sunna, that is, the exoteric law and tradition, have their complement not in a vague mysticism, but in full-fledged initiatory organisations (turuq) that are characterised by an esoteric teaching (tawil) and by the metaphysical doctrine of the Supreme Identity (tawhid). In these organizations, and in general in the shia, the recurrent notions of the masum, of the double prerogative of the isma (doctrinal infallibility), and of the impossibility of being stained by any sin (which is the prerogative of the leaders, the visible and invisible Imams and, the mujtahid) lead back to the line of an unbroken race shaped by a tradition at a higher level than both Judaism and the religious beliefs that conquered the West” (RMM 244-245).

>Elsewhere, Evola sees in the idea of jihad a “late rebirth of a primordial Aryan heritage,” such that “the Islamic tradition serves here as the transmitter of the Aryo-Iranian tradition” (MW 96).

>> No.13162309

I don't read mediterranean writers, sorry.
*slaps your face*
>Islam, Judaism, shariah, sunna, jihad
I don't speak african, sorry.
*punch your face*

>> No.13162349

what are you 12 or something?

>> No.13162358

Imagine being the gnénonposter and believing you can shame anyone.

>> No.13162396

I can do that quite easily my dear fellow!

>> No.13162406

How? Show us, retard.

>> No.13162428

you're a literal anglo incel, dude... don't make me post pics.. you're in for a shock

>> No.13162433
File: 120 KB, 620x832, 1556570152018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shame yourselves with your foolish behavior!

>> No.13162442

>Zyva mon frèr viens dans ma téci j'vais t'fairr découvrir' Guénon tu va kiffer grave!

>> No.13162463

quoi? d'une j'ai pas compris de deux ça fait 15ans qu'on parle plus comme ça ptdr

>> No.13162468

t. butthurt teupo of the téci

>> No.13162488

Ta gueule, retourne smurfer dans ta MJC, fils de pute.

>> No.13162496

>J'ti jure, su'l coran dl'a mecque, Guénon tu va l'kiffer grave!

>> No.13162537
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>de deux

>> No.13163079


>> No.13163138

sportsball niggers are indeed sub-human

>> No.13163392

no that's just a meme

>> No.13163435


>> No.13163460

Why don't you fuck off you stupid idiot

>> No.13163762

no, it's the g*rmoids, every so often they decide to ruin the rest of europe out of a sense of inferiority. think of the goths, Hitler, merkel

>> No.13163856

t. Frog

>> No.13165745


>> No.13165772


French > German > Angl*s

>> No.13165792

is that a good book?

>> No.13165883


>> No.13166102

The entirety of the historical upper classes of England are of French and to a lesser extent German origin.
Anglos are the plebs even in 'england'.

>> No.13166275

Anglos = Germans > Italians > Everybody else

>> No.13167168
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>> No.13167179

It's mostly from 'East and West'

>> No.13167198

Is there any real depth to Guenon or is it all just edgy larping.

>> No.13167234

>paki raping little kids
Their parents should really discipline them

>> No.13167246
File: 176 KB, 947x362, flathead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please calm it down /lit/

>> No.13167281

There is real depth, he is a fascinating thinker and does a wonderful job explaining otherwise very complicated subjects and eastern doctrines

>> No.13167289

this board is a fucking joke lmao. wish I could put in a bullet in every underaged anglo polluting this board, every bugmen, every posturing moron

good god

>> No.13167293
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>he wasn't here during that one freakout

>> No.13167297

>is it edgy larping
get off the internet you've been completely brainwashed

>> No.13167301

>wish I could put in a bullet
t. week oriental with no guts

>> No.13167309

Fuck you, go back to your HLM.

>> No.13167314

This isn't your personal blog

>> No.13167373

>can't even spell weak

>> No.13167408

t'es complètement timbré mon pauvre, mais vraiment, va voir quelqu'un t'es dérangé

>> No.13167417

nice projecting, loser

>> No.13167419

We have a completely insane poster atm, who could very well be behind the guénon threads, while simultaneously trashing guénon in the comments. he's absolutely insane and has been posting for like 72hours straight. sounds like an amphetamine binge, don't bother replying.

>> No.13167424

I really don’t think he’s provided anything resembling a refutation of evil Anglo empiricism. I get that it makes him fell empty, but that seems to be the best he’s got.

>> No.13167443

t. psycho guenonposter feeling shame and fear, and swapping personalities

>> No.13167465

t. guenonposter answering to himself like a fucking psycho lunatic

>> No.13167594

Guénon was an orientalist, he used dialectics to turn retards into muslims.
1. he flattered them, he made them feel they were right and enlighted.
2. he managed to inflate their ego
3. he made them turn against their own people and families (your local tradition is dead, it only lives in Orient, embrace it)
4. some became traitors, some others understood and rejected Guénon's teachings as vicious bullshit.
Light marxism was just one of the many tools he used for point 1.
Guénon was just a filthy vicious carpet dealer.
Reading Guénon can be interesting, if the reader wants to study his manipulation tricks.

>> No.13168342


1°Psychology is a product of anglo saxon thought, and nobody should have cared to actually make a science of it

2°Sport are increasingly popular, and it's bad

3°Pragmatism is shit because it's replace truth by utility, and materialism and sentimentaly are linked because an excess of one will create a greater demand for the other


1)It all devolve in "religiosity", which is concluding without concrete evidence. The result of this is the humanization of god

2)Pragmatism is surprisingly associated with delusion, thus being an unbalanced ideology

3)Thus the apparition of "esoteric christianity" that is pretty much a sham superstitious religion, christianity practiced by the anglo is superstition

Tl;dr Anglo pragmatism sucks

Did I get that right ?

>> No.13168637


>> No.13168726

okay so if I want to understand this Traditionalism/Esotericism shit, what are the texts I need to read in chronological order before tackling Guenon?

>> No.13168758

okay so if I want to understand this Traditionalism/Esotericism shit, what are the texts I need to read in chronological order before tackling Guenon?

>> No.13168904

"Kiffe la zicmu" by Patrick Maurillet-Fageot

>> No.13169151

thanks, I'll check it out
I bet school was fun with that surname

>> No.13169321

>>Such is still more certainly the thought of the pragmatists, who make utility a substitute for truth and consider it at one and the same time under its material and moral aspects; and we see here too how fully pragmatism expresses the particular tendencies of the modern world, and above all of the Anglo-Saxon world, which is one of its most typical portions. Indeed, materialism and sentimentality, far from being in opposition, can scarcely exist one without the other, and they both attain side by side to their maximum development; the proof of this lies in America, where, as we have had occasion to remark in our books on Theosophism and Spiritualism, the worst pseudo-mystical extravagances come to birth and spread with incredible ease at the very time when industrialism and the passion for “business” are being carried to a pitch that borders on madness; when things have reached this state it is no longer an equilibrium which is set up between the two tendencies, but two disequilibriums side by side which aggravate each other, instead of counterbalancing. It





>> No.13169668
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