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13151425 No.13151425 [Reply] [Original]

Define art. What is your aesthetic philosophy?

>> No.13151437

Art is a meditative exercise. It allows you to make complex associations, keeping your mind sharp, as well as bringing you closer to inner peace. Bad art is either boring, dishonest, or morally unhelpful. It's limits are the limits of the mind

>> No.13151440

>Define art.
>What is your aesthetic philosophy?

>> No.13151606
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the strong is the beautiful

>> No.13151915

Art has no definition. Aestheticism is feign to true beauty.

>> No.13151929
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>> No.13151947
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Art is whatever you can convince people is art. It's a marketing exercise.

If you can't find something interesting, honest and morally helpful in any random thing you're not thinking hard enough.

>> No.13151949

art is the skillful expression of what is true, which is beautiful

>> No.13151955

that whose telos is in itself

>> No.13152364

What if the truth isn't beautiful?

>> No.13152411

then it isn’t true

>> No.13152457

Art is a non linguistic method of communication used to convey a moral, emotional or spiritual message.

>> No.13152653
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material counterpart plus y

>> No.13152724

Art is representation of life in multitude. It does not bestow sentimentalism or divulge into moralism but represents the subject matter or matter of forms in a perspective inteded to be affecting as it is expressive and irreconcilable. It is in one part the continual parlay of creator to witness, but also the hedge upon that witness becoming more conscious by the ministrations of the act. In sum, spectacle isn't art, but for art to be worthy it must render with the spectator a profound deference.

>> No.13152969

Why does the truth have to be beautiful? And why must there be two forms and expressions if there is only really one?

>> No.13152992

Art is anything in this world made with intentionality that makes you think or feel. Almost everything made by humans is art. Nature is not art but can still produce similarly profound feelings in the mind, so the distinction is really just with regards to its origin instead of the psychological effect.

>> No.13153462

in the final analysis art is nothing beyond the interaction of humanity with its own systems -- systems that precede chronologically and theoretically the system of ordering and describing thoughts we call language -- along the rules rendered by the systems themselves. in the west this is metaphysics, especially that which privileges the signified over the signifier; art of course is only ever representation even if it makes a claim for presence itself. art is the execution or the praxis of a metaphysical ideal according to the rules of expression proper to that ideal, and the ideal changes face frequently but at its heart it is only ever being or presence; presence as the meaning of being

>> No.13153473

Art is literally anything until a definition is agreed upon.

In reality, art is a trick to sway politics or make oneself seem more intelligent/valuable through an abuse of the human psyche.

>> No.13153886


>> No.13153903

Art is the (skillful) expression of one's inner beauty in the material world. Hence why modern art is trash; beause the people who make it are too

>> No.13153917

And by "inner beauty" I mean beauty behind the ego, i.e. of the soul/awareness

>> No.13154227

ayy nigga the prof has been showing us this book just fifteen minutes ago, looks dank

>> No.13154247

it's art if i say so, postironically speaking.

but jokes aside, the definition of art is very broad. "fine art" is what normies think art is, the aesthetically pleasing thoughtful works of masters.
but art can also be ugly and unpleasant, if it's meant to be.
its purpose is to reflect, explore, provoke emotion or thought.

>> No.13154251
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>art is [...] expression
>Art is [...] communication
>Art is representation
>Art is anything [...] that makes you think or feel
>Art is the (skillful) expression
Looks like it's time to read a book!

>> No.13154408

Based and READpilled.

>> No.13154416

This is one of the main reasons for modern art being trash. It is almost entirely an expression of individual feeling.
Although there is much more to it.

>> No.13154425

modern art isn't trash

and that's a valid answer


>> No.13154857

He lays out the best philosophy of art I’ve seen. Practically irrefutable.

>> No.13154883
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I did.

>> No.13154895

>Danto's definition has been glossed as follows: something is a work of art if and only if (i) it has a subject (ii) about which it projects some attitude or point of view (has a style) (iii) by means of rhetorical ellipsis (usually metaphorical) which ellipsis engages audience participation in filling in what is missing, and (iv) where the work in question and the interpretations thereof require an art historical context. (Danto, Carroll) Clause (iv) is what makes the definition institutionalist.
Bigger YIKES

>> No.13154906

Post five great works.

>> No.13155229

And he’s wrong because...?

>> No.13155347
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Art is a means of communication, a symbol as a it were that conveys different levels of meaning.
Beauty can only manifest when it is something the viewer can relate to on some level, yet it is above him in its meaning.
There is a mystery to how it came into being, the emotions, the experiences, the material, the challenges of the creator and so forth, all different dimensions of understanding.
An art piece changes in meaning just as our meaning in life changes with it, perhaps we feel a closer connection or more distance.
Yet the meaning we can still recognize because it is speaking to us an internal truth of our unique abilities to create a world that is different and special yet connected to what has always been

>> No.13155385

art is a selective simulation of reality

>> No.13155394
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Art is doing justice to a craft

>> No.13155403

Art is the divination of sublime order.

>> No.13156269

I also agree that art is communication. In its highest form, art becomes a method of transcendence. This you can feel as you gaze upon certain works.
It's not that contemporary art doesn't communicate anything, it's that it isn't transcendent. It's banal, depressing or sordid, and do we really need more of that?

It's commonly agreed that many contemporary forms were heavily influenced by disillusion and despair following the world wars. If true, this means that the world of art failed mankind when we needed it most.

>> No.13156283


>> No.13156315

Should speak for itself sweaty.

>> No.13156346
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>> No.13156400

The post saying art is intentionally produced work (craft) that arouses feelings is as accurate as it gets. It also has the merit of being Kantian, i.e. true.

>> No.13156428

In the book doesn't he just say that art is beauty and spend the rest of the time explaining what beauty is

>> No.13156609

Art is a creative work that other people find interesting or beautiful. That’s it.

My aesthetic philosophy is the catharsis and grace to be found in the quiet entropy of our natural world and consciousness.