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/lit/ - Literature

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13116147 No.13116147 [Reply] [Original]

The show without question fucked up by not adapting the rest of the books, but would we really get a better ending?

>> No.13116159
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Don't ever post this kike on my board again.

>> No.13116161
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>> No.13116172

As someone who generally despires modern fiction, I actually believe his first three books in the series are among the best novels of the last fifty years.
Jewpiro is right though, it's trash after the third.

>> No.13116226

Toni Morrison is better than Martin and I think she's overrated. Come on now. Last 50 years novels that are better so since 1969 off the top of my head
> So Cormac is much better, his 3 best novels destroy GOT. Argue that, desu it's irrelevant because almost all of his novels are better than GOT: Blood Meridian, The Road, All the Pretty Horses
> (unironically) Infinite Jest
> (unironically) Gravity's Rainbow
> Rabbit Quadrilogy
> Ishigurio who I don't like at all is better
> Beloved
> Midnight's Children
> The Corrections
> Junot Diaz's Oscar Wao which sucks is better
> 2666
> Slaughter-House 5
> Atonement, Handmaid's Tale, and Color Purple (all which suck) are better
> Confederacy of Dunces is much better
> Zadie Smith is even better
> Jewish Novels American Pastoral and Kavalier and Clay are better
> Even fucking Stephen King and JK Rowlinga are less of a meme than Martin
He's not even close anon, sorry.

>> No.13116240

Why don't you like him? He's a bit vacuous, the stereotypical Jew, sensitive, and dogmatic, but he's relatively harmless and would probably be a nice guy that you wouldn't want anything to do with after meeting him.

>> No.13116248
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Do the posters of /lit/ still agree with pic related?

>> No.13116251

>The Corrections
>Oscar Wao
kek well meme'd

>> No.13116264

Those are not the most famous lines in ASOIAF.

>> No.13116268

Oscar Wao is horrible, but it's better than GOT. Beloved is Morrison's only good novel and a lot better than Martin. Corrections is a bit superfluous, but still better than Martin. Would I compare any of the 3 to Proust or even JD Salinger? no. But they are relatively good novels. Cormac and Updike I'd say are they best on there pretty handily.

>> No.13116282

Martin's Fevre Dream is a better novel than those three.

>> No.13116284
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>Why don't you like him?
Do I seriously need to explain myself?

>> No.13116291


I hate him because he is a sensitive, dogmatic pussy and I want to beat him up.

>> No.13116304

Do you hate people solely based on their religion/ethicity? /pol/'s the other way, retard.

>> No.13116309

> Fevre Dream is a 1982 vampire novel written by American author George R. R. Martin
I'm sure it is

>> No.13116313

Why do you hate people solely based on their original board?

>> No.13116315

Jew is a mindset not an ethnicity. Read Evola my friend. You could have Jewish blood, but be Aryan and have Aryan blood but be a Jew. Hardly any full Jews are Aryan though

>> No.13116335 [DELETED] 

>The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) is a novel written by Dominican American author Junot Díaz.
>Beloved is a 1987 novel by the African-American writer Toni Morrison.
>The Corrections is a 2001 novel bySwedish- American author Jonathan Franzen.
Not sure what you're trying to say, mate. I doubt you've read it. Meanwhile, I've read those specific books I told you about and consider them inferior in comparison.

>> No.13116343

They're racist retards who idolize white supremacist terrorists. Don't try to defend them.

>> No.13116355

>The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) is a novel written by Dominican American author Junot Díaz.
>Beloved is a 1987 novel by the African-American writer Toni Morrison.
>The Corrections is a 2001 novel by Swedish- American author Jonathan Franzen.
Not sure what you're trying to say, mate. I doubt you've read it. Meanwhile, I've read those specific books I told you about and consider them inferior in comparison

>> No.13116360

>They're racist retards
What, all of them?

>> No.13116369

>Vampire Novel
Let's grow up a little bit.

>> No.13116380
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>> No.13116387

It's naive to suggest that there's no correlation between race and ideology as well. Why doesn't he just move to Israel lol?

>> No.13116403

So are you guys saying that Game of Thrones is a success because the fantasy genre has been given no attention for the most part?
Not every person on /pol/ is like that anon. You’re making yourself look foolish.

>> No.13116416

Why do you despise modern fiction?

>> No.13116434

There’s way too many white people in that genre. It’s toxic and will cause white people to get stupid ideas.

>> No.13116437


>> No.13116524

good job making me physically cringe

>> No.13116810
File: 169 KB, 1188x766, Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at 7.01.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.13116837

>I don't hate black people i just hate fucking niggers not racist btw
Bruh look at this dude