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File: 271 KB, 1080x1350, 8B0A0179-68A3-46B1-91A6-AED9230B46C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13106335 No.13106335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon, let's skip today's Metaphysics lecture and spend the day in earnest conversation at the local hipster cafe with our large boisterous friend group, spend the afternoon perusing the city's museums and parks, catch that film at the indie cinema, spend a few hours writing the essays for our enjoyable college majors, and spend the night passionately fucking."

Why isn't or wasn't this your life? It's easily within reach.

>> No.13106354
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x1429, 8E758370-C324-4F27-902C-9E7D2FE361F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not having this cancer fucking thread again ill be a mortar if I have to

Nigger nigger nigger nigger faggot faggot faggot faggot sage nigger faggot loli trans cuck bitch terrorist 9/11 1989 Tiananmen Square protests1989 Tiananmen Square protests1989 Tiananmen Square protests

>> No.13106357
File: 23 KB, 411x320, C38F588A-436E-4953-9DE9-41A7BA42A8D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martyr* A Mortar too why not

>> No.13106367

Unbelievable. I am reporting this thread.

>> No.13106376
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I have no interest in vapid whores or indolent hipsters. That this constitutes some kind of idyll is why I don't mourn the disintegration of the west or the white race, it represents nothing but the most vulgar mediocrity now.

>> No.13106379
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>Steps on mortar

Shocking isn't it?
Yugioh porn

>> No.13106381

based. hardest i laughed all day, then again it's only 12:08 am. enjoy your mortardom and say hello to william walker up there for me

>> No.13106395

>spend the night passionately fucking
lmaaaaaaaao bitch i have anhedonia and erectile dysfunction. i feel nothing when having sex or orgasming. i use you as emotional support

>> No.13106414

Because we are unironically too smart for that... Those people are just a certain offspring of norms. We are too weird, sexist, racist, intelligent, and anti-social for that. I enjoy being alone

>> No.13106421
File: 349 KB, 780x1337, D083353F-0B60-43E5-A5FA-D90DA3381F02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some wizardry

>> No.13106426


>> No.13106427


>> No.13106432


>> No.13106433

ikr, i wish i was a character in whit stillman's metropolitan

>> No.13106446


>> No.13106519


>> No.13106522


>> No.13106525

Goddammit, I was rolling because I'm an indecisive wizard

>> No.13106545
File: 1.49 MB, 474x316, 7FCB306D-3811-41A5-8208-7EF33AC91036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon, let's skip today's Metaphysics lecture”

Rub eyes, “What lecture? What day is it today?”

>”let’s spend the day in earnest conversation at the local hipster cafe with our large boisterous friend group”

Lol. “If we are getting coffee let’s go to Peets. Actually I don’t care” scratch hair

>”let’s spend the afternoon perusing the city's museums and parks”

“Oooo” Eyes light up, as I grab your butt for a nice firm squeeze “very nice”

>”catch that film at the indie cinema”

“I’m down” two hand grab, sliding my way into the back of your pants for some skin “which movie is it again?”

>“Let’s spend a few hours writing the essays for our enjoyable college majors, and spend the night passionately fucking."

“I don’t know what college your talking about toots but I say we fuck now, then we’ll be relaxed and have a really nice chill day” rubbing ur butthole “and then we can fuck tonight too... and you look really beautiful today. And I love you. You know that? I love you”

Passionate kiss

>> No.13106549

>skip today's Metaphysics lecture


>> No.13106555

>spend four times in one sentence

>> No.13106563
File: 60 KB, 499x338, FA0EDA85-581D-4F39-BF24-246EBAFB0F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a jew!

>> No.13106609


>> No.13106702


>> No.13106727

does 27 create a paradox?

>> No.13106729

This really isn't very romantic, to be honest

>> No.13106739

Words by themselves never are.

>> No.13106749


whats wrong with just a cute chick who laughs at your retarded jokes?

>> No.13106761

I meant, this is very normal among couples.

>> No.13106771

Rolling Go!

>> No.13106780

Hoping for mexican

>> No.13106966

Anything but snooki

>> No.13106968

Which one should I choose?

>> No.13107004

Gay stormfag trash, hang yourself

>> No.13107013

not this shit again

>> No.13107023

78 get

>> No.13107033


>> No.13107043


>> No.13107133

Based mortarbro. Godspeed

>> No.13107225


>> No.13107302

I've got this Problem of Seduction,
Baby girl, can't believe my eyes:
Come back to mine, gimme suction!
Then let me test my thesis, 'cum on those thighs'.
This logical deductive hypothetical argument says your blowjob eyes are heavensent.

>> No.13107319


>> No.13107325
File: 12 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is epic

>> No.13107329

based and wizardpilled


>> No.13107332


>> No.13107344


who wins if I fight:

The rest have all rolled complete shit, aside from based >>13106727 and godpilled

>> No.13107353

brother, join me and so we could destroy >>13107329 and take over the world
sincerely, >>13107319

>> No.13107399

so many wizardre....so litle time.......i will pe

>> No.13107471


>> No.13107483
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>> No.13107488

>go to the praxis cafe on campus to watch the publicized date between two amorous intellectuals

>guest lecture on rock formations

>> No.13107490
