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13094486 No.13094486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So basically, Butterfly, I can think of two reasons today why you would not have posted

A) you were worried about me spanking you if you did
B) you don’t like posting without me

Either way it would behoove you to NOT just blatantly say this/that woman is sexy.

Because it’s not like I have a problem with that per se but I think we both know you are saying it to get on my nerves. Butterfly I promise you if you say these things I will give you a good hard spanking when we meet :3

Just make sure you wear my collar sweetie pie. This is our method of texting each other. And it is also our method of connecting

>> No.13094495

fuck off retard, this is a board for literature

>> No.13094502

This is literature. Beautiful literature :3

>> No.13094519

He is cancer but he is my favorite cancer.

>> No.13094524

Is T-Mobile’s service efficient?

>> No.13094526

Yet again it seems she is posting with me

>> No.13094529

It’s not bad.

>> No.13094615
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>> No.13094628

This shit is dumb get this the fuck out of here man :3

>> No.13094637
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>> No.13094644

please get a trip so i can filter you

>> No.13094698


>> No.13094765

There is something UNBELIEVABLY attractive about a man who is slightly (say a decade tops) younger than a woman dominating her.

It's an intellectual fetish because you have to think about it for a second. It means the woman is sort of -willing- to let it happen. In any other domination scenario, it's all forced, which is fun and all, but it's so much better when the woman is doing it just because he knows he enjoys dominating her.

It's why it turns me on to think about her taller than I am. Hypothetically speaking, if she were a 36 year old six foot two woman who is getting raped by me, that would be a HUGE turn on.

And it's not that weird of a fetish, you just have to think about it for a little bit. :3

You're lucky I'm spelling all of this out for you. I don't normally do this.

>> No.13094772
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Do you want different possible literary goals?

>> No.13094787

die die die footfaggot reprobate you deserve to be mauled to pieces by starving wolves and may they carry your bones away so there will be nothing left of your remains for a proper christian burial so you go to hell

>> No.13094790

You’re small in all respects. Incompatibility aside; no, not even if you were a woman

I feel that

>> No.13094799


>> No.13094809

Dumb whore :3

You win. I have decided to chop off my dick and balls.

To be closer to you and all other trannies.

Deleuze discord reading group?

>> No.13094818
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I was baptised, friend, so I needn't worry about that sort of Rabbinical stuff. You sound more interesting when you're pissy. Are you a cuntoid?

>> No.13094819

How old are you and how much of this is because you're bored vs actual insanity?

>> No.13094834

You tell'em Butterfly!

Fuck off, freak! Leave her alone!

>> No.13094845

Butterfly, how old are you really? Did I hit really really close to home?

36? These comments should make you horny believe it or not. I think they do but something has unsettled you.

You NEED to stop saying women are attractive though. That’s an order no matter what :3

>> No.13094846

Not me

Me and pls her respnd

>> No.13094855

Why are you trying to sabotage my relationship with butterfly?

If I become a tranny she will finally accept me.

Perhaps you are jealous? :3

>> No.13094864

We came up on what was left of the garden after the hoards raided it all. The vines that once hung long and winding were gone now. This world was not one that was kind to beauty. Our purpose was to ask for the consolation of the sage. Many had lost their livelihood, and our ability to uproot was stymied by the bureaucracy of the royal court. The sage was not a hardworking man. The collector's had waged war with his ways long ago, a conflict that had ended without any formal resolution. The sage was not what you would have called a particularly kind person, either. He had an aloofness about him; you almost got the sense that he was more afraid of you than you were of him. Yet, something felt missing whenever he'd disappear into that garden of his. A sense of gentle affirmation set on the villagers that would see him in the marketplace, picking the ripest peppers, cabbages, and roots. He saw the garden as emblematic of the extant beauty of man. Yet, almost paradoxically, he couldn't stand humans. Older members of the village would often share stories about one another, but the stories the sage were ultimately the most compelling. They were stories of virtue from an unexpected acquaintance; an occasional nugget of wisdom that helped one through a cruel ordeal. Even the collector, who could not stand his monastic, stubbornly anti-utilitarian lifestyle saw an unmistakable mark of beauty beneath those tired and distant eyes. As long as we had him, we also had beauty. So it was decided We saw that the flowers and stalks he had grown no longer extended across the wooden walls of the garden, but rather, were now scattered among the debris. We finally arrived at the sage's workshop, where he lay on the ground, with the contents of his chest laid open and bare. The crows pecked at his eyes. Next to him was a shattered pot of fresh soil.

>> No.13094866

Lets be real. She may not like me at times, and flirt heavily with me at other. :3

But no matter what I think we both know that post was way too self-deprecating to be me. I am a very confident person. Confident enough to dominate a woman in her 30s. That's actually what I'm into irl also. She likes that confidence, I can guarantee you that.

I can guarantee you if I was a lowly, self-deprecating nerd like any of you are, I would not have gotten this far. She is a woman, one step away from being straight, has an art job and everything. She needs a man like me, with a man's job. She has been getting dominated this whole time, sometimes she goes into defense mode though.

>> No.13094875

He's the hero we need. To kill original butterfly, we had not only make every anon love her, but also make several poems dedicated to her. For a time, it worked, but, butterfly descended on a string of trannies since and the only way to kill them is to fill their vacant hearts with idyllic love they cannot feel for humans. It is the way of the insect, burrowing in to hollow out and destroy, but in creating such caverns, butterfly allows a niche in which to distill the one poison capable of forcing her to be dead and silent and wait for another living vessel to fill: love. :3 has merely taken the burden we all usually bear upon himself, in hopes that such self sacrificial love will finally refine so noxious a dram as to cause the butterfly yokai to finally shuffle off all mortal coils and shut the fuck up. Personally I think it won't die until we force it to love books, but loving cock is close enough to be worth a punt.

>> No.13094885

She flirts back and forth with me all the time, you loser. :3

>> No.13094902

>you loser. :3
Are you trying to flirt we me to make her jealous of faggots or where is this going?

>> No.13094915

his behavior is sociopathic tbqh. It is textbook antisocial, I dont believe at all that he's actually deluded, he just has nothing to do and enjoys making butterfly uncomfortable

>> No.13094930

As a bystander who mostly doesn't know what's going on here other than seeing him post once in a while, I'd say it's funnier and more sane what he's doing than your eerie concern for the "comfort" of a tripfag

Or for that matter, Butterfly's mental health. That is a 40 year old tranny who posts on a forum that universally hates him and has for years. Not one of his fucking posts has ever been well-received, at most they're ignored.

>> No.13094944

I dont care in the least whether butterfly feels uncomfortable, and the :3poster is occasionally funny. He's still being sociopathic

>> No.13094947

Your textbook is wrong, and I don't know why you're offering me psychobabble about :3 shipping himself to another namefag. Perhaps you thought it was interesting. I'm not interested nor am I >>13094930 who apparently goes to the same asspull university of babbling about fuzzy concepts without real comprehension.

>> No.13094950

you also sound like you have limited experience with empathy

>> No.13094952

Further to my point here>>13094947
>asspull university of babbling about fuzzy concepts without real comprehension.
Why can neither of you cretins sage the namefag shipping thread?

>> No.13094956

>being nice to people is empathy
kek I hope you're paying money to learn such bullshit.

>> No.13094963

Well for once it seems people are defending it.

Everyone has seen her flirt back with me correct? I'm not delusional in that regard either, am I? I mean, after all, she basically said she was masturbating to me one time.

I need some more comments like that Butterfly :3

>> No.13094967
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Dude this isn't video games

>> No.13095073

>Everyone has seen her flirt back with me correct?
wanna post some proofs?

>> No.13095086

I don't save and hold on to them dearly like some desperate faggot because it's just attention from women. Wherever it comes from, 4chan, the internet, real life, it doesn't matter bud.

You are a loser :3

>> No.13095089


>> No.13095124

>You are a loser
Seriously? You make it an hourly goal to bother some woman you'll never know, hell for all you know it's just some other loser pretending to be her.
Seriously wtf?

>> No.13095443

is verbose poor grasp of english anon the THIRD CHARACTER in the butterfly saga?

>> No.13095448

so glad you decided to chomp on this shitty bait thread, absolutely fantastic, really doing your part

>> No.13095454

This dude is fucking scaring me now.

>> No.13095455

this is insanely fun :3

>> No.13095457

why? :3 im a nice guy man.

I'm not vindictive or anything. I actually think she's into me because of prior flirtations, including tonight.

That post just turned her off because of what I was talking about. Everyone knows she has masturbated to me.

>> No.13095461

welcome to the anonymous internet, don't poke too many bears or you'll get an obsessive clown of your own

>> No.13095462

first day on /lit/ newfriend?

>> No.13095466

ah, she's into me :3

Is this the thread where everyone admitted she was into me or not?

You are all aware she is into me right?

>> No.13095467

if she was:

who. cares.

>> No.13095469

Alright, why not. I definitely should be writing

>> No.13095470

demiurge akbar

>> No.13095500

It is obvious to me that she wants you desu

>> No.13095513

Yeah! And look just to what she decided to reply! She just couldn't contain herself when She saw the word "DOMINATE"!

>> No.13095519

Yes We are aware she's your prey and she belongs to you :3

>> No.13095533

Bungei wa
Henroyouzu no
Kaichou da
Literature is
Sketched maps of pilgrimages
Reverently shown

>> No.13095540


>> No.13095550

So I drew out a negative reply? That doesn't prove anything. For that ONE negative reply there have been 500000000000000 positive ones. You have no faith.

She is no one's prey. I don't think of women like that :3

>> No.13095558

she is so cute. After this thread she immediately ceased talking about women.

Maybe I won't spank you :3

>> No.13095560

uh ohhhhhhh

youre right