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/lit/ - Literature

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13088107 No.13088107 [Reply] [Original]

Why has literature died?

>> No.13088118

It hasn't. Pull your head out

>> No.13088129

Just wanted to thank whoever posted the links to Lust, Caution in Chinese. The thread 404'd, so I thought I'd post a thank you in the top couple of threads.

>> No.13088132

Name 10 great authors who have had their debut in the last decade.

>> No.13088313

the "canon of great works" you likely hold up as definitive of literature is an after the fact construct.
this is not to say that its irrelevant, just that you will not ever have a current "literary scene" because in ten years people will be looking back to describe what the literary scene of today was
so just read a lot, don't miss anything

>> No.13088452

No one knew our boy Herman Melville was any good until he was good and dead. So this question might be hard to answer.

>> No.13088478

It's obsolete. Superior modern art forms have siphoned away all of the writing talent and now the only people still writing books are the ones who couldn't sell a screenplay.

>> No.13088492

Screenplays are inferior. You don't have the freedom to write what you want.

>> No.13088513

Political correctness in the publishing industry

>> No.13088549

>name 10 authors you like so I can shit on them haha!
>implying most "great authors" are decided on while they're still young/working

>> No.13088684

Same reason as in the 17th Century.

>> No.13088695

I’ve lost my step

>> No.13088704
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And I killed myself.

>> No.13088717

It's not dead. It's an 83 year old reclusive black man in bumblefuck Vermont.

>> No.13088736
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Literature is the highest art.

>> No.13088965


>> No.13089110


I somehow can't bring myself to think of the novel as "art." Painting, music, sculpture yes, but nothing else. Fucking weird, I know

>> No.13089140


Not entirely true. Melville published his first novel at 26 to immediate success and was for a brief time renown as a writer of seafaring adventures. It was when he outgrew these novels and turned to higher themes that critics and sales turned against him. He sabotaged his own career.

>> No.13089217

>And I killed myself.
For plagiarism.

>> No.13089227
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This made me laugh, because, I’ve seen you typed this on here before, unaware I am of David’s plagiarism, enlighten me, educate me butter fren

>> No.13089296

Loss of meaning, opulence, scientism, stupid wars, political and spiritual repression, and all anyone can write about is revenge and how shit the world is.

>> No.13089308
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Mathias Enard is the superior contemporary French author

>> No.13089357

Not me, for what its worth.

>> No.13089383


>> No.13089477
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>> No.13090241

Too slow

>> No.13090547
File: 74 KB, 540x960, 57578670_2192449387501999_5605633852648194048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not even remotely. The only people saying otherwise are Europeans who still don't realize they are Americans and future victims of Paris syndrome

Europe is totally 200% Americanized. Romantic mutts in the Western hemisphere like to imagine that when they get to Europe they'll be greeted by dairymaids and stained glass windows, and Europeans like to imagine that their brains aren't the personal property of Starbucks and Google, but in actuality both worlds have long since melded into the same crappy reality we find ourselves in, and guess what, Starbucks won.

The horrifying truth is that America is simply an exaggeration of Europe's worst tendencies, Europe feeds on American exaggerations since it has none of its own, and both regions are trapped in a self-reinforcing cultural feedback loop that will only end when Europe has nothing European left

Europe is a European-themed economic zone within the United States of America. Europe has no real remaining cultural distinctions from America, Europe is America and at best a subculture of the wider American Empire.

>> No.13091197

where can i buy that jacket?

>> No.13091579
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>> No.13092099

sounds about right

>> No.13092112

The Internet. It’s also why we have school shootings.

>> No.13092118

I stopped writing books.

>> No.13092339

my diary hasn't been published yet desu