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File: 3.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1556575491903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13049156 No.13049156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old where you when you realized individualism is a meme?

>> No.13049175

13. I really liked Rage Against the Machine. Now I think individualism is everything. To the extent that we are radically isolated in terms of being. There is no "in the world". Only cosmogenix events to which we are partial.

>> No.13049182

Yes i am immune to propaganda you stupid fucking faggot cat. I'm not a fucking retard like you.

>> No.13049223

everything but IND is, sorry sweetie.

>> No.13049227

This is a website full of propaganda you moron

>> No.13049232

Propaganda does nothing if you silence your subconscious

>> No.13049235

unironically last year at 19 years of age

>> No.13049240

What constitutes an individual?

>> No.13049252

>takes shrooms for the first time
>break free from 19 years of liberal-capitalist indoctrination in 4 hours
>left the cave for a brief sojourn in the Real World; still in the cave seeing shadows but at least i know there’s something more

10/10 would recommend

>> No.13049382
File: 61 KB, 383x500, serveimage-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns fichte's Nicht-Ich into Du
romanticize the world... kidd....

>> No.13049405

19. The moment a leftist tried to convince me individuality is not an ideology.

>> No.13049424

'I am outside ideology' is the calling card of the man completely enthralled by ideology

>> No.13050645

How old were you when you grew out of the individual/collective false dichotomy?

>> No.13050664

What a strange image.

>> No.13050687

like 22

>> No.13050712

Individualism (assuming egoism or some type of material individualism) is a scam. Transcendental individualism, which ironically is more akin to universal collectivism, is where I am right now

>> No.13051104
File: 36 KB, 240x279, FB6C1AFB-9E87-4310-9041-045540DF1502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you when you found out that “meme” doesn’t mean “joke” or “parody”

>> No.13051877

>Implying I intended it to mean either of those
Nice comprehension buddy

>> No.13051885
File: 1.08 MB, 160x192, 9F4318D5-4446-437A-B4B7-D86147AD2F88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he’s the OP

>> No.13051886

It's not the brightest child

>> No.13051912
File: 13 KB, 220x239, 220px-Jacques_Ellul_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was in the womb and i saw the umbilical cord

>> No.13051938

You look like a smart guy. I believe you.

>> No.13051954
File: 151 KB, 1024x347, dog semen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13051969

>that provocative lustruous lowering of eyelids
>that casually bent posterior
>those curled lips of seductive dismissiveness

Am I a sex addict or is there serious erotic tension in the last panel ?

>> No.13051976

She's clearly fucking Garfield.

>> No.13052009

That's what I desperately wanted to not realize despite intuitively suspecting it.

>> No.13052235

Just happened last fall, age 29. Wrote a rambling email to my dad, brother, and best friend about how I think "hyper-individualism" is causing a downfall in society. Will post the ~1800 word email if anyone cares.

>> No.13052280

Post it fago

>> No.13052294

I've got nothing better to do, post it

>> No.13052316



>> No.13052319

thank you anon, absolutely beautiful.

>> No.13052344

Pretty good anon

>> No.13052352

"My instincts tell me" that I agree with you, but also that this is no criticism. You make arguments that boil down to steam; "intuitively" has no place in conveying abstract meaning. Return is regression, the standard of "the thing greater than oneself" is as tattered and moth eaten as the cynically constructed social "individuality." Any effective defense against capital has to be individual at the level of the abstract and general at the level of the concrete.

>> No.13052365

>my instincts tell me
Fair enough.

>the thing greater than oneself is tattered and moth-eaten
Perhaps, and maybe it's trite as an alternative to the "hyper-individualism," but what is a better counterpoint to individualism? I believe I stopped short of prescribing religion as a solution because I truly don't know what a good suggestion is.

>> No.13053725
File: 482 KB, 1280x1152, edritch abomination Garfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, didn't realize Garfield had gotten quite dark in recent years...