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13038339 No.13038339 [Reply] [Original]

What’s some accessible, entry-level Socialist literature?

>> No.13038432

The Black Book of Communism

>> No.13038643

The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason

>> No.13039312

Das Kapital 1

or the stuff the german Opposing Viewpoint is publishing (Grundrisse-kind of Marxists), e.g. their condensed version of the Capital:


>> No.13039732

The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropist is a really good entry point.

Capitalist Realism for contemporary(ish) take.
Then back to
Communist Manifesto/Critique of the Gotha Programme
Lenin's State and Revolution for orthodox marxism
Some excerpts from Gramsci (mainly on hegemony), Althusser on Ideology for less orthodox Marxism

After that, look for a direction you find interesting, whether has a cultural focus (Frankfurt school, althusser), Lenin/Mao orthodox Marxism, economic focus (Luxemburg/mandel), ecosocialism (Murray Bookchin I suppose?), Ultraleftism/post-Marxism (Bordiga, Camatte).

Also since he's a current meme, Zizek is worth reading at some stage. Don't take anything he says too seriously tho.

I'm sure there's a chart here somewhere.

>> No.13039922

Anything by Sorel

>> No.13040175

Engels- socialism: utopian and scientific
Chompsky- gobberment in the future

Its hard to find stuff which doesn't lean towards Communism or Anarchism. I recommend learning both. Bookchin's talks are always interesting, although hes a first worldist.

The Finnish Bolshevik is a good source for Marxism-Leninism.

>> No.13040191

Homage to Catalonia
Down and Out in London and Paris

>> No.13040201
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The absolute chad, Micahel Parenti

>> No.13040255

I never understand faggots like you
"I want to be X please tell me how to be X"
Literal poser LARPer
If you're interested in Marxism (which sounds like what you mean, not socialism in general, as Marx is just one socialist thinker and not the first) then read Marx
But if you're approaching it because you want to LARP as a socialist then you're intellectually worthless
Just like the online-Nazis who have never read Mein Kampf in their life and have no desire to actually engage with the ideas as they are, they just want to have enough information to justify their LARP
Dont be one of those faggots

>> No.13040271

Sounds like an indoctrinated stalinist asshole

>> No.13040425

I dont think you want to be a communist, i,m not going to persade you. you should think long and hard about the free market, communism, how both have been tried.

>> No.13040691

i too love genocide denial. yeah bro milosevic did nothing wrong

>> No.13040706

God and the State
Communist Manifesto obviously but you won't understand most of the references to obscure socialist groups that existed at the time.
dont know what else to read.
he comes off as larpy but i dont think he's a socialist yet so lay off a bit.
based boomer.

>> No.13040818

>entry level

>> No.13040846

>Go to work
>Get angry at your boss
>Think about what exactly you're doing, how much you're getting paid, why you're doing it, if you're getting paid enough for your labour
>Look at your boss doing fuck all and realize he's getting paid more then you

The slippery slope begins there

>> No.13040896
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HAHAHa socialism is just for angsty teens that hate thier boss

>> No.13040946

Your boss does more than you, you just think paperwork isnt the same as physical labor. In reality he's doing that job because he's smarter than you and he worked his way into that position. He gets paid more because without him there's nobody to ensure you are doing your job properly. He manages multiple people and is responsible for their behaviour and their work.
Becoming a commie because you have teenage angst towards authority is just about the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

>> No.13040949
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how those boots taste anons

>> No.13040950

>burger flipper thinks his work is more valuable than technical work

>> No.13040969

>Workers rise up! (i dont actually work because i am lazy)

>> No.13040970

>fuckin burger flipper thinks he's actually important what a retard nobody cares about shit jobs
>what? oh sorry, I was lost in thought. you can take my order, I'll have a big mac please

>> No.13041030
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you can hate you boss and still be a capitalist anon.

>> No.13041050

Zizek should be taken seriously