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12914660 No.12914660 [Reply] [Original]

>"Rule #9: If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say, Don't Say Anything At All"


>> No.12914665

What's the point of going on 4chan then?

>> No.12914930
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>> No.12915056

Didn't they just ban this book in New Zealand?

>> No.12915062

This unironically will help most anons' social problems

>> No.12915064

>nice joke about niggers
>fellas didn't get it
thanks bepinson

>> No.12915102

>be me
>visiting old friend at his house
>get in
>he's eating his shit out of the toilet bowl
>about to tell him how disgusting that is
>remember rule 9
>instead decide to join in

>> No.12915265

checks out

>> No.12915268
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>woah, Peterson btfo!

>> No.12915269


>> No.12915345

But rule 9 is to assume people you talk to might know something you don't know.

>> No.12915515

>Rule #11: Sometimes less is more

>> No.12915663

Someone post extract from this book I want to read

>> No.12916106

>“There is an unspeakably primordial calculator, deep within you, at the very foundation of your brain, far below your thoughts and feelings. It monitors exactly where you are positioned in society—on a scale of one to ten, for the sake of argument. If you’re a number one, the highest level of status, you’re an overwhelming success. If you’re male, you have preferential access to the best places to live and the highest-quality food. People compete to do you favours. You have limitless opportunity for romantic and sexual contact. You are a successful lobster, and the most desirable females line up and vie for your attention.”
>“If you’re female, you have access to many high-quality suitors: tall, strong and symmetrical; creative, reliable, honest and generous. And, like your dominant male counterpart, you will compete ferociously, even pitilessly, to maintain or improve your position in the equally competitive female mating hierarchy. Although you are less likely to use physical aggression to do so, there are many effective verbal tricks and strategies at your disposal, including the disparaging of opponents, and you may well be expert at their use.”

i stopped reading halfway through the first chapter

>> No.12916118

Wew, people take this shit seriously?

>> No.12916174

someone post that grandma's pubes quote

>> No.12916182

I only say mean things.

>> No.12916216

well that wasn't very mean at all

>> No.12916221

It was mean to myself, idiot

>> No.12916310

But that's right

>> No.12916316

What's actually incorrect about this?

>> No.12916342

Biggest complaint you can have is that the prose is a bit weak. That's why I recommend the audio book, since he writes a bit like how he talks.

>> No.12916352

t. level 1 on the primordial calculator

>> No.12916382

Wtf we /lit/izens love Peterson now!

>> No.12916400

Sounds like an edgy 14 year old

>> No.12916431

did peterson not have that freshman writing class where you have to read elements of style? the writing is atrocious

>> No.12916441

Wow Anon, turns out shit talking everyone you see doesn't benefit anyone in the long run.

>> No.12916455

Peterson BTFO by epic chapotraphouse reddit irony!

>> No.12916461


Seething reactionary chud BTFO by chapobro's ironical response.

>> No.12916464

Quiet little lobster. You will never even be a 9 on the male dominance hierarchy scale. Now if you excuse me I have some sjw femanazi pussy to eat.

>> No.12916645


>> No.12916708

>Now if you excuse me I have some sjw femanazi pussy (male) to eat.

>> No.12916724


chapotrannies ftw! wtf I love communism now?

>> No.12916733


LMAO I know plenty of chapobros who are trans. That doesn't hurt anyones feeling, my dude.

>> No.12916747

This. A recent survey showed that 57% of /r/chapotraphouse user were trans. This shows just how accepting the left is.

>> No.12916750

One bookstore started taking it off its shelves, but it's back on shelves now.

>> No.12916753


It's pretty funny how much you know about leftists subreddits, but are also gonna claim to never use reddit. Typical hypocrite stormweenie.

>> No.12916761
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>> No.12916780

lolwut? I visit the chapo reddit everyday. Never claimed otherwise

>> No.12916787

>A recent survey showed that 57% of /r/chapotraphouse user were trans.
this is a joke right

>> No.12916790

this is just obviously true, rap niggas are very aware of this, all their music is about status

>> No.12916795

>let people walk all over you
Fun fact; telling people they shouldn't say anything at all is in fact not very nice.

>> No.12916934

Why is this the so shitty to read but the effect isn't that noticeable when he speaks?

>> No.12916946


Reactionaries don't read

>> No.12917079

Nah fuck Jews

>> No.12917169


Christianity exegetes the malignancy of status and especially of one's obsession thereof. To call it "unspeakably primordial" is practically Satanic.

>> No.12917193

He's a pro-Nietzsche "Christian"
He's anti-Christ.
It's sad his followers don't get it.

>> No.12917207
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This. Don't let people walk on you. Remain calm, civil, indeed even "polite", but being nice is always a mistake and sets a precedent for people to treat you worse and worse. Nice guys really do finish last.

>> No.12917257
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>"Rule #1: Treat others how you would like to be treated"

>> No.12917282

True chads consume onions boy flesh.

>> No.12917344

This. True chads suck chapo tranny dick all day

>> No.12917362

>"Rule #1: But my $2,000 rug"

>> No.12918039

Chapochadhouse > 4chuds