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12902103 No.12902103 [Reply] [Original]

a passable headstone

>> No.12903042
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i am disappoint

>> No.12904162

I got a signed edition and am excited for the time capsule aspects, the vernacular, idioms and intuited female experience, captured in Megan's amber. She comes from an interesting time and place that has now come and gone perhaps. I don't know much else beyond her celebrity.

>> No.12904266

time capsule of what? texting while driving? blending xanax in a smoothie? they get off on throwing a watermelon, we're talking 28 year olds here, throwing a watermelon on the ground in a park. she begins accusing the reader of resentment within the first hundred pages, which is bullshit since most people would probably go into it with an open mind, it comes off less like a hormonal anxiety and more like an anticipation of the audience response. it's not our fault you have nothing interesting to say. it could be a good time capsule of banality, futile effort, maximum tragedy, 800 pages of nothing, couldn't say anything with a ream of paper, people in the future will be like, 'what empty, directionless lives those people lived, so hollow, so deprived of meaning,' which shouldn't be the case, yet that's what the culture wants to push, if you're not partying your ass off 24/7 then what's the point? does she ever read a book in the book? cover to cover? does she ever have a job or is it all just bouncing from interview to interview? her parents support her, she never left home, she's got no skills or interests, and that's supposed to capture contemporary experience? that's sad.

>> No.12904289

all of the letters in 'a novel' are made of three lines except the 'v.'

>> No.12904293

i want to eat your brain

>> No.12904294

Is there a better book about someone alive in 2013 America, especially a woman?

>> No.12904296


>> No.12904304

Not That Kind of Girl was decent

>> No.12904321

celebrity memoirs are hardly representative of the lives of the 99%

>> No.12904333

dont Lena and Megan attend the same synagogue?

>> No.12904346

see, i think these stipulations about expressing America or dismissing celebrity is a cheap trick, that's the beauty of UNIVERSAL TRUTHS, that's what writers capture which makes them succeed

>> No.12904355

capote should've saved his kerouac quip for boyle's magnum opus

>> No.12904356

you take Confucius, something written in ancient China before America was even an idea, somehow what he said is still applicable today, how the hell is that?

>> No.12904364

besides, Liveblog is also a memoir, so what's the difference? She has famous friends, she's married to Tao Lin, it's the same thing

>> No.12904382

no, liveblog is a novel. and being an "alt-lit personality" briefly married to tao lin still makes you look like a fucking okie compared to lena dunham

>> No.12904386

the most disparaging characteristic of the times is the complete and utter lack of imagination, in young people, in everybody. don't know why people can't chase a wild hair up their ass anymore, and when they do it always boils down to the same thing: drugs. go to colorado and get stoned for a week, drive to utah and eat mushrooms on the great salt flats, and as for kids there's nothing beyond theme parks, six flags, noah's ark, disney, whatever's closest, there are places to go and things to see all over the place and people just file down the aisle, looking neither right nor left nor even straight ahead, just staring at their feet the whole way to the grave

>> No.12904396


>> No.12904399

i was under the impression that it was an actual blog she wrote, if that entire book is in fact a product of her imagination she'd be a savant

>> No.12904407

then there's the one's that go completely over the top in an effort to capture 'the good things' in life, family trips to grand cayman, summer overseas, what they lack in imagination they make up for in unbridled hubris

>> No.12905260

I appreciate that Megan Boyle had a Kstew-esque appreciation of footsexuality in her millennial audiences, both men and women. Her twitter and Instagram make all sorts of allusions to /tv/ foot worship memes and I feel like she'd only appropriate footsexual culture and memes if she was one of us and wished to celebrate our aesthetic movement. I bet Tao Lin still superimposes Megan Boyle's adorable tootsies on not only the feet of his more recent lovers but replaces too their breasts, hands and even faces with Megan Boyle's goddess feet. Just imagine slamming a hipster dirtleg with fully inked sleeves and four piercings in her septum with hours of Megan Boyle anatomical imagery stored and available in your masturbatory memory bank for superimposing on just such a grotesquerie as that Gorgon haired aposematic woman beneath wistful Tao, Megan's feet fading in his memory but growing more sublime by every day of her absence

>> No.12905273

Her parents are so permissive and ineffectual.

>> No.12905295

I thought it was funny how Megan's dad managed to always convince her friends to help him earn his Reflexology credit hours.

>> No.12905305

I didn't get there yet or if I did I don't remember. I'm a little past the halfway point where she decides to join the Navy to become an astronaut. She's delusional and her parents are encouraging her.

Also been wanting to talk about this book with ppl. It's not "good" per se but it's interesting in a voyeuristic TLC reality show train wreck kind of way.

>> No.12905308

Megan's Dad is a sports medicine consultant for several sports team and specializes in podiatric optimization in female athletes. I wish she'd write about how he smelled coming how from being up to his neck in physical therapy and mobility exercises such that he reeked of high fecundity female perspiration