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12859834 No.12859834 [Reply] [Original]

Therefore you are.

>> No.12861516

Accelerationists are the cryptofurries of ideology.

>> No.12861536
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Capital is not sentient, or at the very least you should provide proof that it, indeed, can feel emotions or respond to outside stimuli in a relatively stable and predictable fo...

Well, shit.

>> No.12861539
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Am I happy or sad?

>> No.12861545


>> No.12861615

Is mania in opposition to sentience?

>> No.12861641


>> No.12861650

But I'm not worth anything.

>> No.12861684

You are worth what you think.

>> No.12861736

Why so much pinkerposting?<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.12862041

Because he is the answer. Capital has provided us with the greatest opportunity for peace and happiness the world has ever known, and yet we resent its power.

>> No.12862056


>> No.12862061

this but unironically
what made them this way?

>> No.12862064
File: 112 KB, 608x508, 4415550D-75E3-43A4-83FE-BC591A05EFD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>capital ergo sum

>> No.12862070

mania can result in a hyper-sentient person or being

>> No.12862082
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The blissful masochism of the Anglo feeding off of unreality.

>> No.12862086

>Capital has provided us with the greatest opportunity for peace and happiness the world has ever known
Lol, as if it wasnt for capital that also many wars started. Go back to your work cage wagie.

>> No.12862116

War is a great opportunity. Wealth is distributed in the trenches, and the homeland comes to know the peace of the parapet.

>> No.12862148

It’s like Freud and Eros

you’re never going to make it qualitative

>> No.12862233

>It brings peace so its good
>it brings wars and death so its also good
>War is a great opportunity. Wealth is distributed in the trenches
Yeah sure, i bet all those materials, work and money wasted into building battleships, shells and aircraft just to end up either in the bottom of the ocean or exploded were totally worth it for the economy. In the meantime, big capitalists and bosses continue rich and pay you even less using the moral excuse that the country is in bad shape and you need to work more.

>> No.12862250

The rich pay us in other ways. Have you never played Battleship? Have you never watched Netflix?
We are wise AND entertained. What previous society can claim such wealth?
As for war and peace, what is peace good for without war? You would not even know it.

>> No.12862373

>The rich pay us in other ways.
They dont, the money spent in the war was from the goverment that gets its money from the working people. Everything in the war is payed, provided and built by the same people. They dont pay things in anyway and that's why they only get bigger and bigger.
>We are wise AND entertained. What previous society can claim such wealth?
Pretty bold claim desu, dont know what kind of wise you are talking, if anything we are being more and more manipulated and staying "specialized ignorants" that only know how to do their work and stay ignorant on everything else for the sake of preserving the higher powers and maxing consuption. About the tecnology and entertainment we have, it comes naturally from humans and doesnt depend on capital. Previous times were also worse and got worse also at the cost of capital.
I think you are touching two independent variables. Its like saying ice creams are responsible for forest fires because the period they are most consumed is when forest fires happen the most.