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/lit/ - Literature

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12824447 No.12824447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do women (female) feel about bookfags?

>> No.12824470

Who cares?

>> No.12824474

Generally they resent any interests that detract from attention paid to them.

>> No.12824475

Attractive? Neat accessory to your personality

Ugly? Overcompensating nerd virgin

>> No.12824477

They’re a mixed bag, I’ll tell ya

>> No.12824480

How the fuck do you post pictures on this website

>> No.12824481

I think women like ambition and passion but it hasn’t helped me at all so far (since im a kv)

>> No.12824483

aren't you a lesbian

>> No.12824485

This desu, kiss most solitary hobbies goodbye if you get a gf.

>> No.12824489

based clinical retard

>> No.12824493

As a woman, I tend to ignore men who read. I wouldn't want to disturb them as I wouldn't like to be disturbed if I were reading in public.
If I were to stumble upon a man who shared my same tastes in books, I would feel very grateful but it's doubtful that that would ever happen considering most men prefer to do anything but.

>> No.12824519

What do normalfag women think about bookfags? Your opinion doesn’t really matter, as you’re clearly autistic for browsing this site, and you probably done even go outside all that much.

>> No.12824522

True and it makes me sad, my gf gets pissed if I read too much

>> No.12824527

She’s not really :3

But she would not turn your way for many of you. Only me :D

>> No.12824528

Rude! I hate men! You're all the same: trash. Go bully someone else you jerk.

>> No.12824537

ive turned lesbians before, im smooth and charming and have semi-amdrogynous good looks so its an easy transition for them

>> No.12824569

based Don Draper reading the best modern writer Dan Brown.

>> No.12824577

Add email to email field add option image

>> No.12824581

I spit my milk.

>> No.12824591

Sure you have ;)

>> No.12824611

This desu
Based anon

>> No.12824613

The only ones worth paying attention to like them.

>> No.12824614

Isn't there a way to just link pictures?

>> No.12824624

What is it going to take for you to realize that your culture is what you perpetuate? People with faith have this direction intuitively, thereby showing that God is real. But seriously m8, this is not rocket science.

If you call everyone that browses a website retarded you are essentially throwing yourself under a bus. Brag about your accomplishments, go boast about what you’ve done. But ffs don’t put everyone else down.

What a downer. Fuck.

>> No.12824627

I’m :3, if anyone cares. Sorry. If I’m in a chain I usually don’t mention it after the first post.

>> No.12824721
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>> No.12824735

>implying normalfags browse 4channel

I’m just as autistic as you, newfriend.

>> No.12824740

Bump please help ddg isn't helping me.

>> No.12824751 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Does that disqualify me?

If true, no, you have urned lesbians. You have turned bisexuals living as lesbians. They’re quite common. See Margaret Cho. Some people switch halfway through their lives. Mothers go butch, “lesbians” fall for guys.
I am not a bisexual

>> No.12824757

Yeah. Does that disqualify me?

If true, no, you have never turned any lesbians. You have turned bisexuals living as lesbians. They’re quite common. See Margaret Cho. Some people switch halfway through their lives. Mothers go butch, “lesbians” fall for guys.
I am not a bisexual

>> No.12824906

Yes. That is why OP wrote "women (female)".

>> No.12824922

I am a woman and female. He didn’t ask about sexuality, he just asked what we feel about “bookfags”
Nothing sexual, I assure you.

>> No.12824936
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Back to >>>/r/eddit, faggot. You’re cancer. Back to le dank maymays on /r/4chan or wherever you came from.

>> No.12824961

Disgusting. Now I understand why they need helicoptering. Marxists are worse than vegans.
As a woman (female (bookfag)) I like qt /lit/ bois. If you aren't qt you can go die or something though.

>> No.12824978

how you you type your name?

>> No.12825045
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 1553461680260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paste the imgur link and it will automatically post the picture like this

>> No.12825080

Post feet

>> No.12825081

Hey I like autistic women. Really, I do. I respect you. You can tell me your feelings, I won't make fun of you. I think you're a good person. I bet you have a 10/10 taste in self help authors. I can even help you cope with others.

>> No.12825085 [DELETED] 


>> No.12825093

It's really simple. Just delete your system32 folder.

>> No.12825095 [DELETED] 

You lied to me!

>> No.12825100 [DELETED] 

How do I delete posts?

>> No.12825113

you can't. best advice is just to head back to...well, you know where.

>> No.12825124

Okay this is epic

>> No.12825126

i don't care if he's well-read as long as he isn't a pseud. perhaps one of the worst qualities in young guys is arrogance, and believing you're smarter than you actually are

>> No.12825151

>Omg look at that guy over there, is he reading a book?
>Lol yeah, what a creep
That is what they think.

>> No.12825166

Nice, what are some other good jezebel repellents?

>> No.12825170

>you have never turned any lesbians. You have turned bisexuals living as lesbians.
lol ok, let's not split hairs here

>> No.12825180


>> No.12825186


Normalfag women will see it as a character flaw or a weird quirk. I had a conversation once with a very well educated, attractive woman.

She said that she'd studied her ass off because being stupid was for "losers", whereas I pursued knowledge because I loved learning, and told me that that was "cool".

>> No.12825190

She's correct.

>> No.12825195

>very well educated
>she said:

>> No.12825198
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>"perhaps one of the worst qualities in young guys is arrogance"
Yea' I doubt you'll be choosing a beta male
It is truly disingenuous of women when they say this, because it has happened time and time
>women all go for the arrogant men
Women do not know what they really want until it slides right by them and talks to them. Their fucking brains will be glued right to it, completely oblivious to what they previously believed.

>> No.12825206

Men are ethical beings
Women are aesthetical beings

What else is new

>> No.12825240


>> No.12825242

there are plenty of manipulative guys out there who misplace arrogance for confidence, this is true. which is why it's good to be somewhat cautious when getting to know people so that you can determine whether they actually have useful knowledge or experience. "betas" can be just as arrogant as "chads" because the quality itself can stem from insecurity, which a lot of people aren't immune to.

>> No.12825253

I think you guys are conflating two things under the title arrogance. One is the cocky social dominance some guys have, and the other is having ridiculous opinions about your intellectual abilities

>> No.12825311

You just don't like people smarter than you

>> No.12825382


>> No.12825401

Women don't actually read, they pretend to read so they can post "omg I'm such a nerd lol" on Instagram. Reading is one of those typically manly pastimes women like to appropriate so they feel unique and lie to themselves and the world that they aren't boring vapid shells. Of course not every woman does this, but those that do feel very threatened when they encounter a person (man) who actually reads. I had a few such encounters, they go all passive aggressive on you, especially when you try to discuss literature with them.

>> No.12825499

Phallogocentrism my dude, when you're talking about Joyce or DFW all those ladies are hearing is "watch me swing my dick around!".

Also the idea that reading is a 'manly' pasttime is totally laughable. You think men were the ones sitting at home during the day devouring romance novels? Have you even read Austen?

>> No.12825551

Romance novels were, and still are, trashy pop literature women devoured because they had absolutely nothing else to do in their mundane lives. Today they have all the distractions imaginable at their disposal, so they don't even read those anymore.

>> No.12825578

>he isn't a pseud
Define pseud

>> No.12825582
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Woman (female)--albeit an partially homeschooled tomboy--here, been a litfag since I was 12, and I've never met a millenial dude IRL who was half as well read as me, not even a pseud. Nobody reads, they just play video games. I'd give my left hand to find a guy who likes reading something that isn't self-help or a car magazine.

>> No.12825592

>Your opinion doesn’t really matter
>Asks question anyway

>> No.12825598

pollution and wretched self complacency

>> No.12825608


Judgemental and of the opinion that anybody reading alone in public alone is not interested in conversation. It's what people used to, and still do, when they don't have music to block out society.

>> No.12825611

I've always thought that book reading is quite common among guys. Maybe you're not meeting enough of them.

>> No.12825615

How do I strike up conversations with ((you)) and where do I find (((you)))

>> No.12825706

What types of guys? I usually hang around in nerdy crowds, who you'd think be big on reading but they're not unless the book has pictures. I mean, I like comics too, but come on.

I go to libaries a lot, don't see dudes there that aren't either hobos or senior citiizens.

>where do I find (((you)))
At your local library

>How do I strike up conversations with ((you))
Ask me about a book I'm carrying, I'll be excited to talk to some who shares my tastes.

>> No.12825730

What kind of guy do you idealize dating

>> No.12825888
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I like effeminate men with long hair, they should also be bisexual. I figure a guy like that would probably have read some Burroughs once in their life.

>> No.12826017

Lol well you described ((me)) except for the Burroughs part looks like a have a shot ahahaha

>> No.12826027

They feel it's beta and a display of low value.

>> No.12826030
File: 285 KB, 750x753, 8E2F9BFD-F84F-4663-9519-9E49454E93B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a lesbian

lololol. I will go easy on you, but you are at the very least making an exception for me. Also I know it pains you, but I am having some problems with my phone tonight so I can’t post as often

>> No.12826055
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Please say it ain't so!

>> No.12826068

Christ, look at young Roger

>> No.12826072

>I had a few such encounters, they go all passive aggressive on you, especially when you try to discuss literature with them
I've give up talking about culture with women. They always seem to get threatened by it and either get offish or nervous.
Trying to talk literature in the 80% book group at work was a fucking nightmare.

>> No.12826078

*80% female

>> No.12826088

Dawwwwwwww look at that pic

>> No.12826105

It’s the same case with guys and philosophy, it’s just ego/pride

>> No.12826151

What other authors do you like?

>> No.12826156

Well, where can I find you?

>> No.12826193

Women are the niggers of the sexes.

>> No.12826213

Women generally find having real hobbies and interests attractive, especially if they are prestigious hobbies that imply you're a worldly mature interesting smart guy. Women like seeing a man be well-rounded and capable. Being capable at something or passionate about something is one of the more common ways that men attract women.

Most women are pretty shallow though. I find a lot that when I try to attract women based on a genuine interest, they'll "test" me to see if I'm legit, but if I actually impress them and pass the little test then they roll over and start acting eerily submissive and deferential. I don't really like that because if I put in my profile that I like some author or subset of literature, it means I actually want to talk about it and share it with someone, not use it formulaically to impress them. "Successful" posturing is still posturing, still one-sided and pathetic preening.

I also find that women tend to find it unattractive when I go as far as I'd go with a male friend when talking about some mutual interest. If we both say we're into a certain genre of literature, I often get the impression that a girl (on a date or whatever) will want me to show off in a "dignified" or "cool" way that I'm an expert, but not really talk about it. Whereas with a guy, there's more often that moment of "holy fuck, you're into ____ too?!?!" and then you actually collaborate on sperging out about it.

One last thing actually, women also tend to be really shallow in their interests but report (and self-report?) their interest as fucking high. Men tend to underreport because I think they assume other men will instantly be able to detect whether they're lying. Women get away with a LOT of shit men would never get away with. Like, some girl will say in her profile that she is a lifelong diehard fan of some author, obsessed with this author, and when we talk about him she'll reveal she's only read that one short thing everybody reads by that author. But because it's a woman my unconscious mind just shrugs and carries on, because you really do learn to accept that from them as the norm. But if a dude did that, it would be really depressing and I'd feel bad for him for being such a shallow retard. Likewise if I did that to a girl, on some subject she happens to be an expert on, I feel like it'd be an instant gaffe.

All in all women are exhausting, terrible people. I don't enjoy dating them but will continue to date them because I have to have sex.

>> No.12826216

Black people are not all that bad. But I’ve said this before: women in general can be pretty terrible, but every now and then you meet one that takes your breath away. Where everything they say makes you go “wow this is a qt pie”. And then on top of that they are there for you. They defend you and help you.


You just have to find good women like that

>> No.12826231

I once met a guy who tried naming the more obscure songs from one of my favorite bands. Little did he know I own all their music and know all their songs by heart including their covers and collabs. fuggin dummy hahahahaha

>> No.12826234

We really need to start reporting you for using a signature but I fucking hate abib so much I don't even want to log into rizon to bitch and make sure they get what's happening. Lucky you

>> No.12826239

he can't keep this up for that much longer

>> No.12826241

Sitting alone at cafe or some on campus table outside reading or doing homework, or at this really big library in the middle of town doing the same thing.

I couldn’t say how to approach me while I’m doing any of these things since that’s never happened to me. I’d say bring up whatever I’m reading until I’m excited but cut it off short and say something like “I gotta go but I’d love to talk more about __ another time gimme your contact”

>> No.12826264

Why? I’ve found a way around this whole anonymity thing. Anonymity is the bane of 4chan. The worst part about it is not being recognized or held accountable for what you’ve said or done. Honestly what’s going on is very important. I wish I could personally make everyone identifiable, at least for the thread, kind of like /biz/.

Anyway, I win. And there isn’t any way to really say I’m doing anything wrong, because this is all behavioral based. A face isn’t a signature. Anyone can use a face.

But no one does because at the core you realize you’d be doing something incredibly wrong and you don’t want to be that guy. That’s the point man, that’s what you should all realize. That’s the underlying reason why this works out

>> No.12826277

In addition, I think we both know you’re a little upset because butterfly may be making an exception for me, it seems like she is really reaching. I mean look st that picture.

If I’m delusional, I am at the very least confident, and that is something many of you lack on here

>> No.12826282

We would lose the authentic sense of Angst if that happened and we’d be like the rest of the internet posh shitty bleached wastelands where hedonic stimulations prevails over all the channeled of Their Struggle because they are now forced to burden double the self righteous indignation from the ugly chaff of the herd majority.

>> No.12826287

I really don't care what you do, I found it vaguely amusing at first, im just saying youll get bored of it

>> No.12826291

*all the channelers

>> No.12826303

I’m saying you have the opportunity of making yourself known in creative ways. Anonymity is like a fun challenge. I haven’t used a signature in any of these recent posts and yet you still know who I am.

It’s like how we can recognize londonfrog, the nick land Gabidull poster, the 5 o’clock wojak, the Princeton poster, or any other one. All of their names are anonymous, but it is their personalities that shine through

>> No.12826333

>using a signature is the same as making a shitpost thread no one likes every single fucking day
I mean you're not wrong. We just need to start getting you 3 day banned all boards for it and be inconvenianced at least a bit.

>> No.12826339

Idk who you are
I think some are starting to detect a whiff of me but anonymity is a very comfy brand of chaos, and only chaos preserves. Same reason I hate calling myself a “realist” or a “deist” or a “conservative” all it does is breed bias and it’s a garbage way to start discussions.

>> No.12826363

>I think some are starting to detect a whiff of me
>Same reason I hate calling myself a “realist” or a “deist” or a “conservative”
I can assure you no one has a clue who you are versus anyone else who isn't an actual newfag commie. This guy only stands out because he follows around the modern fake incarnation of that dyke tripfage with the 10 year old pics or even just is the same guy/group of peopld using the fake trip trying to shitpost the board even more.

>> No.12826399

based and dare i say also redpilled

>> No.12826420

Come to think of it, what does “bookfags” even mean? I assumed just male, probably because of the picture... but if the bookfag in question is a woman; it’s likely love at first sight for me.

Devils ink

Those hairs mean the world to me.

I have no interest in you whatsoever

>> No.12826429

I still can’t believe I found an angel like butterfly. Sometimes I think to myself where I would be, where everything would be, were I to never have done something. What if I had never talked to butterfly. What if I had never pursued her.

She wouldn’t have made a jpg of three books for me to read. She wouldn’t have posted a song and recommended it to me. She may not have even posted on this board that often.

Without me pursuing her, there would be an empty hole. And in that empty hole would be nothing. Nothing but literature discussion. And she would still be posting. But not laughing while she’s posting. Not even grinning. She would be posting with a straight look on her face, staring into the cold, abyssal depths of the impartial computer screen.

Sometimes I think about things

>> No.12826432

nobody reply to it you fucking retards. Be men for once in your lives.

>> No.12826442
File: 36 KB, 641x482, 69BD8627-74B5-48CA-8400-DCA95DB8AD3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol suuuure you don’t okay okay you win (the entirety of everyone just looks back and re-reads your post in that picture)

>> No.12826445
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Well, I'll keep an eye out for long-haired boys at libraries. Even though we'll probably never meet, it's nice to know guys like you exist somewhere

>> No.12826454
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>> No.12826460

ur mean and I dont like u

>> No.12826463

i like to pretend im flutterby and be an annoying bastard jerk face cut & paste

>> No.12826466
File: 11 KB, 275x183, DAE74AC5-8E15-4A35-9274-45828C4FD51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you are adorable. You used to be able to shame me in front of everyone but you were honest with yourself one too many times. If this is a chess match, check.

>> No.12826477

Shut the fuck up you retarded, nigger-oving, kike-addled, communist, dick mutilated tranny, xanax abusing, parent disappointing, panic attack having piece of garbage made animate. Just kill yourself and spare your family and everyone in eyeshot you may encounter each day the pain of even potentially crossing your path for a second.

>> No.12826509

Post feet flipping through the book you're currently reading

>> No.12826513

Aw thanks, good luck

I rlly like DH Lawrence and Jung

>> No.12826542

I'm not a tranny commie or anything... I said I didn't like her because she said ugly people should go die. I'm not even ugly but that makes me sad because ugly people are just people too and they just want love and friendship like everyone else!!

>> No.12826689
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>> No.12827086

If you’re kind of cute and confident it can add a nice layer of depth but it’ll never be enough to woo someone on its own.

>> No.12827098


>> No.12827631

>weird quirk
Those are called hobbies you fever dreaming autist holy shit mate

>> No.12827634

>because I loved learning
Which you do because you enjoy not being a loser.

>> No.12827823
File: 2.33 MB, 320x175, anarchy achieved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be 18 yo to post here, r*dditfag

>> No.12828552

dump her

>> No.12828560

tempted to go vegan so I can live rent free

>> No.12828697

>All in all women are exhausting, terrible people. I don't enjoy dating them but will continue to date them because I have to have sex.

The hard truth right there, brother.

>> No.12828700


What does that mean?