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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 206 KB, 1014x325, brainlettier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12802724 No.12802724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you protect /lit/? Why did you let it die?

>> No.12802830

I tried posting multiple on topic threads like I'm told to when I complain about twitter screenshot threads and low tier /pol/ bait. Unfortunately they are quickly 404d because everyone is posting in twitter screenshot threads

>> No.12802848

Frog are the bane of any decent board. /a/ has the same problem, though /a/ is at a far more advanced stage of the illness.

>> No.12803012

But /a/ was always the most resilient board.

>> No.12803030

There are very few frogs but /v/speak/redditspeak is everywhere. The quality of discussion here is much higher.

>> No.12803144

you’re a big guy

>> No.12803196
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For you.

>> No.12804218

The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters is both kino and on topic.

>> No.12804234
File: 137 KB, 701x847, 8741DCF9-4E18-4643-B38C-75E8AE3EB109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymity is to blame.
But you’ll never admit it

>> No.12804587

((( Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ)))

>> No.12804597

go somewhere else then you undesirable, unlovable subhuman

>> No.12804610

then why the fuck are you on an anonymous image board

>> No.12804613
File: 18 KB, 86x95, caz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep posting those kinds of pictures?

>> No.12804639

>try to post something meaningful, get 0 replies
>shitpost with the same overused memes, get +300 replies

>> No.12804641

After that :3 creep tried to stalk her she’s been trying to convince herself she’s a lesbian by posting pictures of cute girls
It’s a phase, don’t bother

>> No.12804647

Go literally anywhere else. Hang around Starbucks if you wanna act like a normie FAG

>> No.12804656

This, leave uli out of this.

>> No.12804671

Every board seems to consist mainly of humorous banter vaguely related to the topic of the board. People don't come to 4chan because they want to engage in serious discussions. They come because they're lonely and have no friends.

>> No.12804682

is the fact that no one engaged this anon a tell of why we are in this predicament?

>> No.12804736
File: 98 KB, 800x530, E0D7ECD4-7B19-4822-B885-46AECB00C521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not. You’re thinking of /b/

I have tons of cute girl pics going back many years.

We already know we’re infested with non-readers. And I told you the general reason why, which no one is able to fess up to.

>> No.12804744

Yeah you’re fine. This shithole needs to recognize non-anonymity :3

You are my future cockslave as well

>> No.12804755

If you keep talking to my butterfly with such foul language I will have no other choice but to challenge you to a duel in order to defend her honor.

>> No.12804764

Man she actually likes it. She gives me stuff to work with sometimes too, like today.

Man, today was crazy... :3

>> No.12804765

do you think your antics would constitute 'cyberbullying'

>> No.12804772

Today was pretty crazy. That /adv/ thread and everything.

I’m pretty sure you two are doing something. There are long periods of silence and then whenever one of you are on, the other is as well. You’re.... doing something strange. Like breaking the code of 4chan

>> No.12804775

Not him, but i want to degrade her with my penis as well.

>> No.12804789
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I have never seen you explain a view-point, just make a deliberately obtuse post then respond with "I already told you!" when asked to elaborate. You're attention-whoring derails every thread you enter and you dare to blame anonymity for the poor quality of the board.

>> No.12804793

That’s a—... you know what. You keep that picture of butterfly man. Hehe


>> No.12804817

Nada. If someone is leading him on texting him I guess that would be funny, but nothing going on but me living my dull life
Yeah, cyber bullying alright.

Being seen passes most of the time un-noted, but when anon goes apeshit you all blame me.
Part of why anonymity ruins Chan boards.

So, do you want a list of FAQ for Mr. grisly mouth?
Still a homosexual
Never made any passes at him
Not masturbating to thoughts of him
Not communicating with him while I’m not posting
Yes, I know he’s just trolling

>> No.12804823

I’m not trolling.

But whatever you lie anyway! I’ve had it with you goodnight

>> No.12804853

/a/ is insane. I don't how they do it, if it's about anime fans themselves, but crossboarder stuff is shutdown quickly and outside shit never prospers. Sasuga oldest board.

>> No.12804854

because it is your fault, because you are the one seeking out the attention you delusional spinster

>> No.12804865

>attention whore complains about everyone else's anonymity on an anonymous imageboard
not going to give them the satisfaction of a you but everyone knows who i'm talking about

>> No.12804884 [DELETED] 

But she wasn’t a problem before I started responding to her. I mean she constantly thinks I’m trolling.

Poor thing must have no self-confidence. But she honestly does post a lot since I post after her, or draw her in/whatever.


>> No.12804890
File: 1.90 MB, 500x328, DDEF04AA-44F1-40EB-8F89-270E0BB92C89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeking the attention
Your fault for going apeshit. Yours

No, I’m only letting you know why these boards go to shit so easily.
Told you you couldn’t swallow it.

>> No.12804894

Hey! Stop being an asshole to me when you referred to the ‘two of us’ today.

Be honest with yourself please. I saw behaviors from you today that I’ve never seen :3

>> No.12804897

What other reason is there to use the name field? You're not contributing to or organizing something to where you need a trip and a name? Simply by going out of your way to differentiate yourself from the average user by giving yourself a name you are drawing attention to yourself. What other function does it perform in your case?

>> No.12804898

my butterfly's better

>> No.12804900
File: 9 KB, 934x59, shaltnot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12804914 [DELETED] 

Dear god, butterfly isn't the cause of the decline of /lit/. While I do worry about what she does with her free time, honestly her posts are slightly above average(N= ~700) and the dumbass reactionaries to her are the problem.

Yeah, we can't have nice things, we're not reddit. /lit/ was never for the good people.

>> No.12804925

>we can't have nice things, we're not reddit.

>> No.12804953

I don't get it, why don't you just use reddit?

>> No.12804965
File: 55 KB, 386x419, 182AA1C3-C530-4B91-8840-1A0E2CACEF25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12804971
File: 8 KB, 225x225, A4C3616A-7373-4EBA-9AC7-0FE1065BAF29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve seen it briefly. It’s an awful layout.
Been on Chan boards since nearly the beginning.
Maybe it’s you who doesn’t belong
What’ve you read today?

>> No.12804980
File: 52 KB, 892x751, unclepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you dieso

>> No.12804985

Faust and finished the gay science, you're not the only person who knows how to read, you cunt. I really don't get youre attention whoring. I hope your stalkear rapes you

>> No.12805063

Never heard of ...it, them (?)

Was going to ask you about Faust till that last bit. Fuck you

>> No.12806423


>> No.12806532

You guys read it in German? If not, which translation?

>> No.12806618
File: 269 KB, 647x1149, 1522272485271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol based ΔΔ butterbro post. Also yeah she right

>> No.12806704

mentally ill tranny

Get a fucking job you scum

>> No.12806716

I’m not going to rape you ://
She has a job, like me, and any other productive member of society. Just because someone gets horny doesn’t mean they are a creepy weirdo. It’s why this is even happening in the first place. I know how people work. I’m around them constantly


>> No.12807192

Ban butterfly you trifling janny bitch

>> No.12807245

I'm reading it in my mother language (Spanish) so I doubt I can help you

>> No.12807288
File: 17 KB, 250x180, thumb_1496883501_HYSTERICAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be one of the fiercest anti-semitic racist posters
>rarely engage this
>never start threads about this
>keep it confined to the designated bump limit thread about the flavor of the week for that sort of thing
>give informative and helpful posts
>start popular on topic threads
>haven't posted on /pol/ since like 2014 except to make fun of MIGAtards for banning bump stocks
>mfw seeing people say "if we ban people from using that other board and coming here I won't see objectionable content"

>> No.12807519

Sorry, but I've only been here like a dozen times the past year

>> No.12807526

twin peaks is the most /lit/ tv show

>> No.12807576

is that butters?


>> No.12807681
File: 40 KB, 561x346, 1499727594619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not "our" job, there are people replying to those threads and mods are the ones in charge of deleting their shit and keepig stupid underage retards trying to justify their political views out of the board.
Even though in today's time its almost impossible to discuss such general hobbies without tipping into the political.

Wrong. Having anonymity doesnt do jack shit and its the core advantage this place has over other websites.
Calling people out of their bullshit without facing mod repercussions for hurting other people's feelings is the best feature of this place since it keeps snowflakes out.
Their posts are dumb but also you partake in left leaning political threads dummy. So either both stay or both go.

>> No.12807707

I hate women

>> No.12807715

Mods fault, faggot. Jezebel & blogposting wojaks need to be purged

>> No.12807718

>No, I’m only letting you know why these boards go to shit so easily.
HAHAHAHAHA if you think the boards are so shit then move the fuck out. Tell me of better of a better comunity to discuss books at a personal level and why arent you in there? Reddit's strict social censorship and upvote shit is the reason why it sucks so much, and the main reason they do this is to just get more money from ads.

>> No.12807726


>> No.12807730


People on /lit/ literally give credit to anyone that posts any sort of garbage on here and thats why its dead forever.

>post about some femcuck/faggot/pseud garbage even a child can debunk

300 replies

>actually intresting /lit/ topics that talk about books and thier surrounding philosophy

1 reply

Why is this? Because we have become saturated with every pseud that thinks he has everything figured out and everyone around him is stupid.

Theres no cure for pseud fueled pride .

And this has made /lit/ more accessible for people to shill thier garbage and be rewarded with responses garnering even more like minded individuals at the same time by yelling the same old tired propaganda in support of convenient "truths".

Actually making a well thought out argument is easily "debunked" with childish character assassinations and shallow memes so of course anyone with any real sense would just move on, how can anyone gain anything where its better to be a shallow propoganda machine than be anything else.

Accessibility is the cancer which killed the meme that is /tv/ and its already started to envelope /lit/.

>> No.12807732

u post so much bruh

>> No.12807750

if you are going to post a thread you have to pull your own weight, add something of interest, post a few decent comments kickstarting the thread, and expect to catch someone else >90IQ that has read the same author/book after you have kept the thread alive for a few hors, if you just post "tell me about this author" and google image a pic of the guy nobody is going to make the thread good for you

>> No.12807753

An anonymous post I have to consider on its merits.Once I see the butterfly I know the post will be abject syndicalist trash.

>> No.12807771

If you dislike reddit, why agree on making this place look more like reddit.
Putting names and upvotes behind people is the ultimate way of killing a
set for discussion.
Reddit comments and "discussion" do go as far as 2-4 replies before everyone looses his interest and jump to the next most upvoted comment.

>> No.12807777

there's plenty of great thread as long as there's an OP that will pull his own weight and spark a fire a the thread

the problem are retards that post "tell me about this" and then wait for other people to do their jobs

>> No.12807845


>there are plenty of great threads

Yes there is but again the /pol/ garbage tier ones get all the attention, while the good ones die with few replies.

>> No.12807879

How about m00t or whoever turns this site into a duality. A forced-anonymous /lit/ board and a voluntarily-tripfag /lit/ board. That way we don't have to suffer any tripfags on our anonymous board.

>> No.12808114

I have a lot of friends, and a girlfriend. She’s lit as f, we’re gonna get married even.

>> No.12808284

Yes, but removing anonymity hasn't helped in your case, I fear.

>> No.12808335


That’s too bad

I’m not the making threads about how shit it is. And if I knew a better place, wouldn’t I go there?
>reddit works so much better
Ah. Okay.


Don’t forget the /r9k/ garbage

Like being an anarchist does not stop the world from being shit.
Community is what I hunt at here.

>> No.12808340

*HINT at

>> No.12808383

No, no. You implied getting rid of anonymity would fix the board. I said it hasn't helped in your case. What you said about anarchy doesn't equate--a better analogy would be: "if more people were anarchists, the world would be better." This only betrays your irresponsibility. You take the liberty to be mean to people and then blame others for it. Which is also the reason why your posts are shit regardless of whether they come from an anonymous source or not.

>> No.12808398

What do you think I tried? I hate "redpill me on ______" threads as much as anyone else. Unfortunately Lytton Strachey doesn't make it into incel chart threads so our newfriends have no idea who he is. The best discussion prompt in the world won't get discussion if it's for something nobody knows about.

>> No.12808401

>I’m not the making threads about how shit it is. And if I knew a better place, wouldn’t I go there?
That was my point. This place only exists and has such "great" dicussions because it has no nicks attached, upvote systems or mods trying to impose their views on posts that dont break law in anyway or dont come off topic.
>>reddit works so much better
I didnt say that. In all honesty reddit is a much worse place and imo it doesnt allow such levels of ideas clashing.
I also think its a bit one sided letting left wing radicals post all they want while not letting /pol/ shit tards also take a dump. Most of literature is even about political ideas, so it would seem very hard to keep a code where people dont dive into it.

>> No.12808402

rec me a strachey text and ill participate in your next thread

>> No.12808408

Butterfly say something nice about me :3

>> No.12808416

Was I mean to you?


>> No.12808438

If it is true that you are excellent to others despite the fact that you do not agree with the way society is organized, this is valiant of you and I recant my statement.

Unfortunately, this excellency has not carried over to the issue of the quality of the board, since, though you have cast off anonymity, your posts remain uninteresting--a fact all the more tragic since they are so abundant (frivolous, even).

>> No.12808445

They are sometimes great at a impersonal level, like two people sitting having a coffee and exchanging ideas personaly. But not great in the means that it has some great intellect or sort of academy level interest as reddit comments try it out to be.
Why are you always so short on the replies? I gave you far more to tackle on than just that.

>> No.12808481

Eminent Victorians

>> No.12808482

Cmon :3

>> No.12808488

Face it, this is a darwianist board. The content that you prefer is simply not up to the snuff to attract the attention from the /lit/izens.

>> No.12808523

Yes specially if mods do nothing. Posting shit is always more gratifying and there are more plebs than patricians.

Mods should nuke more often to send a message here.

>> No.12808532

Report bad threads.

>> No.12808554

How do we report lazy mods?

>> No.12808589


>unironically calls people an incel when btfo

You are part of the problem you insufferable attention whore trip fag femboomer

>> No.12809149

so make a chart yourself and dump your fanfic about the guy in here? learn how a medium works

>> No.12809163

Is this a thread about literature?



>> No.12809171

>it's another pretentious lynch girl

>> No.12810000

I am an average poster. I’ve seen really good posts, but have no idea if this was from someone consistently good or not. Being able to identify posters allows one to make a judgment. Soandso is usually bad, I’ll skip that reply. This guy has some good ideas, I’ll read tha one. Trolls can be spotted easily this way too of course.
It’s funny that so many rightwingers like this mode so much. It’s all about equality and collectivism.

Anon rarely rise to do more than just shitposting. He is irresponsible, in it for the laughs, in it to make others feel lower than he is himself. He lets off steam, shows his darkest side he probably keeps bottled up irl. So many of you complain and grow to hate life. I try to help, however I can, but you usually direct your anger at me, call me stupid, call me a liar. But I’m sincere. And I’m honest. I get something out of literature, out of life, that many of you seem to be missing

>frivolous even
The board is rather frivolous by nature. I’m sorry you have no interest in the things i take interest in.
What things do you like?

I don’t use that term, anon. It’s ugly, demeaning and diminishing. It’s a word that comes from /r9k/ and I’d rather it stay there

>> No.12810006

Good very good butterfly you have the right mentality. :3 just keep coming here because I’m here

>> No.12810031

;_; I don’t know why I say anything she just ignores me ;_;

>> No.12810038

>my butterfly's better
>posts jewish butterfly

>> No.12810044

Only a woman could be so self-important as to believe that others’ knowledge of her identity was integral to their own well-being. You don’t have to be like this, butterfly. It’s not innate. It’s learned.

>> No.12810045

>You guys read it in German?
Yes, but I need to give it a second pass in English because my German was not good enough and I'm pretty sure I missed some of it.

>> No.12810054

Didn’t mean to imply that

>> No.12810060

Thanks for the trip fag lure, helping the boards health with such bait.

>> No.12810063
File: 43 KB, 920x459, felt.the.feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12810071

Stop ignoring me! Do you like me or not?! Do you like me more than the other posters I mean?

>> No.12810081

David Lynch is pseud as fuck but I gotta admit Twin Peaks is fucking kino

>> No.12810085
File: 544 KB, 1018x718, C9EB9030-D893-48A0-A014-D3C9B833280A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posts are disingenuous and cloying. At best.
A moralizing Christian-boy shadowing me and wagging his dick, is not something anyone would appreciate

>> No.12810090

God I wish I could read it in german just read the Oxford edition feels bad man

>> No.12810098

You keep saying I’m disingenuous. I fully believe there is a reason you’re obsessed with this. You really don’t think I’m being genuine.

Well butterfly, you may not have the entire use, but you’ve helped me out in my life and I know I have in yours. I am genuine.

I am not ‘wagging my dick’. But do you at least admit you have a thing for me, because you are constantly concerned with me being genuine.

>> No.12810115

You could also be a little positive more often to me. This is getting tiring

>> No.12810154

Hey. Stop worrying. Did you dodge a ban?

>> No.12810164

Pathetic. I would suggest that you go with your ostensible doubt and stop saying anything, but then the butterfly would be lacking a major factor in her conditioned distaste for the board.

>> No.12810169

It’s not pathetic, Love is not pathetic.

I think she wants me to be genuine, but I’m not sure

>> No.12810173

All women want is your money and your sperm and then money from sperm. Don't trust them.

>> No.12810177

That’s not true at all. There is a spirit, or essence, to every individual. Society wants you to think women are materialistic. But they aren’t.

>> No.12810179


>> No.12810182


>> No.12810194

What an infantile response. Listen, kid, get your dick out of your hands and get your hands on some iron because if you're not prepared for when women barge into your house and steal your sperm with their herpes ridden pungent nickel holes, you're just going to crack under the pressure of their lardy bums and jelly tits.

>> No.12810219

I've been funposting like it's my job because i hate this board. Fuck you nerds and fuck books

>> No.12811536

funposting is good
unfun shitposting is not