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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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12799923 No.12799923 [Reply] [Original]

What is your biggest fear if your novel does get publish?

>> No.12799932


>> No.12799937

having the world outside of /lit/ know about my love of the butterfly’s feet

>> No.12800189

nabokov reads it

>> No.12800257

It being so bad it becomes famous as a bad example or joke

>> No.12800429

all the photos of myself that i posted on 4chan will be discovered

all the retarded shit i said to my friends on facebook messenger will be published

>> No.12800565

That my work is just mediocre

I would rather be known as a terrible writer than to just be passed over and blend in with every other writer for the past twenty years

>> No.12800609
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What I worry about is sime conglomerate liking my IP and just coopting it out of my hands. I have it copyrighted, but I don't think that it would matter to someone with a bottomless wallet and clever lawyers. I put my heart and soul into the work,and I would be powerless to stop its exploitation, bastardization and misinterpretation of its core values and beliefs.

>> No.12800680

>getting published
come on Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ, do u seriously believe sth written by you can be published? With all the shite you drop on this board every single day?

>> No.12800730

!mx is a phony, real butterfly is !!o

>> No.12800732

Same. That or having earnest Cline shake my hand at a signing and want to hang out.

>> No.12800757

I won a writing competition for writers in my home region. I wrote the story while visiting over Christmas for two weeks, and I was planning to return to the region to study for an MA in September. Won the prize while still living away in a different country, asked my boss if I could work remotely for a week to claim the award, eventually pulled out of returning for the MA. Apologized to the organizers and offered to return the prize money, but they said I hadn't broken any rules. Eventually moved back to the region two years later for good, but I can't face telling people in the future that I moved back one year and having them call me out for winning a prize two years earlier and making it seem like I was back for good then.

It's a boring story, but it's ruined my self-esteem and conscience. I can't be bothered to live my life with the fear of people trying to expose and humiliate me, understandably or otherwise.

>> No.12800797

This post reeks of unnecessary anxiety. Most people are oblivious even to truly famous authors, it's unlikely that they would at all remember your accidental bait and switch of sorts, let alone be angry about it. Breathe through your nose.

>> No.12800813

I think about it every and have done for at least a year now, can't imagine ever writing again. Whenever I happen upon a writer's Wikipedia page I feel this intense self-disgust and paranoia and just can't look at it, because my own biography is no longer something I'm proud of or want people to read about, especially now the dates don't match up. But thanks for the kind post.

>> No.12800846

Either no one reads it or everyone does and misinterprets it.

>> No.12800879
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i think the worst is that you poured your heart and sould to a work and ends up being mediocre and trashed everywhere, a couple of weeks ago i saw the documentary about the making of apocalypse now and this is what coppola feared the most, since he was making an honest statement, it makes you more vulnerable to critcism (on a personal level)

>> No.12800886

You're fine. I'd hug you if I could. You don't need to put yourself through this kind of emotional torment over trivial things. Read up on ethics and psychotherapy.

>> No.12800892

Thank you.

>> No.12800897

criminally underrated

>> No.12800912

that the person i’m basing my main character on will find out and make a fuss

>> No.12800915

You're literally a tripfag because you want some kind of recognition on this board. You're clearly vain. I don't believe for one second you write for anything else besides the sole intention of becoming famous

>> No.12800949

being turned into a /pol/ meme and used as a symbol of the nu-right
also gay porn of the characters. fucking tumblr fujos

>> No.12801016

I'm worried that if I ever become famous then I will become a person of interest and people will look into my background out of curiosity and then everyone will know that I'm a fucking loser

>> No.12801026

Worried people think I'm insane and try to sully my name by calling me a schizo due to my prose.

>> No.12801202

Biggest fear is people misrepresenting my intentions. "Hurr only wrote this to be famous" nigga I write for myself only, read it or don't, stop being retarded

>> No.12801218


>> No.12801228

Check warosu, it’s the older name.

Shows how little you know. I want the piece to become famous, not me.

I’m just going to put out for free anyway

>> No.12801231

If this was the real butterfly I would have to take the necessary measures required to ensure that her honor remains protected. So next time if you feel like replying to butterfly with one of your stupid posts, you'll have to go through me.

>> No.12801243

I'm afraid to write trash for money in case I ruin my literary reputation, and I'm afraid to write anything literary in case it's discovered I'm actually an unemployable social parasite from a lower class background. I need money to cover that up - needing or wanting money is itself a faux pas, avoidable only by having it - but in getting money with my only lucrative skill, I'd just be adding another skeleton to the closet.

Do I want money or prestige? Yes. But I'd rather be poor and unknown than humiliate myself. That's what I've chosen by default, by not taking action.

>> No.12801279

After so much work and resources poured unto it, it goes nowhere.

>> No.12801287

forgotten, never of any help to a lonely soul or great genius

>> No.12801856

Sup butterfly.

>> No.12801866

She’s masturbating to me right now :3

>> No.12801900

>Shows how little you know. I want the piece to become famous, not me.

Then why are you a tripfag? Because you don't want attention?

>> No.12801907

>I write for myself only
Clearly not or you wouldn't publish.

>> No.12801961

Hi, how’s it going?

>no sense of subtlety

>> No.12801970

You cannot resist for long :3

>> No.12802032
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Do you want to actually answer my question?

>> No.12802040
File: 3.17 MB, 3264x2448, FBD58AA0-FA11-499E-A546-DFD385720749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. About to break 70k of a new likely 80k book. New space opera. You working on anything?

>> No.12802079

Never got this far. Incubation period, reading research, skeletal notes for a lot of passages.
A few things getting in the way of just diving in to finish this first draft stage.
Right, I just want to go out for a coffee and get food supplies

>> No.12802082

Then go do your thing.

>> No.12802094

God damn I'd rub her feet with my penus till it fell of.

>> No.12802106

that I won't like the standard interpretation(s) and I won't be able to say jack shit about it because people would just be like >muh postmodernism
and I'll be identified with said interpretation(s) anyway

>> No.12802118

>says the only person on this board who actually uses the 'name' option regularly

>> No.12802134
File: 79 KB, 486x427, WORST POSTER OF ALL TIME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poster, Butterfly. Dislike him rather intensely. A cheap exhibitionist, shoddy and vapid. A faggot, a claptrap and a slapdash comedian. None of his posts are the least bit amusing. Nobody takes his posts seriously.
He has no best work. Nothing he has ever writ he has brought any value. Even the dialectic that proceeded from it, is of negative value to the lives of those who had to respond. Loathe his lepidopterological LARPing. Ghastly repulsive.

>> No.12802211

How does the spellcheck turn “now” into a comma?

Will do

>no sense of subtlety whatsoever

>> No.12802217
File: 34 KB, 332x500, D98E8784-054F-40B3-814B-60BA892F5414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you suck a lot of dicks...
With your asshole

>> No.12802298

becoming a meme on /lit/

>> No.12802309

I'll have to explain it

>> No.12803300

>fell of

>> No.12804603

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »
I like to add Jew bars to his gay butterfly
((( Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ )))

>> No.12804701

>Gayhool posting
>>>/8 chin/

>> No.12805781

Why you lie?

>> No.12806001

i'm called on to rationalize the main character's love interest committing suicide twenty pages from the end.

>> No.12806007

The colored will move into the neighborhood