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/lit/ - Literature

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12740015 No.12740015 [Reply] [Original]

keep it /lit/ related

>> No.12740021

I openly state this so I'm not ashamed, but Tolstoy's novels are hot garbage compared to his novella game

>> No.12740039

I'm a don't read and I am not ashamed. Books suck tbqh

>> No.12740042

I post translated poems from non-English Nobel laureates and lyrics from popular non-English songs in the critique thread and no one has called me out on this. The funny thing is, the lyrics get more traction than the poems.

>> No.12740048

Most of the time I would rather read popular science magazines than novels.

>> No.12740054

I buy books and then buy more without having finished them. Though I read them eventually it might take a year to get around to it. I reread my favourite books instead of reading the unfinished books. I own at least a hundred books but none of them are written by women and the only non-white authors are Mishima and a the authors of a couple volumes of manga. In fact, I probably read more manga than I do novels

>> No.12740079 [DELETED] 

I will never read a book written by a nigger. What's funny is that I'm not even white nor an incel nor a Nazi. I just really hate African Americans, their ugly features and their victim complex.

>> No.12740083 [DELETED] 

t. sub-80 IQ

>> No.12740088 [DELETED] 

t. butthurt nignog

>> No.12740092 [DELETED] 

same for me but with white men

>> No.12740099 [DELETED] 

based racist

>> No.12740101 [DELETED] 

>anyone who doesn't agree with me being a closed off idiot is black
classic smallbrain move

>> No.12740108

I've realized that my anxieties & phobias serve me by giving me something to overcome and blame my failures on.

>> No.12740112

based and ilyiched

>> No.12740113 [DELETED] 

samefag nigger

>> No.12740122

Dickens, García Marquez and Huxley are so fucking overrated...

>> No.12740130 [DELETED] 

blacks literally have sub 80iq tho lmao

>> No.12740134 [DELETED] 

based and racepilled

>> No.12740142
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I didn't start with the greeks

>> No.12740155

Over half of the books I own I haven't read. I enjoy seeing my bookshelf grow more than I do finishing whatever I'm reading and I'll often start reading a new book before I finish the old one

>> No.12740165

I wish the 'should I keep reading this book I hate?' posters would go.

>> No.12740168 [DELETED] 

The fuck does being an incel have to do with being racist?

>> No.12740175 [DELETED] 

Nothing. But faggots and plebbitors always assume that when you're critical about or down right hate blacks.

>> No.12740179

Have an unpublishable m/s not because it's badly written, but wellwritten and toxic.

>> No.12740185

Pure philosophical texts go out of their way to be obtuse.

Its like they dont want ignorant people to learn wisdom.

>> No.12740189

Please anon
What is it about?!

>> No.12740195

>Its like they dont want ignorant people to learn wisdom.
Or they don't give a heck about "people" - they just want to impress the other flossifers. More generously, it's probably because they're bad writers.

>> No.12740223 [DELETED] 

keep dreaming incel

>> No.12740246

Moby Dick is a shit text; narrator is blackface but in pirate instead of nigger.

1984 is a shit text; incel weeaboo protagonist with sexy fun lively romantic interest. It's like lovecraft went for a YA writing course. Also, conveniently glosses over:
-the ingenuity of proles ; the demonic genius of criminals
-religion as a social institution
-the logistical reality that it takes 14 professionals to watch 1 person fulltime
-b& and v& state goonsquads have and can be foiled
- personal failure / betrayal does not invalidate an idea. Protagonist in room 101 is fighting an idea (Big Brother) but when protag is defeated its like Love has been defeated.

Book of five rings is shit: musashi keeps saying "this needs to be investigated". Nigger you had 40 years being a premier swordmaster and that's all you got?

The bible is a bit boring; the koran is absolute shit, uses the same dodge technique as musashi except its worded as "allahakbar"

>> No.12740260


>> No.12740274 [DELETED] 

There we go, like clockwork. Keep defending inferior subhumans. Thatta boy.

>> No.12740300

Faustian. Modern.

If Panzram were /lit/.

God and Satan are there as high non-actors.

Punchline: it is all faust's fault. God is pure unironic goodguy, Satan doesnt "make me do it" or force any soul selling decision. Faust is evil because he wants evil, even with all questions and grievances answered, God demonstratably real and good.

The punchline is the only saving grace; the rest of the book is a thesis on why being a godless fuck (Crowley x Manson x Capone) is the only reasonable response; this is highly emotionally engaging, hence toxic.

>> No.12740305 [DELETED] 

you're the only inferior subhuman in this thread, incel. You'll never know the touch of a woman. You are

>> No.12740325 [DELETED] 

Nigger is you typing on a phone.

>> No.12740341

I'm stupid and know nothing, but I want power and recognition, so I will keep writing until I gain it. If I were just a little bit smarter, I'd leave the room and let someone better take my place.

>> No.12740348 [DELETED] 

t. butthurt liberal niggerlover.
Like I said: I'm not even white (nor a nigger for that matter), nor an incel (I like women and women like me, I'm kind of a feminist, in fact), nor a Nazi (nazis are kinda cringe and misguided). But yeah, keep trying to push me into your pathetic Burger stereotype. Hatred can take many forms, burgerfag.

>> No.12740353
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I don't speak english very well but bought all these chart books with neetbux to impress myself. Stucked at the few hundred pages of Infinite Jest.

>> No.12740356

>power and recognition
No different from hitting the gym to achieveve same.

Not discouraging you; but maybe rethink your endgoal for writing. Its more fulfilling if you are generous.

>> No.12740357

I dropped out of school when I was 13. I never even got to high school, let alone university.

I'm not even a normie. I'm an ignorant peon.

>> No.12740359 [DELETED] 

you're definitely an incel

>> No.12740362 [DELETED] 

Wanna be my gf? We can smash capitalism together :3

>> No.12740406 [DELETED] 

Except I'm not. I don't autistically hate women, hell, half my friends are based feminists, nor I care about muh redpill muh chads. If hating niggers makes you an incel, half the planet earth is an incel lmao cry more niggerlover

>> No.12740407 [DELETED] 

feminism goes against female nature and is jewish lilith garbage that makes them unhappy cat ladies/total whores/hating their own existence and men/obsessed with power

>> No.12740436 [DELETED] 

i'm not buying into your larp incel. I don't care about your lies.

>> No.12740452 [DELETED] 

Whatever fits your burger worldview, niggerlover lmao just remember blacks are an inferior sub-species incapable of doing great literature.

>> No.12740459 [DELETED] 

All I can remember about this is that you're a pathetic incel who insists on trying to convince internet strangers that you're not.

>> No.12740465

In your opinion, should philosophers write in such a way that anyone of any background of education could have a chance of grasping it? Are you personally against intellectual elitism, like that which runs through modern academia? I am, and it's nice to possibly see someone else who feels similar.

>> No.12740480 [DELETED] 

I said it all in my first post. I couldn't care less about what a niggerlovin' burgerfag like you thinks. This is a confession thread, anyway. Your dad is probably a nigger lmao kys.

>> No.12740483 [DELETED] 

You do care about what strangers on the internet think of you because you're a pathetic incel with no friends who's never even held a girls hand tbqh.

>> No.12740510


what a shitty character

>> No.12740511 [DELETED] 

You couldn't be more wrong, burgerboi. And you're starting to sound like an incel if you think having friends or holding a girl's hand are impressive feats at all lmao I hope someday you find the nigger of your dreams and all your shitty Burger-inspired presuppositions about people from other nations finally come to and.

>> No.12740515

Post it online, I’d read the fuck out of it

>> No.12740522 [DELETED] 

they're not impressive feats for normal people but it would be impressive if a subhuman incel like you ever accomplished them.

>> No.12740526

Is Alexandre Dumas Sr. a nigger or just black?

>> No.12740533

eh who gives a toss about holding hands this board is about who has read more books

>> No.12740542 [DELETED] 

>t-they're common feats for normal people like me!
t. niggerlovin' burgerfaggin' closeted subhuman incel who thinks touching women is an extraordinary achievement

>> No.12740551 [DELETED] 

You seem triggered incel, might I suggest you go back to your safe space where the other incels will buy into your absurd larping?

>> No.12740563 [DELETED] 

>y-you're larping! Hehe
lmao @ your life

>> No.12740575 [DELETED] 

if you are actually laughing it is through the tears at you own life you pathetic incel at the fiction you managed to spin about your so called "life"

>> No.12740592


>> No.12740605

Won't; already said it was high toxic; wife agrees. I dont need to give the next ER the intellectual ammo to convince himself to go for the highscore.

If you give me a dummy mail i'd send it.

>> No.12740612


I have owned a copy of pic related for almost twenty years. I specifically requested it as a birthday present when I was like 16-17 years old, and received it. Got it while we were at my grandma's split-level house in rural Iowa. I tried cracking it like twice and never got past the overture. So, I have never read it.

It has been traveling with me on a regular basis for all these years. It sat on my teenage bookshelf, it sat in a box, it sat on my first apartment bookshelf, and it now sits on the current shelf behind me. I was in a bookstore two years ago and two store clerk grad-student types were discussing it and how little-read it is, and I was finally unable to resist mentioning that I myself had never got past page 50, to vindicate their idea.

Over a decade ago, I had an active fantasy that if I had two uninterrupted weeks of peace, I could do the whole thing in a mad dash, averaging 200 pages a day or so. In recent years, I had two years of peace in comfortable NEET-dom and never touched it-although I did read several other things during this interval. The above fantasy later permuted into one in which I had been diagnosed with cancer (and so could be left alone), thus prompting me to finally tackle it.

On the other hand, the above presumptive-grad-students specifically discussed the works' relationship/social aspects, which alienated me more. Now, I simply neglect to read Cioran instead of neglecting to read Proust.

>> No.12740621
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>> No.12740626

jj3640159 at gmail dot com


>> No.12740691 [DELETED] 

I'm laughing at the absurd notion some niggerlovin' burgerfags like yourself hold about the world. You think you have it pretty figured it out and labelled. You think people from Western Europe, Latin America, Russia, Asia, etc. hold niggers as these glorified subhuman apes like you do, don't you? And when you realize the rest of the world is not like you think then you're in denial and have to fit it into some pathetic label for your burger brain to digest. Racism is common around the world, faggot. It's only natural to reject the uglier, inferior kind. Get it into your brain. Being a whiny faggot to some opinion on a confession thread just proves I'm right. And all your plebbit tier insults won't make a difference.

>> No.12740702 [DELETED] 

>writing all this shit to try to convince me you're not an incel
nice try incel but I'm not reading your ramblings.

>> No.12740728 [DELETED] 

>thinking I'm trying to convince him
>zero reading comprehension
no wonder you love niggers, you're probably half nigger since you're all trigger about it lmao consider suicide, faggot.

>> No.12740745


This is me unironically authorial: dont believe a word.

>> No.12740747 [DELETED] 

Why would I consider suicide when I spend my days BFTOing incels like you and drowning in feminist pussy?

you are the one who should consider suicide you pathetic incel.

>> No.12740753

good thread

>> No.12740763 [DELETED] 
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>/pol/ would have you believe this isn't attractive

>> No.12740786 [DELETED] 

You're more delusional than I thought, niggerlover. I bet you're underage and listen to hip hop while your mother fucks niggers. Then you think holding a woman's hand is an extraordinary feat and now you say you're drowinng in feminist pussy. Top kek. Have real sex, Amerimutt. It's really not that hard or extraordinary as your incel peers have told you.

>> No.12740796 [DELETED] 

Not even a nigger but mixed. Her hair is straight, not niggerlike.

>> No.12740797 [DELETED] 

All this salt because I called you out as the incel that you are? you're not fooling anyone my dude, you reek of incel. I doubt you have every even talked to a woman that isn't related to you. Sad!

>> No.12740799 [DELETED] 

That's an Asian woman you dumbfuck.

>> No.12740800 [DELETED] 

How is this relevant to the thread?

Her body is great, but look at her monkey face. I'm not just being racist for the sake of it, she actually has a monkey face. She also has fake tits, which does nothing to prove /pol/ wrong.

>> No.12740802 [DELETED] 

based racist

>> No.12740806 [DELETED] 

Nice confession faggot
With all that you just confessed you're a niggerlover and probably a double nigger as well

>> No.12740817 [DELETED] 
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how is the thread relevant to literature?
>confess your /lit/ sins
>write whats on your mind
>idk do whatever, we randumb XD

you're a fag dude. sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.12740819 [DELETED] 

Salt? You were the salty niggerlover who whined about me rightfully hating niggers. I'm not sorry if this offends you, burger. Just learn that the rest of the world is not like you. You wouldn't believe the normality of hating niggers lmao explore the world outside your Happy Meal box and maybe you'll stop being a pretentious faggot.

>> No.12740822 [DELETED] 

Did you not read the entire OP of this thread?

>> No.12740824

Quadroon. Not even black.

>> No.12740832 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retard. This isn't a "write what's on your mind" thread. Enjoy jerking off to women with monkey faces. Sorry you've got such shit taste.

>> No.12740833 [DELETED] 

>he's so mad he replied twice
I can't imagine how sad it must be to be an incel like yourself. please, tell me more about your sad 3rd world life?

jk I am already bored.

>> No.12740846
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Hay Father, christianity is a Spook. Take that frock and shove it.

>> No.12740848 [DELETED] 

>le I can have a thread about anything If I say keep it lit related
You must have the smoothest brain on the planet if you actually believe this. Fuck your thread and fuck you.

>> No.12740849 [DELETED] 

Not even the same guy

>> No.12740853 [DELETED] 

cope harder incel we all know it's you

>> No.12740854

Can I get a copy too?
king dot protea dot 22 at Gmail dot com

>> No.12740863 [DELETED] 

>he thinks I wrote the first reply
>the reply doesn't even follow my punctuation patterns
Try not being a niggerlover next time and maybe 4chan will defend your kind and your fetish, Daquan Johnston.

>> No.12740866
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I am trying to read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and can't even make it past the intro. I just don't get what the words are saying to me. Being schizoaffective doesn't help any. I feel so stupid, I used to be able to read high tier literature all the time and it's like my brain has devolved or something.

>> No.12740876 [DELETED] 

keep larping incel you're fooling no one.
>punctution patterns
I'm not even reading your posts my guy.

>> No.12740883 [DELETED] 

>It's impossible to have a thread of literature-related confessions
Only because spastics like you shit it up with completely off-topic posts. Imagine being so utterly braindead that you post girls in bikinis in a /lit/-related thread and then get defensive and accuse the thread of being off-topic.

>> No.12740892 [DELETED] 
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fuck you dude. I'll beat your ass if I ever see you in the streets.

>> No.12740895 [DELETED] 

Oops. I was >>>12740822 (You) and I meant to reply to the other guy.

>> No.12740896 [DELETED] 

>keep larping incel you're fooling no one.
Keep larping, nigger. The ridiculous amount of replies and salt over a simple opinion just proves you're most likely a nigger.
>I'm not even reading your posts my guy.
You fucked up. Who talks like this? lmao just stfu already, niggerman.

>> No.12740904 [DELETED] 

I will get the last reply, incel, even if we both get banned. Even if it kills me I will deprive you of even the smallest of victories. You'll never know what it is to win just like you'll never know what a woman's vagoo feels like.

>> No.12740924
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Made some serious Kant gains with continence (nofap, nosex), coffee, and smoking the pipe. To read Kant, one must live as Kant. Read a better translation too. Rule of thumb is the earlier, the better. Good luck, kid.

>> No.12740932 [DELETED] 

>being this much of a nigger
You're getting pathetic. Just accept your filthy race is hated worldwide and call it a day, nigger. This isn't about muh internet victories just like your cringe nigger life is. And I cannot get banned btw faggot lmao keep pushing

>> No.12740937 [DELETED] 

incel incel incel, you just keep giving me content for my cringe compilation. well I'm not complaining, when I post screenshots of the gibberish you've typed for my buddies back on reddit I will be showered with upboats. I might even get a few DM's from some sexy ladies looking for a tour of the zoo from the master zookeeper himself, AKA me.

You? you're like the subhuman incel monkey wiping shit on his own face thinking he's hurting me. You only enrich me with your faggotry.

>> No.12740943

I generally dislike reading fiction

>> No.12740950

Harold Robbins is an unsung literary genius.

>> No.12740954 [DELETED] 

>incel incel incel, you just keep giving me content for my cringe compilation. well I'm not complaining, when I post screenshots of the gibberish you've typed for my buddies back on reddit I will be showered with upboats. I might even get a few DM's from some sexy ladies looking for a tour of the zoo from the master zookeeper himself, AKA me.
>You? you're like the subhuman incel monkey wiping shit on his own face thinking he's hurting me. You only enrich me with your faggotry
übercringe, even for a nigger. Is that the power of burger speech? lmao

>> No.12740959 [DELETED] 

Let me try a different approach. If I can post one youtube video to try to change your mind about black people and it's shorter than 5 minutes will you give it a chance an promise to watch it? I feel like you owe me that, incel. After all at this point I've owned your ass so many times you're my property.


>> No.12740964

What DO you read then?

>> No.12740968

I often get 20 pages from the end of really good books and stop.

>> No.12740972

What's the password?

>> No.12740975

Biographies, memoirs, history books and essays pretty much

>> No.12740978 [DELETED] 

Sorry, niggerman. No takebacks. I just dislike your kind very much.

>> No.12740981

did you watch the video, tho?

>> No.12740988

I'm not that guy you replied but I don't read much fiction either. I like books about history, politics, economy, crime, often with accounts of the author's travels / work experience or collected stories from others. Like Gangland, Peace Kills, Freakonomics.

>> No.12740993

Nah, I'm writing an essay as we speak due tomorrow. No time for videos.

>> No.12741000

what is the topic and thesis of your essay? perchance my video could play no small role in your acing the class, universities love yo gotti.

>> No.12741004

Replied at mail.

If doesnt work reply there ill resend.

Am out at commute.


>> No.12741014

It's about how the Nazis cherrypicked Nietzsche's ideas for their own agenda and how they were these refined gentlemen with patrician tier tastes yet were horrible human beings. I hate Nazis.

>> No.12741015 [DELETED] 

Unbased cringe

>> No.12741021 [DELETED] 


>> No.12741025
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Well I hope you do well on your essay and watch my video and hold a girls hand. Go ahead and have the last (You) anon. I respect you.

>> No.12741033

Good luck, m8. No hard feelings.

>> No.12741043
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Mishima is perpetual dissapointment

All smart writers are mostly either leftists or some extreme right wingers with wacky and dumb goofy ideas who probably have mental issues fueling their political views. Why?

>> No.12741047

I'm reading Brothers Karamazov right now and really not enjoying it.

>> No.12741049

One of the best keep secrets in literature is that Dostoevsky books actually suck

>> No.12741117


No, they don't, the former guy is simply a pleb. Dostoevsky actually gets at big meaningful shit.

>> No.12741125

Do you know about Derrida's Spurs? He deals with divergent interpretation of authors focusing on the nazi reading of Nietzsche and why his texts lend themselves to such interpretations. (but I haven't read it yet myself)

>> No.12741141


I want to take this opportunity to mention that I've had an entire night's pleasant browsing of /lit/ without ever once seeing a post by the "butterfly" tripfaggot. So, tonight has been a very good night. If I could shoot that person dead, I would do so. I encourage others to think about doing same. You know the one I mean. So as not to spoil this, upon posting I will immediately close down for the evening and retire.

>> No.12741148

Last year I read War and Peace and then only japanese light novels for the next few months. 'Sound! Euphonium' was really cute.

>> No.12741198


That's not a confession,, that's a completely human and natural progression-read something heavy, read something light to come off of it.

>> No.12741211

Should those in STEM or medicine also dumb down their writings so anyone can read them?

What level of education should they write for?
8th grade? 5th grade? preschool?

They write their books for their target audience, which is what they have to do if they want to make a living. You are getting a little into Harrison Bergeron territory.

>> No.12741225

It's so much easier to watch 6 Youtube videos in a row doing weird challenges in video games I've never even fucking played and never intend to play, or giving the history of some SNES game's modding community or some speedrunner drama, or about some movie studio's internal jew drama, than it is to just sit down and read a book at the end of the day.

Every day I look forward to reading when I come home and I always squander a depressing amount of time watching "Epic Rust Base Raid!" despite the fact that I've never fucking played Rust, I barely know what it is. My stupid faggot brain is so overloaded that all I want to do is eat Jewish algorithmic slime and go to sleep.

>> No.12741226
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I write poetry and only send it to my mother because I know she'll say she likes it.

>> No.12741440

Was anon; answering.

Use big words if they help, by all means. Use technical specialist terms by all means, as they pertain to your subject. But if i can translate all you said so that a smart day-laborer can get it, your concept wasnt so big that it needed all that bombast.

Recall Wilde's lectures: he said that the American laborers were a disarming, charming folk, and he could lecture to them about beauty.

Philosophers are not immune to the temptation to fap; just do us lower lifeforms the service of not letting it get in the way of your genuine wisdom. Lawyers use language to obsfucate simple ideas and justify fees; a philosopher doing the same for book advances and royalties is a poor philosopher. He loves money, not wisdom.


>> No.12741476

i read comic books

>> No.12741659


>> No.12741672

I am always reading minimum 4 - 5 books at a time and often put them down and stop reading them for a week or two.

>> No.12741676

Hey I do this as well whenever someone asks me to post my work, the truth is... my actual work is too great to show.

>> No.12741685


>> No.12741721


>> No.12741723
File: 79 KB, 486x427, WORST POSTER OF ALL TIME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know something, I was wondering why I kept coming back tonight. That's the reason. Truly based observation and comments my friend.

>> No.12741754

Who wants to have anything to do with ignorant people

>> No.12741783
File: 147 KB, 800x680, Hjalmar Parting from Orvar Odd after the Fight on Samsö - Marten Eskil Winge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts just warm my heart. Have a pic.

>> No.12741832

I think 1984 is far better than Brave New World

>> No.12741847

Wise and generous people who dont want needless suffering. Ignorance doesnt mean stupid, just uninformed. A good philosophic treatise is a help on how not to be a suffering faggot.

>> No.12741854

Me too

>> No.12741859

I always mispronounce words I read in books because I never hear them in real life.

>> No.12741868

Stupid English

>> No.12741960

I enjoy buying books more than reading them. More than half of my books are unread.

>> No.12742112

Mein Kampf is the only book Ive ever read.

I write a lot tho

>> No.12742189
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I've listened to more books than I've read

>> No.12742434

Could I get a copy? I'd like to read it because it sounds interesting, it's jamesrufus460 at gmail dot com

>> No.12742500

I like genre fiction. A lot. I am a huge fan of the Wheel of Time and Kingkiller Chronicles series

>> No.12742630

I want to get into this lifestyle. Help me fren. Where do I go? I recently used some website I've forgotten of to read a new batch of Batman comics. Batman's my favorite superhero atm (inb4 pleb). Where else could I go online to get more comics for free, that is legal and also has comics of quality?

>> No.12742641

Which tobaccos are your favorites?

>> No.12742726


I enjoyed Name of the Wind but Wise Man's Fear has dropped a lot in quality.

>> No.12742736


>> No.12742863

Add me to the list. Really curious

shiteatingmagpies dot gmail

>> No.12742890

I'd love to read the toxic manifesto, too, add me to the list:

usuarioa2049 at gmail dot com

>> No.12743387

I hate rap so bad that it pushes me into being a racist tier.

>> No.12743436
File: 474 KB, 866x1188, Edgar_Degas_-_In_a_Café.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad when I say the n-word here but do it far too often, to no real purpose other than my own amusement at getting replies.

>> No.12743473

Sign me up with the rest of em

>> No.12744174


>> No.12744178

>reading non-fiction
no greater crime, better to not have read at all

>> No.12744185

Don't feel bad anon, niggers do the same thing.

>> No.12744224

I'm reading Bruce Chatwin and it's making me feel stupid because most of the time he's referencing books, plays or works of art that are going completely over my head.

>> No.12744882

I'm a stemfag dating a lit major
She's really cute and sweet and hot but two of her favorite books are by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling
Is this a red flag?

>> No.12744924

Isn't that most of this board though? Give me like 5 our fathers and you should be gucci

>> No.12744940

Yes, women are not capable of intelligent thought as evidenced by her choice in books, they do fetishize the idea of intelligence as evidenced by her major.

For a non-meme answer though: some people just like to read fun books sometimes, most of the time those fun page turners are normie garbage and it's supposed to be normie garbage.

>> No.12745052

Please send another copy to me

>> No.12745177



>> No.12745305

What the fuck. How is this a lit major? Is she Sasha Grey? Boys keep telling her shes smart so they can play touchboob, and she believes it.

Ask her if she likes any classics or canon-tier and why those. Tell her the books to read, please. Make her not one more hot dork pseud.

>> No.12745352

I can’t remember a single thing about the Idiot, which I read just a couple of years ago

>> No.12745564
File: 57 KB, 437x651, 34482511_2095869900426614_2326853439469912064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been reading The Tale of Genji for close to a year now (around 800/1100 pages).

I only enjoy reading philosophical and religious texts or secondary sources about them these days, which is too bad because there are a lot of works of fiction I want to read but they just bore me in comparison now.

>> No.12745592

I'm reading the devils and not enjoying it. loved the other dosto ive read but i swear i barely even understand what is going on literally just powering through for the sake at this point. maybe just a shitty translation

any anon wanna explain part 1 for me?

>> No.12746452

holy fucking based

>> No.12746480

I don't like Kurt Vonnegut's books.

>> No.12746699
File: 115 KB, 464x480, 1551952349676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not smart enough to finish Moby Dick. I feel like so much of it is going over my head.

>> No.12746775

Moby Dick isnt smart, just unnecessarily hackneyed. If you can get through a poetic translation of Dante (D Sayer's) and get it, youre fine.

>> No.12746894

I read the first five chapters of The Catcher in the Rye and I got so annoyed by the needless cussing and blasphemy that I refuse to read more. I understand that Holden was supposed to be an edgy rebellious kid, but his character is well written even without the bad language, so his cussing was a bit superfluous.

>> No.12746900

Shitty pissy ass cock fuck

>> No.12746920

You sinful heathen.

>> No.12747105

I just started it too a few days ago, just give it some time, try to re-read that shit until it clicks, I know it's not the best advice but at least it got me past the intro. Now I feel that it's getting more fluid.

>> No.12747208

i'm extremely possessive of my writing, like even 2 lines of shitpost i'll delete because its too good and someone could steal it

>> No.12747231
File: 15 KB, 1346x101, my 4chan post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the post faggot

>> No.12747237

I started Gene Wolfe's "New Sun" series. I have read the Shadow of the Torturer and the Claw of the Conciliator.
I'm really not seeing why it is considered the way it is. Maybe I haven't gotten far enough.
But having heard he was a Catholic (me being a fervent Catholic myself), and having heard Catholic themes influence his works heavily, I'm just really not seeing it.
Apparently Severian is supposed to be some Christ-like figure??
well... ***SPOILERS***

So far he's murdered a few people, helped a woman commit suicide and raped a couple of bitches. I'm not seeing the connection between him and Christ thus far. Is this just poor Fantasy?
I mean Aragorn I can see as quintessentially Christ-like in a way, but this Severian guy is more Mohammedan than Christ-like. Do i need to keep reading or should I just give up??

>> No.12747239

I refuse to read any books written after 1995.

>> No.12747256

El Goblino del Konigsberg

>> No.12747267

I feel as though books aren't good anymore or that they're not old enough to be sifted through what's good and bad like older ones are.

>> No.12747287

Hook me up nigga
Unknownmindform at gmail

>> No.12747293

I don't meme and try to answer lit questions to the best of my knowledge. Not because I give a shit about this board but because I need to feel some sort of satisfaction out of my English Ph.D.

I couldn't finish Infinite Jest but I shit on Wallace all the time as if I have.

I actually find female writers legitimate. (This is apparently a sin for LIt.)

>> No.12747324

I've a PhD in Philosophy and only have a passing, uninterested knowledge of the Greeks.

>> No.12747376

damnit I gave away my masterpiece. I knew this would happen

>> No.12747585

Been reading the bible for over a year

>> No.12747975


>> No.12748004

I masturbated to audio recordings of a girl reading Latin.

>> No.12748457

Night class, community college, tech school.

Peon is feudal; thats two world systems and 5 (steel, steam, electricity, combustion engine, microelectronics) major tech revolutions ago at least.

Dont wear that label. At worst you are a nocollar prole. Writing yourself lower than you are is not realism; its blackpill romanticism.

>> No.12749056


>> No.12749060

>pseud taste
>owns a large collection of meme books but hasn't read any of them

that's literally all of /lit/

>> No.12749123

absolutely based.

>> No.12749455

"In every first novel the hero is the author as Christ or as Faust."

>> No.12749525

>Confession thread

>> No.12749648

>Book of five rings is shit: musashi keeps saying "this needs to be investigated". Nigger you had 40 years being a premier swordmaster and that's all you got?
I thought nonconformism was a good thing.

>> No.12749933

I was expecting him to either give tactics like "back an opponent over bad terrain" or principles like Two Heavens. Any time he says "investigate this", the chapter is a couple paragraphs long like a beginner's guide. It isnt comprehensive or succinct, is my point, and given his career and how he set about writing the book, i expected 3x more than what i got.

>> No.12749962

Timestamp marks 36 hours.

Time to experiment.

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.12749967


36 hours by timestamp

Time to experiment.

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.12749996

Deleuze is a homo.

>> No.12750030

I'd call you out on your taste, but I've read like more than half of those.

>> No.12750145

Me too

>> No.12750164

>I am a huge fan of the Wheel of Time
Rand al'Thor is unironically my favourite character in all of literature, closely followed by Ishamael.

>> No.12750168

I jerked off thinking of getting fucked by a dog in front of strangers in public

>> No.12750190

I've bullshitted my way through an English major and only read about a third of what was assigned

>> No.12750221

Haw! Niice. Gpa?

>> No.12750235


>> No.12750278


>> No.12750289

How is 12 rules of life working out for ya?

>> No.12750459

I started this one 15 years ago anon. Three overhauls since.

Also, i read about and read Panzram's own writing (v. short) before Peterson became an an anti-librul effigy. Used the name as a shorthand for severe antisocial tendency.

I'm not /pol/, or american.

To answer your question, no havent read 12 rules. But can't help thinking that Smugglypuff and Trigglypuff would not be meme misrepresentations of the Left if they just cleaned their rooms that morning.

>> No.12750466
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I haven't been reading lately, and when I do my mind drifts off

>> No.12750486

I'm glad it wasnt lower; your BS game is normal.

>> No.12750521

If i had read 12 rules when i was writing, the book might not have been finished.

One of JP's keynotes is, "you are no saint; youre as evil as you are allowed"; knowing this would have removed all the underpinnings for the theologic tension of "if i'm good, why does God fuck with me" that is the main driver of the story.

>> No.12750525

So this is how boring people convince themselves otherwise.

>> No.12750534

I accept your judgment.

>> No.12750602

Levi Strauss wrote a whole book on this subject. The point of obtuse writing is to protect the philosopher from being read by people who would do him harm due to his ideas. It’s a defense mechanism. When you bury your ideas within scientifc jargon, you make it harder for people the herd to object because they would have to put the effort in order to understand you. And if you’re challenging the fundamental beliefs of the herd, this is something invaluable for your self-preservation.

>> No.12750640


That explains a few things.

So what is the key for a smart peasant to learn wisdom? Attend lectures? Do philosophy lecturers teach like they write?

>> No.12750663

discountanon at gmail dot com
thanks anon

>> No.12750808
File: 283 KB, 1440x1440, just vapor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ex wanted me to read The Bell Jar but I never got around to it before she dumped me. Now I'm afraid to read it because I fear I'll just be overly critical of the book as a means to "get back" at her.

>> No.12750917


Hey, I'd really love to read it aswell. If you want, you can add me to the list.

1evonyna20 at gmail dot com


>> No.12750931
File: 229 KB, 800x600, 1507057207764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always google analysis of book i've read because i'm too much of a brainlet to understand it fully.

>> No.12751054


>> No.12751075

You still there? If you want send it to sgsierra32 at gmail.com
Thanks man

>> No.12751543

Oh my dude

You wont believe this

What you said is on his first fucking page

He preempted you by two years dude.

>> No.12751571

I've just started "Invisible Cities" and I'm not really enjoying it so far.

>> No.12751675

The number of films I've seen is greater than the number of books I've read.

>> No.12751734

Ditto, years ago.

Plodding, no descriptions of anything.

>> No.12751756

Based and pseud-pilled

>> No.12752347

The Scylla of Schopenhauer vs. the Charybdis of Hegel

>> No.12752386
File: 94 KB, 1024x652, comfy winters day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still pick up the occasional YA novel every now again because they're just easy and comfy reads that remind me of simpler times.
Sabriel was my most recent one.

>> No.12752425

There's nothing wrong with these beyond some memes like Infinite Jest.

>> No.12752468

soulcalibur777 at hotmail dot com please

>> No.12752747

>So what is the key for a smart peasant to learn wisdom? Attend lectures? Do philosophy lecturers teach like they write?
No the last question.
For the rest, a peasant would need patience and genuine regard for wisdom. But that’s true for everyone, although i suppose the priviledged would have better access to the resources such as books and elite teaching

>> No.12752829

>no to last qn

>all the rest
Yeah, common sense...

>> No.12752877

Dunhill Early Morning and Frog Morton (discontinued I think now)

>> No.12752882

Unfortunately, he's back. It was a good few days, perhaps the best few in recent months.

>> No.12753055


>> No.12753116

The objective of jargon is not to defend the idea itself, but to defend the sanctity of the idea? This then protects from destruction smart and stupid ideas alike. Is it worth the comfort of letting one's objection go unchallenged to let a thousand Deleuzes float around unencumbered by basic communication skills?

>> No.12753126

i'm extremely possessive of my writing, like even 2 lines of shitpost i'll delete because its too good and someone could steal it

>> No.12753202
File: 209 KB, 750x712, mHm5oKj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I listen to more audiobooks than I read books

>> No.12753397

Would really love a copy.

Noodlepop87 at gmail dot com

>> No.12753679

readingisfornerds (at) maildrop (dot) cc

>> No.12753998



>> No.12754011

I don't mind elitism, but they are wasting people's time, even intelligent educated people struggle understanding them. And if something is seemingly nonsensical why even bother? Sure there may be something there after deciphering it but that's a complete act of faith. You could very well get duped.

>> No.12754278

I agree. I mean, all religious systems, major and minor, can be reduced to one brainlet-compatible paragraph; what is stopping these people from having a brainlet page, then using the next 400 to cover all the bases?

Highly suspect they know theyre bullshitting, but ego only allow peers and betters to souse them out. The blackpill of being called out by an NPC who understands what they are saying is too crushing.

>> No.12754299

Good man

>> No.12754309

I'm high as fuck
I'm tripin'
I'm tripin'
I'm tripin

>> No.12754861

me too

>> No.12755453


Anon, your mailbox doesnt accept anything. Think its full. Check?

>> No.12755473

Cant be sent. Mailbox may be full.

>> No.12755485

typed the wrong address sorry


>> No.12756202

Based book edging poster.

>> No.12756330
File: 85 KB, 800x662, 1552415527407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maoists are wiggers and transbians are incels
no hyperbole i hope chapo reddit guys and twitter idiots get the ceausescu treatment
deeply regret wasting time reading political theory because now i'm just angry at my retarded age demographic

>> No.12756619

I keep regressing back to virtue ethics.
It's beginning to feel the choice is either Aristotle or the void.

>> No.12756626

You're your own middleman to Nietzsche.

>> No.12757269

Levels of based that should not be possible

>> No.12757280

Were you homeschooled or something?

>> No.12757514

I want to hold hands with Emily Bronte

>> No.12757536

I'm unironically start to being too much influenced by oswald spengler and Julius Evola. I have fear to where this path I started some time ago will lead me to

>> No.12757599

Why do people like you come to this board I will never understand

>> No.12757782

It literally is, Anon, stop fighting it

>> No.12757883

It also prevents bad ideas from disseminating. Only ideas that the an intellectually laborious ilk are willing to engage with spread within this language.

>> No.12758031

(X) to doubt. Marx had a good idea; a few evil shits leading a mass of idiots wielding their uninformed conclusions lead to gulag communism. I can't reduce evil since it is a determination, but there's a chance to reduce idiocy.

>> No.12758097

I don't know shit about grammar so I use commas to indicate where I want the reader to make a mental pause in reading.
And I feel smug by claiming this increases the aesthetic value of my writing but deep down I know I just don't want to change.

>> No.12758109

I really like Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, even though it's adolescent as fuck. I can easily envision some edgy teen reciting it or getting a tattoo with a quote from them on their arm to show off how "tormented" they are, but I still love it. The Raven is a classic most people agree is pretty good, but I like some of his more "emo" stuff as well; "Annie" is one of my favorite poems.

>> No.12758232

ab8437126 at gmail dot com

>> No.12758645

I play Pokémon. It’s the only infantile behavior of mine that I’m acutely conscious of.

>> No.12758958

i read fanfiction and ive gotten good fanfiction recs on /lit/ before