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File: 1019 KB, 2660x2996, 1549154086920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12681011 No.12681011 [Reply] [Original]

which one are you?

>> No.12681028


>> No.12681049

Is the Fall worth a read?
Didn't particularly think much of the Myth of Sisyphus essay, but I imagine he'd be a better fiction writer.

>> No.12681064

Doomer all the fucking way, I could out-edge every single one of you.

>> No.12681070

wow he's just like me :^)
thanks for these horoscopes buddy :^)

>> No.12681071

Neither. I only read Foucault while fucking Arab boys and huffing ether.

>> No.12681077
File: 41 KB, 420x654, 9780413737700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot name a more handsome writer than him holy shit shame that he lost all his teeth later on

>> No.12681098

Most of the bloomer lit on that pic is high school tier.

That said, doom bloomer here. I drive out suicidal thoughts through work and projects.

>> No.12681111

im the guy that made this chart i regret not putting finnegans wake in the bloomer

>> No.12681133
File: 64 KB, 639x655, CykmEjwUkAA3pGQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I'm bored sew my inner war up like corn, rows
My internal war blows like freezing fog in Oslo
Frozen I can't get soft, baptized in hoarfrost
Like carbon monoxide garage
Freeze your blink with sandman's flush
I hate you so much
I hate your laws
I hate your need a cause
I hate your faux touch
I hate every last one of you
I ponder digesting razors just to be done with you
I love you so much
I'm triple the motherfucker
Mondo fisted, full of backwards
From banana town manor
My slang step like legless lizard
I fuck around, fashion a rocket
Shoot to Mercury for the winter
Extended vacation till I decompose on my splinters
I pull my face out the dirt slow
These days I only wake up third of the way, narco
Held to deep rapid eye move, hold
These days I recede, rapid I reload
Gun my chances closed road, no road left to travel
To centuries of damn
I've never been so yawn
Can't believe I'm still standing
Can't believe life take this long
I stagger off to find my lighter
I don't return until the day Sad A validates
Mankind's destiny in a worm

>> No.12681179
File: 116 KB, 635x800, Beckman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomer-Bloomer dialectic:
>Walter Benjamin
>Stefan Zweig

The fall is probably his best work. Heavy Kafka influence in that one.

>> No.12681211

what a dream, a feverish delirium, to have lived through, that manic swell--the weimar republic

>> No.12681225

Neither. I have a personality.

>> No.12681244

what are your favorite books

>> No.12681259

Dickens and Watts are the only ones I'd say are readable at a high school level

>> No.12681734

It actually seemed pretty sick desu. If only Lux hadn't gotten the bullet.

>> No.12681765


>> No.12681819

more like scorpio vs aquarius

>> No.12682200

I enjoy how much the image maker loves Perec

>> No.12683441

I started smoking because of the doomer meme and i regret it. Don't fall for it guys

>> No.12683529

the doomer. i hate everyone so fucking much. jesus christ. i hate every last one of you who wont share one fucking cent or help out someone fucking else besides your stingy untermenschen mischling arsche. fuck all of you fucking shittts

>> No.12683625

Just stop.

>> No.12683645

This meme is great. I fucking love this meme so much!