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12600946 No.12600946 [Reply] [Original]

Alas...this is what we've come to..Kali Yuga, just as Evola and Guénon foretold us...if only the public took the red pill...

Then they'd know that a traditional monarchy is the way to go...and all the women would pick a nice guy like me over those degenerate gym rats...then I could steer the new generation back to the path of our ancestors...

Alas, the age of judgement is near...Kali Yuga...so Evola was right after all...what a dark, vile destiny...

The world is truly ending...when a nice guy like me is banished to the friendzone perpetually...I must go...I've spoke too soon...see you when dusk breaks the dawn...

>> No.12600960

No, you've got it wrong. He'd be closeted with a messiah complex, not compensating for his virginity.

>> No.12600965

This. The fedora thing isn't interesting when forced on ideologies other than atheism

>> No.12601744

i literally believe it's the Kali Yuga though, and also that were approaching the End Times of the Abrahamic prophecies...anyone else?

>> No.12601886
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Of course. Mark of the beast any day, now.

>> No.12601892

This is unironically what they think.

>> No.12601898

*teleports behind u*
*unsheates logic and reason*
heh, nothing personell, libtard.....

>> No.12601996

Can you tell me what to do to be safe for the coming tribulations? without being Christian, pls. i just want to protect myself and my family but don't want to take on a religion

>> No.12602044

Read Hesiod, it's not a new idea, even in the West.
All known history happened during the Iron Age, we don't know much of what was before.

>> No.12602047

Practice survivalism and study primitive agriculture. Get the fuck out of a city, and prepare yourself emotionally because chances are still more than 80% over half of your family will die before your eyes even in a best case scenario just because of simple things like fucking cholera, flue, infections from seemingly small injuries etc.

>> No.12602058
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People have been convinced that they're in the end times since forever.
Every generation seems to be the most degenerate one to those living in it because they romanticise the generations before them.
If anyone can point me to a non-meme thinker that refutes the above point I would be very grateful.

>> No.12602070

When do you think this will happen? I was previously prepping, and monitoring the Illuminati's moves and symbolism, but then nothing at all happened on the I dates believed they would, and now I wonder if I was just wrong all along. But stuff like Project Bluebeam, RFID chips, MK-Ultra sleeper agents, and so much else, I was reading up on and readying myself for. I still feel there's something going on, and something massive will happen, but I don't know when or what.

>> No.12602094


>she's a prepper
>a doomsday sketcher
>she knew about u
>before u met her

>> No.12602115

I'd say a 20-100 year window. It's not guaranteed as a complete collapse in my mind either though it could just be a greater economic collapse at 1920s depression style. Prepping really isn't what I'm talking about though. There is no amount of food you could gather that would definitely be there correct amount and would probably just end up stolen. Focus on learning skills like Bushcraft and if your in a rural or suburb area near a rural community MAKE FRIENDS organize barbeques and get your community involved in projects to improve it like book drives for a library, additions to your smaller school house etc. No man is an island and can make it alone

>> No.12602166

only 14 year olds in the youtube comment section would disagree with your assesment

>> No.12602193

It may be that the most literary and productive societies have always inevitably experienced a veritable decline in prosperity, wellbeing, or power and recorded these transitions (as well as the fact that moral and political upheaval can tend to result in more prolific art and philosophy)... hence the propensity of literature and myth on the subject... also in the sense not of an immediately better age differentiated by a few passing generations but a primordial one, of an ancestral species or universe, an explanation for the suffering intrinsic to existence. Also humans have experienced significant social changes many times in history. The change from hunter-gatherer culture to agriculture, from agriculture to industry, from tribe to polis to empire, from empire to nation, from feudalism to capitalism, from capitalism to communism, from to globalisation, from indigenous tribalism to colonialist exploitation, from colonial exploitation to independence marred by poverty and ethnic warfare—many people have suffered and been left by the wayside as a result of shifts in circumstance. These notions of a better age in the past can’t always and eternally be unwarranted, at least not any more than the vision of a better future. Decline and progress—are they universal notions, or circumstantial ones? It just depends on your frame of reference.

>> No.12602262


So these periods of great transitions can to a large extent account for the propensity of intellectuals and non-intellectuals alike to compare the positives of the pre-transition culture to that of their their new/current one. This may inevitably lead to romanticisation but I take your point that this doesn't meant that there isn't merit to the comparative criticisms made.
However there always seems to be an eschatological fixation whenever these comparisons are made as each generation is convinced that they are entering the doomsday timeline.
There doesn't seem to be any evidence required to justify this form of thinking. The discussion of decline can be discussed from an academic perspective, but is there anything that qualifies end-times sensationalism to be taken at all seriously?

>> No.12602273

the fucking tennis shoes on each of these pics always get me

>> No.12602280
File: 484 KB, 1109x1280, tumblr_mbitkiSNVI1qd02cco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very true, but I'm not merely responding to >muh degeneracy. I'm into """conspiracies""" (they're right in plain sight), and have seen many things come together of late. The Illuminati's symbolism is literally everywhere. Look at the VMA's of 2018, and Ariana Grande's performance of God Is A Woman. Look at the imagery on the stage, and especially the Star of David projected behind her. Look at EDM festivals, and the blatant Satanic imagery they project in the background, or of the other, completely out-of-place occultic you'll see on display there. These events are not what you think they are - they are harvests of energy, and somehow function towards a much more sinister end. There's absolutely a global pedophilia-cult, and any threads on /x/ about it get deleted after some time. TPTB definitely monitor this place, and every time threads on /x/ get too close to the truth, instead of being some stupid juvenile halloween costume LARP, they prune it. Only furthering our suspicions on that topic. The world you see today is not normal - it's not supposed to be this way. Wars, overpopulation, famine, environmental destruction, nihilism, consumerism, atheism - none of this is normal, it's all been engineered by a hidden hand. Every religion speaks about an End Times, and the details are strikingly similar, if not identical. Hindu and Buddhist culture have the Kali Yuga, which we're said to be in, and from which a Savior called Kalki or Maitreya will come and restore our world. Christianity and Islam have the same Savior, called the Son of Man or Mahdi. The details of them, which I won't get into, are strikingly uniform. Look into the Gottherd Tunnel Opening Ceremony, an event attended by many elite politicians of our world. Observe the blatantly Satanic imagery. Keep in mind I'm not even a Christian so I'm not here proselytizing. But you can look into this stuff yourself. The occult is all around you. Missing children statistics, if you look into them, will blow your mind. 100,000 children go missing in America each year. Pizzagate, whatever meme responses I'll get for this, is very real. I have found even more evidence relating to an underground pizza-pedophilia network. Want to see?

Look into Little Baby's Ice Cream, on youtube. Find their infamous commercial, and let yourself take in the fact that this is a real, living company in Philly. Now look into PizzaBrain, a Pizza-shop whose tumblr displays many of the same disturbing, food-imagery relating to children as does the rest. Like pic attached. Now look at the addresses of the two venues. They're neighbours, right beside eachother.

It runs much deeper than I could tell you here. But all I know is that our world is not supposed to be the way it presently looks. Much has been hidden from us, and everyone is being kept asleep. All the major corporations and institutions and political figures operate in favor of this agenda (Merkel was at the Gottherd Ceremony, for example).

>> No.12602316
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Just don't give into worldly degenerate ideologies, anon. Don't "worship" the "beast" or follow the "false prophet." Be honest in your heart.

>> No.12602331

If absolute monarchists were an actual threat I'd support lynching them from lightpoles. I think it's a more disgusting ideology than even the commies and that's saying something. Absolute tyranny is a necessity when the alternative is anarchy and chaos (Hence Assad or MBS in Saudi Arabia), not as a necessity because democracy is messy and corrupt and cocksucking edgy faggots think imbuing a ruling caste with utterly unanswerable power is liable to be less corrupt. Absolute monarchists are the ideas guys of ideas guys.

You're right and I agree but I also think it's risky to always think the gravy train will keep on trucking. It's smarter to think "We're not in the end times but things can get really nasty. Things will always continue trucking on but nothing is permanent." Failure to recognize the temporal nature of an epoch is what led to the shock of la belle epoque being shattered in 1914-1918.

>> No.12602337

Are you faggots being ironic? I feel like only low IQ rural Christfags can believe in this stuff

>> No.12602342
File: 8 KB, 236x213, 4chan meme wojak brain RENAME BEFORE POSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like only low IQ rural Christfags can believe in Hindiusm

>> No.12602359

I don't believe it in a literalist, evangelical, Obama's-the-antichrist-start-stockpiling-guns kind of way, but I do believe we're in the end times. The line between good and evil is becoming quite clear, and soon everyone will have to take a side. God only suffered Sodom and Gomorrah for so long. Are not we worse?

>> No.12602370

I am those things, if I can say that with humility. But I'm very scared, I believe that the Illuminati is going to ramp up their plans soon and that religious prophecies from all religions will soon start to unfold. Didn't a snake appear through the Wailing Wall just a few months ago? I believe CERN may be opening a portal allowing for demonic beings to enter our world. I don't know. It sounds stupid as hell. But I've connected the dots and it makes sense to me. All these religions wouldn't be speaking about End Times for no reason, and if so, the details shouldn't match so well...Kalki is described as a rider on a white horse with a sword who slays evil and reinstates the Golden Age and rules as the King, in Revelations you have exactly the same descriptions of such a future savior. You have Gog and Magog in Judeo-Christianity, Yajooj and Majooj in Islam, and in the Dharmic scriptures there is Koka and Vikoka. You have Satan/Shaytan in Abrahamism, and you have Kali in Hinduism, who is described as the "demon" who rules during the Kali Yuga, hence the name. And Koka-Vikoka are said to be the generals of Kali. But that text may be a recent one, so maybe they based it on the Abrahamic scriptures. But the first part, about Kalki in the general, matches Revelations perfectly. Jesus says "at the end of the age" is when the Son of Man will come with all the holy angels and so on, and that matches the notion of the Kali Yuga and Kalki.

I'm rambling...I don't know, bro. I am just awake to the symbolism surrounding us, and the fact that these appearances are not what they seem to be. We are living under an enormous conspiracy...

>> No.12602400

>All known history happened during the Iron Age
This. 99% of the people who read Evola don't seem to get this.

>> No.12602402

Motherfuckers keep referencing the Kali Yuga without having any understanding of Hindu vedic scriptures and it's annoying. Yes, the Kali Yuga occurs, according to vedic sources, at the end of an era. THERE IS A LOT OF OTHER SHIT that goes into this. That said, I don't think this is the Kali Yuga. I think this is some sub-entity realm of living flesh below the actual one and we're stuck in some sort of minor limbo. If we earn good merit and renounce our sinful ways, some of us just might crawl our way up into a higher plane of existence.

>> No.12602410

That Obama part made me laugh. I don't know what that man is, but he's definitely part of the global cabal, and not what he seems. That picture of possibly him in a horned outfit, and the fact his limo is nicknamed The Beast, and many other strange articles surrounding his person...I don't know what it means. But America was founded the same year as the Illuminati, and has always been a central part of their operations. I do believe in the general way you described, that there is a hidden war happening right now, between forces of good and those of evil, and that much of it will eventually come to the light within a future time.

>> No.12602425

You would scream like an infant if someone took your New World Order and Illuminati away from you. You’d be like a heroin addict without his fix. Everyone would be crying to their illumi-mommy to fix the allseeing broken toy (aka Internet). It’s not like people have the ability to organize an actual sanctioning against the corporations, media, or the State. They can’t even grow their own food, they need the system. end of story. The people oppress themselves. You are the Illuminati. You are your own totalitarian state. You took the ceremonial dagger and castrated your own self upon the altar in a Satanic ritual, and until you admit it, there will be no change. You are accountable for all this shit. We all are. We enable it all.. All of it. They sell children. they rape children while you fuck around on Facebook and 4chan. Professionally trained serial killers murder children while you play pathological video games that turn you into a subconscious serial killer by-proxy.

Moreover, all the people who think otherwise would change their tune if society ever did fall into sheer barbarism, or some other degenerate human system based on greed and decrepitude, dog eat dog or worse.. which tends to be the average human beings lowest common denominator, or perhaps even their highest. the unity they make you believe in and strive towards, is the same unity that ants experience being crushed under a boot. conditioned incrementally to remain in the dim twilight of perception, barely aware that 1984 was in 1948, and this current situation is a ‘mr. softee’ version, very palatable, like strawberry yogurt ice cream, minus the barbed wire and machine guns.. but just as fatal.

This is a soft enslavement for a soft society, mentally neutered human emoticons. believing that the new world order is coming, when it has been implemented since before their great-great grandparents were born. all of your children will be implanted with the systems technologies, and they will demand it because they will be manipulated into believing it is a vital necessity to keep them safe from the manufactured evil of the year. so you may as well just spend the rest of your life sticking your finger in-and-out of a doughnut hole. the outcome will surely be the same, and perhaps even slightly more beneficial.

>> No.12602450

I can only conjecture about eschatological attitudes. I’d wager that it most often occurs in times of social upheaval, such as the period in which Christianity emerged and flourished in Rome, or during the Black Death. Ironically I think narratives of grand decline and grand progress often coexist, such as at the end of the 19th century. All this rapid technological and social change created a real feeling of optimism about the promises of modernisation, but it also coexisted with a lot of squalor, redundancy and moral uncertainty. And a lot of those concerns about the apocalyptic potential of the modern world were perceived as finally vindicated in the eruption of the First World War and then the Second and the Holocaust and that sort of thing. But then again, life went on. So you have this optimism and pessimism competing with each other. I think both attitudes have their use, neither paints a complete picture but they inform us, they can be antidotes to overgrown idealism or cynicism. It might also be anachronistic to talk about these attitudes as something eternal and essential to the human condition rather than as specific products of a specific time period with specific characteristics. But then how else can we talk about patterns of human behaviour?

>> No.12602485

how do I enjoy the elite bros

>> No.12602501


The thing is that I'm familiar with most of the conspiracies you talk about and believe that they shouldn't be discounted outright as many are prone to do. An objective approach to verifying them can often be quite instructive.
I am familiar with the eschatology in Christianity, Islam and to a much lesser extent, Hinduism.
But still, to what extent one subscribes to these things has little implication on the validity of the point made, which is that every generation has been convinced that the end-times prophecies are coming true in the near future. This has been the case since these prophecies were put to paper. For example Islamic commentators have been convinced that they are nearing the end times as soon as 100 years after their prophet's death.
So it's hard to say which indicators of the "end times" are valid and which are confirmation bias.

>> No.12602549

You're very right. And I'm not certain about anything. I simply hold there to be a hidden hand running our present world, and believe they relate to religious prophecies of past. Details beyond this, like timelines or events, I have no clue, and agree about your claims on eschatology. But I at the least want to know how to escape the grasp of said ruling hand, as much as possible.

>> No.12602561

The eschatology of the Book of Mormon elaborates on the Biblical version somewhat; a major emphasis is that in the last days there will be "secret combinations" or conspiracies aiming to overthrow freedom, shadowy organizations that kill and lie and start war all to enrich themselves. Drug cartels and the like certainly fit the bill, but I believe the real fulfillment is the intelligence agencies, first and foremost the CIA. The information-intelligence complex (which directs the military-industrial) is the greatest threat the world faces right now, and will perhaps prove to be the greatest man has ever known.

>> No.12602582

I'm not quite sure what's worse, the perpetual fear mongering of the conspiratorial mind, or the doctrine of impotence and docility that you espouse.
Pointing out the self-evident realities and then saying "it is what it is" and sucking your thumb is perhaps infinitely stupider than any of the points you replied to.
Take your infantile interpretation of philosophical pessimism and sit in the corner while the adults have a discussion here.

>> No.12602604

This thread really brought out all the schizos didn't it.

>> No.12602649

>doctrine of impotence and docility that you espouse.

All the people who think they can stop the new world order will be begging to turn the power back on if society ever really did crumble, turn the Illuminati power back on so they can go back into their neutralized, drugged-out anti-Illuminati coma state, and then return to ‘liking’ anti-Illuminati videos and discussing about illuminati in threads like this and re-posting them into Illuminati controlled computer systems and boards monitored by the All seeying Eye (The Internet). Even systems based on Anonymity like TOR network were military projects originally. All part of the Illuminati people so much want to hate but secretly masturbate to. We are all neutralized. Take all the ‘2 minutes hate’ breaks you need on the world wide web/4chan, but don’t take too long, you have rent to pay and those power bills are overdue. The new world order says the rogue-state can’t have weapons, the new world order say that some maverick country is selling them weapons, when in actuality the new world order is selling the weapons to everyone, (and by new world order i mean a bunch of buddy corporations that you support) and your place is just to be a robot in their beehive, or to go die in some overseas invasive strategic land grab, other than that, enjoy your outdoor internment facility, it has every movie and possible distraction. but that is all you wanted anyway, so what are you complaining about?

Why won't you go buy some fucking gasoline or groceries? the reality is that the ‘new world order’ is the best thing to ever happen for most people, they don’t have to hunt, they don’t even have to think about raw survival, they can just be robots and psychologically masturbate to adult cartoons and funny cat videos, human coasters riding the systems waves until they die in the afterglow of the screens radiation. it’s the E-Z life, unless you’re a HIV + drug addicted prostitute or a mentally ill homeless person, or a senator that won’t play ball.

>> No.12602656

Every board on 4chan is /r9k/+hobby. Except /x/ which is just genuine crazy people+trolls

>> No.12602711

buying shoes requires too much human interaction, at least with the fedora/coat/etc you can just put it on the counter and stare at the card processor while mumbling any response, or buy online

>> No.12602749

>schizo ramblings attempting to rationalise his own impotence and then projecting it onto others
Please stop describing elementary realpolitik as some insightful revelation on your part. Everything you have said is known to the most cursory observer of global and domestic politics and unlike yourself, it doesn't reduce them to a dribbling cretin who spouts paragraphs of incoherent diarrhoea.

>> No.12602779

why are autists so drawn to long coats with (usually high) collars? what about that aesthetic is so appealing to them?

>> No.12602793

holy shit i just noticed that brown braided belt lmao i think they give those away free with some chinos they sell at macy's

>> No.12602928

>Then they'd know that a traditional monarchy is the way to go...
>and all the women would pick a nice guy like me over those degenerate gym rats...
The meme fails here. Why would someone who upholds traditionalist values seek "degenerate" women?

>> No.12603634

this is it. You're right. This is that very belt.

>> No.12603652

You are not entirely incorrect, just mixing things up and confusing things. Also a little too terse representation for my tastes. 2/5 for at least being one of the good guys.

>> No.12603901

The shadow, the hidden, the unknown and the loner.

>> No.12604226

That's because we've been degenerating since the agricultural revolution or earlier, so each generation can look back on the ones before it and see that they were less degenerate. Nowadays we think the 1950s were so rosy, but the 50s were hell compared to the 1800s morally, and the 1800s hell compared to the 1500s.