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File: 56 KB, 400x521, Cover-No-Vaccines-For-Me_small_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12599164 No.12599164 [Reply] [Original]

>stabbing an infant with a syringe full of mercury and diseases

Books that redpill on the vaccination meme?

>> No.12599171


>> No.12599200

>stopping the flu will give your kids autism
Monsanto pushes this disinformation to keep us in the dark about the glyphosate they shower most our food in. Kids born in the 90s aren’t all coming down with real autism, it’s the double doses of weed killer.

>> No.12599385

Off topic non-lit garbage. Sage and report.

>> No.12600943

>literally asking for literature on a subject
>hurr durr not books
>DFW posting threads and "1000pages due in 10days LOL" thread
>not a single word
kill yourself brainlet

>> No.12600982

Sorry but as someone who kinda likes the human race it’s my ethical responsibility to not share retarded potentially catastrophic misinformation

>> No.12600986

are you posting literature clarifying why being an anti vaxxer is retarded

>> No.12600989

I am going to rape, torture and kill all anti-vaxxers. Every single last one of them. And there's nothing you can do to stop m.e

>> No.12600992

now that I think about it, vaccines are a fucking meme

>> No.12601012
File: 256 KB, 1600x1057, Children in an iron lung before the advent of the polio vaccination, 1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a meme
Think about it little bit harder.
Vaccines are undoubtedly a net positive, gomer.

>> No.12601018

You don’t need literature for that, just common sense.

>> No.12601027

You don’t wanna do that they haven’t been vaccinated you could contract AIDS

Segregation needs to make a comeback except only in order to isolate the anti vaxxers like a leper colony

>> No.12601033

>typical families need to pump out 10 kids just for 3 of them to survive
>vaccines arrive
>less emotioal, physical and psychological strain on both men and women without having to deal with child mortality
>life expectancy doubles

>> No.12601051
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1544061226024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you would like the human race, you would view this misinformation as a good thing as a LACK of vaccination leads to a healthier human race. The only people vaccination benefits are the weakest members who otherwise would have been ordained to die, and rightfully as these woeful individuals are the sort who grow up weak, decrepit yet living, and lead lives in a Bubble.
Extreme cringe.
Redditor trying to apply some edge. Wants to help the human race, pointless blithering do goodery, now this? Pathetic.
No, they are a net negative for the dependency they foster and the promotion of the survival of those with impaired immune systems. The end result is defective people going on to produce defective progeny, who will get sick all the time and lead miserable lives.

Funny you showcase an iron lung as an example.
Polio is asymptomatic in 95% of cases.
4% of cases will cause reversible paralysis.
Only a fraction of 1% have severe paralysis.

Quantity over quality. We do not need a plentiful human race. We need a thinning of the herd.

Vaccination precipitates an autoantigen response, in turn leading to leukocytosis, all having a pro-inflammatory effect. Yes, very mild, so mild that it will go unnoticed by virtually all, yet it is there nonetheless and inflammation is present and this makes healthy individuals less than optimal. Genetically fit people should not have to suffer any detriment so to prop up a "net positive", for the unfit who nature ordained to die in the first place. The strong suffer a cost, yet the weak benefit. It is an insult to nature. I hate vaccines because they increase the survival of the unfit.

>> No.12601055

>thinning of the herd
at leat now we know where to start huh

>> No.12601056
File: 59 KB, 450x195, jpreveal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what on earth

>> No.12601058
File: 65 KB, 575x651, 1538976411952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice snarky upvotable reply.
However, it clearly does give an idea, and that is the cessation of most vaccines and the elimination of childhood mortality as some useful, let alone desirable, policy marker.

>> No.12601060

based anti-vaxxer. Vaccinations are a money-making scheme.

>> No.12601065

>every one i disagree with is reddit
sure thing 4chan user

>> No.12601066

books on this pill?

>> No.12601067

>dawww, vaccine cause da inflammation
One aspect of Type I Immune Response is inflammation.

Nice larp as a fashy doctor by the way.
Do you think anyone who posts here will be spared the rope?

>> No.12601193

anti-vaxxers are cringe but i hate anti-anti-vaxxers even more

>> No.12601261

I hat3 anti-anti vaxxers as well, but anti-anti-anti vaxxers are far worse

>> No.12601271

Doctorfag here.

The real problem is the mercury. Vaccinations are (mostly) harmless.

Glyphosate should be flat out banned. Same goes for chlorine and cyanide in the water.

>> No.12601278

For the first time in I don't know how long we didn't got our flu shots this year, couldn't quite fit it in. Well now me and my two daughters have the flu and we've been sick as fuck for the past five days. Goddamn flu fucking sucks. My gf got her shot because she works in an hospital and she's just been like slightly indisposed for an evening. Never again.

>> No.12601282

It's because your immune system has been weakened by getting flu shots yearly. Never had my shots and only really get sick once every two years or so.

>> No.12601297

>Books that redpill on the vaccination meme?
honestly just look up articles on the lawsuit in california around mercury and all-in-one supershots that started the whole shitstorm
spoilers: the mother won the court case and forced changes to how vaccines were administered since it was a pretty clear profit motivated malpractice

>> No.12601308

Thank you, based doctor anon.
Quick question:
Isn't Thimerosal as a preservative kinda rare these days?

>> No.12601321

>being underage

>> No.12601323

This is one of the edgiest posts I've read in a while.

>> No.12601331

bashed and redrocked

>> No.12601338

this is the best post I've seen today

>> No.12601349

>not an argument
fuck off back to R*ddit and don't come back, also have fun gargling the cum after the circle jerking

>> No.12601380

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