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/lit/ - Literature

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12572263 No.12572263 [Reply] [Original]

>join writing group
>there's 3 women for every man
is this normal

>> No.12572276 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 600x750, 1542650401683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes writing is a feminine act and the majority of guys who write are feminine.

>> No.12572286

thanks for the input animeNEET

>> No.12572307
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Yes, real men don't write. Their words are powerful enough spoken, so they don't feel the philohomosexual need to write with the hopes that fellow plebs will read their stuff one day and bestow clout upon them. Follow the path of Jesus and Socrates. Instead of trying to write, make your speech so beautiful and engaging that others will write down your words for you. Make your words replete with magic and the pens of lesser men will desperately rush in droves to write them down in order to remember what you already know by heart! Good luck, anon!

t. a handsome, tall patrician male of good moral worth and physical prowess.

>> No.12572312
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>> No.12572315

he's right. A man will be made fun of if he admitted that he was writing a book.

>> No.12572317

are you retarded

>> No.12572325
File: 59 KB, 430x441, 1539195423263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most men are retarded uneducated brutes femininity is the GOAT and any talented writer is feminine
t. extremely intelligent femboy

>> No.12572327

western society is not structured in such a way. the only men who's words are written and restated in such a way are politicians and actually athletes.

maybe rappers too, but thats different.

>> No.12572331
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Yes, generally ist women who are the ones myopic and childish enough to entertain the idea of a career in writing, in the absence of real self-evinced talent.

>> No.12572339

why are there degenerate NEETsexuals on /lit/

>> No.12572350

>implying i am writing for a career
it's a hobby when the weather is shit

>> No.12572357

animeniggers must leave
they must

>> No.12572358

>go to poetry group
>full of lower class, college dropouts and ex drug addicts

>go to writing class
>full of people with disabilities, degenerates 'who've turned a new leaf', feminists and edgelords who swear a lot in their writing, thinking they're the next the next Palanuik

Is this normal?

>> No.12572361

Yes, but what they write is probably gonna be fanfic-tier garbage with minimal literary value. YA is very popular with women, so of course there'll be more female wannabe writers - but generally speaking, it'll most likely be the men that are gonna produce something resembling actual literature. Just don't associate with the women, since it's highly unlikely that they're not gonna be completely obnoxious about their favorite gay couple.
t. experienced

>> No.12572365

what does the plato larper think about the mass centralized digitalization of communication?

>> No.12572367

amerimutts shibbolethed

>> No.12572368

These images always bring me pause. Femininity is such an inexpressibly wondrous essence, that everytime I am given a glimpse of it, I become silent for a few moments. What an adorable little lady.

>> No.12572371
File: 60 KB, 650x576, 1545657538551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all one person (me)
montaigne was feminine
nietzsche was feminine
deleuze was feminine
spinoza was feminine
the romantics were feminine
proust was feminine
rimbaud was feminine
mishima was feminine (all the bodybuilding shit was cope)
pessoa was feminine
bernhard was feminine
being literary is feminine prove me wrong

>> No.12572380

Absolutely based

>> No.12572383
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Obviously, it must crumble. And someday it will.

>> No.12572387

Is this Plato? Such a based image.

>> No.12572390
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>cartoon addicts SEETHING over a frog

>> No.12572405

based and redpilled

>> No.12572407

Absolutely. The Feminine is of far more intrinsic sophistication than the Masculine. Of this, none can deny. It is only a matter of bringing women into a greater position of control within our society, and let the inherent grace of the Feminine then clean up our societies of the monstrous systems (unbridled capitalism, industrialism, etc) which have been made by men.

>> No.12572422

t. literal samefag.

>> No.12572436

So what, the "guy" has been dropping nothing but redpills. Probably also has a very high IQ too.

>> No.12572438
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the last three posts and second post are me yes but this is not an argument

>> No.12572476

I am not an amerimutt. I do not live in that modern day Gomorrah.

>> No.12572512

the irony is never lost on this one,
RP Socrates so well he contradicted himself

>> No.12572574

You could add Shakespeare, add all the Romantic Poets, add Joyce, and so many more to this list too. The Feminine is the wellspring from which the greatest of literature has been birthed. Any man seeking the heights of artistry must hope to Athena that he has some femininity in him, else he will never ascend higher than the mediocrity which his kind are fated to by nature.

>> No.12572581

I basically agree, but how do we know this? How do we know they were "feminine"? From their lifestyle, or something in their works?

>> No.12572591

Include Tolstoy, Chekhov, Marlowe, and plenty others too.

>> No.12572596

>tfw poet
>tfw lower class, college dropout and ex-drug addict

feels good man

>> No.12572602

holy cringe

>> No.12572605

we have some accounts about their personalities in one of montaigne's essays he describes himself with pretty feminine traits

>> No.12572625

Socrates never wrote. Plato wrote. But sure, there is still something ironic about Plato writing not to write, even if indirectly putting those words in his teacher's mouth.

>> No.12572647

Plow them all

>> No.12572655

holy based

>> No.12572683

Absolutely dabbed on all the salty men here, who are of the very same qualities you described them as having. Good job, they will never recover from this one.

t. fellow enlightened male who is no longer ashamed of his sensitivity or afraid to express it, and has seen his literary output ascend in quality as he allows his inherent femininity to flow into his writing

>> No.12572689

lol @ all those "men" who still believe that literature is not feminine. Get your testosterone levels checked because if you discuss books online chances are they're pretty low. Also consider the fact that feminine people are more prone to be mentally ill, which without a doubt you all are. And feminine people have higher verbal skills than Mathematical skills, which probably applies to a large number of people here. You can go to the gym all you want and listen to the manliest music you can get your hands on, it won't make a difference. If you are on /lit/ you were probably born with a feminine brain and small, delicate hands with which you type overly emotional posts on a literature board.

>> No.12572703

being a genetically inferior man doesn't make you a woman, no amount of anime should convince you otherwise

>> No.12572707

3 per? That's low. I mean, in lit classes in college, there was usually 2 or 3 guys to 30 women in the classes. So that's 10 per if your a dork faggot what can't do math.

>> No.12572712

is autism masculine?

>> No.12572742
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I didnt know anything about billy's or joyce's personality to mention then but that is nice to know lol

>> No.12572766
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k fuccboi

>> No.12572777

ive had mental illness, diagnosable bipolar 2 etc. etc. I dont doubt I'm wired in a feminine way. Hell growing up I always thought/knew being an English teacher was a womans job, and ive got a job as an English teacher lined up.

BUT. Doesn't mean people like the ones you described are weak or anything. I'm 6ft, big shoulders, broad, thick head of hair, thick beard. I didnt choose this form. I could be a lawyer or an accountant and make much more money but it means nothing to me.

>> No.12572786

anime is actually very masculine

>> No.12572803

That reminded me that Quevedo was a soldier, a duelist and a spy. Almost every writer of the golden age of spanish literature was a soldier

>> No.12572818

(you) take this and be happy anon

>> No.12572837

>20 posters
more like 19 posters and 1 mentally ill samefag

>> No.12572839

yes cute moe school girls and autistic scared mecha pilots are very masculine

>> No.12572842

Writing poetry was a must for knights and samurai

>> No.12572912
File: 96 KB, 589x800, Wyndham_Lewis_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an underlying hostility and critical nature to Lewis' prose. Is that feminine too?

>> No.12572928

What a fucking shit thread
Everyone baiting and everyone baited

>> No.12572992

good thread

>> No.12573290


>> No.12573377

Shakespeare wrote the Sonnets, which are believed by many to be an expression of repressed homosexual love. These sonnets are also highly romantic and flowery.

Joyce wrote Molly Bloom's monologue, which is considered one of the greatest representations of femininity in all of literature. He also loved both his wife and daughter passionately, as they acted as a great degree of inspiration for his work.

Honestly, I'm trying to think of any noteworthy male writers who weren't to some degree feminine. Heminingway and McCarthy, maybe?

>> No.12573670

Why the fuck would you join a writing group, you can't teach that shit

>> No.12574718

based based based

>> No.12574729

lol didn’t read

>> No.12574791

Is Molly's soliloquy really seen as such? I thought it was viewed by many women as a caricature of their nature. That's what I read online, at least. How feminists perceive him.

>the most blatant egg in all of literature
>not feminine
lol, the man was literally a woman

>> No.12574866

Please, dear God, remain on this board and join the new vanguard of personalities who exalt and sing praises for the Feminine. I would love to see more posts from you, friend. Same style, same content, please just post more.

>> No.12576094

Unironically saving to post again.

>> No.12576711

Most of these people were sensitive or fags. Everyone knows the canon is full of fags. It is the love of men, not a feminine self, that is the common factor in the makeup of great writers. Don't project your feminization fetish into all literary figures.

>> No.12576729

Didn't Hemingway practice cross-dressing and liked being pegged ? Or the cross-dressing was his son perhaps.

>> No.12576802
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I think people just need to stop this bullshit for once and just accept that your hobby is being with others.

If you like to write, then write. You don't need a writing group.

If you like being naked, take off your clothes, you don't need a nudist colony.

and so on

>> No.12577489

>Nietzsche was feminine
How? What about him is feminine?
>Mishima was feminine
Literal retard confirmed

>> No.12577512

what about anime pussy?

>> No.12577609


>> No.12578081

What is it about the feminine essence that inspires such genius, bros?

What is it about the feminine that creates a drive to make beautiful art in the way it does?

>> No.12578104

>Mishima was not feminine
>He doesn't know
Literal retard confirmed

>> No.12578121

What if I have large delicate hands?

>> No.12578126
File: 8 KB, 187x269, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was picrelated masculine?

>> No.12578135

yes which is why he was wrong

>> No.12578136

Nice post, well done

>> No.12578146

No shit. Literature is for faggots and girly-men, crybaby

>> No.12578147

What if I have small delicate hands and a big dick?

>> No.12578156

So, like vloggers and streamers?

>> No.12578162

Because being 'feminine' is a random set of traits you pull out of your ass. The average farmer's wife is more 'masculine' than anyone who ever browsed lit

>> No.12578165

Debatable. He was pro-emotion, but the categorical imperative is a very masculine concept (i.e a terrible one).

>> No.12578198

>tfw no literary twink to call you a big dumb brute while you ravage them
Life is suffering

>> No.12578279

>small, delicate hands

Fuck this hits hard

>> No.12578488
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1544165038672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as it turns out there's actually 5 women for every man