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12569561 No.12569561 [Reply] [Original]

Is there actually serious pagan / neo-pagan philosophers or writers, or is it all just edgy anti-christians who think they're witches and work in crystal shops?

>> No.12569570

>Is there actually serious pagan

>> No.12569588

why the fuck would serious pagans write and distribute info about their beliefs and practices? christian theological literature exists because according the bible the word of god is intended to be disseminated. neo-paganism is about drawing a line between you and your ancestors and to some extent the universe itself. sharing your knowledge or otherwise interacting closely with strangers is totally antithetical and poisonous to their worldview. publicly pagan people are attention whores 100% of the time, and this extend to their “literature”

>> No.12569614

Pagen is like the n-word. Do nogs have literature about their philosophy or are they just being edgy and refuse to be white like the rest of us?

>> No.12569888

Dan McCoy and Stephen McNallen are good as well as being "respectable". Varg is good too if you're prepared to go sicko mode. Evola wrote a lot about paganism and considered himself a "pagan catholic" at one point, or so I hear.

The "witches in crystal shops" crowd has more to do with Wicca, which is some weird duotheistic whamen worshipping thing with a hodgepodge of random Anglo-Saxon shit as a veneer.

>> No.12569930

Yes, it's a good way to work through the myths, and paganism is probably more complex than Christianity. Plenty of philosophy is built on Greek myths, for example.

>> No.12569997

McNallen put out some good, well produced videos as well last year if you want to hear him talk. Most of them deal with racial-political issues, but this one is less about that and more about morality.
While I'm talking about Youtube, Survive the Jive is a Youtuber who is also a serious pagan guy.

>> No.12570117

This but unironically

>> No.12570121

Julius Evola

>> No.12570193

Varg's books are unironically good

>> No.12570198

lmao what a retarded assblast post by a pagan.
philosophy was born from the getting away from myths and actually start to investigate nature without the gods of mythology

>> No.12570229
File: 511 KB, 1196x960, Christianization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it was, christcuck.

>> No.12570239
File: 95 KB, 600x1024, toxic christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a great fallacy demonstrating the intellectual prowess of sandgod worshippers.

>> No.12571483

Pagans didn't love their gods, and their gods didn't love them.

>> No.12572564

What do you think dude?

>> No.12572615
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>> No.12572627

The most authentic you'll find is Evola.

>> No.12572632

>more complex than Christianity. Plenty of philosophy is built on Greek myths

>> No.12572849

>not starting with the Greeks

>> No.12572875

Nice theology of sado-masochism you got there. I wonder how it could all go so wrong...