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/lit/ - Literature

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12562502 No.12562502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 10 am
>spend some time on the internet while drinking coffee
>told myself I'd start doing productive stuff early today but my mental block stopped me; hate the idea of giving up all daylight hours for the rest of my life
>went outside to feel sad about life and procrastinate another day of life instead
>went walking around a park
>saw students, felt sad
>got a message that a job interview for a retailcuck position tomorrow was cancelled; feel a pathetically large amount of relief at the idea of having no appointments tomorrow (and I was considering postponing it myself for a reprieve, lol); all constraints feel like cages
>went to a large charity book store and looked around without buying anything; my consumercuck urges were still partly sated but the image of myself buying a book when I already own so many unread ones felt pathetic
>it stopped raining during the mid afternoon and it felt like the beginning of a new day
>read the final 40 pages of a book I borrowed from the library (I took 12 days to read 400 pages)
>contemplate applying for full time jobs; two months full time at a minimum wage job would give me more money than I currently know what to do with but I know I'd find it hellish
>have Starbucks
>have One Last Binge: a really large burger king meal and then a bit more junk food when I get home
>browse internet for a bit, read, now typing this at 1:09 am
>plan to do productive stuff after waking up but any engagement with it is like taking a small step in to a cage

Walking around the bright supermarket feels like being in a Refn film. During hot summer days walking in to a cool supermarket evokes the feeling of being on holiday in a foreign country.

I need to figure out how to overcome my mental block that stops me doing anything productive. I hate having any spooks but this leaves me as a slave to habit. Also my main recurring bad thought is the idea of being ineffective, like trying to break a wall with a toy hammer.

>> No.12563897


>> No.12563908

Too real. I pretty much just sit in library for 6 hours without moving, just fucking around on my computer and wanting to get stuff done.

>> No.12563910

how narcissistic do you have to be to not only treat 4chan like it's your personal blog, but then bump it when nobody gives a fuck? I sincerely wish the worst for you, faggot. Based on your daily blogposts I don't even have to hope for you to kill yourself, you're such a pathetic loser it's inevitable. I'll pray that you stop being such a coward and find the courage to do so, instead. absolutely saged.

>> No.12563921

Jesus christ people like you are the scum of the earth. I'm not OP, I just hope you know you're a sick bastard who deserves to and will die alone.

>> No.12563928

I wrote that post in bed next to my sleeping wife. I don't fucking care what you think about me you stupid little twat, stop ruining this fucking board and fuck off to blogspot already faggot

>> No.12564145

i thought you had a new job soon? what happened to it?

>> No.12564911

I hope you bury your fucking wife before the month ends.

>> No.12564916

>I need to figure out how to overcome my mental block that stops me doing anything productive. I hate having any spooks but this leaves me as a slave to habit.
You and me both, anon.

>> No.12564953


>> No.12564957

>calls others sick for wishing death upon someone
>wishes death upon someone

I got this gents. Sit down, shut up, take your hands off your dicks and listen up. OP, you have no friends, no sense of purpose, no awareness of the real effects of your detrimental habits, and a poor way of coping with depression. I’m going to prescribe a few things for you. First and most obvious is sleep. Sleep is the main course at life’s great feast. It reinvigorates our body and minds. You need more of it. This means you go to sleep when it gets dark, and wake up at sunrise. This is a start. Furthermore, don’t use electronic devices before bed. They keep you stimulations and ruin your chances at a restful night’s sleep. Next, make a schedule. Get real autistic for this one. Plan every minute of every day for at least a month. Pick up those jobs. Alot time for reading. When you read, try your best to remain absolutely focused and read at a pace that is challenging for you. Write what you learned so you can develop insight into how you learn. Adjust your pace or synthesize information differently as you see fit. The goal is is the both adapt to challange yourself, and meet a higher standard. Next, take a shower every morning and take proper care of your hygene. Shave/ get a haircut if you need one. Style it halfway decently. Get in a workout routine and learn to lift properly. Form over funtion when you start. Visit /fit/ for that. Actually, don’t. Read some anatomy, physics, and watch some videos of people who know what they’re doing, this way you scaffold your knowledge with the mechanics behind lifting.
And finally, get the fuck of 4chan, you insufferable little cunt. I hop one day you grow into a fat juicy pussy and thrive, but until then, you make me sick. Good fucking luck, and good fucking riddance.

>> No.12564969

Also don't forget to wash your dick

>> No.12564979

YES! ah! This is so important. Wash the encrusted cum and cheeto dust out of your foreskin, OP.

>> No.12564984

Set realistic goals and work for them. Stop making this harder than it needs to be. You can either stay where you are, or move yourself to reach a different place. You make the goal, and then act accordingly, or you don't. There's no "mental block." That's just you complaining and being lazy, which is understandable because life is not easy. You will either work, or you won't. "Work sets you free"

>> No.12564990

Sperg-tastic post. I wasn't the anon that called you out in the previous post, just fyi. Fuck your whore wife, hopefully your bitch-ass will kick the bucket sooner rather than later.

>> No.12564994

The guy doesn’t seem to want to improve and posts these blogs often.
Don’t see any point giving him useful advice because he isn’t going to make use of it.

>> No.12565002

The litbro might have given up on himself, but we shouldn't give up on him. Regardless of your opinion on that, there are other anons with similar problems, and anons' suggestion could benefit them.

>> No.12565015

Sperg-tastic post. I wasn’t the anon with the wife, but I hope she meets her fate in short as well now.

>> No.12565024

Yeah. I mean, I'm willing to bet my nuts that said wife doesn't exist outside of sperg's fantasy realm, but in the .1% chance that someone actually married the sperg, a swift death would be a blessing. The best case scenario for her, and maybe for this board. It could break anon's spirit so that he may never shitpost here again.

>> No.12565034

>shitposting in bed next to his sleeping wife
I think his shitposting would increase if his wife were to pass. I certainly agree that the best case scenario for her would be death, but divorce or sudden onnset memory loss would be just as goo, this way she wouldn’t have to live with the fact that she married a closet faggot.

>> No.12565048

Nothing will change in this guys life. In my language we have an expression "that he has to hit the brick wall with his head", i.e. he has to hit rock- bottom and it has to hurt like hell. He still hasnt done that. He might never will. All Your posts about self-improvent, motivation and shit are futile.

>> No.12565049

Good post. I was truly heartless in my previous one. A divorce would be great, we all have one life to live and it's ahead of us. London poster should consider the same: >>12562502 Despite past shortcomings and hardships, life's not over. It's up to us, to a certain extent, to make it better from now on.

>> No.12565192

based, i have no idea why mods don't ban this pathetic faggot.

>> No.12565214

>During hot summer days walking in to a cool supermarket evokes the feeling of being on holiday in a foreign country.
this was a flash of divine prose

>> No.12565277
File: 547 KB, 775x579, B4EFF9E0-8821-4A38-B546-12EE9CA80602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>During hot summer days walking in to a cool supermarket evokes the feeling of being on holiday in a foreign country.
This. I can almost smell it. It’s not a smell really but a certain neutral cold air that is so different from the ocean breeze or the bustling city. I can hear the soft ‚slap-slap’ sound your flip-flops make while you walk on the yellowish floor tiles browsing through the aisles. The refrigerators are humming. Opening the doors requires more strength than expected. You feel the cold washing over you and get goosebumps while trying to decide on what to buy. Sugar is bad for your teeth, right?
>Walking around the bright supermarket feels like being in a Refn film.
Looking forward to his new tv show

>> No.12565297

Agreed, very relatable as well

>> No.12565310

Praising OP for his shit life based on a line of prose.
The absolute state of lit

>> No.12565324

I was just praising that line.

>> No.12565334

Not much different from liking James Joyce, Hemingway, or Fitzgerald

>> No.12565341

I love you man
seriously, I dont know if youre the same as him, but all these longdonfrog/princetontoad type blogs are the main reason I keep coming back to 4.2channel. I hope you do well, God bless.