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/lit/ - Literature

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12524392 No.12524392 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people who post on an imageboard about books and they're not left wing

whats wrong with you people? are you just stupid or what?

>> No.12524396

>/lit/ - Video Games

>> No.12524403
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Leftier than you desu

>> No.12524413


I have too much money, my skin is too pale, and I have no desire for political power. It makes no sense for me to be a leftist today.

>> No.12524424

>being comfortable is more important than being right

that kind of defeats the point of reading doesnt it

>> No.12524430

Because they're majority American and extremely stupid. Capitalist cuckolds.

>> No.12524439


Not at all. I can read for entertainment.

>> No.12524443

damn enjoy your YA then cuck

>> No.12524460


There are realms of pleasure that go beyond YA, you ignorant faggot.

>> No.12524468

stop false flagging

>> No.12524470

Im a radical centrist you little larping bitch. Eat that

>> No.12524527

Reminder that the following authors were right-wing:

W. B. Yeats
Ezra Pound
T. S. Elliott
Rudyard Kipling
Yukio Mishima
Jorge Luis Borges
G. K. Chesterton
Knut Hamsun

The list goes on. Lmao at you commie fags deluding yourselves into thinking literature is inherently left-wing.

>> No.12524535

ew look at those chink mutts

>> No.12524536
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>> No.12524566

>unironically being left-wing
are you retarded

>> No.12524578

>Righties: Want to live with dignity
>Leftists: Want to be dignified

I'm in the first camp.

>> No.12524639

this is a boomer tier comment

>> No.12524654

since when were boomers so based

>> No.12524660

boomers have spoken in vague, catchy banalities when it comes to left wing politics for their entire existence

see: everything thatcher or reagan ever said.

>> No.12524674

>I'm mad and can't argue so I'll call my foe a Boomer.

>> No.12524714

you're a threat to no one but yourself.

>> No.12524890


tips fedora

>> No.12524909
File: 391 KB, 601x779, marxistliterature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pound was a literal socialist and Mishima wasn't right economically. The left has better writers anyway

>> No.12524919

Dostoevsky literally committed his life to stopping socialism. Although I wonder what would he think about the fact that 100 years after he died communist Russia would be the last bastion of morals and virtues he so desperately tried to save.

>> No.12524924

>Pound was a literal socialist
uhh what

>> No.12524927

He was a socialist himself but seen the errors or other socialists of his time. The same errors that would lead to the Soviet Union. Demon's was a great critique of it.

>> No.12524931

You missed the point of his post. His issue is that you don't read to explore different viewpoints or things that pull you out of your comfort zone. That's way worse of an insult

>> No.12524933

it's a more apt word than 'opponent'

>> No.12524944


Since we're claiming to now what other people are thinking and what they "missed", you missed the point of my initial response, which is there are other reasons for reading besides being "right."

>> No.12524964
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>> No.12524966

facts dont care about your feelings retard

>> No.12524986
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>people with money, power, and privilege favor systems that let them keep money, power, and privilege
>those same people favor art/cultural products that reflect a world they want to live in
>or, the superstructure conforms to the base
>marxist crit 101

god why are all right-wingers fucking brainlets

>> No.12524992

...Pound was a fascist, my guy

Hume begs to differ, retard

>> No.12524995

>Nietzsche was a marxist
Is this bait lmao

>> No.12525008


Absolutely seething left wingers. Lmao'ing at your life. Must be terrifying looking at the system you'll never change and the successful people all around you while painting 'fuck capitalism' on working class walls to feel better. You will unironically have no bearing on the world.

>> No.12525010

As others have pointed out, Pound was a fascist.

>> No.12525025


He doesn't fit well into either right-wing or left-wing camps. Righties slobber over his aristocracy and individualism, lefties adore his critiques of tribalism and institutions. Gentle reminder that Derrida, Foucault, Delezue, etc, all considered themselves Left Nietzschians and produced important monographs on his work

>> No.12525027

Im well aware that both the left and right enjoy appropriating Nietzsche for their causes, I was just laughing at the assertion he was a fucking marxist

>> No.12525032

Former libertarian slowly becoming a reluctant anarchoprimitivist reporting in.

>> No.12525038
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>> No.12525040

>Implying that there is a "right"
lmao, why should i contribute to a cause or a movement that i have no self interest in and would even live shittier than before?

>> No.12525041

I do. It's based.

>> No.12525048
File: 86 KB, 886x668, zzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All politics boils down to sexual pathology, my guy.

Does this image give you a hate-boner? Are you worried that big-dicked African men will fuck your pure white wife?

Hell, it doesn't even matter if you're the one who holds the whip. You'll get whipped as long as you feel part of a hierarchy. As long as you feel secure. Power and control gets your dick hard. That's all this boils down to.

Face it anon. You're scared of power. You don't want to hold it. You don't want control over your life. You want someone else to tell you what to do. You'll slurp rotten diarrhea out of some Strong Man's asshole as long as he promises you temporary pleasure and illusory security.

Only leftists have the courage to take on the world. Only leftists have the courage to free all men. Only leftists truly want freedom. You just want your dick hard.

>> No.12525056
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anprim gang

>> No.12525063
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>Being anything other than a radical centrist in current year

>> No.12525073

Hmmm, maybe because they're far more persecuted, demonized, and stigmatized than straight and/or cis people? You ever consider that while you mindlessly scroll through /pol/ and rub your eyes with the diarrhea they call charts?

>> No.12525074

Genuinely stopped and cringed out loud

>> No.12525076

Unironically tell me what freedoms you could afford me that capitalism doesn't.

>> No.12525082

>higher suicide level than forced labor internment camps


>> No.12525087

>Power and control gets your dick hard. That's all this boils down to
And whats the problem with trying to reach that? Everyone wants power and their ideals to proliferate, just as you do.
>Face it anon. You're scared of power.
What does that have anything to do with what you said before? Its not like your leftinst ideology doesnt impose shit on people aswell to give up their power for your benefit.

>> No.12525093
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>ridicules trans people for high suicide rates
>will make a /lit/ post asking for depression help books next week
>thinks no one cares about him because he's a white man

>> No.12525099

Left-wing is too vague. Economically i'm sure most people here are fairly left-wing. It's on the idpol spectrum that things are really disparate.

>> No.12525101
File: 528 KB, 540x556, Screenshot_2018-12-27-14-06-21-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just did a great service. You gave a summary, interpretation, analysis, and modern-day translation of The Grand Inquisitor to a poor fuck in dire need of it. If he can manage to struggle through your post without the multiple paragraphs hurting his brain and his feelings, he may one day see the truth.

>> No.12525110

>socially right wing
>economically left wing
this is the only non-brainlet position

>> No.12525112


No. There are plenty of normal, functioning people who think the same. I'd like to think I'm one of them.

Hell, I don't even have a problem with drag queens or crossdressers. But if you cut your cock off, you're nuts.

>> No.12525143
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You don't have even the most basic understanding of psychology and sociology, do you?

>> No.12525153

Lol. Enlighten me retard. Go on. Tell me how oppressed trans people are.

>> No.12525154
File: 38 KB, 448x293, larry levis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>likes reading
>reading is all about empathy
>has read novels about schizophrenics, depressives, borderlines, narcissists, sociopaths, the grief-mad, the love-mad, the furious and the outcast
>refuses to attempt to empathize with trans people because they're "crazy"

You're just scared of getting castrated and you project that fear onto other people. like >>12525048 said all politics is sexual pathology

trans people don't want your cock, anon
I promise it's gonna be okay
You're gonna be okay

>> No.12525162
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>has to wageslave eight hours a day for rent
>has to give up most of that money for food, shelter, water
>if he doesn't work to make someone else rich he will starve

>> No.12525165

>reading is all about empathy

>> No.12525177

I empathize with trans people. I just don't accept them as a healthy invidivual whom I need to kowtow too in fear of offending them.

I deeply empathize with schizophrenics, depressives, borderlines, narcissists, sociopaths, the grief-mad, the love-mad, the furious and the outcast. But I understand they are ill, and society understands they are in need of help. None, not one, are attempting to regulate my life, or challenge even the smallest perceptions of it. None are declaring to me that they are normality.

I was homeless when I left home and moved to another city. I worked two jobs I very much disliked and now work 4 hours a day at a comfy home job.

There is opportunity out there. Just because you're fearful of leaving the house and enjoying it, and identify yourself so deeply with the bottom rung, it doesn't mean you can't maneouvre upwards. Perhaps if you had some self-belief instead of complaining on a Yotsuba image board you'd see that.

>> No.12525185
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Depression and alienation caused by capitalist society.

>> No.12525188

t. classist scumbag

>> No.12525191

What makes you think a communist or socialist society would fix that?

>> No.12525195
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You don't need to kowtow. You don't. They're asking you to treat them kindly. That's literally all they're asking.

Another group gaining the rights you already had doesn't equal you being oppressed.

>> No.12525211

>people falling for obvious bait

>> No.12525212
File: 578 KB, 2309x1518, task failed successfully .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's literally centuries of leftist writing explaining why, you fucking brainlet

Read Marx
Read Kropotkin
Read Bakunin
Read Luxemborg
Read Goldman

God, all right-wingers cast leftists as drooling tards but then refuse to do any reading at all

on a literature board no less

>> No.12525214

what rights do normal people have that trannies do not?

>> No.12525225

I will treat them kindly. But I will never accept that cutting off or mutiliating your own genitalia is anything other than protacted set of deep neuroticisms. It is not healthy. It is not rational. I would not like a world where my children will one day believe it is.

But if a friend near me feels much more comfortable as a woman, I will still be kind to them. Hell, I'd even refer to them as a she.

But I'll always be playing pretend. I will never view them as a full woman. It is the same as telling a child with aspergers that their fingerpaints were good today. I'm sad I have to do it. But I will do it in the interest of social cohesion.

I'm not a right-winger you fucking retard. I've read Marx. It's literally brainlet tier nonsense. Worse than Rand Imo.

>> No.12525233

Not oppressing classes is classist? what?

>> No.12525235

>literature is inherently left-wing
It is. All art is. Have you heard the term "liberal arts"? They may have been right wingers but their art was leftist. Right wing art immediately becomes propaganda and it stops being art.

>> No.12525246

imagine being this ignorant

>> No.12525252

The elimination of social classes means everyone is on the same team and you aren't alienated for not fitting into an expected role that you don't have the ability to fulfill

>> No.12525253
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But why should you have to make someone else rich just to survive? Don't you find that debasing, humiliating? I show up to work every damn day. I wreck my vertebrae, degenerate my discs, destroy my joints, fuck my knees, so the CEO can buy another jet and buy another beachhouse. Don't you find that degrading?

I believe each person should be able to control their own life. I think you would agree. Capitalism requires unjust hierarchies to survive. You must bow to someone -- the boss, the landlord, the shareholders, the IRS. Anarchism wants everyone to be their own master.

Why does this idea scare you so much?

>> No.12525260

i will provide this bait a rating of: 6/10

>> No.12525270

But what if you do have the ability anon? Should I only go 30mph in the race because Driver D's tyre is punctured?

>> No.12525271

Art is not left wing you mental midget, it isn't created for political purposes. Depending on your philosophy it expresses the sublime, or some aesthetic ideal, whatever.

>> No.12525277

All that is garbage and there is no reason why there shouldn't be register of people who loan those books just so we could make a world a better place by murdering them, their families and their friends.

>> No.12525278

Yeah. Sure. Let's live in a shitty broken system when we could be literally living in an utopia. How based hahaha. If you are dumb to get it, which you are, I was being sarcastic. Kill yourself.

>> No.12525284
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What makes a full woman?

Where does gender come from, anon? If it comes from the genitalia, what about people who lose their dicks in car accidents? Are they suddenly non-men? If it comes from chromosomes, what about intersex people? Even if they undergo surgery so they have a penis or a vagina, are they non-male or non-female?

>> No.12525291

>actually thinks utopia is possible

>> No.12525294


What are you racing towards, anon? Everyone will be forgotten in a million years. On that timescale does a "race" actually matter?

>> No.12525298

This. What right wingers don't get is that the only way to get more freedom is by giving power to the state so it can make sure we're free. Capitalists will never understand that people living in the USSR had in fact more freedom. They simply can't get it. They have been brainwashed by capitalism.

>> No.12525299

I have enough emotional intelligence to separate actual plight and just first-world bitching based off a sense of serotonin decay.
I don't like when whole groups of people actively bitch about fucking anything bad that comes their way.
I dream of a day where people understand true suffering again so I don't have to read anymore about Ellen Page's fucking stupid forehead.

>> No.12525304

>when we could be literally living in an utopia.
and the religious nature of socialism peeks through once again

>> No.12525310

>give more power to the state


>give more power to money


>give more power to myself


>> No.12525313

>reading is all about empathy

>> No.12525320


>their ideas are bad and wrong
>but we need to kill all leftists
>not because they're right and might spread
>but because they're bad and wrong

>> No.12525326
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Faggot, reading is about fucking as many women as possible before your flesh goes cold. English major pussy is so fucking tight

>> No.12525329

>the only way to get more freedom is by giving power to the state so it can make sure we're free
IMAGINE fucking thinking this
Holy shit, how can you be this naive

>people living in the USSR had in fact more freedom.
>calls other people brainwashed

This post is unreal

>> No.12525332

I agree with you. That shit is heinous. But hating that is where you seem to start and end in spawning your beliefs.

Please tell me why you believe anarchism to be this attractive? Do you not want at least some form of fundamental stability? To think you will be free from a master in life is a fairy-land ambition frankly. Not with this scarcity of resources.

Nice bait.

> If it comes from chromosomes, what about intersex people?

I believe this is it. Intersex people may choose to represent how they wish. It's really not that hard.

Good point. But why do anything? Why write a book? Why read a book? Why go for a job? Why climb Everest?

Because we can, and are curious to. Because if the option is available to us, we will take it. Think of the crazy fools who speedrun video games over and over and over and over to get 2 seconds subtracted from their rival. They're not getting paid. Humans quite obviously have a tendency to do things because they can, and if there's one thing you can learn from reading anything it's that. Who are you to stifle them?

>> No.12525350

Precisely. There is no reason to let a single leftist live because they are completely evil. Putting their friends and families out of their misery is also a necessary precaution, as history of China has taught.

>> No.12525355

only if 'economically left-wing' is codespeak for 'charity towards my kind-spirited co-ethnics and co-religionists'.

>> No.12525362

You're an useful idiot and a bugman

>> No.12525379
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Scarcity is an illusion. We grow enough food to feed ten billion people, make enough clothing to dress twice that, and grow enough lumber to house every man, woman, and child. Capitalism requires scarcity to create value. We make everything we need.

I want fundamental stability. I have none under capitalism. If my landlord raises my rent, I'm homeless. If my boss fires me because he "doesn't like my tone" I'm homeless. If one of the medications I take goes up by fifty dollars, I will die. Capitalism does not care if I live or die.

Fundamental stability will come from the people I trust the most -- my family, my friends, my neighbors -- and not from four-inch men on television, or from glossy pictures of the people who own the company I work for. I've never met my representative. I've never met my senator. I've never met anyone on the board of directors. I cannot hold them accountable for my life.

My family and friends, however, I can hold accountable. I lean on them. They lean on me. Like a house, we hold each other up. This is mutual aid.

>> No.12525388


>who are you to stifle them

Exactly! I don't want to! People should be able to do what they want. But I can't train to climb Everest no matter how badly I want to. I have to go to work. I can't become the world's best cellist. I have to stop practicing to go to work. I'm trying to write a book but I only have the time and energy to write a few hundred words a day. I wish I could do this full time. But I can't. I have to keep the lights on.

And I'm just one person. Think about the millions across America alone.

>> No.12525404

>We grow enough food to feed ten billion people and make enough clothing to dress twice that
>Capitalism requires scarcity to create value
So which one is it?

>> No.12525408

Then you become streamrolled by the nearest collective of people who group together under the same flag and decide your family are just to weak to deserve that farmlard you steward. Before you know it your Auntie Mildred has a bullet in her eyes and you're weeping at her feet.

Why on earth, unironically, would you want to go back to tribal society. I agree with most of your initial points, but just as it is your perogative to keep sharp and able in the world you envision, that kind of forethought and labor can also help you live in a much smoother system like we have now.

That is just the reality of history, anon.

It doesn't mean you're absolutely chained to it. It doesn't mean there's no wriggle room.
I'm making a primitive argument here, but if there's a will, there is a way. You have professional mobility. You can learn. This capitalist working stucture is not hellish if you see it for what it is.

Do I follow my own advice? Am I any other than you in this current situation? No. But I know that I can move towards the new if I desired to.

>> No.12525413


>it's really not that hard

Anon, it really isn't. Intersex people can present however they want. So can people who aren't intersex. Intersex people aren't mentally ill -- hell, no one's consciously aware of their chromosomes. What makes trans people mentally ill?

I don't understand your point. I really don't. Trans people can do what they want, but they're crazy. Intersex people are the exception because chromosomes. But no one's consciously aware of their chromosomes. But trans people are still crazy.


>> No.12525414

this is some retarded shit, fuck off tranny

>> No.12525415

I mean in any society someone is gonna have to scrub the toilets, how exactly will socialism make them equal to say, a doctor?

>> No.12525419

wew lad

>> No.12525424

t. seething tranny

Don't make me define your mental illness. That's for you and your therapist to work through.

>> No.12525433
