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File: 63 KB, 1200x628, 347573737457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12514958 No.12514958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has art really declined?

>> No.12514970

Which facet of art?

>> No.12514980

Do you mean taste?

>> No.12514985

No, boomers are just finding it harder to relate. Ironic, that prager's critique based around devolution to self-expression only reveals his self-centricism, and desire to have other authors validate his pathetic worldview.

>> No.12514988
File: 202 KB, 707x700, Roberto Ferri 0022 SIGILLUM olio su tela 150 x 150 cm anno 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, and people who think that are morons

there's so many more people living the world today, so many more talents.
and the media attention (especially the attention a non-art interested person partakes in) is on CONTROVERSIAL works.

tl;dr people don't know what they're talking about

>> No.12514994

Where did you find the edgy pic OP?

>> No.12514999

nice prager u graph faggot

>> No.12515002


>> No.12515004

that's not a bad point op, personal art is fucking awful, but in the era of cult's of personality around celebrity in the 20th century it becomes inevitable

>> No.12515005

facet + art = fart

>> No.12515006

love how precise and wavy this line is and how it jumps from 1800 to 1870

>> No.12515012

>implying I didn't just use that to start shit

>> No.12515015

What are the standards measured in?

>> No.12515021

Is this graph meant to coincide with Reaganomics?

>> No.12515019


>> No.12515022

trips say you're fag, fag

>> No.12515031

pathetic desu

>> No.12515034

this guy is literally just another generation's 30 year old boomer

>> No.12515035


>> No.12515039
File: 266 KB, 1190x877, d1yZEDj3OiK8vcEZvVsS89wVt2xxAtbcVGI8jfPQpbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr i could do that myself

YOU DIDINT!!!!!!!!

this makes me so irrationally upset my god why are people such pseuds HURRR that's not a pretty picture so it's bad ARGHHH

imagine being such a massive P S E U D that you cannot understand the abstract or underlying meaning and just go "well my dragon took a longer time"

>> No.12515046

i remember being in an art class and there was some projects left over from the morning class that must have presenting or something, and the professor looked at shit on the table that was obviously "personal expression" and he just was trying to hold back a smile like that nicholas cage gif oh man that was brutal i dont even remember what condescending thing he said it was that stifled smile that said it all

>> No.12515047

I've always thought that your dragon is shitty and unfinished.

>> No.12515054


>> No.12515057

carving a dragon out of wood is craft not art, take it to a craft fair in a parking lot with boomer cat ladies and their doilies, maybe u can get some neckbeard stoner to give you 50 bucks for it

>> No.12515062

that is what i'm saying

>> No.12515082

>my ugly, shitty art is actually really deep and cool!
Lmao, intellectuals are pathetic

>> No.12515086

u on the bottom left

>> No.12515092

The dragon is ugly and shitty.

>> No.12515095


>> No.12515096

Why would it make me a onanist to think that some student art is shitty and unfinished? You reek of ressentiment desu.

>> No.12515128

U r a good troll. genuinely.

>> No.12515137
File: 14 KB, 600x337, 103618061-BL-050916.600x337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude posts on 4chan
>doesn't realize making sincere art post 1950 is just not possible

dude, most modern and post-modern art is clearly tongue in cheek, the art market is just a bunch of rich pricks buying shit as investments, so why not sell them ridiculous bullshit, thats part of the conspicuous consumption of it, people are so rich they can by ugly ass shit and just put it in storage and try to flip it auction later, lol for example remember this bad boy?

>> No.12515142

truly, sincerely, unironically, in all honesty one of the better posts I've seen on this board

>> No.12515149

>the exception proves the rule

>> No.12515153
File: 438 KB, 1333x2000, Issy Wood 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hacks who call themselves 'artists' these days are nothing compared to the likes of Beethoven! Im only 14 but I am I appreciate REAL art, I was born in the wrong century! :(

>>The hacks who call themselves 'artists' these days are nothing compared to the likes of Fragonard! Im only 14 but I am I appreciate REAL art, I was born in the wrong century! :(

>> No.12515162
File: 2.76 MB, 1529x1915, Fragonard,_The_Swing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


froganard p sick lets be real the swing looks like some dank 90s arcade game it just has that essence man all the little leaves trig my brain to think of those bubbly arcade pixels, shit is doubly dank cuz u kno that shit was fire in the 1700s when he first dropped it, but its even radder now

>> No.12515179

>immediately brings up PragerU as a reaction to to the assertion that art is declining
Butthurt postmodern lefty spotted

>> No.12515180

You cum in your own mouth dont you

>> No.12515194

Because the topic is about the picture from PragerU?
I'm not even that poster or a lefty, but PragerU is fucking retarded

>> No.12515195

Making $1,000,000 creating "bullshit" artwork is no easier than making $1,000,000 by creating "bullshit" music. Otherwise fine arts grads working as baristas wouldn't be such a trope.

>> No.12515196


>> No.12515198

I'm a classical music teacher and a composer

Yes, there is a taste in the air that art as a legitimate practice is dead or dying. Nothing has any punch, or any point to it. When was the last time a band, a song, a movie, or a work of art actually had a real effect on it's viewer? At best you'll think "Oh that was kind of neat" or "That was catchy".

It's almost like art is incapable of speaking to the viewer at this point in time. Even when I write classical music, there is a feeling in the back of my head that "this is pointless". Does it sound good? Sure. Do some people like it? Yeah. But it's just music for the sake of music.

When art was preserved for religious purposes or for kings, I think it may have held more meaning.

>> No.12515204

Oh my bad

>> No.12515206

art became personal expression late 19th century stupid graph

>> No.12515211
File: 32 KB, 636x358, 33F8AA4A00000578-0-image-m-17_1462763228006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't say anything about the difficulty of, and if you notice that sculpture that i attached that sold for 17 mil is a hyper naturalistic fiberglass, so even "it looks real so its good" fags cant say shit, but clearly it was made to fuck with the viewer (and the buyer)

>> No.12515213

most modern art is super serious human enlightenment shit. postmodern art is a break from this seriousness

>> No.12515214


>> No.12515219

what is a "real effect"?

>> No.12515223
File: 102 KB, 500x375, 3257727248_836bb65cf7_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah modern art was real serious stuff

>> No.12515227

I'd like to point out that its a total fallacy to assume that the curators, dealers, and collectors aren't in on an the joke

>> No.12515229

try watching a movie that doesn't involve men in tights, fuckin pleb, classical music fags are always the most aesthetically retarded, probably because to them "music" is about flawlessly performing some dead guys composition as if it's a sport like figure skating

>> No.12515234

of course they are, the only people that aren't are fucktards like the epic dragon carver guy who is obviously plebeian as shit

>> No.12515237

joke or not how comfortable would you feel buying a statue of hitler for 17 million? its a challenge

>> No.12515242

>try watching a movie that doesn't involve men in tights
What the fuck are you talking about
>classical music fags are always the most aesthetically retarded
What does this have to do with anything I said
>Music is about flawlessly performing some dead guys composition as if it's a sport
I just said I write my own music. New classical music is being written and performed constantly.

The worship of virtuosity is largely criticized in the classical music world. A filthy peasant like yourself doesn't know about any of this though

>> No.12515243

>That supposed rise after the exhibition at crystal palace

>> No.12515244

rage against the machine has more meaning than any so called classical music

>> No.12515245
File: 63 KB, 916x1200, Martin Soto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really see the dragon from that pic, maybe its cool? I doubt its much worse than the other sculpture in the pic. I love contemporary art but some of it is definitely bad.

>> No.12515246

>H-ha you don't think art and music are "progressing" in a linear fashion?
>h-ha you don't buy into the "progression of time" narrative"
>h-ha BOOMER
Room temperature IQ

>> No.12515249

>New classical music is being written and performed constantly.

really? did you take a time machine back to 1800?

>> No.12515251

How? You do realize classical music is highly political right?

Of course you don't. You're a pleb.
>unironically bringing up rage against the machine for any reason ever

>> No.12515252

I wonder what measurements underline that graph

>> No.12515259

>really? did you take a time machine back to 1800?
It's generally not promoted to the unwashed masses like yourself. But even passive music listeners are aware of this

>> No.12515263

>dude we won a war my country is so much better than your country

so deep

>> No.12515264

oh cool, cuz all i hear about is the only way classically trained douchebags can get gigs is playing bullshit video game soundtracks, wow what great art that is

>> No.12515265

While obviously you posted this to start shit, it’s amazing that that graph was made totally unrionically.

It absolutely trips over its dick on its own made up garbage. If Prager was paying any attention he would know that talking point says that after the 60s all art is reduced to ‘the political’, to the exclusion of the aesthetic. The whole ‘Harold Bloom’ industry is that art *loses* personal expression, in favour of exclusively *political* expression.

The whole reason these people hold up the romantic period, in poetry as in music, is because personal expression and pursuit of the aesthetic value of art for its own sake was at its peak.

Just astounding how mangled they got their own talking points there.

>> No.12515268

I'm suggesting they're changing not "progressing"

>> No.12515272

Not the guy you're responding to but January literally just ended and I've already seen two new compositions commissioned by a major orchestra. It still exists, you just need to realize the people making the prolefeed have no interest in exposing you to it.

>> No.12515274


>> No.12515282

>he thinks donationbait from people who exist to grovel at the feet of the sacklers and kochs are doing anything important in art

not interested

>> No.12515289

that's an just an imitation of a time that can not be regained, i hope it was ironic otherwise its just sad

>> No.12515293

Nationalist classical music is actually not that common. A lot of classical music is based off of literary themes, historical events, philosophy, and surrealism. Why do you keep replying with resentful snarky jabs that expose your lack of knowledge on this topic?

Classical music really flares up the inferiority complex on this board. You aren't aware of what's going on in the classical music/art world because you're not involved in it or even educated on the topic.

The fact you think "video game soundtracks" are classical music says something

>> No.12515297

So why does that mean that something can't change for the worse?

>> No.12515302

Modern classical music is not imitating past styles.

Classical music is usually 50-100 years ahead of popular music. Pop music still hasn't caught up to Surrealist classical music

>> No.12515303

i said the place where classically trained douchebags have to get gigs is doing video game soundtracks not that its classical music, but hey its still better than being a whiney high school band teacher like you

>> No.12515308

>Modern classical

hah, whats next modern old masters

>Surrealist clasical

is it classic or is it surrealist

>> No.12515313

>>he thinks donationbait from people who exist to grovel at the feet of the sacklers and kochs are doing anything important in art

Classical/academic music has always been funded by aristocrats and wealthy elites. It's literally anti-pop music, meaning it is not made to be consumed by the masses. The fact you don't know about it means you're a modern peasant.

The only time classical music ever crossed over into pop-culture even briefly was during the romatic era where people like Franz Liszt and Scriabin became pop-ish icons. But even then, the unwashed filthy masses had no idea what they were actually hearing

>> No.12515316

do you ever get mad that your parents wouldn't let you get a guitar instead of whatever asspained bullshit they made you study?

>> No.12515323

Yeah and that isn't true. Career opportunities in classical music is the same as it's always been with a few added on since digital platforms have started.

Classical is a term referring to "academic" music, not the actual time period

>> No.12515324

you teach music, you are a fuckin servant my dude, you're like the butler in remains of the day who starts thinking he's actually doing something important

>> No.12515326

This is a brainlet view of modernism and post-modernism.

>> No.12515329

My parents never made me do anything, I also play 5 instruments including guitar.

If you improve yourself you won't have this pathetic effeminate inferiority complex

>> No.12515332

>Yeah and that isn't true.

wrong. i read the paper, moron.


>academic music

oh well why don't u say that it's "academic music" then, or then you can't pretend to be a court musician for some noblemen but some washed out instrumentalist teaching miserable asians

>> No.12515335

>playing 5 instruments

not a good use of time sorry

>> No.12515336

I teach/perform/record/compose. That's exactly what I wanted to do with my life.

>teaching is servitude!
Literally every job in life is servitude.

What is the connection between blue boards and feverish inferiority complexes?

>> No.12515339

>inferiority complexes

you're the one desperately trying to justify wasting your life energy on a dead art form, no one cares bro

>> No.12515341

>What is the connection between blue boards and feverish inferiority complexes?
Given his completely uninformed take on art music he seems like a red boarder to me

>> No.12515346

>I read Jewyork Times, I am educated on this topic
>Rachmaninoff-like music
>Video game
>Viven Schweitzer
Hmm. I actually understand why the global elites think the population should be reduced by 80% now

>> No.12515352

>art music

thats the best one, only "art music" is art, other music is not art, i know it sucks to admit the shit you listen to is some silly academic bullshit, but just be honest and call it "academic music"

>> No.12515353

>claims to be nobleman from a wealthy millieu because he gives piano lesson to make ends meet
>says anti-semitic shit about new york

wow you're like twice as much of a loser now haha

>> No.12515356

That is definitely a female poster
>Red boarder
I only get these unhinged replies on /mu/ and here.

>you're the one
I simply gave my opinion on art from the perspective of someone who spends most of their time doing or researching it. Lumpkin proletariats then got very triggered, not at my opinion, but at the fact I'm a classical musician

>> No.12515357
File: 60 KB, 960x640, brass-eye-chart-screenshot-960x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that chart

>> No.12515359

Why are you so hostile to art? Were you molested by John Adams?

>> No.12515362

>piano teacher

sorry not triggered, but i thought it was funny that your opening troll was that there is are no more good films or art or whatever, i guess you know nothing about film or art

>> No.12515366

let me refer you back to your first idiotic spew

>When was the last time a band, a song, a movie, or a work of art actually had a real effect on it's viewer?

maybe you should check out some art besides your precious academic music, since it seems dead by your own estimation

>> No.12515367

Never said that
>anti-semitic shit!
Most notable classical musicians have been anti-semetic or at the very least skeptical of Jewish influence in society and academic music

>> No.12515369

your only chance was to pose as a wealthy jew, now you've gone and blown it, you really are a puny piano teacher from nowhere, sad

>> No.12515380

I said I was a classical music teacher, not a piano teacher.

>opening troll
That wasn't a troll. Why do lefties call opinions "trolls"? Is it because that's how it makes them feel?

>I guess you know nothing about film or art
If you think anything being released today is good, you are a member of the unwashed masses

>maybe you should check out some art besides your precious academic music, since it seems dead by your own estimation
Dear god you are just seething, what is wrong with you? Seriously

>> No.12515382

I didn't make that post lol
my first post ITT was >>12515272
you fucking doofus

>> No.12515384

"Art music" is another term for classical/academic music. People who are even passively interesting in high art know this.

>> No.12515394

You're being baited hard mate, stop it.

>> No.12515426


>> No.12515427
File: 40 KB, 659x344, download (99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>44 million dollar line

>> No.12515438

The absolute state of the average littard.
I love that some of the best music ever has been released recently and people like this will just go on about how it doesn't matter.

>> No.12515440
File: 126 KB, 800x600, MY_ICING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the trading of modern art is all a money laundering sham

>> No.12515445

Probably not even satire.
Reddit was a mistake.

>> No.12515447
File: 268 KB, 1163x1000, MOONLIT LOVERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artworld is still open to representational painting, Jonathan Wateridge or Eric Fischl for example. Robert Florczak, the guy in the video this chart is taken from and the creator of the sublime artwork that is pic related, and by extension ArtRenewal are just buttmad that there is a relatively small market for boomer takes on l'art pompier.

>> No.12515458

This is a mistake though, and is a big reason why most classical today is just larping. In the West it is as empty as pop music.
And this is apart from the dichotomy being completely wrong. There are no more elites:

>> No.12515459
File: 296 KB, 819x1000, Chuck+Close+Lou+(tapestry)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck Close does extreme photorealistic portraiture, if that's your thing. All the more impressive considering he's severely paralyzed

>> No.12515461

fartists btfo

>> No.12515463 [SPOILER] 
File: 855 KB, 1280x1888, 1549009630154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But for me, it's David Hockney
(there's nudity under the spoiler)

>> No.12515479
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, aquemini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rap can be good

>> No.12515485
File: 110 KB, 560x671, 1987_218_560px_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he also paints old and ugly people, and /ic/ told me that painting old and ugly people is cultural marxism.

>> No.12515488

does this really make you feel anything?

>> No.12515490

I went to a choral concerto by Schnittke last week that made me weep. He's modern classical and was performed at this moment. Saw the film "Beautiful Boy" the other week and it was incredibly artful and human. Went to an artsy techno event on New Years Day and it was a fucking beautiful.

You should stop being so narrow and cynical. We live in the most diverse artistic period, you can turn off the radio and find good art all over if you look.

>> No.12515521

Should speak for himself. I fixed it for you:

I'm a classical music teacher and a composer

Yes, I sense a taste in the air that art as a legitimate practice is dead or dying. Nothing has moves me, I don't understand the point. When was the last time a band, a song, a movie, or a work of art actually had a real effect on me? At best I think think "Oh that was kind of neat" or "That was catchy".

It's almost like art is incapable of speaking to me at this point in time. Even when I write classical music, there is a feeling in the back of my head that "this is pointless". Does it sound good? Sure. Do some people like it? Yeah. But I just see it as music for the sake of music.

When art was preserved for religious purposes or for kings, I think it may have held more meaning.

>> No.12515528

Seems kinda sad desu hope hes okay

>> No.12515530

the arbitrary tastes of a 80 year old philistine

>> No.12515536

They're on a huge scale (like 8+ feet frequently), and yeah, when I stand in front of them I do feel things. It varies on who was being painted and their facial expressions, but that's the point. Sympathy, desire, annoyance, anxiety.

>> No.12515663

>In the West it is as empty as pop music.
Pretty much. The only thing it prides itself on being is more academic/musically sophisticated. Obviously it explores a wider range of sounds and artistic imagination, but there's still ultimately nothing there.

>that link
Yeah I've noticed this trend where classical musician cover pop songs. I'm not even going to click on that cuz it's going to be disgusting. But there is absolutely nothing tackier than performing a shitty pop song in classical arrangement. It's dorky and embarrassing

There is still new musically interesting classical music being made, but the overall feeling of it is "Oh yeah that's neat"

>> No.12515671

>When art was preserved for religious purposes or for kings, I think it may have held more meaning.
What of art made for the purpose self-expression?

>> No.12515677

>You should stop being so narrow and cynical. We live in the most diverse artistic period, you can turn off the radio and find good art all over if you look.
Dear god would you spergs just chill the fuck out. I'm not declaring that art is dead and nobody is allowed to ever enjoy anything ever again or something.

I'm glad you went to a good concert, I go to good concerts too. I still enjoy hearing music. I'm just saying it doesn't have the same cultural or maybe existential impact that it used to, it's just a commodity to be consumed. Doesn't mean that the music itself is horrible trash or something

>Beautiful boy
Cool, but think about how films were thought about even back in the 50's. A good film could change the zeitgeist of society, and actors/directors were considered larger than life idols. Today actors thought of as entertaining clowns, especially now that they're on Twitter bitching about DRUMPF every day. Really kills the divine mystique.

>> No.12515680

>is a big reason why most classical today is just larping.
This must be dependent on where you live. I live in Northern Europe and within a 200 km radius of me are tens of concert halls that give hundreds of classical concerts a month ranging from Classical to Romantic to serialist to post modern to, yes, some weird orchestral larping shit you link to. There's still living composers who will sit front row in the concert hall to see the premier of their avant garde oratorio.

But I admit it's easier for me to see the depth and diversity of classical music today because I am in the strongest region in the world for it. If you live in Lubbock, Texas you won't see any of this.

>> No.12515686

>A good film could change the zeitgeist of society
And you believe culture has now calcified?

>> No.12515694

>A good film could change the zeitgeist of society, and actors/directors were considered larger than life idols.
I don't think that last part is actually healthy; hero worship in Hollywood was never a good thing.

Perhaps "Beautiful Boy" won't have much impact in society, but there have been other contemporary films and TV series that are both fairly good and have more cultural presence.

>I'm just saying it doesn't have the same cultural or maybe existential impact that it used to
You don't know this. It was always for elites. Regular people did not see a Wagner opera. Have you seen the inside of a European concert hall? They don't hold millions of people, they hold a couple thousand. Art was always a thing for a small cadre of elites. The rest of folks listened to some chintzy folk music while drinking tankards of beer and read dimerag pulp if they could even read.

>> No.12515700
File: 212 KB, 1600x900, TWICE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you believe culture has now calcified?
I'm not sure what it means. Could mean a lot of different things.

Maybe art/music was never meant to mean as much as it did before. Maybe the monopoly that the institutions (Hollywood, Academia) held on art inflated it's value so high that it was more influential than it ever should have been. Maybe the over-saturation and access to art has made it less impactful. Or maybe nobody has anything truly new or provocative to say (my bet).

In this moment, I think art is meant to be consumed as a purely aesthetic commodity. It is what it is.

I actually find Kpop girl groups fascinating. There's a reason Kpop is one of the only internationally growing styles of music at the moment. It's such a bizarre phenomenon, and the product itself is getting at something that the west isn't able to touch. It's like some sort of neo-bubble gum pop hyper feminine product that doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is. Is America pop music will try to pretend to have depth or a "message", but Kpop is the absolute antithesis to this in the way that it is just shamelessly a product to be consumed, and in that way it almost gives it more depth because it isn't presenting itself as a lie like American pop does.

There's something going on there

>> No.12515709

>I don't think that last part is actually healthy; hero worship in Hollywood was never a good thing.
I partially agree, but you'll see societies in the past usually have some sort of hero worship going on in one way or another. In the past it was warriors/adventurers/legends and stuff like that. In the 20th century the "artist" become a cultural hero to be worshipped.

It seems like society has to have heroes to worship to some degree. It looks like it's shifting away from art and over to politics. Political figures are being worshipped and obsessed over. They are forming the mental zeitgeist of society far more than artists are now, but it used to be the other way around not long ago.

>> No.12515714
File: 314 KB, 1201x1800, justin fitzpatrick4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you make much of an effort to seek out new music you might actually like?

And are you actively engaged in following contemporary art?

> this moment, I think art is meant to be consumed as a purely aesthetic commodity. It is what it is.
That's a bold statement, think it applies to everything or just whats mainstream?

>> No.12515720

>Do you make much of an effort to seek out new music you might actually like?
I'm not saying that I don't find music I like. I have tons of new music that I like, In fact, I find so much music that I think sounds good it becomes relative and I don't even bother saving something good when I find it sometimes.

Yes I'm engaged in contemporary art I'm a composer. Off the top of my head, Marek Pasieczny is a great contemporary composer and I'm pretty sure the classical world is going to be playing his music in 50 years.

>think it applies to everything
Yeah I think it applies to everything because the west is nihilistic so it can only produce nihilistic art

>> No.12515722

>It looks like it's shifting away from art and over to politics.
Before ~1940 art was for elites because it could not be reproduced. It was not for regular people. Regular people drank, they fucked, they sang bawdy songs about drinking and fucking, and they either loved the king or they hated the king. Worshiping members of the state, be it some monarch or some populist politician was even *more* common than today because people could not access art. They couldn't attend concert halls or buy expensive books or go to elite galleries.

After World War 2 hero worship of politicians was *also* higher than today. Read first person histories of speeches by JFK, or the approval ratings and praises of Eisenhower. Hollywood itself was a fucking vehicle for political elites to control culture, albeit in a less overt way than the Soviets, who did the same thing.

Listen, I'm sympathetic to your comments since you are sensing some real numbing effects of the postmodern capitalist world we live in. But you have a very misguided romanticism of history that deeply misunderstands the actual conditions people lived in. I get it; you don't like DRUMPF comments all over and how dumb people talk about politics all the time in 2018/9. But you can't make up misremembered ideas of history as some basis for cynicism. Be cynical by all means, but do it with some better analysis.

>> No.12515749
File: 350 KB, 1200x1800, Justin Caguiat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By contemporary art I meant contemporary fine art (the stuff in art galleries)
>Yeah I think it applies to everything because the west is nihilistic so it can only produce nihilistic art
I guess sweeping, simplistic statements come from sweeping, simplistic observations

>> No.12515755

meant for

>> No.12515757

no thats the where the fucking picture is from

>> No.12515770

Obviously the biggest and most dramatic war in human history is going to be the focal point of culture.

>Postmodern Capitalist
I'd call it Globalism, if you're implying that marxism is going to usher in a better human connection to art, I disagree

>misguided romanticism
No, ask any boomer and they will tell you nobody talked about politics when they were growing up. People hardly knew what the difference between the two parties were. Things like Woodstock, The Beatles, and the Rock/folk music movements were the cultural staples of that generation

>you don't like DRUMPF comments
I'm saying that there was a mystical connection between the artist and the audience before social media. Almost in a similar way between a priest and a congregation. You didn't know their mundane tasteless inner thoughts, you didn't know they were a whiny bitchy idiot, and you didn't know they were as/more boring than you are. You would only think about the art they had delivered to you and wonder where they found the inspiration for it. Now I can go to an artist's twitter page and see him blabbering on about something they know nothing about, which partially discredits their art. The absolute hero-legends around the rock stars from the 40's-00's were larger than life and people would imitate them as if they were divine myths or something.

It'd be like if you saw Jesus yelling at a McDonalds employee for forgetting to put ketchup on his burger. really kills the vibe.

Peasants attended church and enjoyed religious music as well as folk tunes, and these meant a lot. Even my mother's generation considers baptist hymns to be nearly sacred

>> No.12515782
File: 1.06 MB, 3630x1615, 1470576050684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean i sort of agree with this but the graph still made me kek, why the fuck do people insist of graphing things that are ungraphable and make themselves look like retards?

>> No.12515786

read Spengler
>there's so many more people living the world today
>dude, just put more monkeys into typewriters

>> No.12515804

>nothing ever changes
except it does

>> No.12515808

isn't painting and sculpture just a money laundering scheme? i thought this was common knowledge

>> No.12515809

>that thing is over 100 years and still hasn't been surpassed

>> No.12515815

would feel like shitposting in real life , not sure the satisfaction would last more than 10 seconds

>> No.12515818

Fuck off.

>> No.12515826

>I'd call it Globalism, if you're implying that marxism is going to usher in a better human connection to art, I disagree
I don't have thoughts on what will make the world better, I'm just an anon. Marxism is modernist trash, sure, but don't think the term Globalism is intrinsically linked with capitalism, regardless of your anxiety that once a critique of capitalism is given we are now suddenly agreeing with Marxism.

>No, ask any boomer and they will tell you nobody talked about politics when they were growing up.
Then these Boomers are fucking morons. They assassinated presidents, politicians, made lists of suspected communists, ran nuclear war drills, sent men by the millions to fight wars they didn't understand, had race riots where *hundreds* died, had dozens terrorist bombing campaigns from environmentalists and anarchists and Puerto Rican separatists and racial supremacists of all types. And that's just America, in Europe you had separatist wars in half the nations, Communist suppression, more being killed by IRA/Basque/Corsican terrorism in five years than Muslim terrorists have ever killed in Europe the past 20.

>Things like Woodstock, The Beatles, and the Rock/folk music movements were the cultural staples of that generation
Regular people who weren't twenty-something hippies hated that hippie Woodstock shit at the time. The Beatles and rock were so impactful because it was the first time that mass produced music and international concert tours could happen at a reasonable price for normal people.

>> No.12515827

>don't think the term Globalism is intrinsically linked with capitalism
meant to say don't think the term Globalism *isn't* intrinsicallly linked with capitlism

>> No.12515830

>dude, this idea i just pulled from my ass 5 minutes ago on which nobody is ever going to give a second thought is more important that the history of a people spanning centuries and uniting millions of lives
sure, good thing is most of you guys are not reproducing anyway, so you'll last as long as your "ideas"

>> No.12515836

Chart is retarded considering Modernism was one of the heights of art

>> No.12515841

>No, ask any boomer and they will tell you nobody talked about politics when they were growing up.
Wow this is totally wrong. The 1960's is by far the most politically volatile and politically violent period of Western post-war history.

>> No.12515871

It was a short flashpoint mostly engineered by the media/elite. Yeah I'm not saying that people didn't engage in politics at certain times, but it wasn't like it is now where everyone on Earth is obsessively scowering internet news/political sources and yelling at each other on social media over it. Families weren't splitting apart over petty political disagreements as much as they are now. And even during the 60's, artists/musicians were influential through that period as well in a way that they are definitely not influential today. Political music/art is not well received

The obsession of politics has replaced art/entertainment

>> No.12515892

nice lord of the rings fan art

>> No.12515893

>Families weren't splitting apart over petty political disagreements as much as they are now.
Yes they absolutely were. My father is a boomer who grew up in rural south Georgia (the US state). He was basically disowned by his family because he was pro-civil rights, liked Bob Dylan, dated a Venezuelan girl in college etc. You know why? Because civil rights and liberal rock musicians were major taboos for large portions of the country and they didn't take kindly to changes happening in the country. Politics wasn't just discussed, people were dying over it. They were sending bombs and protesting by the millions and being shot by the hundreds. If there is one thing you are sort of getting at that I agree with is that political engagement is cheap these days. #Resistance is a hashtag. In my father's day it was action. But make no mistake politics was still everywhere.

>> No.12515906

why the blood? has she been having a bit of fun while on the blob?

>> No.12515921

looks like bad cgi

>> No.12515962
File: 269 KB, 1068x1600, Zoe Barcza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kind of embarrassing - and a little counterproductive - when people try to stick up for contemporary art by exemplifying cheesy archaic painters.

>> No.12516002

>You know why? Because civil rights and liberal rock musicians were major taboos for large portions of the country and they didn't take kindly to changes happening in the country.
This is some Chomsky-tier garbage. The Cold War cultural wars taking place in America and Europe were all funded either by the Soviets or the CIA and American elites. The CIA and elite foundations funded nearly all the anti-communist left wing groups in Europe and America, and Joseph McCarthy was right about the significance of communists on American soil a few decades before. This is a matter of public record now (yet all we hear about from the left is how the CIA funded anti-commie rightist groups). The whole idea that this debacle was some sort of bottom up virtuous people power fighting for civil rights against 50s white picket fences is delusional revisionism written by the same people (academics and journalists) who were funded by intelligence agencies and elites. It was an astroturfed movement, much like today's color revolutions, and its aim was control over the western left to be put under the boot of the globalists (which they were).

>> No.12516024

You must have misinterpreted what I was trying to say because I agree with your reply for the most part. Lots of the political division was being covertly controlled, but a lot of people were earnestly caught up in it even if they weren't read in like an elite.

>> No.12516056

>Time of pleasure: fleeting

>> No.12516064

what kitsch

>> No.12516078

>music puts focus on what the musician looks like
>visual art puts focus on everything except what the piece looks like

>> No.12516084
File: 27 KB, 500x324, 7b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right wingers are morons who cant comprehend the idea that art isnt a mechanical reproduction.
And that its more than an expression. Its an experience.
The purpose of art is to evoke emotion from the viewer. This doesnt always have to be a good emotion. Think of horror movies for instance.
The purpose of art is two fold. To evoke emotion and to make you think.
This creates an experience which forces the consumer to search for meaning.

It makes the art memorable.

Lets take edward hopper for an example. This man paints in a realistic style. The ashcan school.

Oh, but its more than a person sitting at a table.

You feel it. You feel the alienation of a person in the city

>> No.12516091
File: 878 KB, 1795x1795, 1536607166087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The purpose of art is to evoke emotion from the viewer.
>The purpose of art is two fold. To evoke emotion and to make you think.

>> No.12516099

>And that its more than an expression. Its an experience.
sounds like C O P E to me

>> No.12516114
File: 452 KB, 1333x2000, Issy Wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about it

>> No.12516115
File: 38 KB, 413x414, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why.

>> No.12516119

>literature puts focus on what the font looks like
haha am I right pal

>> No.12516146
File: 318 KB, 486x551, 1547334369743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to make a good painting?
Here are the ingredients

1. good composition
2. the elements of painting and drawing
3. idea generation
4. aesththics
5. color scheme
6. theme
7. symbols
8. motifs
9. avoiding sentimentality through the subtle and nuance (show dont tell)

The purpose of all good art is to be memorable and extract an aesthetic emotion from the public


Our purpose as artist is to create meaning, hide it, then force the viewer to look for it. Then once found evoke an emotion, and implant our art as visual memory

>> No.12516157
File: 268 KB, 1200x758, 1524601988691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are claims of knowledge that can be communicated, but cannot be independently proven ( "proven" in it's colloquial sense). Existence or non-existence of God, things that are a matter of faith.

There are also claims of knowledge that go even beyond that, knowledge that not only cannot be independently tested, but also cannot be communicated by discursive language. Art is capable of communicating this knowledge.

It is not that reason or faith should be disregarded, but they have their limitations. If one is capable of both, they could perhaps go an extra step forward. If you want a more down to earth explanation, let's say that this final step is taken in the subconscious, a domain of dreams that is not as strict in logic as normal thought, where things arise before you are aware of them.

>> No.12516160

it's absolutely tasteless

>> No.12516164

but current art is more self-referential, cute and clever than that. is basically just shitposting in real life and in-jokes memes for artists, nothing you said is present there

>> No.12516169
File: 4 KB, 180x180, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow such insight many aesthetics lol

>> No.12516176
File: 150 KB, 1010x1200, Autumn Ramsey6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit post art

>> No.12516184

is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.12516194

>some of the best music ever has been released recently
Ahaha you fucking dum-dum

>> No.12516199

are you underage or just not very self-aware?

>> No.12516207

ever heard of... eccojams by chuck person?


>> No.12516208
File: 40 KB, 900x675, Darja Bajagić3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know where your taste lies, are you more conservative or do like more esoteric work?

>> No.12516212
File: 335 KB, 1024x819, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone in this thread is retarded and has a conception of art somewhere between "naive child", "clueless pseud" and "angry prole". Neck you're'selves.

>> No.12516214

woops, directed to

>> No.12516216

>this is his evidence
Ahaha stop

>> No.12516222

>some of the best music ever
Woah. Dude have you heard the band called Arcade Fire? They're like literally the best.

>> No.12516224
File: 303 KB, 659x938, 1545586923791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12516229

your van gogh knock off isn't much better

>> No.12516234

do people take this graph seriously?
also why does it start at 1800

>> No.12516241

are you
That print(?) looks like the kind work a middle aged person doing night classes in art would make. Is it yours?

>> No.12516242

there can be no art, nor architecture after the holocaust

>> No.12516246

That didn't but should have happened.

>> No.12516249
File: 396 KB, 1000x1603, IMG_0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally more skilled artists alive right now then there have ever been throughout history combined.
If you're some turbo pleb who thinks naked people drawn as realistically as possible is the pinnacle of art there are hundreds of ateliers all around the world pumping out thousands of artists like that. More than that there's plenty of contemporary painters, who combine excellent skill with more imaginative subjects. If you're willing to look beyond your juvenile attitude, you'll also find that some of the most skilled draughtsman living today work in the entertainment industry or function as illustrators.

>> No.12516255

And with these posts you've outed yourself as soulless automatons, incapable of feeling, only posturing to try to get higher in the monkey hierarchy. Embarrassing.

>> No.12516257

>and this art-school freshman sketch is his evidence


>> No.12516259

>There are literally more skilled artists alive right now then there have ever been throughout history combined.
>just put more monkeys into typewriters
keked again, why do retards believe this? has egalitarianism bullshit just rotten all of your brains?

>> No.12516263

yes and?

Thats exactly what i said. Arts purpose is to be memomrable through gaining the emotional atteion of the viewer.
The emotions dont always have to be good.

It can be anger, disgust, or even fear.

This is what the poltards dont get. They are doing it on purpose. They are making the "shit" are on purpose to troll you and make you remember it

Also the whole point of conceptual are is to put the emphasis on the idea instead of the end product .

There are basically three types of fine art.

Figurative, abstract, and conceptual

Solid, liquid, gas


>> No.12516269

>More people=>more skilled people

How's that even remotely controversial, retard? Why do you keep parroting this meme, when it isn't even about what he said?

>> No.12516280

>most skilled draughtsman living today work
And THIS is what they have to offer? What the fuck is wrong with the guy on the right? Torso as long as a centaur's, those amorphous legs, the one further away even bigger then the closer one.

>> No.12516284

Like the trolls in this thread. They dont respond with arguments, they respond with insults.

"how old are you"
"green text"

Trolling is an art. And pol tards are very bad at art

>> No.12516285
File: 1.07 MB, 1700x1301, Paolo_Uccello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not one of the people in the thread who thinks contemporary art sucks. However
>There are literally more skilled artists alive right now then there have ever been throughout history combined.
This is just not true

>> No.12516288

but it's not memorable

>> No.12516290

Then tell me about all those skilled chinese and arabic artists, if they have so many skilled men, where are their works? Can I visit their Louvre?

>> No.12516291

>How's that even remotely controversial, retard?
because people are not all the same, more people doesn't mean better people

>> No.12516298
File: 474 KB, 1280x1706, Test-admission-for-Academy-of-Arts-in-China.-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese kids are literally more technically proficient than 90% of ''''old masters'''''.

>> No.12516300
File: 270 KB, 1417x1800, Kricket Lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are basically three types of fine art.
>Figurative, abstract, and conceptual
Which one of these is this work?

>> No.12516310

it is though. so much so that it haunts the dreams of the conservative minded to the point they make awful threads like this or write long winded polemicals in barely read conservtive papers about how REEEl are should be.

Let me guess.

Hyper realistic landscape paintings

>> No.12516312

As I said, I want to see their works. With the amount of people there, there should be plenty of paintings dwarfing the Sistine Chapel, overshadowing the Michelangelo's David.

Are there none? Are you completely ignorant? Which is it?

>> No.12516316
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 1548712431109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing Schiele
>this is the people "redpilling" others on art

>> No.12516317

As a classical guitarist all I hear around is shitty music. I like many dadrock bands, but today's mainstream music it's very uninteresting and incapable of producing the feeling of the sublime. What is worst is that when I play guitar I can feel everyone amazed and touched, but they just don't pursue that kind of stimulation any further, it is truly sad.

>> No.12516334


>> No.12516337

It's shit. Sorry.

>> No.12516338

That's not what I said. I said more people=>more skilled people.

>> No.12516342

if you have to ask the answer is probably both

>> No.12516348

How about you google it instead you nigger.
I'd post some of their work, but you'd deflect with some nonsense about how it's soulless or whatever. It's no secret to anyone who's even remotely interested in art that the Chinese are technically very proficient (albeit generic and workman like in what they produce).
Also, nice entry-level namedrop with Michelangelo there. Way to out yourself as a pleb. What's next, your favourite composer is Mozart?

>> No.12516351

>I can feel everyone amazed and touched, but they just don't pursue that kind of stimulation any further

based narcissistic daydreamer
normies gobble any competent sounding performance up, don't flatter yourself

>> No.12516352
File: 801 KB, 900x644, joan-miro-ubu-roi-king-ubu-from-suites-por-ubu-roi-1966-for-sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose a pretty heinous work of his to show off, poor taste.
Not all art works age well, maybe not even the fault of the artist so much as their work inspires so much bad work its hard to see it in a good light pic related

>> No.12516356


Better than leftists, who like Benjamin said in his essay on art and mechanical reproduction, can't stop themselves from politicizing aesthetics and just enjoy art for the sake of it.


Leftist politics has been mechanical from the very beginning, since it grounds itself in science (and science's ontology since the early modern period has been mechanism). All kinds of leftism, including liberalism and communism, share the same ontology: they are mechanical bugman politics. Cog-workers and cog-voters interacting with other bee-cogs in a giant communal machine-hive.

>> No.12516360

>When was the last time a band, a song, a movie, or a work of art actually had a real effect on it's viewer?
I'm pretty sure mumble rap has real effect on it's audience. I wouldn't say a good one.

But what would you call a "real effect" and why do you think it existed in times you don't remember personally?

>> No.12516363
File: 115 KB, 800x542, Robert Liberace Tutt'Art@ (70).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooga booga, old good, new bad
You can still jerk off to drawings of naked men, you know. That sort of stuff still exists.

>> No.12516373

You're not fooling anybody with that pathetic attempt to save face, sorry. Every word you said was a lie, don't respond to me again unless you've got the names of those artists.

>> No.12516380

Based cynical poster. I made dozens of people take up guitar.

>> No.12516381

>You chose a pretty heinous work of his to show off, poor taste.
Truly nothing worse than a philistine with Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.12516382

comfy art

>> No.12516385

except the conservatives that rage against current art haven't seen any current art except for that toilet that was put in a museum more than 100 years ago

>> No.12516387

still doesn't follow, more people just means more people, they may all be plebs, because there are more doesn't mean any of them is skilled

>> No.12516389

Normie sees a guitar, normie thinks about picking up guitar. You literally don't play a role in this.

>> No.12516393
File: 671 KB, 2800x1693, sun-1911-16_4097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggrr np you dumb dumb >:(

>> No.12516397

>Leftist politics has been mechanical from the very beginning, since it grounds itself in science
Doubt. What's mechanical about human rights? What's mechanical about nationalism? What's mechanical about individualism?

"Mechanical" perceptions came later on, when people begun to analyze human society from material perspective.

Anti-consumerism has been leftist stance for most of 20th century.

>> No.12516402

>replying to underage magahatters

>> No.12516406

Good god you are an absolutely insufferable poster. Nothing in these posts, or any of your other posts has been warranted in any way. You've just made a series of assertions. What sort of person comes into a thread about art, claims everyone is a stupid pseud, makes a series of claims about the purpose(s) of art, and then doesn't even bother to support them? All the while calling everyone else pseuds. You are the pseud here. You've done nothing to support your claims. The other anons are right about the whole Dunning-Kruger thing. You lack any sort of awareness about just how stupid you are coming across here.

>> No.12516408

nah, they are idiots

They dont get the idea that the 2deep4u art isnt about the OBJE DE ART. its about the idea or the process

>> No.12516418

wow. Its almost like trying to define what art is is a fruitless purpose and everyone had thier own take .
Like you, a spastic idiot who has no actual arguments but just insults

Go ahead and make sentimental art. Im sure lots of people will vomit

>> No.12516419

throughout history, art has generally been mostly bad, there have been a handful of good periods.

>> No.12516421

You are not artists. Your degrees are worthless.

>> No.12516434

Oh, im sorry, do you want my art badge and my art gun sir?

>> No.12516437

name a bad period

>> No.12516444


>> No.12516450

>Go ahead and make sentimental art.
>Go ahead and make landscape paintings.
>Go ahead and make realistic portrait.

Why do you build this strawman where you imagine somebody liking the these things which you think are "the devil"? I'm sorry, but you're just acting like an idea-possessed child, who watched one documentary too many and now repeats everything ad nauseam. It's embarrassing.

>> No.12516456

What's your degree? Computer "Science"? lol

>> No.12516459

christian dark ages, basically everything from fall of rome to the renaissance

>> No.12516461

Can all the artists in this thread please post your work?

>> No.12516464

shakespeare until keats

>> No.12516465

lmao do you actually have an art degree?

>> No.12516466

If distribution function stayed the same there would be clear implication.

Distribution function could be on one side affected by art education of masses, more free time and growing demand for art. On other side there is the dissolution of traditional upper class, influence of Angloid utilitarianism and Sinoid totalitarianism, the demand for art is mostly driven by advertisement and art experiences greater divide between target audiences (easy art for plebs, pretentious art for snobs).

Do you think the distribution of skill would be affected so much that it would negate the demographic growth?

>> No.12516469

>I'm sorry, but you're just acting like an idea-possessed child, who watched one documentary too many and now repeats everything ad nauseam. It's embarrassing.

Are we projecting, sir Scruton?

>> No.12516470

the whole point is that the idea or the process are bad
learn to code retard

>> No.12516471

>"Mechanical" perceptions came later on
No, you suck at history and philosophy. The majority of leftist politics, especially liberalism and communism can be traced back to the enlightenment political and scientific projects. This is undeniable to anyone that has read any history. Natural philosophy and science itself is grounded in mechanical philosophy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_philosophy and both the liberal and communist projects pride themselves as having a "scientific" approach to their philosophy. Mechanism is the ontology that underlies both socio-political projects.


Something tells me you wouldn't be able to give an adequate reply that isn't weird twitter boilerplate about pissbabies or cum.

>> No.12516473
File: 12 KB, 254x199, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the demand for art is mostly driven by advertisement and art experiences greater divide between target audiences

>> No.12516476

looks like I was right, enjoy your life

>> No.12516481

Scruton? oh lol, it's worse than I thought

>> No.12516483


>> No.12516484

>gives claims about function
>hurr durr definition of art

You're either stupid or deflecting. Go back and read your posts. You made several claims about the _function_ of art. Not a definition: it's role or part or ends it plays. You also did this without support. Again, feel free to support this, or out yourself as a pseud in your next post.

>> No.12516485

deviantart link?

>> No.12516495

>falling for the 'modern art' jew

Beauty is self evident and thus cannot be sold. Modern art has ((meaning)) and ((subjective depth)) which can be used to sell overpriced garbage to idiots. They have to be told what it means then they can feel smart when they explain it to their friends. A Rembrandt or a Gerome doesn't need a hard sell and therefore doesn't fit the purposes of the art industry because any pleb can look at them and see they are the work of masters who spent thousands of hours at their craft.

>> No.12516497

linkedin profile?

>> No.12516499

money laundering scheme

>> No.12516501
File: 508 KB, 960x576, 1539961629568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally replies in poltardian buzzwords
>his arguments are "you suck" and "this is undeniable"

>> No.12516504

old paintings sell like hot cakes
let me guess, you think modern art is something that started in 1950

>> No.12516511

>No, you suck at history and philosophy.
>Muh insults
Why did you ignored my questions?

> The majority of leftist politics, especially liberalism and communism can be traced back to the enlightenment political and scientific projects.
Is absolutism leftist?

>both the liberal and communist projects pride themselves as having a "scientific" approach to their philosophy
Only Marxism prides itself at being "scientific". Liberalism was often grounded in either humanism or christianity.

>> No.12516516
File: 384 KB, 1200x720, f3095879b83bae003e6d39bed0cbaf592a5e4ec580f422c296920aaa660dea92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is dea-

>> No.12516522

lol, left can't meme

>> No.12516523

Where did I imply either of those things?
>Beauty is self evident and thus cannot be sold
Meaning nobody can convince you to buy it, not that it cannot be exchanged for money.

>> No.12516528
File: 40 KB, 666x713, 1538612082285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image, sorry

>> No.12516535
File: 181 KB, 429x600, 448a07e03f78b6177be7eeb4b7f1fa81bdb1a11730e939343e2668da0f08451c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12516543

Damn this post really triggered NPCs


>> No.12516557
File: 920 KB, 2204x1469, Siege-alesia-vercingetorix-jules-cesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftists, shitskins, political correctness and the rise of mediocrity helped bringing down the quality of art, now it´s just pure propaganda, goebell´s wet dream coming into fruition

>> No.12516560

obvious samef*g

>> No.12516564

haven't seen that pic in a while except for the version that's with girls

>> No.12516603

post girls

>> No.12516625

Andre 3000 is so underrated

>> No.12516637

What's up with the samefacing in the painting?

>> No.12516638
File: 147 KB, 332x332, 1527618318404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12516646

all wh*te people look the same

>> No.12516652

Romans arr rook same

>> No.12516676

Franco-Prussian war, no money for teh models.

>> No.12516679

The "undeniable" part is that is common historical knowledge that the enlightenment kicked things off for liberalism. Not even going to bother with the other stuff, as you proved my point about being an idiot.

>Muh insults
You're insulting everyone in this thread, buddy. Why do leftists act like dickbags, but when people push back they cry about fascists or people being mean?

>Why did you ignored my questions?
Because they are completely irrelevant to the higher metaphysical claims being made. They are subsets of the general claim about the political system, e.g. rights (a subset of judicial aspects, which is a subset of the political), nationalism (a subset of politics), individualism (a subset of the people, hence politics) etc. A judicial system is a large scale system of interacting parts (laws, lawyers, judges, those that are judged) that produces a phenomenon (justice). Which is exactly what a mechanism is. Juridicial systems are mechanical and bugman-like in their surveillance and sorting methods. Same arguments, which you will ignore, can be made for any other claims. Science is intertwined with enlightenment thought, which produces liberalism and left politics. This mechanical ideology that underlies science also still underlies the major left wing positions today.

>Only Marxism prides itself at being "scientific".

Hence a bugman mechanical ideology which produces gulags, worker bees, and sociopathic technocrats.

>Liberalism was often grounded in either humanism or christianity.

The history of the idea draws on Newton, Descartes, Leibniz, Bacon, Locke, and others all of who assumed that nature was an orderly mechanical process that could be discovered rationally or empirically. This was then extended into the social and political domains. It was also at odds with Christian metaphysics. The ideology of scientific mechanism devours humanism by its nature, because humans can be broken down mechanically from the biochemical level to the ecological. Humans are no longer special under such a political idea.

>> No.12516703


>> No.12516709

Is art comfort or pain? Or is it the comfort to the pain?

>> No.12516720

These are all shit.

>> No.12516723

>name a bad period
Social justice dark ages.

>> No.12516731
File: 174 KB, 771x960, 41033350_2126289174049125_4544179771168260096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, I'm a lurker but I am vocal now because I like this thread.

I paint outside and alone because I hate everyone and actually want to paint pretty waifus.

I have no degree but I frequent art galleries and wikepedia archives. I have no artistic peers and I am alone in a rural area where my love for painting is only shared by retirees who I cannot Relate to.

Here is something I painted on an unsuccessful day of fishing. It was foggy and the river was mudded out from rain. I was happier then.

btw I have seen >>12516393
in person, it is nice.

>> No.12516732

this is a pretty dumb post

>> No.12516748


Doubt it. You are probably one of the anons above.

>> No.12516751

That's nice. Got any waifus you could post?
Also have you tried /ic/?

>> No.12516752

There are songs and movies and works of art being made today that have real effects on me - just not being made in America

>> No.12516755

Which songs and movies?

>> No.12516761

okay weeb

>> No.12516765

What's /ic/ like? I have not lurked or posted there before.

no bully

>> No.12516768

Underrated post. Nice singles.

>> No.12516779


shining + literature = shiterature

>> No.12516784



>> No.12516787



>> No.12516789

Judicial system isn't a product of liberalism, retard. And "well like a thing with interacting parts is like a mechanism okay dude" an argument. Neither is repeating your unsubstantiated claim with more clumsy namedropping and "bugman". Not your political subreddit, apply yourself.

>> No.12516793

Recently I've been fairly effected by the following movies:
The Four Times (2010) (Italian)
Norte, the End of History (2013) (Philippines)
Police Adjective (2009) (Romanian)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Post Lives (2010) (Thai)
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011) (Turkey)

The Japanese don't make good movies anymore, unfortunately.

>> No.12516796

/ic/ is alright, shitting on people is frowned, and you might learn something
it has some downsides, I guess some of them come with a more female userbase, or people using it as a stepping stone to internet fame and money

>> No.12516797

>You're insulting everyone in this thread, buddy
Stop projecting and contain your emotions.

>A judicial system is a large scale system of interacting parts (laws, lawyers, judges, those that are judged) that produces a phenomenon (justice).
A religion is a large scale system of interacting parts (Pope, priest, monk, bishop, those that are taught) that produces a phenomenom (God)

>Hence a bugman mechanical ideology
You don't have much experience with communism, do you? It's quite the opposite of bugmanship. Bugmen are meak, deracinated consumerists, driven by meaningless popculture. Commies were tough and capable of immense suffering for their goal of creating utopia; people here were were also shielded from popculture and had stronger communal bonds. You really should ease up on the insults, just because you recently discovered one and through how cool it is, doesn't mean you can apply to to anything you don't like.

>Because they are completely irrelevant to the higher metaphysical claims being made
Nope, they are very relevant. Because they themselve contain non-material claims.

>This mechanical ideology that underlies science also still underlies the major left wing positions today.
Really? Try doing some research into genetic-race-intellegence. Suddenly the left will argue in divine value of human and right will reduce human to the expression of genes. Or capitalism/communism discussion where the right will say that communism Doesn't Work (!) due to claims made by the science of economics. Same thing with genderbenders. Science is simply the objective arbiter of ideas, people regardless of ideology will flock to science if it proves them right.

>The ideology of scientific mechanism devours humanism by its nature
So does God. However You made an interesting point there, too bad you haven't expanded on it, since the area where science begins to devour Man is domain of The Right. Darwin discovered that Man is related to monkey and nature is ruled by the survival of fittest, but he refused to extend his observation on humanity. It is The Right that finds joy in applying his godless ideas on humanity.

>> No.12516852
File: 68 KB, 325x470, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the old masters are unrivaled in their ability.

>> No.12516867
File: 152 KB, 710x473, 29-kanye-west-tlop.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanye west is one of the greatest artists we've had. i'm pretty sure of that

>> No.12516879

Original discussion was about the mechanical nature of leftism and how this permeates through its thought. Given its ties to science, it is thoroughly bugman, because science is built on the mechanical ontology and has been for hundreds of years. Anyone that has studied the history of mechanism and science knows this. It's gone under various names: disenchantment, etc.


>Stop projecting and contain your emotions.

You're the one calling people pseuds and responding to everyone. There is hundreds of posts and only 60+ ids. It's obvious you're samefagging hard, and you were the one that started off with the insults. Classic leftist gaslighting.

>that produces a phenomenom (God)

Ass backwards ontology. Bad analogy.

>Science is simply the objective arbiter of ideas

Are you seriously trying to argue against not being a bugman while making fedora tipping /sci/ claims like science being an "objective arbited of ideas" and trying to map some macho talk to communism? You really do lack self awareness.

Also, you couldn't miss the point more. The original claim was one about metaphysics, not epistemology. Treating things as mechanisms is the ontology of science. That is even what I said above. Shifting your commie-defending bullshit to the epistemology of science (it's an arbiter) is a category mistake: they are two different topics. The issue is one of what science believes exists generally, not how one goes about knowing it. Try again.

>So does God.


>Nope, they are very relevant. Because they themselve contain non-material claims.

You don't understand what a subset is.

> It is The Right that finds joy in applying his godless ideas on humanity.

Right, because the Soviets didn't have societies dedicated to the godless and athiesm and went around killing Orthodox Christians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_the_Godless lmao. Commies really are retarded.

>> No.12516886

who has become famous on /ic/?

>> No.12516889

kitch ain't art

>> No.12516891


>> No.12516914


>> No.12516918

ask the dust, i don't know, i don't make the rules

>> No.12516925
File: 36 KB, 394x391, waifu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i promise, i just read through the anger and felt a connection to my fellow channer
Here is the only thing i could find, a wisp on the margins of my notes... while i go paint impressionistic representations of the backcountry i'd rather be a drawing draconic-hussars fighting hellbeasts

I think i'll take your advice and go get yelled at over there for loomis some more.

>> No.12516930
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>> No.12516931
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>> No.12516938
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>> No.12516946

Post some more. Got any more landscapes?

>> No.12516955
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>> No.12516957

please, stop spamming garbage

>> No.12516963

Post some art you would consider good.

>> No.12516968

entire thread is filled with garbage

>> No.12516973

>You're the one calling people pseuds and responding to everyone.
Different poster. Contain your emotions.

>Ass backwards ontology.
That's the point, since so was your example.

>Are you seriously trying to argue against not being a bugman
Nope, my personality is irrelevant to the discussion.

>You really do lack self awareness.
Could you please try to argument, instead of writing insults?

>they are two different topics
Yup. With the commie thing, I was merely pointing out your inability to use internet slang correctly.

Oh, so you no longer believe in Allah? Off with your head, infidel! Do you have AIDS? Don't seek cure, it's punishment from God!

>You don't understand what a subset is.
If a set contains subset and the subsets contains an element, doesn't it mean the set contains the element as well?

>Right, because the Soviets didn't have societies dedicated to the godless and athiesm
What does that have to do with anything? Social Darwinism and Eugenics enjoyed (and still enjoy) much greater support from The Right than from the Left.

>> No.12516980
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>> No.12516986
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it looks nice it's art

>> No.12516993


>> No.12517000

>but when people push back they cry about fascists or people being mean?
so much projection. I've seen /pol/ and I know all you people are exactly like what you described, just replaced fascist with jew or cultural marxist or shill or some other bullshit.

>> No.12517020

get off 4channel and go outside because he's right

>> No.12517028
File: 201 KB, 745x960, 42286815_2147761598568549_1296464968111095808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was ok, it was painted in the same geographical area. i am moving into portraits so that i can properly render my drawings because at the moment i either go 1mg of graphite or 500ml of paint. Thanks for showing interest btw, really helps my attitude!

>> No.12517045

I do all the time and he describes 0.1% of actual people.

>> No.12517110

this is BAD

>> No.12517119

it's supposed to be a sort of joke

>> No.12517136

this is GOOD

>> No.12517137

This might be one of the most historically misinformed posts to ever grace this board. I'm happy that I got to witness it.

>> No.12517146


>That's the point, since so was your example.

No, one is built up out of a social ontology, the other is a religious system. You need to show how the two are analogous. Merely making an analogy is not an argument for the analogy. It's not my job to make my arguments for you.

>Nope, my personality is irrelevant to the discussion.

Your ethos matters to the claims if you defend a massive system of gulaging and death with hundreds of millions dead. So yes, your personality and character matters since it informs your worldview. inb4 something about me defending God. Notice you are the one claiming I'm doing that, which says more about you than me. Again, your personality matters to the discussion.

>Could you please try to argument, instead of writing insults?

Can you actually try to make some arguments, because so far you've made none. All your posts so car mostly contain single lined claims or questions (much like the original poster who was insulting people did). Bare assertions aren't arguments, neither are questions.

> internet slang correctly

Small-souled bugman is from MyPostingCareer. It's an apt term for communists and most leftists, because again, the mechanist worldview produces soulless automatons and hiveminded NPCs.

>If a set contains subset and the subsets contains an element, doesn't it mean the set contains the element as well?

No, confusion again. Elements are considered the building blocks of sets. They are like tokens. We were talking abstractly about the sets themselves, which are like types. We are talking about the generic concepts of the sets/types themselves. You can't point to a "right".

>Oh, so you no longer believe in ...

Strawman. Claim was about irrelevancy to do with the concept of humanism. You are shifting from the concept of humanism (which is hard to know which humanism you are talking about, since it is ambiguous) to humans themselves.

>What does that have to do with anything?

You are pretty disingenuous. You said, "It is The Right that finds joy in applying his godless ideas on humanity." And I pointed out a common theme among communists: the atheism and anti-religion with a widespread aesthetic society present under the soviets (even with their name of godless right there in the title).

I'm not even sure I'm going to continue this discussion, as I appear to be the only person in this half of the conversation making any effort while you make lazy one liners, irrelevant offsides, and continue to be completely obtuse about something that is well known in the history of science.

>> No.12517170

The only real art is storytelling.

>> No.12517178

uga buga

>> No.12517198
File: 85 KB, 800x450, 0009243b-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube has been removing their videos from recommendations

>> No.12517200

Nationalist themes make up a huge portion of classical music from like 1850 to the First World War.
It’s like one of the major aspects of romantic era music, the incorporation of folk melodies in art pieces for nationalist reasons.

>> No.12517227

nationalism was considered left-wing in the medieval era since it meant you believed the government should serve the empire instead of the king.

>> No.12517244
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>> No.12517283
File: 414 KB, 2228x1659, 4chan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what real art ought to look like
Fight me

>> No.12517297

You like is because he looks depressed just like you, you think he opted out of society too.

How ironic that you have no idea what this paining is even about.

>> No.12517433
File: 3.46 MB, 4984x2957, 1522941200445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) i'm not depressed
2)Yes I do

>> No.12517580
File: 396 KB, 807x1088, Le Rêve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12517696

Your prejudice/ignorance is laughable. I hope you're a teen edgelord and not a grown man because you're stunted

>> No.12517740

what's it about then?

>> No.12518050

Depends on how elite you mean by elite.
Those concert halls all held a couple hundred people but they had classical performances, opera, whatever, five nights a week plus matinees, etc. That's a lot of people.
There were also cheap theaters where you went to hear crowd pleasing waltzes you could dance to, and people also bought sheet music to play on their home pianos. Every bar, whorehouse, etc. in European cities had a piano player every night.
These aren't peasants, of course, but middle class city people.