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File: 17 KB, 298x450, MeinKempf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12496829 No.12496829 [Reply] [Original]

I was skimming the PDF and it looked kind of interesting, but I've heard from others that it's overall boring.

Has anyone bothered to read through the whole thing?

>> No.12496847

I've read the whole thing. If you're interested in Hitler and the period you shouldn't be too bored with it. It gets progressively worse and more repetitive the further in you get, and Hitler isn't the best of writers. It's basically an autobiography of his time leading up to the beer hall putsch, mixed with a party manifesto.

>> No.12496868

Yes, now fuck off and stop making shit threads.

>> No.12497045

Yes. It's a very good autobiography describing political currents, work, ideas, zeitgeist and poverty from lower class grass roots perspective.

>> No.12497052

Yeah it's a decent diary of an insane man with an agenda.

>> No.12497332

Read My Twisted World for the modern version.

>> No.12497339

based jew

>> No.12497345

Well that really depends on your motives. If you are interested in National Socialist philosophy, then this isn't the right book for you. If you are interested in Hitler himself, then this is an ok read. However, you will get bored quickly. It reads like an excruciatingly long speech.
Hitler was one of the best speakers ever to live, but he's a very bad writer.

>> No.12497393

pretty dull. Just read one of the Hitler biographies by someone like Kershaw

>> No.12497400

how do you even buy his book or look up the pdf without feeling like you're being put onto a list? i don't even share his sentiment but i do find his life interesting and i would never be able to dare look up the pdf or buy the book

>> No.12497406

I saw it for sale at B&N actually and it was a really discreet copy, it was black and just said "my struggle" at the bottom and hitler in tiny print on the spine

>> No.12497412

was it a heavily edited version?

>> No.12497447

I don't know, I didn't read it, but from the blurb on the back about how hitler was vitriolic probably?

>> No.12497598

>you're a jew if you're not into meth-addicted godless murdering psychopaths

>> No.12497648

it isn't boring, but I won't deny that sometimes he sperg out too much.

>> No.12497664
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>a really discreet copy
Lucky you.

>> No.12497715
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It's a book everyone should read.

Hitlers insights into the fall of the Austrian empire and explanation of how his youth and how his experience with Jewish Marxism before ww1 impacted his line of thinking is the most interesting part of the book.

>gradually I began to hate them

He does a reasonable job of laying out his political views and party manifesto leading up to the beer hall event but is a weak writer. His prose is weak and the book is an unenjoyable read, esp after the midway point.

If you want to learn about right wing theory, the Jews, fascism, etc, there are much better books to read.

>> No.12497816

That book is very different from what you have been led to believe it is. It's his autobiography and a vision for a German state. Meanwhile yeah, he says that he hates Marxists and Jews, also explains why, and that's it.

>> No.12497830

Does it blast Erika when you open it? Like one of those postcards.

>> No.12497968

>there are much better books to read.

Such as?

>> No.12498020

>That book is very different from what you have been led to believe it is.
The obvious misrepresentation was what convinced me to read the book. If five people are equally insistent that their specific brand of vitriol for the text is authentic and their stories all conflict then obviously someone is lying. No ones description from before I red the text properly described the contents. It's a fairly easy read so nearly no one on this board should have any obstacles. Each section was written as a separate speech so there is a lot of redundancy.

>> No.12498349

>jewish marxism

It's just an antisemit delusion, a shapeless boogeyman that can simultaneously control every single banks in Europe and America while spearheading a bloody peasant revolution dead set on hanging the rich.

>but muh /pol/ infographic
I haven't seen a single one that wasright.

>> No.12498356

It's literally nazi bullshit.

>> No.12498358

Uhm excuse me sweetheart this is a progressive board and we don't judge people for substance abuse, religious ideals or ableism. Please fuck off back to >>>/pol/ HH ;^)

>> No.12498369

>jews aren't actually jewish
Stop pretending to be stupid anon.

>> No.12498416

>jew invent something
>it's good
>yes, white race is based ahah
>it's bad
>fucking jews undermining our race wtf

>> No.12498504

He didn't actually write it. Not trying to be pedantic but it is an important distinction. Clearly he felt it was okay for publication but it wasn't Hitler himself sitting down to write it.

No, and actually the NS group the New Order recommends the version you mean: the one translated by Ralph Manheim. Other versions are garbage, honestly. I see Stormfront types recommending weird ones like the Stalag edition without really saying why other than that it doesn't have an intro by Abe Foxman...which you don't have to read anyway.

That's a big no from me, Genosse

>> No.12498523

The Stalag edition is notable because it is the only official Nazi translation into English. It was translated by James Murphy in 1936-7.

>> No.12498536

Who gives a fuck what political leaning the board is? Didn't realise a place for discussing books was supposed to have certain ideals

>> No.12498609
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ϟϟ Yeah, I have. It could be boring for some people because it’s written so much within the 1st person.

卐 However, it does give a very amazing account of life for the political and working classes.

>> I would recommend it

ᛉ Just remember that Hitler was great at winning over a crowd. But writing a book is not within the same trait of mind.

>> No.12498648
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One of the books that changed my life. Must read for everyone who wants to rid himself of nihilism, self-hate and understand why the world is so shitty. Just have in mind it does get tedious sometimes as he was not a writer, nor claimed to be one. Read it if you want "red pills" and not literary merit

>> No.12498665


Read for as long as you remain interested. It should be required reading in 2019.

>> No.12498676

its boring but not more boring than any other political propaganda book, they like to say its boring because the guy is literally hitler

>> No.12498703


I think that >>12498358 would’ve probably much rather proffered a discussion about “The Communist Manifesto”.

There is also >>>/lgbt/ , >>>/biz/ and >>>/b/ for these kind of topics.

>> No.12498726
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One day you and your handlers will be judged and punished for your crimes.

>> No.12499406

>But writing a book is not within the same trait of mind.
Which Hitler actually covers in the text to a significant extant.

>> No.12499492

Sounds like my diary desu

>> No.12499502

>t. ESL illiterate israeli

>> No.12499672

Well then explain yourself instead of acting like a smug cunt, goy.

Not before we remove every white dickhead, penis face.

>> No.12499733

>admitting to being unable to speak basic english
Fuck off kike

>> No.12499747

>well then explain my incoherent response to you
lmaowut? How stoned are you?

>> No.12499824
File: 62 KB, 1050x750, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yo dude what if I blamed all the world problems on the juice?

And before you go "But mah juice controll der media!" I don't fucking care. All of the problems you attribute to the juice would and do still happen if a white (since somehow juices aren't white) guy was in charge. Nazi's are unironically brainlets.

>> No.12499829

>xD I used le silly word and I like don't even CARE
How is 10th grade? Why do you hate yourself and parents?

>> No.12499850

It doesn't deserve anything but silly words.

>> No.12499855

Why are you so determined to remain ignorant?

>> No.12499885

>since somehow juices aren't white
I used to be perfectly content considering Jews as being white. They purposefully set themselves apart and claim otherness. This is not my doing. If they want to consider themselves as other then they can be other - but they do not get to switch back and forth however the moment best suits them.

>> No.12499900

Found a copy in a bin in the basement storage area of a used book store I used to work at. Needless to say, it didn't quite make it onto the shelf, and somehow ended up in my backpack under a sweater.

Glad to own out of morbid curiosity. Sits beside the communist manifesto on my shelf. Watchlist thoroughly avoided

>> No.12499901

>just take the red pill, bro
I've spend time on /pol/, read critique of culture and spend time on far right forums on reddit. All I can say is that having a worldview of "Juice = big bad" is ignorant and dumb. Maybe you will get past your edgy phase which frequently happens after puberty.

>> No.12499906

That's not what I say though? Are you sure you're not the one with a problem?

Anyway let's get back on track, your original post was >>12498369 which doesn't address any points I made. I suppose you're refering to the massive failure that was the commie revolt who still had its fair share of non-jews.

Not before you pay your taxe, gentil.

>> No.12499917


Pretty sure secular jews consider themsemves whites. I remember some /pol/ guy who was completly shocked to learn that his mother was jewish. Lenin is also a good exemple desu, the man probably didn't even know his grandpapy was one.

>> No.12499918

>the massive failure that was the bolsheviks
>trotsky and lenin weren't jewish
>procedes to post this disastee
You're not just pretending to be ignorant, you can't speak english

>> No.12499934

not an argument

>> No.12499944

You're lying and wrong :^)
Go back
>Pretty sure secular jews consider themsemves whites.
Name 3
> I remember some /pol/ guy who was completly shocked to learn that his mother was jewish.
This is what you believe from /pol/? A shitpost?
>Lenin is also a good exemple (...) probably didn't even know his grandpapy was one.
Sure sure, just like Paul Ryan and Ocasio Cortez. Weird right!

>> No.12499953

Oh I though you were speaking about the commie revolution in germany. Anyway the bolsheviks leaders were by far mostly non-jews (inb4 you pull out some shitty infographic check its source.

Unpopular and got assasinated, wow
Ah yes the white race is so weak that one jewish grandparent(who converted) is enought to taint it. What a master race.

>you can't speak english

Hu? My post was fairly simple. Ahain, are you sure you're okay?

>> No.12499961

Also Madeleine Albright

>> No.12499977

>because whites are totally not the master race (that's right fuck you dad) they should tolerate an extremely insular tribal minority fleecing them and lobbying their governments
We're hitting levels of really makes u think that shouldn't be possible

>> No.12499981

Lenin, the shitpost guy, my grandpapy (who's own grandfather was jewish).

Yeah it was discovered by his sister after his death. Seems weird for jews to expose themselves like that.

>> No.12499997

the time for arguments is long gone

>> No.12500005

>Seems weird for jews to expose themselves like that.
Please. They are more bragadocious than blacks. Of course they would be eager to claim lenin the great intellectual.

>> No.12500014

>fleecing them
>falling for the middleman minority meme

Keep being spooked by the banks I guess. Might as well become commies though, those institutions are far from being 100% jewish

>lobbying their governments
Not my fault you live in burgeristand. Emigrate to a better country. Like Israel for exemple.

>> No.12500035
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;^) nice talking with you pal. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

>> No.12500045

But the soviet union (run by jews remember) tried to hide it?

Anyway I'm going to sleep. May YHWH be merciful upon your lost souls.

>> No.12500075
File: 102 KB, 680x891, fellow.whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty sure secular jews consider themsemves whites
Recognize what you just said - "secular Jews". That is part of their cryptic nature. First they are a religion, then a race, then a cultural group. Regardless, they like to swap races when they feel like it. Pic related.

>> No.12500104

Sorry, I missed this with my last post.
>Lenin is also a good exemple desu, the man probably didn't even know his grandpapy was one
Then why did he, along with a lot of the other Jews with Jewish sounding names, change their names during the Revolution, if not to cover their identity?

>> No.12500123

>those institutions are far from being 100% jewish
I do not recall anyone making that claim.

>> No.12500320

lol, he believes in fairy tales.

>> No.12500369

Consider this. If jews didn't consider themselves as separate from the respective majorities, antisemitism would be solved.
When I look at my countrymen I can't with certainty point you to the german pole or the german russian that came here a few generations ago. Even many of the turks fit in perfectly and after two generations look like ordinary whites. I also can't single out the jews and I had a jewish landlord for several years. He looked like anybody else.
Antisemitism can only be a thing if there is something in the behaviour of jews that singles them out. Many people thing that's nepotism.

>> No.12500385

I'm a German nat-soc of sorts and I think that book is absolute trash.
It's an embarrassment to literature and nobody should have to read it.

>> No.12500399
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Everyone knows you're lying, why even bother

>> No.12500428
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From a /his/ perspective it's a must read, Hitler's prose isn't anything special really, it usually engages in the same rhetoricap style as his speeches though.

It's a good read, i'd give it a 4/5. It's especially interesting seeing his perspective on the German Empire as an German living under Hapsburg rule and his total contempt for them.

>> No.12500429

Only jews call other people "antisemities", just like only muslims call other people "infidels".

Unless you can explain why jews are so special that they get two terms for being mean to them.

>> No.12500445

What version did you read? I read the Ford translation and it was actually a fairly interesting read to see Hitler's perspectives and see him write in the same style you would see him speak on film but in a more collected manner.

>> No.12500951

Say what you want about Hitler's ideas, but the big take away from Mein Kampf was that the book put EVERYTHING out in the open as early as 1925.

No one should have been shocked by what the Nazis did.

>> No.12500979

Being German the original in Hitlers own hand. I can see how a translation might actually be more pleasant if effort went into it instead of a childs incoherent anti jew rage.
I found it severely lacking in substance, although it's fair to call it interesting. Hitler was interesting and it grants us a unique opportunity to look into his head.

>> No.12501904

>It's just an antisemit delusion, a shapeless boogeyman that can simultaneously control every single banks in Europe and America while spearheading a bloody peasant revolution dead set on hanging the rich.
The Bolshevik was largely Jewish though

>> No.12501916

There was an order of how to read it given to me.

Check on Stormfront, I'm not memeing, they way they organized it was actually pretty intelligent.

Haven't been there in awhile though, and I think it was in a private group. Good luck in any case OP. If I ever get the chance I'll try to do something like that.

>> No.12502218

No. Go look at list of their leaders.

>8 litterraly who on twitter mean they're all like this

I can find 8 crazy assholes on the internet too does that mean that every white is like them?

Well first changing your name during a revolution isn't too weird, Khmer rouge leader did it too. What was his original "jewish sounding" name?

>> No.12502228

>8 litterraly who on twitter mean they're all like this
>What was his original "jewish sounding" name?
Many of the Russian revolutionaries were actually Jews, though. I cannot speak for Khmer Rouge.

>> No.12502493

I agree taking 8 randoms people off twitter and using them to demonstrate a general tendance in a group world wide is a pretty bad strawman.

>Many of the Russian revolutionaries were actually Jews, though
Like who? The party had a 5% jewish membership toward its begining. The best jewish overrepresentation you could find is the August 2017 Central Comittee who had 6 members out of 21 who where jews. But even then they all weren't 100% full jews (but since Lenin is a jew with only a grandfather I guess it doesn't matter). They weren't all united under one front either.

>> No.12502645

I'd read it to understand it. Not worried about any list, I don't think that's the same list I'd be on if there's indeed a list. Can probably but it from Amazon. It's not on my list of stuff that I want to read soon though.