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/lit/ - Literature

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12468149 No.12468149 [Reply] [Original]

Is Ayn Rand worth reading?

>> No.12468153


>> No.12468156

Not unless you're under 18.

>> No.12468165

Nice milkies.

No, just watered-down Nietzsche.

>> No.12468212


>> No.12468213

Which episode of mompov is this i like her

>> No.12468254

Not actually much worse than other liberals like Mills and Nozick etc.

That's still fairly shit though.

>> No.12468262

I recently read The Fountainhead and thought it was mediocre overall. I went into it expecting it to be very heavy handed on her philosophy, which I don't particularly agree with, but I thought I'd give it a try. I actually enjoyed the first 3/4 of the book. Several of the characters are very one dimensional, but this is done on purpose and is not necessarily a bad thing. Most of the characters were fairly intriguing. The writing is good - the descriptions of the architecture and landscapes were enjoyable to read. I was surprised how much I was enjoying the book until the last 1/4 when it devolved into these long speeches about the merits of individualism and the evils of living to serve the collective.It was a slog to get through the last part, but I wasn't going to give up since I'd already read 500+ pages.

>> No.12468296

Anarchy, State, Utopia is the answer anon

>> No.12468314

Great opinion, mate. Convincing argument in favor of Rand.

Rand is a terrible author.

>> No.12468558

No one knows apparently.

>> No.12468583

I read Atlas Shrugged. It's okay. The ending is kino tho.

>> No.12468587

I'd like to know it too. MomPov is full of gems desu

>> No.12468592

Her name is Summer

>> No.12468656

Nope. I'm a traditionalist Catholic. Have been since high school. Doesn't mean I can't admire Nietzsche's writing. I think of him more as a writer than a philosopher.

>> No.12468819

Damn, life has ridden her hard.

>> No.12468844

Ayn Rand was a kike.

>> No.12468904

Please don't post pics of my mom,thank you

>> No.12469194

yes if you're under 18, an ameribrab or a kike
go ahead it's something you'll love

>> No.12469416

I agree with most of her ideas and hate the way she writes. She's not really worth reading to glean her philosophy unless you like her prose

>> No.12469461

Just give us the num. the episode don't be that guy

>> No.12469492

>I get on 4chan to meme
fuck you faggot. you're an absolute disgrace and a failed child.

>> No.12469767


>> No.12469802


>> No.12469804

Ptop satching worn

>> No.12469833

Based seizure poster

>> No.12469837
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she's a bad author. She writes bad. Her "ideas" have been formulated by other people before. She has zero charisma. She's a meme in its purist form

>> No.12469846

>Is Ayn Rand worth reading?

pffft yeah. as an anachronism.

Why do the tech heads of silicone valley read rand when they're bright enough to read author's of substance?
inb4 autism

>> No.12470002


>> No.12470045

Lizzie Velasquez

>> No.12470048
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dog bless you :DDD

>> No.12470059
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oh my god im cumming buckets

>> No.12470107

cry about it little girl.
you're just a bugmyn faglord that gets on the internet and thinks everything is a big fucking joke because you've never had hardship in your life.
I bet you're over there drowning your sorrows in pot like a god-damned nigger.

>> No.12470765

Are you retarded? You can literally google her name and the site, and the video will pop up.

>> No.12471386

God she's so fucking gross

>> No.12471417


>> No.12471436

It's a toxic ideology championed by the philosophically ignorant. Fountainhead is better fiction than Atlas Shrugged. The rest is worthless.

>> No.12471808

Discover what Rand's trichotomy and the Objectivist Theory of concepts is and this question answers itself.

>> No.12471827

feels bad to be lizzie desu. Glad she could eat all she wants though

>> No.12471871

>Her "ideas" have been formulated by other people before
Reddit and establishment lies. Name some.

>> No.12471877
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>> No.12471910

You must be fun at parties

>> No.12471923

but he's right, it is very googleable.

>> No.12471930

How is "Capitalism:An unknown ideal"?

>> No.12471939

No one really knows.

>> No.12471957

>russian kike
lol no.

>> No.12471964

Who goes to parties after high school? Burger flippers?

>> No.12471975

Bы-тaки aнтиceмит?

>> No.12471987

They started it.

>> No.12472080

I recommend it, it tackles all the most popular anti-capitalist fallacies. Many Marxian and some philosophic.

>> No.12472088

She had a through and through American soul though. The most American soul arguably.

>> No.12472339

Replace fountain head with atlas shrugged and you also get an accurate analysis.

>> No.12473578


Calling others leftists while reading a hack author that lived on benefits for most of her life. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.12474971

trannies are fucking disgusting

>> No.12474990

Imagine thinking ayn rand is rightwing, kill yourself kike materialist scum

>> No.12475014


Yes. Other anons are saying that her ideas where formulated by others, but they give no citation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
either way recommended if one has the slightest interest in objectivism

>> No.12475071
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>having the slightest interest in objectivism

>> No.12476301

Not him but I do. Imagine parroting reddit and cracked opinions.

>> No.12477752

You ruined the prank

>> No.12478146

>caring about people's interest
Why do you even care?

>> No.12478200

is this the state of america that underagers believe objectivism is some brave and discerning outsider position?
>just be more selfish, you'll eventually become ceo

>> No.12478231

Judging by /lit/s reaction, yes.

>> No.12478475
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I care deeply about other people, because I am not the centre of the universe, and we all have to share this world together. You are just as important as me anon. Because I care about you, I don't want you wasting your life going down the Objectivist rabbit hole. It will not help you socially, professionally or academically

>> No.12479442

are you a kike,ameribrap or -18?

>> No.12479453
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>> No.12479455

>supports wymen writer
seems like you're the one who's leftist, anon

>> No.12479464

mom point of view?

>> No.12479467

only if you love yourself and your fellow men

>> No.12479473

>Rand is a terrible author.
she is a great writer, the way she describes people and situations made me feel like i was there and i knew them, even for irrelevant ones that barely got a paragraph in

>> No.12479497

18yo American jew

>> No.12479502

she spoke greately about production but badly about those who onlly consume
thats hanks family, his wife was a pretty trophy he didnt want, his mother only tried to guilt him into giving her more and his brother didnt work and thus had no self love

>> No.12479512

They're good if you want to understand how Americans justify being self-centred consumerist psychos

>> No.12479522

By merit how she's treated in pop culture and mainstream academia, yes this is true.
>>just be more selfish, you'll eventually become ceo
Clearly you do not grasp to what degree Objectivism stresses cognizance of contextuality. Rand shoittalkers NEVER know the Objectivist Theory of Concepts, the I/S/O trichotomy, or what psycho-epistemology means. Or outline their issue with these. Loving every laff.

>> No.12479531

Be selfish and surround yourself with selfish people who love themselves and you will be happy

>> No.12479556

I'm not familiar with every facet of scientology either, but I know it's bollocks. The onus is on objectivists to show they are on to something, so far they have failed to do so

>> No.12479787

>Name some

>> No.12480569

Why do so many lefties love Stirner but hate Rand?
(honest question)

>> No.12480609
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Rand has always struck me as political/economic version of Alister Crowley.

>> No.12480778

its actually a good book to understand how Middle America pro-Tea Party poor whites think. makes the "why do poor whites vote against their economic interests" paradox not a paradox. also, the common complaint that the characters are one-dimensional is pointless since that is kinda the point of the book. now, if you take it seriously, that is serious folly.

>> No.12481388

It’s the honest truth of the world. It scares left liberals certainly, it scares any kind of statist or authoritarian, but this is the main thrust of what the actual left wants. Freedom.
Rand is just neo-classical liberalism. A repackaging of an expired product

I don get that at all. Some rural Americans aspire to live in the city and climb some corporate ladder, not most.

>> No.12481391

Don't you dare associate Sankt Max with that schweinhund Rand

>> No.12481399

Ayn was a spooked lady. A hero-worshiper, like Nietzsche

>> No.12481400

No no. I elevate him here

>> No.12481448
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>scares left liberals
Left liberals are scared of neither Stirner nor Rand, they barely know they exist. Stirner is an Internet meme, and Rand is a bad sci-fi novelist with a creepy fan club. Do you really think academics like Chomsky or Judith Butler are scared of the Atlas Shrugged lady?

>> No.12481708

No way fag.
I am more important than you. I am the only me I can experience. Just as you are the only you. Saying otherwise is just comforting your imagined moral impetus.

>> No.12481896

Nope, she's a shit capitalist bitch, a slave to her vices. With little care for her fellow humans.

>> No.12481964

I can't believe this thread is still going. I posted it as a joke, hoping maybe someone knew the model's name. I've found her, so there's no reason for anyone to comment anymore.

Every comment I've seen actually considering literature has been pseudo at best. /lit/ is pathetic.

>> No.12482035
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We're all neighbors anon. When you think about it, there's no you or me, there's only us

>> No.12482108

The Distributist on YouTube put up a great video on Rand today.
Best political channel on YT desu

>> No.12482380

If you want to understand capitalists then yes.

>> No.12482482

I managed to bang two loose women just days apart through no effort other than by talking about Ayn Rand's books and philosophy. It can be a potent aphrodisiac.

The books themselves are good too.

>> No.12482498

Those that know of the lefts true intentions hate people like Stirner, and work to make everyone ignorant of them, or to demonize them whe. The catch on. This is fear.
They still teach kids by shoving Atlas Shrug in schools apparently.

>> No.12482543

Nietzsche loathed socialists, silly goose.

>> No.12482609

Stirner leaves an out for them for subjectivism. Leftists love the faux freedom of subjectivism. A world without standards and excellence to which they have to adhere is very attractive to them.
>Me being a neet isn't immoral! Morality is a spook!
And so forth.
Egoism based on the supremacy of reason vs egoism based whim worship. And formulated in different manners.
yes I know you were shitposting butternigger

>> No.12482651

>Stirner leaves an out for them for subjectivism.
No he doesn't. I've read the ego and it's own. He specifically states the opposite in the first half of the book.

>> No.12482657

>A world without standards and excellence to which they have to adhere is very attractive to them.
They adhere to their own standards and excellence. Pretty much what >>12482651

>> No.12482662

It's a shame she didn't swallow.

>> No.12482668

Nein. She was a selfish, selfish woman and also a hypocrite. Her credo was greed and selfishness, but she ended up dying on social security. She preached that not helping people was the way to go. What a cunt.

>> No.12482781

Achievement of what this actually requires needs cognizance of a reality that has primacy over their consciousness. Adherence to what the development of ego actually takes is not a spook, the "spook" treats anything that is regarded a displeasing to the ego as to be discarded. As a tool of assessment, the "anticoncept" is far better. Here the excellence of development of a given ego is indentified to depend on a man's appreciation for the operants of the reality with which he has to deal and scrupulous enploying of reason and valid concepts adopted in the service of same. "Anticoncepts" are to be carefully identified and discarded when found as their inadherence to reason necessarily is inimical to the ego and it's devolpment.
Stirner wishes for the ego to be dependent on nothing. Rand knows the ego must be dependent on inevasive reason as reason is what lends potency and validation conceptually to the ego.
Opposition to that which curtails the development of the ego>opposition to what may offended the ego.
And through failure of integration, the systems he erects results in it anyway through commitment to the arbitrary.

>> No.12482798
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stop masturbating

>> No.12482844

>but she ended up dying on social security
And if she had not paid a cent in tax through her life would she needed to do that? Partial reclamation on stolen profits is not a betrayal of Laissez Faire Mixed Economy soccie louts just want everyone to think it is..
Statists want people who oppose taxation to render themselves ineffectual by martyring themselves. As if one is made a hypocrite by refusing to do this in a society that makes the operants of LfCap illegal. One is only a hypocrite when said operants were at one point even an option for them, and then betrayed them.

>> No.12482854
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>> No.12482882

/lit/ are a bunch of pseudo intellectual morons. The fact that no one has responded to this comment shows that.

>> No.12482897
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>when the most effort put into posts is by the fucking Randfag

>> No.12482932

This sort of thinking only leads to capitulation. Ayn Rand was a hypocrite and a borderline useless actor. Real change will only come with radical action.

>> No.12482994

It leads to capitulation by subjectivists. Objectivists are made of better stuff, though we do acquire the odd lout (Greenspan, Ryan) as a simple statisical reality.
>real change will only come with radical action
A notion with which Objectivism concurs.
>"We are not conservatives, we are radicals for capitalism."
Expecting the formulator of a philosophy to also be it's standard bearer and firebrand is to ignore the historical record. It didn't happen with Aristotle (Thomas Aquinas) or John Locke (Thomas Jefferson). I expect said person(s) to arrive on the scene in the midst of the national debt climbing to the hundred trillions.

>> No.12483140

You just couldn't go to /r/ instead of shitting up this place?

>> No.12483675

ayn rand is not worth reading

>> No.12484674

Not if you have socialist sensibilities. It'll feel like one big polemic at everything you believe in.

>> No.12484723

man that anime is fucked up