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/lit/ - Literature

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12439328 No.12439328 [Reply] [Original]

"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations" -John Green

>> No.12439341

"Before eating my cereal I enjoy having 48 dicks dipped in it"-John Green

>> No.12439354

“I’m actually a HUGE history NERD who makes QUIRKY AND COOL videos for high schoolers.” -John Green

>> No.12439366


>> No.12439367

and now the mongols lmao

>> No.12439373

What’s wrong with this quote? I like it desu - am I a pseud for liking it?

>> No.12439384

literally the opposite of pseudity

>> No.12439393

this guy fucks mad willing underage pussy and writing best selling works while you guys are here posting your bookshelves at each other LMAO

>> No.12439406

okay John

>> No.12439415


I don't think it's possible for /lit/ to EVER recover from this.

>> No.12439418

What do you mean anon? It’s okay to like this quote?

>> No.12439624

It is a poor metaphor. Thoughts are fundamentally connections, so describing them as points he is struggling to connect doesnt really make sense, and it certainly isn't profound in the way he clearly thinks it is. To have stars but no constellations is to have no thoughts at all. He imagines a constellation to be a star, and misses the galaxy completely.

>> No.12439642
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>> No.12439673

Absolutely based, anon. You truly /gottem/ with this one, though they'll never acknowledge it and will just continue to post their bookshelves at eachother, thinking they've won.

>> No.12439681

Based. I unironically love this dude. Far more authentic to himself than most posters on here.

>> No.12439713


I think I'm going to have non-consensual sex with John Green.

Yes, in fact right this moment I have resolved to rape this man. All of my faculties and resources are now going to be put into achieving this end. The way this man controls the contortions of his face elicits a deep, ape-ish urge within me to do extremely violent and sexual damage to him.

If you think about it, how is John Green different from a woman? They are equally timid. Equally frivolous. Equally acquiescent. Equally narcissistic. Equally upset by a combination of words or ideas that do not conform to the status-quo. And no doubt Mr. Green has sucked a penis too--maybe just a silicon one (for now), but nevertheless he has tried it; has been struck with the same sort of 'oh-i'm-so-so-naughty' inclination that seizes all women at some point in their life and with the frenzied tom-tom of feminine sexuality blaring in their head which is only ever empty and only ever filled when the image or implication of a Penis can be grasped in external reality, and just like such a woman has John Green greedily taken hold of the dildo that he secretly keeps in his top drawer (why disguise it further? why, wouldn't he be happy if someone were to discover his little perversion? oh think of how oh so so naughty that would be!) and after taking the full 7.5" of rubber down his throat he is filled with such a thrill such that no expression of his "masculine" sexuality has ever come close to attaining.

Hmm, indeed, the lines between Woman and John Green continue to blur, and my dick continues to rise. Raping him could be ethically and epistemologically justified, both through Utilitarian ethics and Platonic Teleology, but I will not go into that here. Suffice to say that raping John Green would be a net benefit for the world as such, as material entity and conceptual ideal. It would be a rape that would satisfy so many hearts, so many minds, and most importantly my own penis.

I am decided: John Green will be raped within the month. I will devote myself to finding out his residency, his routines, and I will plot and plan my moment of violation meticulously. This is a very real goal I have set, and I shall know neither rest nor mortal satisfaction until it has been attained.

>> No.12439783

the fuck is the wrong with people when they try to compare one thing to another when they're completely different. u fucking idiot, sex and eating are NOT the least bit similar

>> No.12439787
File: 79 KB, 486x427, WORST POSTER OF ALL TIME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot something.

>> No.12439793

>n-nobody replies to me because they started filtering out my name, I-I'll just stop using it!

>> No.12439795

Yeah, this is a pretty dumb interpretation. Are you a STEMfag by any chance?
You assume thoughts require connections and you assign the basic unit not to the star (like Green did) but to the constellation, because according to you, thoughts require connections. Okay, but that is just plain wrong, esp. in literature, where thoughts and ideas may pop into one's mind for no reason, with no discernable direction. It's a frequent motif, like a blank mind, or an eureka! moment even when the mind is bustling with activity.
He is literally saying that his thoughts (stars) are all over the place, like a starry sky, his mind is filled with random crap and he can't make sense of them (form connections, i.e. constellation).

I have never read John Green and I plan to keep it that way.

>> No.12439819

"Chewing other mens' cud is life's greatest pleasure"
- J. Green.

>> No.12439853

Good quote. People here are jelly. Even if he might be 50% insufferable shitlib the other 50% is gold.

>> No.12439858


>> No.12439860

But he has accomplished a lot more and done far more for my life than most people here

>> No.12439870

>thoughts are fundamentally connections
what? Don't you ever just think of a place or person? What is that connecting to? And I think john is saying that he has all these ideas, but can't present them in a way that relatable or understandable. I never thought I'd catch a misinterpretation of John Greene on this site but oh well...

>> No.12439899
File: 64 KB, 850x400, quote-in-the-twilight-of-life-god-will-not-judge-us-on-our-earthly-possessions-and-human-success-john-of-the-cross-52-88-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he didn't steal it from some Italian writers from the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries who all wrote extremely similar things, if not verbatim.
pro-tip, if you can't find it in Google Books, or with an exact term only search (e.g. "lorem ipsum") anywhere on the internet, you can easily self-appropriate it and claim it as your own. John Green is a talentless pseud, and it would not surprise me if this literary interloper stole it from a really old book he found one time and now he says it to be profound. I've dealt with people like John Green. They will resort to anything. There is no cure for them but a lobotomy.

>> No.12439913

or maybe he came up with it on his own and someone else happened to write it down a few centuries earlier? It's not exactly the most complex and unique thought... this board today, i swear...

>> No.12439922

The pretentious faggots here will act like this doesn’t sting.

>> No.12439954

I thought I was the only one who felt this way

>> No.12439955

Almost like I'm speaking with John Green himself.
Individuals like him don't have original thoughts.

>> No.12439973

It's about cohesion and self-definition

>> No.12439977

>like I'm speaking with John Green himself
>individuals like him

jesus, anon, we may be unoriginal, but id rather be that than a halfwit

>> No.12439993
File: 255 KB, 550x291, GAFROd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>g-good luck, anon

>> No.12440051

This quote is THE pseud-filter. Those who like it pass; those who don't fail. If you had attached another name to it, say Joyce or someone else, these pseuds would eat it up like cereal. But put John Green beside it, and we see who looks at names, and who looks at contents.

>> No.12440193
File: 10 KB, 241x230, 1537195716826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Saved that text for future use as a pasta.

>> No.12440204

so hes saying hes retarded?

>> No.12440246

legitimately a brilliant quote, Joyce-level if I can say so

>> No.12440265

This is a relatively new pasta, but I see it becoming a classic.

>> No.12440324


>> No.12440365

Remember that time John Green """forgot""" that a quote on a poster he was selling wasn't actually a quote from his novel? And rather than backtrack his way into saying that it "fit the theme of the novel" or some bullshit, he made a video on YouTube where he confessed that he didn't actually have a keen memory of the books he fucking wrote.


"I guess I should've done some research."

>> No.12440369


>> No.12440390

> says it's from a 13yo girl
> 2019 - 2015 + 13 = 17
> http://melodytruong.tumblr.com/about
> 21

>> No.12440650

So this is what /lit/ has come down to?

>> No.12440660
File: 280 KB, 511x448, john green cheerios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this guy fucks mad willing underage pussy
I doubt it.

>> No.12440713

gay as fuck nigga

>> No.12440715

You can't catch STIs from cereal.

>> No.12440744

>doesn’t realize sex is the peak of physical love between two people
>thinks that having sex whenever you want doesn’t tarnish it’s nature

People aimlessly trying to make women out to be victims for no apparent reason is humorous, albeit annoying.

>> No.12440888

>Nerd Fighter Melody
He's absolutely SEETHING that he has to pay royalties to a 13 year old girl. Kek!

>> No.12440903
File: 5 KB, 203x219, 1422952156705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy can't get women his age to fuck him so he pretends the books he wrote for a young adult males were totally for teenage girls the whole time

sure thing john

>> No.12440941

Thoughts are fundamentally a product of time. They have a beginning and an end. They connect what came before with what follows by division of a continuity. A star represents inevitable change of a homogenous, isolated, but discrete object. A thought is that which fills in the space between such instants, the lines of a constellation. It is the immaterial meaning ascribed to and derived from a perceived reality. I'm not misinterpreting John Green, I know what he is saying. His idea of what an idea is is the misunderstanding here. There are no Eureka moments. Every thought is inspired, but great ones are new.

>> No.12441866

It’s a dumb fucking quote though. It’s literally just a pretentious way of saying that you have lots of thoughts and you can’t organize them.

>> No.12442304

Joyce wouldn't say that because he definitely could fathom his thoughts into extended structures.

>> No.12442310

>Hmm, indeed, the lines between Woman and John Green continue to blur, and my dick continues to rise.
Nice line

>> No.12443223

my thoughts are
stars i cannot fathom

- rupi kaur

>> No.12444047

to fard
is to shit
and cum

-rupi kaur