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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 768x511, mariekondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12439312 No.12439312 [Reply] [Original]

>This woman knocks on your door and says the following introduction:

Konichiwa, Marie Kondo, here.

Do you really need to buy 3 copies of each novel (one to present to guests, one for personal use, and one for lending), /lit/?

Why don't you come spark joy with me by asking yourselves if you really need all those copies of the same novel?

>What is your response, /lit/?

>> No.12439320

I would throw out my furniture before I throw out my books.

>> No.12439326

Asian girls are made for white cock

>> No.12439333

These threads aren't funny, fuck off

>> No.12439346


>> No.12439353

I want her to drink my cum

>> No.12439355

Imagine being so happy and anti materialistic that you need a bestseller and a tv show to validate your lifestyle

>> No.12439378

do like like a jav and RAPE HER
lol jk, I'll suck on her tits and play with her pixelated puci

>> No.12439427
File: 284 KB, 601x768, 6a00e54f7ac65c88330133f3a4f13e970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trespassing on private property.

>> No.12439436
File: 71 KB, 304x371, 1532492519246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with having 3 copies of the Nibelungenlied and 5 versions of the same myth in total.

>> No.12439446
File: 11 KB, 356x297, this isn't the blunt you're looking for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with owning 6 versions of the Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.12439451

Aim higher than marie anon.

>> No.12439472

There's literally nothing wrong with owning another copy of every Harry Potter book for each different jacket they released, and having spare copies for reading.

>> No.12439475

There is because it's plebshit

>> No.12439497

>implying I own more than one copy of any book
Hell I don't own a single copy of any book. Hey this isn't /tv/

>> No.12439554


>> No.12439679

>A "documentary" about tidying up is this popular.
I hate this timeline. Having lots of books and knick knacks is comfy, and I don't need this buglady telling me how to live. Normies will be sick of this meme when the aesthetic loses novelty and they can jump on the next lifestyle trend.

>> No.12439701
File: 76 KB, 497x728, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw she will never declutter the petrified spermy from your mummified prostate
>>tfw she will never declutter the carbonized spermae from the permafrost of your prostate
>>tfw she will never declutter the dead greenland shark-like spermea from the arctic circle seabed of your prostate

>> No.12439737

what will happen if she and Jordan Peterson meet?

>> No.12439741

what did he mean by this?

>> No.12439745

The why and the how of cleaning your room meet.

>> No.12439763

viking and samurai sex

>> No.12439768 [DELETED] 

She's an author, pleb.

>> No.12439807

She looks a lot like a JAV slut I saw take a massive BBC once tbqh

>> No.12439876

Will never happen because the eternal Anglo fears the Samurai

>> No.12439908
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>> No.12439929

It's people like you who HAVE to give their opinion on her that make these threads and keep them alive.

>> No.12439934

There is already a JAV parody

>> No.12440089

there is no sperm in your prostate

>> No.12440123

>thank you for coming Marie! Yes actually I already got rid some of my books and only kept the ones I plan to read. Aside of that my kindle does spark joy for sure. Want tea?

>> No.12440159

Even if it's a bookshelf? huh? huh? huh? huhh???

>> No.12440601

God id fuck the shit out of that gook and impregnate her slanted vegana, after I clean my room and make it spark joy, of course.

>> No.12440623

There's actually a rumor going around in Japan that she has a secret black boyfriend.

>> No.12440635

what's the code?

>> No.12440654

I would shoot this faggot. Imagine being a stereotype of your own people to appease the whites

>> No.12440777

I would love to see my cum dripping out of her small unshaved cunt.

>> No.12440804
File: 88 KB, 209x257, ziz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the media class is shilling "own fewer things" as aspirational now
I build a throne out of copies of The German Ideology and scoff.

>> No.12440844

Not just the media class, but the entire capitalist class of the modern western world. The entire idea behind the modern capitalist 'implementation' of minimalism is that people will get rid of their actual possessions, and simply buy pre-made single-use goods (food, 'fast fashion' clothing, disposable products, etc), and lease media and intellectual property (your amazon prime reads subscription, netflix, spotify, etc etc). Any additional money a consumer might have will be spent on 'experiences' that are also essentially pre-packaged and blase things that are available to any and everyone.

Why teach a man to fish and sell him a fishing rod when you can just keep selling him fish? Convince him that the fishing rod is clutter that is distracting him from his life, and keep selling him a fish day after day after day after day.

Fuck this gay world.

>> No.12440876
File: 250 KB, 4288x2848, image00000089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for saying it correctly.
also only the rich will be able to afford enough space for their stuff (oh you thought docks, garages, hangers, vacation & rental properties weren't enough places to put stuff) when we're in teeny human cages.

on the reals tho I am decluttering because my collection is now years old & needs some serious codifying

>> No.12441494

Why the fuck is 4chan filled with low t, HGTV watching boomer faggots?

What's next, Julia Child threads because they involve cookbooks?

>> No.12442068

"What do you mean 'three' cop--MARIE you delectable yellow bitch, how'd you know I wanted two more copies of Aunts Aren't Gentlemen?"

>> No.12442197

not ethnically nor academically

>> No.12442205

People already do that. As far as I can so, minimalism and the like involves avoiding consumerism and using a small set of items to their fullest. You guys are paranoid retards, making up dumb shit when there are real things to address.

>> No.12442214
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Imagine how easy it would be to pick her up

>> No.12443477
File: 128 KB, 1300x957, fuckingyourbitchonthefloorlikeananimalandshelovesit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having furniture
Look at this faggot.
Also buyfags eternally blasted the fuck out.

>> No.12444257

I also have the collector's editions no one gets to touch.

>> No.12444500

>This scam artist is rich and famous just because she's a little cutie

Why is life so unfair

>> No.12444531
File: 90 KB, 720x720, 1545002667449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with owning 63 different versions of Aesop's Fables. Everytime I go to a new place I steal a copy from the local library. See; each copy has a unique story of joy.