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/lit/ - Literature

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12430874 No.12430874 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how to become a bloomer?

>> No.12430878
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Work with children, even if it means volunteering, and read Dosto.

>> No.12430964

>Work with children
As long as they are middle class and haven't hit puberty, I'd concur with this.

Children post 11 are wastemen

>> No.12430972

Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, Nietzsche
Ethics, Spinoza
Sermon on the Mount
Sartor Resartus, Carlyle
Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, Goethe
The Courage to Be, Tillich
The Art of Loving, Fromm

>> No.12431098

Siddhartha by Hesse

>> No.12431173
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra. How many theese of threads do you need to understand this.

>> No.12431212

Walden by Thoreau

>> No.12431221

>tfw becoming a bloomer

Gotta say going sober for the new year is really paying its dividends.

>> No.12431255

Shakespeare comedies

>> No.12431280
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12431317


>> No.12431347


>> No.12431368

I'm going to sodomize you.

>> No.12431384

The film?

>> No.12431800

>read Dosto
Where do I start senpai?

>> No.12431822

This but it is not only dependent on age but how they have been raised beforehand
If they have a smartphone they will be inevitably corrupted by social media

>> No.12431911

checked and true.

>> No.12431972
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>tfw currently reading Sailor who from grace with teh sea and identify too much with Riyuki
>only 21 years old and missed out on a lot of the adventures I wanted to take with my life
>already settled down with a woman who I will marry and have many children with
>forced to do schoolwork that makes me hate myself because I'm not smart enough to do it
>close to dropping it all and joining the navy or just moving countries and being a bum to get away from it all
>the only time that I'm happy is when I'm lifting weights or doing streneous exercise to forget the mental pain
>I'm a completely indecisive piece of shit who can never go out of my way to do something that isn't selfish or I instantly regret it and run like im fucking baka Shinji.

Fucking help guys please.

>> No.12432031

That’s how most humans have and always will live, you’re not missing out on some amazing adventure, we’re all in that same boat.

Watch the last episode of NGE again and listen to Rei saying you can still be happy even if it’s rainjng.

>> No.12432095

Checked again, my dude

>> No.12432114
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I started with The Brothers Karamazov because it was memed so hard here. It lives up to the memeing for sure. I then read Notes from Underground and now I'm onto Crime and Punishment. TBK is supposedly his best work, but others might say C&P is.

>> No.12432146
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Fuck man, except for the woman I’m in the same boat. I’m even talking to a Marine recruiter to see if I can get away from this shit. My greatest fear is becoming like Ryuji except that I can’t see myself falling for a woman since I can’t really stand female company for more than 10 minutes.

>> No.12432318

If your main problem is being indecisive then force yourself to decide. Flip coins and burn bridges if needed. Existential angst is an inseparable aspect of being, you can't get rid of that

>> No.12432401

I volunteer coach high school wrestling and the kids are great and I hate middle schoolers but once they get to youth wrestling they get tolerable again. Just adorable balls of every and potential.
Kids are unironically our future.

>> No.12433323

Read the wester canon, family.

>> No.12433389

my diary desu

>> No.12434433
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Jordan Petersons 12 Rules for Life

>> No.12434448

Some vague statements don't make up a whole of someones personality. People act differently depending on a ton of different variables.

>> No.12434579

Tolstoy's entire bibliography.

>> No.12434659

Montaigne’s Essays
Dostoevsky, specifically TBK

>> No.12434674

Read Nietzsche, not even memeing.

>> No.12434680


why cant you and your wife go on adventures, your mindset is limiting you.

>> No.12434685


oh fuck off retard

>> No.12434857

>adorable balls
To any anon who thinks that you can actually want to work with children without being a pedo, regard this Freudian slip.

>> No.12434947

Make a giant left turn. If you have no kids, you have no obligation whatsoever. Up and move somewhere. At 21 you can fuck up and still recover, feeling the same way at 31 on the other hand is much more stressful although not impossible (quit my job and exhausted al of my money moving to Spain for the summer, no regrets)

The golden rule is, if it won’t maim you or addict you, do it. Also given the amount of neetbucks you invested, finish school, you’re trained to imagine all of your classmates actually know what they’re doing, which they don’t. They’re guessing too. The difference is, when they take a guess, even if wrong they turn something in.

>> No.12434975

You are corrupted. I'm sorry for you anon.

>> No.12435011
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>> No.12435093

Are you fucking retarded or something

>> No.12435163
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/lit/ is a loomer board

>> No.12435187

You gotta ride the tiger, not let it eat you. Evola was dumb though.

>> No.12435571

literally the book is about how to stay afloat when everything around you is shit, stfu

>> No.12435597

The monk reveals the lonely path

>> No.12435602

Maybe you are shit

>> No.12435786
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Last week I decided to uninstall all my games and steam off my computer and add a firefox pluggin that block /v/ and reddit, two websites on wich I could spend hours and hours scrolling mindlessly ... also I added some programm that shut automatically my computer after 10pm for getting to sleep earlier and to force myself to spend time to read the 50cm tall pile of book on my nightstand.
Is it the right path /lit/ ? I still think a lot about videogames I spent to much time playing those during the past 10 years now I think I just want to do more with my life without knowing much ...

>> No.12435908

Yes. But don't over do it or you'll crash and then it will be easier to go back to the bad habits once you do the first time. Concentrate on fixing one or two thing at a time, that way it'll take longer but you'll be now successful later.

>> No.12435963
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>/pol/ for smart people

You shitlords have to go back

Go watch ContraPoints or something smfh

>> No.12435999

Fuck why is that retarded image so accurate. Everything apples to me except the part about friends and the part about popular stuff. My personality is literally no deeper than that mem pic.

Any book to deal with the feeling of being a living 4chan meme ? Any book to become more than a meme ?

>> No.12436008

If you’re gonna trio you gotta post more insightful bullshit than this

>> No.12436020
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what a waste of digits lmao

>>>/r9k/ is that way, fashy

>> No.12436031

Most of the people of 4chan are children post 11.

>> No.12436048

I asked for help overcoming the meme and you direct me to the place where people make mental disorders out of meme.

Not only did you not provide any book and threw an unsubstantiated accusation of fascism at me, you failed to make fun of me for the obvious typo in my previous post, which is standard 4chan etiquette.

I'm seriously disappointed in you Butters. I've been kind with you for years. And you used to be much more genial and compassionate than this. What happened ?

>> No.12436055

Inherent Vice is the only Pynchon work ever adapted.

>> No.12436059

>Fuck why is that retarded image so accurate
Because it's extremely vague and any retard on 4chan could relate to it.

>> No.12436060
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not your blog lmao

>> No.12436084
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did you fucking read the OP lmao

racism wow very cool nice

>> No.12436092

Quit being an asshole

Wasn't me. Bunch of impersonators acting like idiots lately, trying to drive me away...
You know what I always recommend

>> No.12436095

the fact that you didn't even notice the fascism is very troubling anon

>> No.12436100

The only books I've ever read that espouse positivity in any way were written by people from the past who I can't identify with.
>Some psychologist who grew up in a wealthy and happy family home and was able to receive a well-rounded education
>Some fucking spiritual sage who was given the opportunity to sit and meditate in a traditional monastery his whole life
>Some blissfully unaware boomer logician
As far as I know, there are no positive books that can even begin to tackle the information age from the viewpoint of someone who's grown up in a low-income """working class""" community. Nothing that I can think of takes our dependence on technology and social media into account. The whole simple family life rhetoric has no practical application within the modern paradigm.

>> No.12436102

fuck off bigot

stop stealing my lesbian platform

>> No.12436126

you have a waifu and you still complain, your mindset is clearly the problem.
Meditate an hour a day for two months and see how you feel.

>> No.12436232
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Watch Scent of a Woman every single day at least twice.

>> No.12436271

Fucking hell. I always wondered which type of faggot I was. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.12436284


>> No.12436329

haha im a buttyfly too now (:

>> No.12436339

Read the Russians and convert to Orthodoxy.

>> No.12436351

based and butterpilled

>> No.12436355
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>> No.12436379

There are a lot of pretty specific stuff, like the bit about meditation.I guess what you mean is that all those characterizations apply to dozen of millions people in the West, most of them white males in their twenties, which happen to be the core demographic of this place. Fair enough.

I'm not racist unfortunately. And this place is as much a collective anonymous blog as anything else, like it or not.

You're right, I should have noticed it was really off-character for you. I guess I should really get to Stirner and Epicurus after all, it's not like they're exclusively memebooks.

I'm more of a primitivist theocratian.

>> No.12436384
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>> No.12436398


>> No.12436417

The Idiot -> C&P -> TBK is the only correct way

>> No.12436422

the bloomer is just another temporary escape route. instead of typifying yourself as someone else's notion of positivity and worldly accomplishment, you should really learn to forgive yourself. just be understanding of your circumstances, which will help in re-discovering who you were originally, before you were wrongly introduced to cynicism and over-self-awareness. The bloomer will not lead you toward the necessary re-discovery and re-foundation, but the bloomer is just a rehash of who you originally were. it's just a different, thicker coat of paint, that will eventually be weathered away.

>> No.12436453

Good post. Tillich in particular deserves a much wider audience outside of divinity schools. You do need basic philosophical training to understand him properly though.

>> No.12436454

Are you trying to challenge or support anon's point?

>> No.12436472

Like if any of us posting here would be a 10 year old kid haha

>> No.12436490

Are you?

>> No.12436493


>> No.12436521

i love how happy the bloomer looks

>> No.12436543

on the same boat. literally spend like 14 hours a day watching YouTube vdeos or playing videogames and the other 10 hours sleeping and have like 20 books i bought but never read. i dont even enjoy those activities all that much anymore yikes

>> No.12436547

what the fuck man. Fuck you.

>> No.12436615

I'm glad I don't identify with this, I am glad I'm not a loser

>> No.12436620

nigger just fucking change something, its not too late, you dont want to find yourself close to 30 with a garbage job, no energy and no motivation

>> No.12436621

None, go outside and live instead.

>> No.12436675

Fuck this image, fuck you as well.

>> No.12436710


>> No.12436729

fuck up faggot

>> No.12436800
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Alright you sure must be right, thanks for the advice anon.
I hope it's easier for you now and that you read those books.

>> No.12437045

you'll have to be smart but depressed but then drop acid once and have some sort of epiphany, understanding the beautiful meaninglessness of life and thus becoming a bloomer

maybe read siddhartha, too lol

>> No.12437110

run, rabbit.

>> No.12437123

Did the same 3 months ago, you don't need silly games anon. I turn off all screens by 9pm most week days. It's great.

>> No.12437173

You haven’t missed out on nothing kid

>> No.12437298


Davie Frosty Wallace

>> No.12437306
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seconded, why?

>> No.12437310
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whomst /goober/ here
gooberman epic
gooberman just like me

>> No.12437319
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don't worry, you're ugly

>> No.12437370

Other than the woman part and age(am little older), that's literally me

>> No.12437381

You can tell a woman made this

>> No.12437417

You can tell a redditor made this.

>> No.12437420

well to be fair women are dumb as shit :P

>> No.12437421

Fucking newfags, I swear to god