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File: 206 KB, 495x672, Hitler-Goebbels-and-Feder-Second-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12427830 No.12427830 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best right wing critiques of capitalism or programs for socialism? Why aren't they more widely publicized?

I'm reading Gottfried Feder (pic related, next to Hitler) right now and I recently read Sorel's Reflections on Violence.

>> No.12427917

erst niekisch
de benoist (although i don't like his pro-eurasian stance)
sunic (criticizes the spiritual emptiness and materialism of capitalism rather than being pro-socialist)

>> No.12427920

Hitler wasn't a socialist. The word "privatisation" literally comes from the Nazi era. He wasn't a right wing champion against capitalism, he was the brutal enforcer of it

>> No.12427953
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Are there any others in the GRECE camp worth looking at?

>> No.12427958

Rerum novarum

>> No.12428028

Dominique Venner is splendid. Most of his works weren't translated though, you need to speak frog
Robert Steuckers is also a must read

>> No.12428063

daniel friberg (swedish though)
guillaume faye if you can deal with the fact that he's pro-israel.

>> No.12428080

Because the right realizes that some kind of social order is a natural part of society and capitalism works good enough. The only improvement would be a return to Monarchism.

>> No.12428482

I second Faye

>> No.12428507

Lenin, Stalin a little too

>> No.12428535


>> No.12428536

This loose marxist definition of capitalism as "anything I don't like" just dilutes it

>> No.12428545

>socialism is when the government does stuff

Well you’ve been led to believe that Europe is practicing socialism. It’s not

>> No.12428555

How the fuck did you get unfiltered

>> No.12428578

The Third Reich practiced what amounted to a more modern Prussian Socialism you stupid fat fuck. I have never read a single post of yours that justified you being a namefag. Don't reply to my post.

>> No.12428657

>The Third Reich practiced
As far as judging "The Economic Policies of the NSDAP" goes, we can only engage in conjecture. Germany never fully politically matured under the policies of the NSDAP and the throes of wartime exigency likely do not reflect how Germany would have run herself in a peacetime condition.

>> No.12428671
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Evola thinks it's too materialistic. It's not that he doesn't recognize capitalism or price coordination as being the most efficient method of "distributing" scarce resources, he's just more concerned with spiritual matters or the right ordering of society. If capitalism didn't result in what he calls "Americanism" then he would accept it.

That's just my impression anyways.

>> No.12428674

I suspect there to be some slight variations in the symbol formally known as Faggot that would require a wide filter to block.

>> No.12428688

>symbol formally known as Faggot
top jej

>> No.12428701

I don’t have to justify myself to anyone

Donno. Pretend I’m not here

>> No.12428755

fascism never had the academic breadth or vigour of capitalism or far-left thought. There was never a tome or books that became an agreed body of thought within the facist community to define fascism and so there was no cannon......There was no singular thing to publicise and thats before you get into publication biases or the fact that the entire ideology became outdated decades ago.

>> No.12428759

>you're right but we should just not even talk about it because I might be right if we focus on a hypothetical alternate reality rather than actual history
Thanks I guess?

If you knew that you were wrong you should not have made the post in the first place. You are and have always been an idiot and I'm glad that the board as a whole has singled you out for it. Go back to redit

>> No.12428767
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Oh Hai!

>> No.12428791

I posted nothing wrong ITT
You have to go back.
Why don’t you guys rebuild stormfront back up and leave?


>> No.12428825


Hitler was a Socialist.

>> No.12428845
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Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph E. Stiglitz.

>> No.12428856

>socdem brainlet

>> No.12428866

>i swear all of the screenshots of my redit posts with my butterfly signature are fake! ur the 1 from redit!
>hitler wasnt a socialist and prussian socialism never existed and i dont have to make an argument at all for my crazy claims and now we're not going to talk about it anymore
>im not screaming for attention just ignore me if you dont like me lol
You're just not smart, like I don't know why you think having a shitty name is a utility to the board.

>> No.12428871
File: 166 KB, 1024x512, hitler on socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for (((you)))

>> No.12428874

>ever responding to buttershit, a poster who has been here for the better part of a decade and has not grown at all intellectually

This is a battle you must lose.

>> No.12428875
File: 166 KB, 1580x596, fascist economics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Wall Street and globalist bankers (some who also happen to be jewish) funded the nazis. Antony Sutton made a good book about it, also Götz Aly, Pierpaolo Barbieri and Edwin Black.

>> No.12428881
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>smearing propaganda
>me smart


>> No.12428886

Yeah but the fat fuck left for a little bit. If he was driven off once he can be driven off again.

>> No.12428907


If I remember rightly Hitler was a Roman Catholic. Communists and Marxist Socialists don't believe in God.

>> No.12428920

Neck yourself you retard

>> No.12428925

Did you even read it? Stiglitz isnt right wing in the least, he just hates the IMF

>> No.12428931
File: 799 KB, 2765x1308, nationalsocialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the neonazis itt please quit the bullshit? Fascism is the puppet of capitalism and your whining doesn't change that fact, grow up.

Nazis weren't socialists.

>> No.12428938

>I don't understand the difference between fascist and marxist totalitarianism: the post

>> No.12428947

>Fascism is the puppet of capitalism

>> No.12428952

Neonazis are such babies and worthless to talk with, you whine for anything.

>> No.12428962

I doubt any neonazis use 4chan, most of them are drug addict boomers

>> No.12428969

I wonder how many people on this thread have read Hitlers War by David Irving?

>> No.12428981


Neo Nazi's are NEETS

>> No.12429006

Not sure about that one, I find it hard to believe some tatted up skinhead is in college or works a job but they have to make money somehow. But I mean there's still like none of them on here lmao

>> No.12429041

fuck off whore

>> No.12429060

>these people browse lit
i want you to go back

>> No.12429067

your post is funny because you act like you're above them while you're semi-literate

>> No.12429199
File: 57 KB, 751x751, 1504997751708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nietzsche dabs on capitalism

>> No.12429271


>> No.12429303

>why aren't they more widely publicized
Literally because if the nazis. People are so terrified of believing literally anything these people did as long as its associated with the party

>> No.12429340

>Thanks I guess?
Some day when I feel more motivated, I will contribute more. Right now, these threads are filled with /pol/ tier contributors on both the negative and affirmative positions so it gets tiring. You seem to be on the general track of what appears to be the truth so I felt like adding to your post.

>> No.12429359

The Locksmith was the Socialist. The Painter was only a Nationalist - though he co-opted a Socialist organization to do his bidding. The Painter obviously had certain Socialist leanings, most of which were not politically viable in the conditions under which he ruled.

>> No.12429368

>Schmetterling hat nichts falsch gemacht!

>> No.12429380

What's your definition of right wing?

>> No.12429389

He is if you think the Cold War era US was socialist too.

>> No.12429406

>erst niekisch (sic)

Not right wing at all.

>> No.12429421

Fascism and socialism are both reactions to liberalism. In practice they both tend to resort to market practices of some kind or another. This is less embarrassing for fascists and national socialists as their ideology is not built around repudiating the practice of capitalism so much as solving its problems.

>> No.12429434
File: 136 KB, 710x1024, Voline - Unknown Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spooked.
Authoritarians. Capitalists. The religious.
The USSR was a con job. Possibly just delusional, but I think Stalin was shrewd enough to know there was little difference between him and Hitler.
Now we have assholes trying to bridge that already small gap with their meme ideology.

>> No.12429437

>What's your definition of right wing?
Chaining ourselves to the Left/Right Line Graph is only going to hamstring any discussion. Politics is more variegated like the faggot AIDS quilt than it is a straight line.

>> No.12430552

>Sorel's Reflections on Violence.
Sorel is great to understand actual fascism outside "muh ebil nazees". I also recommend maistre. He attacks the French revolutions notions of rights and egalitarianism saying there isnt any evidence such things exist in human nature. He also justifies violence as well saying it's a regenerative force to maintain a healthy population. His quote about animals and human history full of violence indicates it's a natural phenomena not an aberration.

>> No.12430562

>There was no singular thing to publicise and thats before you get into publication biases or the fact that the entire ideology became outdated decades ago.
This is pretty spot on. Although fascism is a reactionary force to a emergency situation. None of the fascist nations ever made it out of the emergency phase. Germany and japan obviously didn't make it past the war and Spain and Chile didnt get lasting results.

>> No.12430587
File: 414 KB, 1654x2339, wallst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chesterton, Belloc, Pope Leo 13, other distributists.

>> No.12430628

If you're not a capitalist then you aren't economically right wing.
You're probably just an authoritarian right whose critique of capitalism amounts to "it promotes degeneracy and doesn't tell me to kill niggers."

>> No.12431180

Thats not even what left and right refer to, you troglodyte. You can be right wing and be either either a capitalist (although you probably mean a liberal) or an authoritarian. Same goes for the left

>> No.12431203

They also funded the October Revolution

>> No.12431206

The Chinese Revolution too

>> No.12431219

Tucker Carlson desu

>> No.12431227

häng dich weg, du tunte.

>> No.12431230

Stop replying to this idiot

>> No.12431233

If Hitler wasn't capitalist, why did he purge most of the anti-capitalist elements of the party?

>> No.12431250

Thats a retarded question. Who was next door with a brand new economic system? And who had been the nazis primary opponent during Weimar? And what could Hitler accuse non-capitalists of being in order to place his own loyal people into office? Hmmmmmm

>> No.12431259


>> No.12431263

t. Americans

>> No.12431266

Feder is a good choice.
Julius Evola BTFO's economic beliefs like capitalism and marxism.

>> No.12431273

Why do you retards regurgitate this false bullshit
Read "The Wages Of Destruction" and get an education on what you're talking about
Hitler was closer to being a Communist than a Capitalist
I'm so tired of seeing this "fascism is capitalism in decay" meme in every thread

>> No.12431281

Fascism started out anti capitalists. Because the rare right winger who could rub two brain cells together realized that capitalism is a threat to nations and peoples. The Italian fascists where much smarter in this regard. Mussolini himself didnt start out too racist. He actually let jews live in fascist Italy and had a Jewish mistress.
It was of course, hitler, who came in with all the stupid racial shit. In the rise to power the nazi party absorbed the socialist parties. These people were called beefsteak nazis (brown on the outside, red on the inside).
Of course, then came the night of the long knives when any socialist elements in the nazi party were purged.
To this day there is a very small niche of nazis called "strasserists" who view hitler as a traitor to the revolution. Otto strasser said that hitler only did half a revolution. He only killed the jewish capitalists.

>> No.12431282

He would never accept it
He repeats throughout his works that the economy should have one role, to serve the people of the nation. Not the people serve it. The ecobomy should always have a subordinate role and be completely removed from politics.
He would never approve of capitalism or marxism or any 18th century economist theory.

>> No.12431314

>Fascism started out anti capitalists.
They were anti-capitalists, that never changed
Mussolini was first a Marxist, then a syndicalist, then a corporatist
All socialist theories

>Because the rare right winger who could rub two brain cells together
Imagine posting on /lit/ and thinking right wingers are stupid
>realised that capitalism is a threat to nations
The traditional right wing never supported capitalism so your point is moot

>Mussolini himself didnt start out too racist.
Mussolini stated he didnt believe in biological race, and later adopted Evola's view on race, which is that race of the spirit is more important than race of the body.
If you consider that racist then you're fucking paranoid.

>He actually let jews live in fascist Italy and had a Jewish mistress.
Hitler let Jews live in Germany too until they tried to crash his economy

>It was of course, hitler, who came in with all the stupid racial shit. In the rise to power the nazi party absorbed the socialist parties. These people were called beefsteak nazis (brown on the outside, red on the inside).
So you think you're being witty or something? The fuck is this. They didnt absorb the socialist parties they were a socialist party. Two wings of the party were Hitlers new doctrine and Strassers doctrine. Strasser was basically a nationalist communist, while Hitler was a more traditional pre-Marxian socialist.

>Of course, then came the night of the long knives when any socialist elements in the nazi party were purged.
Absolute nonsense you dont know your history at all.

>To this day there is a very small niche of nazis called "strasserists" who view hitler as a traitor to the revolution. Otto strasser said that hitler only did half a revolution. He only killed the jewish capitalists.
I'm happy you can read wikipedia articles
But please in the future dont comment

>> No.12431348

im not the one who you responding to, but at least use some arguments, because the first poster at least had arguments. all you do is "wow ur dum, educate urself xD im too lazy to argument my position"

>> No.12431355

Theres a reason fascists called themselves "third position" or "third way"
Not left or right, anti-positivistic but positive, neither skeptical nor agnostic, neither pessimistic nor optimistic, collectivism enhanced by individuals

>> No.12431363

I'm fairly certain I made plenty of arguments anon. Tell me which ones you're unhappy with and I'll provide my sources.

>> No.12431370

Because those stopped existing after the Japanese and German movements purged them.

>> No.12431422

How can we ever hope to have an honest discussion about third positionism and fascism when every thread is bombarded with champagne socialist heroes and dumb fuck /pol/tards
The philosphy behind these movements is very complex and interesting but barely anybody even fucking knows that these days because everything is a god damn meme
Cant have a discussion without it turning into shitflinging arguments over definitions or logical fallacies being thrown at each other
Believe it or not there are more than two economic systems and believe it or not economics was only important as long as it worked
The overarching philosphy of these movements was the most important thing that dictated everything else including economics

>> No.12431489

>Strasser was basically a nationalist communist
Nope, he was corporatist.
>while Hitler was a more traditional pre-Marxian socialist.
Lassale was contemponary of Marx.

>> No.12431555

It depends on what you mean by capitalism, are you referring to the entire mode of production as in (wage labor, private property, production for exchange instead of use...), if so then I guess Strasserists are the closest thing to rightwing socialism.
If you're using the word in the American politically illiterate sense as in "capitalism=free markets, corporations working with the govt is socialism", then I guess Hitler was indeed a socialist.
In either case capitalism (and all class societies in general) are fundamentally right-wing, the right might criticize some aspects about capitalism they do not like such as consumerism, but they never criticize it on a structural level, not quite as Marxists do

>> No.12431631

Why even bother to filter it? It's so distinctive its impossible not to notice, thus making it easier to distinguish and ignore.

>> No.12431640
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>In either case capitalism are fundamentally right-wing

How far left are you?

>> No.12431665

Not even left by my own standards, I'm just the average socdem guy who cringes at my own ideology everytime a crisis happens, when you understand how radical Marx's writings are you'll have a harder time calling yourself a Marxist.

>> No.12431673

Right wingers in general are fucking stupid. They dont read the actual history of things. They dont realize that fascism was severely anti capitalist. They absorbed their fox news watching boomer dad who thinks facists and communists are the same things mind slavery to capital.

>> No.12431695

Heidegger without question

>> No.12431706

lol national socialism is left

>> No.12431720

>le reactionary ubermensch (the only word they've read of Nietzsche's) fascismfags cant just filter the trip and start sperging out
Like pottery

>> No.12431750

Nock has some decent criticism of capitalism, basically he lumps it in with Marxism and calls them both 'economism' ie. philosophies that hold that the economy, material production, is the most important thing about a society. He contrasts this with aristocracy which he says develops high culture and great individuals. Nock is a bit weird though because he's a sort of anarchist that hates the state. When he talks about aristocracy he seems to mean people being left to do whatever they want to, and choosing to create a pleasant culture, rather than a nobility crushing its peasants. This is obviously incoherent lolbertarianism, but his basic point about the obsession over material conditions stands.

It's very hard to accurately represent Nock's views with our political terms, so I would just recommend reading his memoir, and the collection of his essays you can find online.

>> No.12431785

who are you quoting?

>> No.12431901

What do you think of Kuyper's sphere sovereignty?

>> No.12431945

Wtf? Hitler was a fascist. His economic is closer to a SocDem then Pinochet.