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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 640x623, 1536960780857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12411293 No.12411293 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/?

>> No.12411304

idk who that is but jesus that screencap makes me sick
discuss literature

>> No.12411313

happy for him desu

>> No.12411324

For all I know (or care) it could actually be a well-written, insightful, and mature piece of fiction, but his agent makes it sound superfluous, basic, and fashionable. Buzzwords like "raw" and "honest" mean very little and say nothing concrete of the work. If I had an agent and he sent me something like that, I don't know how I would react, but I would be very skeptical of his judgement.

>> No.12411395

raw and honestpilled

>> No.12411456
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There will be a reckoning for our arrogance, and we will wonder how we ever managed to delude ourselves into believing this golden age is sustainable.

I hope that when this does occur, people like "Cliff" and his agent suffer enormously. Even if they do, though, no agony could be sufficient punishment for the unthinking capriciousness with which they allowed all that we have achieved so far to be thrown away.

>> No.12411475

sounds good, too bad it's about videogames, but nobody is perfect i guess

>> No.12411490


>> No.12411492

This guy is probably a huge stain with disgustingly establishment views (that he thinks are transgressive).

>> No.12411506
File: 121 KB, 350x299, 1541980464164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an excerpt from the book. Feels raw and honest to me.

Let's frame some context here, first and foremost.

This is going to be a hard chapter to write, honestly, harder than my father passing, harder than my nephew dying, harder than reminiscing about meeting Lauren, harder than talking about the fall of my first marriage.

For those of you who don't recall, I worked my butt of for Epic Games (Gears of War, Fortnite) for many years, and Tim Sweeney, the CEO/primary owner, took good care of me. He paid me well, I had a chunk of the company, and hell, he's a really nice dude (brilliant, too) who I enjoyed going on long walks with and discussing the future of the company with. Heck, he and Mark Rein were at my wedding, remember. (Both, hah!)

Tencent is an ENORMOUS Chinese tech company, and, years ago, they bought out a really large chunk of Epic, including my shares, and I had a windfall of money, on top of what Tim had so generously given me in the Epic Bonus Plan. (Awwww, my first Lamborghini, in burgundy, who does that?)

Game development can be a VERY stressful business, I mean, we're not curing cancer or running Space X here, but for those who work in this biz it MATTERS TO US. We grew up with Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, all of it, and want to make our own mark on this (very small) business that, to be honest, feels like family. I huge 85% of my industry peers every time I see them, be it in downtown Raleigh (shout out to Squanch Games!) or at the Game Developers Conference. We've all seen each other at our best (shipping great products) and our worst (divorces, affairs, watching out for reach other if sloppy drunk) and if you fuck with one of us you fuck with all of us. We're like the Nerd Mafia, and we stick together.

So, with this windfall (after listening to Big Sean's "Live This Life" on repeat while pounding...

>> No.12411511
File: 174 KB, 1600x1168, depositphotos_190361356-stock-photo-father-disapproving-looking-son-playing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man, he is an effeminate disgrace. If this man was my son, I would be ashamed.

>> No.12411527

>harder than my father passing, harder than my nephew dying
is he a sociopath?

>> No.12411540

so it's just a narcissistic rant?

>> No.12411541

We're supposed to be jealous about this? The failure of Lawbreakers has absolutely ravaged this man.

>> No.12411548
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Why do so many adults still write at a middle school level?

>> No.12411558
File: 380 KB, 996x2048, Clifybook2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting that one
too kind.
the other one cliff posted to twitter was much, much worse.

>> No.12411573

I used to talk to this dweeb on IRC 20+ years ago in #unrealed. He's stupid, but he works hard. /lit/ needs to learn that lesson.

>> No.12411574

God I hate Americans

>> No.12411577

This has to be a joke, please tell me this is a joke
Why the fuck does he use parenthesis so much and as a weird 4th wall break
>and hell,

>> No.12411585

seriously what the fuck is with the parenthesis

>> No.12411595


>> No.12411650


>> No.12411662

>Hi, this is your literary agent.
>You know, the guy you PAY to help sell your books.
>I couldn't get anyone to say something positive,
>but maybe you can copypasta this in social media?

>> No.12411668

What should be done about this problem? It must be stopped

>> No.12411674

big yaiks

>> No.12411682

I get the impression that he doens't read outside of game design docs and so doesn't understand what other people use parentheses for.

>> No.12411687

>after listening to Big Sean's "Live This Life" on repeat while pounding

Is this like that erotica with the galloping abs? This is hilarious. I’m cracking up lmao

>> No.12411734

That's why you don't have an agent.

>> No.12412019
File: 59 KB, 480x480, yamate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden age
Not even gilded

America is held up only by the pure bravado of the boomers screaming "America is the greatest experiment"
When they open their eyes and see the failure for what it is it will all come collapsing down into blood and gore.

>> No.12412053

>(Epic docked me a vacation day, thanks guys, jews)

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12412054

what are parenthesis for?

>> No.12412073

>I flew up to (at the time) Connecticut for the funeral.
what does that mean?

>> No.12412079

There's probably a book within the book if you read all the parenthesis in reverse order.

>> No.12412099

but are parenthesis ever used in a literature work? i can't remember ever seeing them, people seem to use meme-dashes instead

>> No.12412108

borges uses them

>> No.12412164

I've seen them becoming interesting popular on twitter, I think they're a way to signal skippable but relevant information.

>> No.12412177

Didn't you hear? Connecticut was annexed by New York State.

>> No.12412193

>Epic Games (Gears of War, Fortnite)

Come the fuck on, he left before they even released the base game of Fortnite without Battle Royale. He had literally nothing to do with their current success.

>> No.12412194

did this happen?

>> No.12412195

what do you expect him to do? list literally-who games from when he was there?

>> No.12412200

How can someone who has been an avid reader of classics for years write like this? I assumed having good taste in literature would by itself make one write at least at a decent level.

>> No.12412208

consuming and producing are very different skills, his only writing skill probably comes from writing technical documents and shitposting on forums

>> No.12412218

officials insist that it was just a joke when asked, but social media is littered with reports of new york police assuming authority post the border

>> No.12412286

>Well, /lit/?


>> No.12412299
File: 10 KB, 480x360, christopherlasch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw every "normal, well-adjusted" person by the standards of this nigger stink failure society is a delusionally arrogant, self-important retard with the mind of an overstimulated child

I hate this place

>> No.12412306

This could be some next level post-ironic alt lit. I feel quite inspired reading it to write the most pointless, strangely structured sentences I can think of
>Tyler and Ben loved watching the classic movie The Shawshank Redemption

>> No.12412310

Notes from the underground.

>> No.12412313

Maybe then you could understand how your father feels.

>> No.12412320

It's like Elliot Rodgers without the serial killing subplot. Who wants to read a book where Elliot lives?

>> No.12412379

THIS is being published? I need to start writing ASAP.

>> No.12412385

Reminder he's 45

>> No.12412400

I like Cliff. Gears of War was a great video game series back on the 360. Happy for his memoirs or whatever.

>> No.12412403

care to elaborate?

>> No.12412407 [DELETED] 

>Epic Games
>literally who
the arrogance in this board is fucking astounding

>> No.12412410

It's arrogant to not know about some video game company?

>> No.12412412

I mean, he was the creative director for one of the best video game developers in the world... They're not publishing this because of his prose.

>> No.12412415

New sincerity ftw :) Everyone's just living they're lives. Why do you care? He seems happy, are you against happiness? Lol? Are you so bitter that you get upset when people are happy? Why do you care dude? It doesn't affect your life. People are individuals and can do whatever they want. I am just happy that people are happy. Everyones doing their best. We're all basically the same person. No one is smarter or better than anyone else lol who are you to judge? Wow you're soooo smart for judging and criticizing someone. Why judge someone lol? Why not just let him live his life? Why do you care so much? Im happy for others when their happy. I dont judge

>> No.12412427

wtf I was just saying I was happy for the guy. No need to sperg like a lunatic.

>> No.12412444

Conceited marijuana smoker

>> No.12412449
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>> No.12412472
File: 35 KB, 750x720, 1512047425037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet a woman was the one who praised him, i often experience that women are easy to impress

>> No.12412474

This is an autobiography/“tell-all”. That’s the only reason it’s being published.

>> No.12412496
File: 383 KB, 960x716, 170092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some elaborate troll ?

>> No.12412572

reads like my diary desu

>> No.12412580

you diary is shit dont bother with it

>> No.12412642

All rich people and video gamers should be hanged. Unironically.

>> No.12412744

literally where's the lie

>> No.12412757


>> No.12412797 [DELETED] 

kikes too

>> No.12412850

You have to be a big stupid nigger to believe any publisher read this and thought "we have something special here," except maybe if their thought continued and went like: "we have something special here- something especially shit".

>> No.12412856

You're a bad person, that's for sure. Someone wishes another human well, and you write this tripe in response? Good, keep going in the direction you are in. Of losing all empathy for other people, entering a chamber of distanced cynicism from which you are unlikely to return. Go, go there. You have forgotten what the fundamental virtues of living are.

>> No.12412863

You're a good person, anon. Ignore that troll.

>> No.12412922
File: 671 KB, 1000x1000, 12a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and redditpilled

>> No.12412975
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1518019319726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek best joke I've read in 2019 so far anon good job

>> No.12413026

lmao shut teh fuck up

>> No.12413027


are you an agent?

>> No.12413035


there's always been decadence and silly people, friend. If such a thing was possible, it'd be great to see the video game world recede or be rendered inoperable by some electrical phenomenon.

>> No.12413061


saved, love you, anon

>> No.12413077

I agree, why did people like Cliff let women into the video game industry?
It ruined everything, the golden age is gone.

>> No.12413103

your racism, antisemitism, misogyny and dehumanization towards ordinary citizens is not something i can endure any longer. if there's a God or Judge of some kind, just know that your offences to your fellow humans are being seen by them, and that thry will judge you justly for it. goodbye /lit/, i am not spending time in your toxicity anymore

>> No.12413117

k lol

>> No.12413131

An agent is supposed to lie and puff up their hack clients. That’s a good agent. Nothing here to discuss really.

>> No.12413220

It's more that women lie and pretend to be impressed more often than men do

>> No.12413409

they're so close and yet so far. if it was kitchen confidential set in the video game world, but in the sense of an actual video game (e.g. hyrule kitchen confidential) this would make an excellent read

>> No.12413419

>'every woman is my mom' syndrome

>> No.12413441

also unironically

>> No.12413850

Fuck agents. They are gatekeepers and should be shunned. The entire process is fucked.

>> No.12413906
File: 166 KB, 1024x937, Muammar-Gaddafi copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12413913

This is great.

>> No.12413935

western women are mostly your mom

>> No.12413943

I thought this was the guy from the Better than Food channel for a second

>> No.12414045

>I think, if it doesn't sound too grandiose, that what you could aim for here is
I would feel a pure disgust if the person genuinely wrote like this as a response to my work. My life should go horribly wrong long before I penned a work that would elicit such a garbage person to view me so highly.

>> No.12414054


Very Underrated post ITT senpai

>> No.12414118

is cliffy b writing a book?

>> No.12414169

One of the great posts in our time.

>> No.12414197

They’ve been coddled to think they’re brilliant. Social media just gave them a platform to scream into the void and confirm their brilliance

>> No.12414245


>> No.12414286

>(at the time) Connecticut
kills me every time this thread is posted.

>> No.12415024

He could have listed Unreal at least

>> No.12415106
File: 3.49 MB, 3953x3112, heming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This (so much THIS) is so (heck) stupid. I grew up (and still are growing) with Twain, Wittgenstein and Joyce (AWWWW shout outs to my guys). And I feel disgusted (eww!) by this basedboy

>> No.12415131

>(the nice but kinda dumb one, remember)

>> No.12415138

Have you seen any of the critique threads on this board?

>> No.12415258

You are a very humble person when you post screenshots of other people saying nice things about you.

>> No.12415365

Do you realize how anti-Semitic that statement is?

>> No.12415374


>> No.12415397

>kek, jews are richer and more successful then me

>> No.12415452

>implying he cares about it

>> No.12415667

For many purposes, the way he uses them is perfectly valid but not suitably terse.

>> No.12415692

And then everybody clapped

>> No.12415696

To point out Jewish people.

>> No.12416857

before i read this can one of you writer types confirm that parenthetical phrases have no place in printed literature? If i saw an email like this in basic bitch corporate america, i would assume they were stupid and childish.

>> No.12416873


>> No.12416880

I don't know who the fuck that is. What has he written?

>> No.12417055

He's a big vidya faggot

>> No.12417897
File: 18 KB, 451x451, 1526898955106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if 4chan can't criticize normal, well-adjusted people, who will?

>> No.12418041

this is 4channel, after hours facebook

>> No.12418055

On another note: is it probably necessary to use Twitter and social media to be a successful author these days? Twitter seems like such a shithole.

>> No.12418092

That exerpt was absolute shit. If I smeared my own feces on a page it would at least be coherent and of academic merit. This is just disgusting the same way that caked on garbage at the bottom of a dumpster is.

>> No.12418137

>avid reader of classics
Where does it suggest he is?

>> No.12418752


>> No.12418796
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>> No.12419390

I can't help but think he wrote it himself, just all the phrases and way it's being praised seems off

>> No.12419408

Why do they think in these kind of platitudes. We have to stop this bullshit

>> No.12419432

>the parenthesis
>the borderline sociopath
god he unironically deserves a lobotomy

>> No.12419437

i miss him brehs...

>> No.12419470

agents just want that percentage. most of them will blow smoke up anyone's ass if they have a built-in audience.

>> No.12419480

>This is going to be a hard chapter to write, honestly, harder than my father passing, harder than my nephew dying

Anybody else really love their nephew and is triggered by this?

>> No.12419481

Semi-related question. Is there anything money cant buy at this point? If something doesnt work you can just throw enough money at it until it does. Easy to fool "regular" people with media and "experts" singing praise to utter shit. I think whats really grotesque is that money is effective even at subverting traditional bastions of knowledge such as academia and other circles of experts. If you sink enough money for a long enough of time into it, you will have some very intelligent people constructing very intelligent arguments for something that might be objectively wrong. To the point that it might for all intents and purposes become true for perhaps even a duration of a century or longer. Does not money today single-handidly create reality? What can you even hope to accomplish by going against the flow of money? Only some kind of personal satisfaction from an undertaking that will most likely not only not bear any fruit but actually worsen your material (health, social and financial standing) condition. So when I read stuff like OP i have to ask myself who is the real idiot? The writer, the agent or us?

>> No.12419490
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, unabomber letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He writes like the unabomber

>> No.12419506
File: 211 KB, 658x577, 68E31613-71C3-43D1-85DC-FAE8197862E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tyler and Ben loved watching the classic move The Shawshank Redemption
>I flew up to (at the time) Connecticut
>this is a failure on TWO levels?
>the towel smelled like ...Butt.
>We're like the Nerd Mafia, and we stick together.
>I mean, we're not curing cancer or running Space X here, but for those who work in this biz it MATTERS TO US

>> No.12419557


Jesus this is worse than anything I could imagine this pathetic hack writing

Hasn't made something worthwhile since Unreal

>> No.12419593
File: 167 KB, 800x800, rudolf-hess-quote-lbk6x8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if there's a God or Judge of some kind, just know that your offences to your fellow humans are being seen by them, and that thry will judge you justly for it.
>implying God isn't "racist" "antisemitic" and "misogynistic"

>> No.12419595


>> No.12419597
File: 84 KB, 888x499, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you fuck with one of us you fuck with all of us. We're like the Nerd Mafia, and we stick together

>> No.12419605


I'm sure your schedule is absolutely filled with worthwhile pursuits

>> No.12419614

wtf I am the measure of all things now

>> No.12419655

[[Two comrade points have just been deposited into your account. Great work!]]

>> No.12419661

>when people like purge yourself from /lit/
nothing of value was lost

>> No.12419662

hold on was this shit actually printed? I thought this is some twitlonger post

>> No.12419666
File: 31 KB, 480x360, gad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will be forever with us

>> No.12419683

that they can be read by people who can only read middle school tier writing like most guys on here

>> No.12419746
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>> No.12419814

this is a word document dude