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12404426 No.12404426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>uncle anon, why do you read fiction instead of learning something objective and practical?

>> No.12404430

>Shut the fuck up, Emma.

>> No.12404456

Because life is what you make it, and I choose beauty and fulfillment over practicality and riches. Now pass your uncle a beer from the cooler.

>> No.12404459

Why would I learn something practical?

>> No.12404500
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>uh.. so you can buy stuff like icecream?

>> No.12404516
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>> No.12404519

I can buy ice cream and read the books I want. Now what?

>> No.12404520

god i hate you fags

>> No.12404530

>laughing in a kid's face
you're going to hell buddy

But I can do that already! I am happy with few possessions. We make our own sadness, see, when we are disappointed by comparing what is with what we think ought to be.

>> No.12404540
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You sound like a beta faggot, uncle anon.

>> No.12404546

Everything else in my life is already filled to the brim with practical things, so when I read I want aesthetics for the sake of it.

>> No.12404570
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>*grumbles about asshole brother and his wife*
>they're fucking shit i tell you
Ahh, you'll figure it out later kiddo. Let's go look for shells.

>mfw the kid will never figure it out because she is being raised by an ipad while her parents marriage falls apart

>> No.12404589

That last part is a little depressing. I see so many kids walking around with their faces glued to ipads these days, barely even noticing what's going on around them. It's a little alarming when you find out that the largest demographic on sites like youtube now are 2-9 year olds

>> No.12404596

Are you allowed to be in possession of these pictures anon ?
I mean by law.

>> No.12404601

Who the fuck is taking so many pictures of their daughter? I can't wait for the Islamic Caliphate to slaughter our people for their moral decadence
Inb4 >It's just an innocent bit of fun
You shouldn't normalize the sexualization of children in any form and this already too much
Shut it down

>> No.12404607

yeah. i've seen it happen to my own niece. fucking alcoholic brother, and his wife is fucking crazy. but i'm not the parent, and if there's one thing you don't do is tell parents how to raise their kids.

>> No.12404611

Three words: Spider-Man Elsa videos

>> No.12404613

Hang yourself, nonce.

>> No.12404691

genuinely the most disturbing stuff I have ever seen

>> No.12404702

You first, britcuck

>> No.12404720
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>> No.12404726

Shut the fuck up stupid roastie.

>> No.12404727


>> No.12404737

Gen Z is irrefutably and completely fucked beyond belief because this kind of content is targeting them and there's an overwhelming amount for them to wallow in.
I'd blame the parents but it's too late for humanity.

>> No.12404747

Plato's want for censorship in the Republic is starting to be more appealing to me by the day. Our society is becoming more degenerate every year at an alarming rate. I can't even go anywhere without hearing some new 17 year old rapper talking about his 10 baby mammas and drugs on the radio, and being applauded for living such a lifestyle

>> No.12404754

holy fucking shit of motherfucking fucks in fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuck

>> No.12404759

Imagine the smell

>> No.12404775

It's not even common inter-generational strife that this disconnect is about. The internet and the proliferation of pop culture fundamentally warps how young people view reality in a manner completely unknown to humans. This is not your dad's moral panic; it's more pernicious and penetrating than anything anyone has ever seen before.

>> No.12404781

Aww sweaty, you see, when uncle anon was your age he DID learn something objective and practical! He learned to read! And now he uses this practical skill to occasionally entertain himself in a healthy way. Understand? Maybe we can read together some day, it's much more fun than sitting on that boring ol smarty gadget you love so much ;)

>> No.12404788

pedobot, please don't come to /lit/.
We don't need more shitposters.

>> No.12404814
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>> No.12404828

Consider for a moment what the popular culture of young people is like to old people today. Imagine that distance increased 20,000 times and prepare take their place inevitably.

>> No.12404843

I wonder how things will play out when gen z starts having kids. A good part of the millennial generation merly adopted the internet. Zoomers were born in it. Molded by it.

>> No.12404851
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They never knew Christ until they were nearly a man. And by then He was BLINDING.