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12388756 No.12388756 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12388775


>> No.12388781

4chan reads Evola instead

>> No.12388783


>> No.12388784

the bible

somehow more humble I become more I feel like a megalomaniac

>> No.12388879
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>> No.12389008

The Art of the Deal by Donald J Trump

>> No.12389028
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Join seminary and become a priest.
Aspire to the papacy.
Easiest path to power. Slim but much more realistic than becoming president. No better time than now too considering that heads will be rolling because of the abuse scandal.
Unironically this.

>> No.12389065
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This OP!

Join the church anon!

Make no mistake, we'll make the Vatican great again. Stop at nothing. Bring the inquisition back. Resolutely denounce Protestantism as damnable heresy once and for all. Latin Mass only. Expand the Papal State to her former territorial glory. The possibilities are limitless. Now's the time to join, heads are rolling in scandal and promotions will be in order in another decade or less. The righteous have nothing to fear.

We are restoring the Church anons!

>> No.12389080
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This is the future anons


>> No.12389085

why is the Papacy easier than becoming a billionaire and funding my own private army and launching a coup?

>> No.12389087

This is starting to make sense.
Ad astra friendos!

>> No.12389123
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whoever makes it first and restores the order of kek has to repurpose the catacombs as collective basement

>> No.12389136

what's making sense anon?

>> No.12389149
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>> No.12389154


>> No.12389190
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I-I'm scared anons. 4chan is a radical board and it's no longer a bunch of pedophile NEETs. There are young and ambitious men on here, some of whom go to Ivy League universities and thus seemingly well connected.

A-are we actually going to see the next great man come from fucking 4chan?

>> No.12389212
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>Moby Dick (Identify with Ahab)
>The Old Testament (Identify with God)
>American Psycho (Identify with Bateman)
>Perfume (Identify with Grenouille)
>Any de Sade, try to get off to it
>Blood Meridian (Identify with Judge)
>Any Evola you can stomach
> The Fountainhead (Identify with protag)
>My Twisted World, read this last and after your practice it should make some sense to you because you're a fucking psycho.
Make sure you drink a lot of coffee, cocaine and amphetamines if you can manage it. Fuck blood pressure. The goal is to inflate your opinion of yourself and your importance while also harboring some crippling paranoia and insecurity. You need to balance incredible shame and self hatred with a constant projection of aggrandizement.
>Read your way right into narcissism and megalomania starterpack.

>> No.12389230

It's gonna be a wild couple decades bro.
90% of them will lose the 4chan cultural influence once they start putting their lives together. That last 10% though... gonna be some next level shit.

>> No.12389303

You have nothing to fear unless you belong to the exact mold of predecessor you describe. And if you do, then you should be afraid. Be very afraid because we'll make the current legal system's application of justice look like it's just a slap on the wrist in comparison. Paedoophiles and homosexuals will be burned alive once the great one rises to power (papacy, presidency, etc).

>> No.12389359

4chan's a bunch of narcissists, all these fucks think they're going to be the next big deal.
A leader needs followers, ride or die type dudes willing to risk everything for the movement. 4chan culture will never generate enough of those absolutely necessary components of social change.
The only reason people fell in behind Trump was because he was a joke, they love jokes. But when it gets real it's not gonna be a joke, nobody's going to want to obey, and the whole thing will crumble to a better organized group.

>> No.12389365

>>Any de Sade, try to get off to it
Wrong. Getting off to anything represents surrendering of power. To add, de Sade was a degenerate hedonist that never achieved anything with his life, and were it not for him being born into a wealthy family, he would have amounted to nothing at all and never would have been published.

>> No.12389375

memetics transcends groups and their organization

>> No.12389378

Don't be ridiculous, the male erection is an aggression and should be treated as such. Jacking off to de Sade trains you to put others' wellbeing and health at a lower priority than your own orgasm, therefore dominance.

>> No.12389384

>Wrong. Getting off to anything represents surrendering of power.
sounds like you're projecting, homo
not everybody is a bottom bitch

>> No.12389387

Nope. Nobody from here will ever risk their safety and cultural position of privilege on the direction of a more alpha guy. Look at how pathetic the "alt right" is when people come out and join. Everyone's got their own weird costume they're trying to stand out among their own crowd. That's nothing like black block, which is a symbolic anonymous group in support of a single vision.
If someone could subvert the inherent narcissism of the users of this website and turn it into some level of glory in martyrdom, that'd be something. But it'll never happen.

>> No.12389393

That's the illusion of power. You feel like you have it but in reality, you don't. Celibacy is what made the Catholic church such a powerful institution. You have no power if you lack autonomy.

>> No.12389394
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you sceptical about the role of media in influencing radical political action? because I am. that's why I came here a few years ago. I found a place to make that idea funny to myself. You guys really hit me with the narcissism shit. Thank you.

>> No.12389398

hoo boy

>> No.12389410

If you are impressed in anyway by the yabbering idiots which constitute this board, or think they will in some way be successful, then you are, in all sincerity, a moron.

>> No.12389415

>Celibacy is what made the Catholic church such a powerful institution.
Enforcing celibacy is what made them powerful, not actually practicing it. "Nothing exists, everything is permitted"

>> No.12389437

Social media including 4chan is a direct democracy. So I don't think it will ever foster any kind of radical action. I'm a member of some discord groups of lefties, they're crap too except for they're all willing to change their behavior based on their ideology. The ideology is good at self propagating because it doesn't require too much, just needs the memeoids to subvert their own needs in favor of its propagation.
So all they're really sacrificing is a shame-free existence (if they're white or male), some saturday afternoons when they show up for a protest or demonstration, and a normal social life, which they probably weren't going to have anyway. Social consequences of membership in that group are not as high as membership of some radical right group, because of the history of the right and it's portrayal in the media. Thus, nobody will sacrifice for it. Success needs to be nearly guaranteed, and it never will be from 4chan because of all the contrarians, memers, anonymous support isn't real support, etc.
one thousand ropes pull in one thousand directions, motion doesn't happen.
I'm talking on here like I know shit, but that's because I'm also a narcissist and I somehow think my ideas have some importance. Guarantee you they matter a lot less than I seem to think they do as I'm typing this all out onto an anime forum.

>> No.12389449

You'd be surprised the type of person who lurks and posts.

>> No.12389462

Imagine samefagging this blatantly

>> No.12389465

>Social media including 4chan is a direct democracy
4chan is a monarchy, retard.

>> No.12389470

You won't get through to a religious fanatic, it has only one goal and nothing else matters for it

>> No.12389473
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>> No.12389487
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>> No.12389493

Why should I study math?
I've taken up to calc 3 and stats as needed or my field of study. Fucking hate math classes though that work load kills me.

>> No.12389499
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>> No.12389507


>> No.12389508

4chan is living proof of the viability of communism

>> No.12389516
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No. That's like saying you can't earn a million dollars unless you earn it all at once. If they want a million dollars, give them a ten and tell them to wait.
Learn to meditate.

>> No.12389520

This, it's always funny to see /pol/tards crying about commies... while posting on a communist website, lol

>> No.12389528
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>> No.12389532

4chan is a clusterfuck

>> No.12389537

why would math be a prereq for nu age silliness

>> No.12389554
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undr threat

>> No.12389558

so cryptic

>> No.12389597
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>> No.12389625
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>> No.12389684

based schizo poster

>> No.12389776

Isn't Atlas Shrugged more megalomaniacal than The Fountainhead?

>> No.12389792

The Fountainhead is more readable and can induce a sense of self importance more efficiently.

>> No.12389827

I come from a rich family, went to a good school, was always a bit weird but accepted because good looking/rich/etc, and am now climbing the ranks of the entertainment industry in my country.
I've thought about this often, if all keeps going my way in ten years or so I will be a relatively influential and very well connected guy, and my mind has been absolutely warped by this place. I can't be the only one. What does that mean for the world?Are there others with similar experiences?

>> No.12389839

It'll be fine. You'll get your head right as things start coming together for you. Having skin in the game is a solid antidote to radical thought.

>> No.12389849

on a similar trajectory here

survival is solved. life is a game. why not be radical?

>> No.12389880

because soon you'll have something to lose. Far right or far left the cost of radicalism is high.
There's a reason the only place you can convince a 20something guy to become a suicide bomber is a desert shithole overrun with an intellectually bankrupt theocratic tradition.
As soon as you have a career, a gf, a novel you're working on, some friends, fuck even a book you enjoy reading or a brand of coffee you like drinking, you're not going to want to sacrifice it.
That's how western culture and capitalism is going to take over the world. Nice things. Anons can rail against hedonism all they want but that doesn't get rid of the nagging sense of dread about death that comes from enjoying literally anything.
Unless you could remove the consequences for coming out as a radical on the right (as the left is trying to do for its own radicals) you're never going to have any kind of revolution or social change. Like I keep saying, you need followers, and all we have here are a bunch of wannabe leaders.
Some leader should come along who is able to remove the consequences for speaking and acting, and then we'll have it made. Until then, anonymity.

>> No.12389918

it's not primarily about politics, instead I want to talk about purpose. god may be dead, but with radical material abundance comes spiritual drought. you may not have experienced the lack of meaning yet, i feel it intensely. hedonism leads to nihilism

>> No.12389922

The real question is, what happens when those of us who are silently radical attain positions of relative (most often non-political) power? Will we "mellow out" for the sake of keeping what we have or will stealthily attempt to act on our old ideas?
The second is my fantasy as of now, but every day that passes the first one seems to be more probable.
P.D. I'm not a Nazi or anything retarded like that, I'm radical in a more reactionary/neo-feudal sense as I was raised in old money.

>> No.12389963

I'm no nazi either, I'm very anti-racist. I still have beliefs that would get me fired. Probably we'll mellow out, unless we can find a way to network based on ideology. Seeing as any time we try to get together we get infiltrated and doxed it'll likely never happen and we'll stay closeted til we die. The control of the narrative is lost so entirely to lefties that it's almost not even worth it to resist.
I don't think radical material abundance causes spiritual drought every time all the time. I've dealt with the sad nihilist trap before and could offer some advice if you wanted it.

>> No.12389975

please do. how did you manage to create or embed yourself in meaning again?

>> No.12389991

Not that guy, but basically, I started assigning value to the world around me. Instead of hoping for some sort of metaphysical transcendental "meaning" I was going to magically discover after enough effort, I began to feel the Earth as its own meaning: whatever or whoever put us here put us here so that we can enjoy this place, ups and downs and good and bad. It sounds a bit cheesy but it's really helped me along.
The meaning of life is life.

>> No.12390001

worldly appreciation and having (material) values does not seem to imply any objectives

>> No.12390016

It's hard because everyone's different, but for me I felt very empty entering adult life. I believe it occurred due to a childhood loss of religion, the feeling of presenting a mask to the world, and, strangely, having everything go my way with career and networking stuff.
What it took for me to get over it was a sort of radical self interest. I took stock of the kind of guy I was and the kind of guy I want to be, who has the things I want to have. Thus, I rededicated myself to my friends, my girlfriend, and my family. Literally I text my friends more frequently and I let them know how important they are to me. Not all the time, but occasionally. Sounds pretty gay but I think they all got used to it. I call my mom and dad more frequently and I go out of my way to be a really good boyfriend. I drive down to my sister's college town to hang with her more frequently too.
Other than that, I kept extending myself until I found challenges again. I had never failed and it felt like I was a fake person if that makes sense, like I was a game piece controlled by some alien intelligence that interacts with me through my subconscious and train of thought, and not a normal guy. Once my efforts and personality weren't enough for a situation far outside my comfort zone and I failed I realized how much I belonged with humanity (sounds dumb I know), I relied on those people I previously talked about reaching out to, I bared my soul and failure to my mentors, I cried in front of my gf for the first time. you would not believe how kind people can be when you let them know you need it. They'll reach out and soothe your soul if you give them the opportunity.
i don't make a habit of it obviously because that would be manipulative, but that's kind of what washed me clean of the whole "meaninglessness of life" thing.

>> No.12390018

It doesn't. Objectives and meaning are not the same thing, though your worldly objectives could help you find meaning. What do you want? Power? Money? Women? To write a classic? Focus your energy on getting these things then and enjoy yourself, but the value you attach to them has to come from yourself, otherwise the search will be necessarily unfulfilling.

>> No.12390051
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thank you for your wisdom, and you may want to read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid

>> No.12390070
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>Once my efforts and personality weren't enough for a situation far outside my comfort zone and I failed I realized how much I belonged with humanity (sounds dumb I know), I relied on those people I previously talked about reaching out to, I bared my soul and failure to my mentors, I cried in front of my gf for the first time. you would not believe how kind people can be when you let them know you need it. They'll reach out and soothe your soul if you give them the opportunity.

Anon, congratulations.

You are the protagonist of life.

I can't wait for the inevitable downfall arc as you go from the most lovable person since Jesus to the next Antichrist, realizing we are all worthless and deserve death.

I look forward to the shooting. Please give us new material to read through, like the Gentleman.

I think the girlfriend is not trustworthy. Beware.

>> No.12390073

I know about spd man I'm a psychiatry resident haha I really don't think I have it.

>> No.12390078


>> No.12390085

I suspect that seeing yourself as a protagonist is a trap. A person's life isn't so easily boiled down into a coherent narrative, thankfully.

>> No.12390087

I saw this because I highly doubt anyone would try comforting me if I ever suffered. My mother would just ask me to kill myself with her, my friends would not answer my texts, my theater mates would likely find the situation outwordly.

I am also a very nice person to everyone (I try to be) outside my family, but I highly doubt they'd return my niceness.

If anything, I'm just nice because I want to feel loved. However, I don't trust anyone.

>> No.12390097

You are too nice to be true.

There are very shitty people out there, Anon.

I'm just worried you'll come home to your girlfriend banging two men, or someone robbing you of everything and leaving you penniless. People abuse those who are nice.

This world was made for devils, not for saints.

>> No.12390105

Shit. That sounds lonely. I'm down to get in contact if you need someone to speak to, I'm pretty busy but I love my fellow /lit/ autists.

>> No.12390120

I was trying to explain how I regained a less cynical view of things. I don't think I'm all that nice. I've read Job, I know how this could go. Not so unstable if you keep the right mindset though, Job is one of the funniest jokes ever told if you look at it the right way.

>> No.12390205

blessed and redpilled.

>> No.12390230

It´s a start bros
Be a good guy, sperg and leave traces of communism in your library and cpu (the opposite of the commie who stabbed Bolsonaro)

>> No.12390231
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>liking catholicism solely for the triumphalist bling of the vatican

for shame

>> No.12390741

Yeah the catholic church and eastern orthodox church are really lame

>> No.12390962

fuck off your dirty protestant