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/lit/ - Literature

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12372657 No.12372657 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12372661

A black ponderer is certainly exceptional if not influential.

>> No.12372662

This nigga has a 40min video on Capital.

>> No.12372724

Wow something is really off with this video and I can't quite put my finger on it

>> No.12372749
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you are just intimidated by a black intellectual

>> No.12372760

This guy's shelf is pretty decent.

>> No.12372769

It's like he's being forced to film himself saying nonsense. Creepy.

>> No.12372778

this is fucken gay as shit

>> No.12372779

Is race just a product of empirical habit?

>> No.12372783

holy shit

spoopy thread

>> No.12372784

i think he's only reading ironically.

>> No.12372787

omg blacks can read!?

>> No.12372789

nah, it's an intersection of ethnicity, language, history and culture

>> No.12372796

He's saying things, but the way he says them are just so convoluted.

>> No.12372812

Try his videos on Aristotle. They might seem a bit more "natural" to you.

>> No.12372870

Joke racism
Real racism

>> No.12372884

fuck off

>> No.12372913

Based Blackman, I hope he gains the respect he deserves.

>> No.12372924

he died last year

>> No.12372935

he left during his peak like all the greats.

>> No.12372945
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one of our boys at /x/ did some african rainmaking rituals and brought him back

>> No.12372972

Is there a single black person that is capable of refraining from mentioning that they are black?

>> No.12372976

clayton bigsby

>> No.12372986

At 19:00 he is just reading sparknotes.(notice his eyes) After he is finished he continues to reinterpret Kantian metaphysics to study race relations.

>> No.12372997
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>So I said a lot there, in case you didn't, in case you missed it, what Immanuel Kant. Let me give you an example. Now let me use this book, right? Now, uh, let's not even focus on what the book is about, lets just talk about the object of the book. Now let's look at this book, what is this book, right? What is it? WHAT is IT?! Like you got the cover! Like its got a front cover; all books have a front cover. You might be like "ugh, this front cover is, y'know, kinda boring. Just got this old white guy on the front cover". You might think "Wow its pretty big, got a lot of text" uh you know its over 600, almost 700 pages, text is small. (unintelligible) this is boring (unintelligible) I don't like it. Somebody like me be like "Oh wow its got a lot of text, beefy, its got a lot of ideas, yall like dis" but this is the book right, pages front cover back cover, this is a book.

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

>> No.12373022
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>> No.12373023

I skipped to a random part of the video and he was talking about race. It never fails, black intellectuals never about anything other than race.

>> No.12373039

Who do you think writes the scripts

>> No.12373045

His parole officer?

>> No.12373174

holy shit he actually fucking says that.

>> No.12373198
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>> No.12373204


>> No.12373218

I applaud this nigger for trying to stop being a nigger, even though he failed miserable.

>> No.12373307

Hey, leave him alone. I like this dude.

>> No.12373360


>> No.12373372


>> No.12373378

Time to sub

>> No.12373381

>Black Black: the black Black (did I mention I was Black?)

>> No.12373389

Your ebonics is peeking through

>> No.12373397

Racist like this guy >>12372787
makes it hard to do so. Race is a construct.

>> No.12373399

>Immanuel Can't

>> No.12373401



>> No.12373509

Saint Augustine

>> No.12373514

I’m glad that god color coded dumb people.

>> No.12373519

Yea, anyone without yellow skin is pretty dumb.

>> No.12373523

he was a fucking half-Berber Roman reeee

fucking leftist Americans

>> No.12373527 [DELETED] 

Hey not all whites are dumb.

>> No.12373536

what the fuck is he talking about, why is there shitty porn music playing in the background. this is very, very /lit/, not least of all because i doubt he even read the book and it seems like he's just talking in circles around it to hide that

>> No.12373539

Julius Caesar

>> No.12373542

niggers have a spiral tendency

>> No.12373557

this man is like a decaf /pol/ack, just as pseud and delusional but with a gentler schizophrenia

>> No.12373581

scipio africanus

>> No.12373584

William Shakespeare.

>> No.12373589

yeah racialism is schizophrenic, people with much smaller brains, ugly physiognomy, no history of civilization and violent tendencies are definitely as smart as asian MIT students. The disproportionate number of rapes of white women by black men and the unusually small number (both absolute and per capita) of rapes of black women by white men is because of oppression and racism, white men have domination of white pussy (which they rape far less often) and hate black women. Also, humans, because they’re all equal, should never have organizers or leaders who exemplify, represent or order the whole of largely mediocre but instinctively submissive masses. Everything about the current global economic order is good, or its not and its actually evil nondescript (but really we mean white when we say capitalist) economic elites (but not the political establishment or socially disruptive cultural influencers at universities and think tanks and in the media), its very normal for Jews to completely control American media and have enormous influence over middle east policy. You can explain all of this with /pol/ has schizophrenia, and that’s why we’re left (but vote in democratic elections for DNC candidates and have nothing to say about the intelligence agencies, israel or the security state aside from lip service during non-election years). Its normal for people in the middle and botton of the social ladder to suddenly have less sex when social media is mass proliferated and the feminization and fattening of the male population is good because of technology (which we know will automate away most jobs and is owned and purposef towards the ends of the very elites we despise; but its based because homo falc because obviously the retarded, easily placated population must naturally have the will to seize the means of production when the entire uberkultur is framed around sedating and counterfeiting the natural impulses of the feminized, fat and retarded masses for the sake of addicting them to cheap stimuli and trapping them in meaningless easily transposed temp occupations all in the very same industries that destroy their social cohesion and sense of self). But maybe not, maybe its just human choice and thus the hand of the market claps the cheeks of the whore that is the human race and we all get our eye roll orgasms as we roll deeper into oblivion and that too is good and sanctified but not the idea that blacks could possibly be stupid and violent, this is much too much for me and for you comrade. Even conceiving of the notion that a whole race that adopted emojis and bet as their cultural currency is possibly uncreative and extremely submissive is offensive to my and your sensibilities comrade/desu anon-kun :3. If Deutsch bank fails its because 135 iq finance majors are dumbies and don’t understand the finer points of keynesian or austrian economics, if the economy crashes its because gay catboy falc is imminent.

>> No.12373618


>> No.12373643
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see this is exactly what i mean, this is such an edgier, more paranoid schizophrenia. try and watch some Black Ponderer and realize you can talk in circles about nothing without being so scared and tweaky

>> No.12373647

Jesus Christ

>> No.12374590

where do i find this test?

>> No.12374599

>Gets right into identity politics

Woah how surprising

>> No.12374603

What's wrong, nigger?

>> No.12374655

/pol/ in shambles

>> No.12374727

I'm not smart, I'm late for dialysis session.

>> No.12374737

hehe you’re awa so scary and tweaky anon-kun, silly anon i don’t know what you’re talking about? what do you mean that black people have a narrower left shifted bell curve? you’re saying there 16 male geniuses for every one female. nyaaa anon-kun why do honosexuals have upwards of 4-10x as many pedophiles as heterosexuals??? *nuzzles your 401k* anon you know you can’t trace who owns all the mutual funds and that 17 trillion in personal wealth is hidden in offshore tax havens and that all central banks are chaired by people part of the same inner circle as the financial and political elite? Anon-kun Israel is our ally and its not weird to me that an Israeli mossad asset is one of the most powerful hollywood producers or that another one used contractors from the Israeli intelligence community to spy on women he raped : 0

>> No.12374760

Pol is for faggots and everyone in this thread is fucking stupid

>> No.12374787

Its true that’s why Benjamin Netanyahu said 9/11 was good for Israel and why PNAC was written by elite neo con Jews who constantly met with Israeli intelligence teams liek douglas feith and paul wolfowitz. Central America has an 80 iq and the world’s highest murder rate because of bannana republics, if it weren’t for whites giving them medicine and sanitation they’d have empires that sacrificed tens of thousands of people every week to blood gods. Metallurgy was introduced to Africa by caucasoids and to china by steppe people but we are all equal!!!1! >:(

>> No.12374954

Can this be memed onto the back cover of a Wordsworth edition?

>> No.12374969

This man clearly didn't recieve a formal education in philosophy but I appreciate him taking the effort to read the primary text instead of some secondary pre chewed crap.

>> No.12375025

>This man clearly didn't recieve a formal education in philosophy
so he's actually smarter than I thought

>> No.12375039
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Why do negroids constantly call themselves "Black..."? Other prominent youtubers I can think of are Black Nerd and Some Black Guy. Why are they so fucking obsessed with their race?
On the subject of OP's video, I haven't seen it as there's no point to watching some inferior african-american embarrass himself with delusions of understanding Kant for 25 minutes. I'm sure he'd had a grand time reading of the sparknotes he found online.

>> No.12375065
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Fantastic Analysis my friend.

>> No.12375083
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His introduction reminded me of this and I lost it.

>> No.12375105

He literally addresses it in the video why he calls himself The Black Ponderer.
He does it to be funny.
He's right. I don't know why you need to express such hatred toward him. Even if he is 100% wrong, he's not a bad person. Leave him alone.

>You might look at me and say, "Oh, this is a black man. What the hell is this guy doing talking about philosophy", right? Or you might be impressed, like "woah, this guy's black and he's talking about philosophy!", right. And even the name of my title is 'The Black Ponderer', and I just did that to be funny, ya know *chuckes* I just get a good laugh doin'it. But really, is it that remarkable that I'm talking about philosophy and black at the same time? Not really ha.

>> No.12375108
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>E-Manuel Can't

>> No.12375281

this, he seems like a nice guy even if he's talking complete nonsense. had anyone watched any of his other videos to see if they actually deal with the text?

>> No.12375315

In America, no. Black American culture is obnoxious with this sort of thing (and a lot of other things).

>> No.12375343

>be student at Howard
>take philosophy 101
>professor Marquis DuPont-Lamotta walks in
>places his XtremeMac Tango speakers on the lectern and docks his iPhone
>plays a song and starts his powerpoint presentation, the first slide just reads 'Track 01: Skype - Incoming Call (Penguin Mix)'
>turns to class
>"aight real talk, Kant was a racist"

>> No.12375360


Racism is simply misplaced misogyny. Sanctioned misogyny only rebukes women inasmuch as they frustrate men, and stops short of Ontological misogyny, that is to say rebuking the woman thoroughly, first and foremost in and of herself, and correctly seeing her abomination relative to man only as a peripheral byproduct. Redirecting these thoughts at other men makes their implication easier to bear.

Renounce the woman like a man and you will see all men as your own kin.

>> No.12375370

why the "black" ponderer?

>> No.12375375

He's kind of a meme, I like the guy.

>> No.12375377


>> No.12375400

>is it that remarkable that I'm talking about philosophy and black at the same time? Not really ha.
It quite obviously is considering that a typical nog averages in the mid 80s IQ. It's remarkable that he can read at all.

>> No.12375506

These people are just jealous of black enlightenment.

>> No.12375557

based & redpilled

>> No.12375580

All you losers do is raid the YouTube channels of people more interesting and less neurotic than you are

>> No.12375628

the camera is moving

>> No.12375720
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Dde is secretly a Nick Land Fan

>> No.12375813

It is hard to find black people that aren't retarded like this guy, he is completely different from the average black person.

>> No.12375818

He'd probably be bullied by them.

>> No.12375919

Important read for everyone who thinks niggers can be intelligent:

>> No.12375935

No, delete this now or my bull is going to be angry.

>> No.12375947

He's different from most people faggot.

>> No.12375956

Not really.

>> No.12376158

If women want big dick so bad they might as well fuck horses. Fucking thots.

>> No.12376276

>All white people read literature and philosophy

>> No.12376289

Don't even kid yourself, this shit is much more prevalent in Asian, white and Jews as well as white people and middle easterners from south america.

>> No.12376874

Sort of based, but the penguin edition is shit with a shit translation

>> No.12376959

It's a pun on black panther obviously

>> No.12377712

He was a full numidian berber

>> No.12377767

does black acceleration exist yet

>> No.12377803

>/pol/lacks: god black people are so dumb, pick up a book for once
>based black man with interest in philosphy and literature appears
>/pol/lacks: fuckin niggers faking it, once a nig always a nig

>> No.12378137

He's rare.

>> No.12378309

I subscribed to him and the Dm’d Him on Instagram, he got another fan :)))()

>> No.12378352

James Ferraro never mentions it

>> No.12378371

do you think if he hadnt and someone had made this thread using him as an example of a public intellectual the first response would not have been “niggers can read?” ? only others can point out his “condition” but if he does so himself it is... what? excessive? why dont you think a little harder.

>> No.12378557


>> No.12378571

It's legitimately pathetic how obsessed with these things this whole site is. It just makes me feel like I'm surrounded by children.

What the fuck dude, grow up already.

>> No.12378573

He should be philosopher-king of the negroes

>> No.12378599

U kant touch this yo

>> No.12379153

cmeon fellas lets keep it rollin '
black jews kikes dick and weed cock pussy faggot fuck buck shit rip iq of 26

>> No.12379169

sometimes I make a racial joke and mean it as a joke but then retroactively interpret my own words in an actual racist way because I like how it sounds.

>> No.12379200

That's a dumb way of looking at things. transfaggotry is a meaningful trend in modern culture.More importantly the nigger has always been a critical element of the american psyche as posited by Jung, because blacks act as the mental dumping grounds for repressed psychic contents of well to do (anglo) whites. Maybe you're European in which case you couldn't possibly understand how deep the negro is embeded in the minds of even the most intellectual American. I'm being 100% serious here too.

>> No.12379207

4chan you're really shit

>> No.12379225

go back

>> No.12379229

in his video on marx he says "he says labor is basically getting gyped by capital" lol

>> No.12379237

i always feel sad for these people who put all this effort to be pro youtubers but only get like 5000 subs, i saw some kid who did like 50 video game playthroughs with high production value, not one video had more than 500 views, kinda sad, he shoulda shilled himself on social harder

>> No.12379251

Angela Davis

>> No.12379277

Afro futurism

>> No.12379357

Go back to your favourite bluepilled place if rae realism causes your feelings to booboo

>> No.12379404
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the eternal female

>> No.12379410

more proof that a phd has become literally worthless
t. grad student

>> No.12379412

how do i get a phd

>> No.12379413

when the 3-5% european blood in him is yelled back by the 95-97% negro blood

gotta feel bad for him, you can tell he wants to be smart, but you just can't beat being born into the brainlet race

>> No.12379419

have a clit and go to college

>> No.12379420

have a vagina and stubbornly want to prove to men that you can do it, you can get the phd too

>> No.12379432

>phd in philosophy
>writing in thesis in a work you haven't already read 5 times
>"woah wtf this blows my mind"

>> No.12379442

maybe she speaks english as a second language but what really gets me is when she says "reading the philosophy", very awkward. she is a clear brainlet.

>> No.12379463

someday, long after high school, you'll realize that the edgy provacateur is a phase and in really bad taste

>> No.12379468

mc ride

>> No.12379504

how does it feel being so fucking blue pilled you dont even know where your stupid meme ideas come from?

im responding to you but literally everyone in this thread are fucking retards.

>> No.12379507

nigga is it you?

>> No.12379524

I'm 28.

>> No.12379533

wow you are so funny do you have any other jokes? wanna call someone a nigger in person or are you a fucking coward as well as a retard? :)

>> No.12379543

i will call anyone a nigger in real life, you can come alone or you can bring your brother, your homies or your whole housing project.

>> No.12379551

“i will call anyone a nigger in real life”
t. a 130 pound manlet with a weak chin and a mouthbreather face

go take a shower faggot your dick stinks

>> No.12379555

>nigger's only response to being insulted is to threat with violence
What a sad, sad race of ""humans"". One day I hope evolution will take pity on you (and by pity I mean a global, negro-annihilating airborne virus)

>> No.12379584

come to mumbai and you will meet your maker, shaquan.

>> No.12379608

im not even black jokes on you both. once again enjoy being so bluepilled that you dont even understand where your ideas come from.

neither of you are as clever or as funny as you think you are. try actually reading a book instead of just pretending you do online.

> a straaanger online who has nooo wayyyy of reaching me “threatened” viiioooleence oohhh noooo
first of all i cant even imagine being this much of a pussy, second of all it’s really a shame that you cant go back in time and fix your reading comprehension skills but i hope youre ok with being a brainlet forever bc youre gonna have to get used to it.

>> No.12379702


>> No.12379708


>> No.12379714

It's okay to be black, you don't have to be ashamed (just joking, being black is horrible and you should feel horrible)

>> No.12379839


>> No.12380313


>> No.12380317

>He was a full numidian berber
Wrong but even if he were, North Africans and Horn Africans are still caucasoids. Negroids btfo yet again.

>> No.12380319

ITT: let's make fun of a Youtuber because nothing is more /lit/ than collectively arguing how not /lit/ a random Youtuber is, especially one that's black!

>> No.12380326
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>> No.12380330

>nothing is more /lit/ than collectively arguing how not /lit/ a random Youtuber is
/lit/ has been doing this for years. Remeber the virgin booktuber who only just got back? /lit/ bullied her of the internet for months.also

>> No.12380333

Yes, I saw the thread when it was live and thought it regretful, and consider it somewhat less regretful that I found it somewhat funny.

>> No.12380697

It's like he's reading from a script, only he's dyslexic

>> No.12380843

They managed to get an animal to read.

>> No.12381048
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>> No.12382326

You are no better than he, Pajeet.

>> No.12382346

>pathologizing racism
>stigmatizing schizophrenia

stop doing that you fucking LIBERAL

>> No.12382388 [DELETED] 

Mumbai madhye kuṭhe?

>> No.12382433

Thank god blacks have white daviors like you to protect their valor on the internet. Thank you massa thank you. Maybe daquan will let you fuck his wife and make her squirt

>> No.12382473

Yeah, many of the great philosophers allowed the social conditioning of their era to bend their judgments toward racist and sexist tendencies which is also ironic because much of their ideas transcended much of that. Just goes to show that dwelling too far into abstraction can lead one astray from practicality.

>> No.12382500


>> No.12382559

huh yeah right, tell that to all the Indian scientists and mathematicians and deep history of architecture involving complex science and mathematics. Also all the Indians that work for big tech companies.

>> No.12382562

>that middle-aged woman in the comments telling him he needs to understand Aristotle and Hume first before diving into Kant

>> No.12382574

>Indian scientists

>> No.12382594


>> No.12382617


>> No.12382623


There Indians on that list you fucking retard.

>> No.12382641

huh, once they become American citizen then they are not Indian, they are American. You fucking racist

>> No.12382648
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>> No.12382751


>> No.12383277

Many of the great philosophers allowed the social conditioning of their era to bend their judgments toward racist and sexist tendencies which is also ironic because much of their ideas transcended much of that.
Just goes to show that dwelling too far into abstraction can lead one astray from practicality.

>> No.12383349

black people cant be philosophers