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File: 41 KB, 330x508, 330px-Atomised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12373874 No.12373874 [Reply] [Original]

Why does every Houellebecq cover have to be like this?
I live with my parents and siblings, I can't get a package, open it, amd this is the cover of the book I got. They'll think it's some pornographic shit.
Fucking Fr*nch people, I swear to god

>> No.12373879

Submission's cover is bland and inoffensive, try reading that one.

>> No.12373882

You can't let them read the back cover before they lynch you?

>> No.12373883

it's an english edition you faggot leave the french out of this

>> No.12373889

>They'll think it's some pornographic shit.
Well..it kind of is

>> No.12373918
File: 256 KB, 1663x2560, 81CI4XLzj2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll check it out.
I could, but the damage has been done as soon as they see the cover.
Yeah, but they don't need to know that.

Just to be clear, they wouldn't actually say or do anything, but I don't need their shit desu. Like they would keep theur mouths shut in the moment, but then a month later in the middle of an argument they'd go "Oh shut up anon, at least I don't buy books with naked girls on the cover".
I think my best option is just to buy them with other books, and quickly put it away before they come and ask what I got, they're nosy fuckers.
Pic related, they'll think it's some pedo shit.

>> No.12373921
File: 92 KB, 323x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what my cover looks like, try getting this edition.

>> No.12373935

I think your best option is to move out. Or have your books delivered somewhere else, like a dropbox and pick them up there.

>> No.12373938

Who gives a fuck what they think. Grow a pair of balls and own that shit

>> No.12373953

I had my girlfriend's endlessly snarky mother give me shit for the cover of the edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover I was reading during the holidays. She kept saying I was reading pornography, and I'm pretty sure it was just because of the cover and not because of the actual novel itself, which I'm fairly sure she's not familiar with since her hobbies seem to include nothing but watching Netflix and engaging in sarcasm.

It's interesting how people will accuse you of reading "pornography" while they're watching an non-stop litany of visually graphic sex scenes in television series. It's the same sort of people who say the song "Baby, it's Cold Outside" is sexually problematic while being simultaneously enamored with popular hip-hop that maintains a constant narration about banging sluts in the ass while banging other sluts in the ass on the side while getting head when not banging sluts in the ass. My point is that people are hypocrites.

>> No.12374030
File: 504 KB, 454x600, 1448509227524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Yup, it's a woman all right

>> No.12374048

What are you, 14?

>> No.12374054

this triggers me so much since I got on Tinder
travelling, food and netflix aren't interests ffs

>> No.12374068

>this triggers me so much since I got on Tinder
I only started hating women after getting tinder, which i uninstalled to prevent becoming patrick bateman
>I love naps, netflix, dogs, w o n d e r l u s t
>mexican food
>take me on an adventure
>ummm im like sarcastic asf
its all so tiresome. You can group women into about 5 categories. I haven't seen what the tinder selection looks like from a girls perspective before so I wonder if the guys on there are similarly horrifically the same

>> No.12374077

>food isn't an interest
wut. 'Netflix' (TV and movies) and travel can be too, although I'll grant you they're usually used as a substitute for 'I like telly and holidays'.

>> No.12374088

I stopped reading Houellebecq on public transport for this reason. Too many funny looks. If it's such a concern read it as an ebook.

>> No.12374100

>men complaining that women don't have hobbies
What the hell? Isn't that kind of obvious? Hobbies are, generally speaking, a male thing much more than a female thing. You might as well complain that you can't find many women who watch sports, drink large amounts of beer or scratch their genital areas.

>> No.12374129

yeah, dude! vidja, hitting the gym and getting wasted with the bros! Men are the best!

No one is superior for the conditions they were born with, that's just a coping mechanism if you never achieved anything. If starting conditions defined you then all of us are 100% inferior to millionaire sons and daughters and our race or gender doesn't matter since they can achieve and achieved most thing we'll ever try.
Most people are victims of society and interchangeable in most regards.

>> No.12374190
File: 82 KB, 293x456, 9782081471757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking Fr*nch people, I swear to god
His books always have simple boring covers in France. Blame it on Anglo publishers and their awful taste.
Also, stop caring so much about what other people think. Houellebecq is one of the most famous writers of our time, if your family doesn't recognise the name on the cover it's on them.

>> No.12374205

get a po box or move out fag

>> No.12374229

moving out is for gay retards. hurrr i want to pay $1100 per month rent so i can fuck a 6 off tinder twice a month eat my dust basement dwellers

>> No.12374237

How on earth did you manage to read 'scratching their genital areas' and assume I think men are superior? Having hobbies isn't inherently superior, it's just a different way of spending your time- one that I think happens to be more common among men than women.

As for the rest of what you say, I've no idea how you think it relates to anything I said and can only assume you just wanted to type a thing. If that's the case, you've achieved your goal.

>> No.12374271

And if your household isn't particularly bad you're missing out on observing other people and the nuance that comes from understanding others.
That should have some value for someone interested in literature. A lot of issues understanding, and even more creating, fiction is this obsession with forcefully isolating yourself.

>> No.12374300 [DELETED] 

It's just some assblasted woman anon. Who cares? They literally can't get it.

>> No.12374591

>tfw between the rock which thinks I think men are superior to women and the hard place which actually does think men are superior to women

>> No.12374596


Shut it, roastie.

>> No.12374601

that's what you get for being a centrist

>> No.12374620

just tell them it’s about hippies

>> No.12374648

>t. Salty roastie with massive college debt

>> No.12374651
File: 158 KB, 676x1080, hollaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch cover best cover

>> No.12374658

the fuck is wrong with you and your family?

>> No.12374666

American's are such prudes, this is what you get when your country has its cultural origins in Puritanism

>> No.12374692

This fence is my fence

>> No.12374694

this fence was made for me

>> No.12374695

Isn't it worse if they recognise the name? If he's known for anything, it's being the prophet of inceldom

>> No.12374829

>NEET loser who lives with mommy and buyfags complaining about getting what he deserves
Mommy has a right to complain about what you buy with your allowance money and bring under her roof, little anon.
They say that shit to you because not a one of them deems you worthy of respect. You are the betabux bitch boy and they want to let you know it. Start lifting, grow a pair, and see whether or not that changes.
The absolute state of /lit/. Not a single pair of testicles if we put all of you together.

>> No.12374839

I'm not American, my family are just very traditional, and only accept nudity if it's tasteful or artistic.
The Houellebecq covers just seem provacative. My Dad unironically uses the word degenerate.
Anyway, it's not as big of a deal as this thread suggests, I just find it annoying.

>> No.12374846

I am in University, not NEET, please relax

>> No.12374874

order one from a different publisher faggot get the edition called 'the elementary particles'

>> No.12374884

Is it the same translation, just a different title?

>> No.12374900

yeah i think so, frank wynne

>> No.12374929

Can't have anon looking at boobies!

>> No.12374940


>> No.12374946

Holy fuck what a salty roastie.

>> No.12374957

That wasn't even a misogynistic post you dumb roastie. This is, however

>> No.12375015

>you can't find many women who watch sports, drink large amounts of beer or scratch their genital areas.
This is actually pretty easy.

>> No.12375024

>Anglo publishers
Is that even a significant category?

>> No.12375302

it's tiresome, but most men are like that too
also "I love naps and dogs" is just a normie attempt at humour (at least so I hope)
literally everyone likes food and going on trips and watching TV is pretty much the most boring and vanilla way to spend your time
get off 4chan already and start doing something with your life, femanon
I'm not even talking about your typical male assburger hobbies that require investment, just normal interests that show you have some amount of individuality or curiosity

>> No.12375320

> My Dad unironically uses the word degenerate.

>> No.12375386
File: 288 KB, 1594x2422, de318a64a898774d5c477967fde3d73bf20c9d00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the spanish edition by Anagrama, sexiest cover of them all.

>> No.12375412

>literally everyone likes food
Sure, but you can definitely make a major hobby of it by getting into cooking. That rabbit hole is as deep as you want it to be

>trips are boring

I seriously think you've been memed into thinking that because something is popular it's therefore uninteresting/unfun. Going to new places is very definitely fun.

>> No.12375418

this , for real, for your own good

>> No.12375423

>living at home with parents and siblings with no privacy and no trust or understanding
>decides to read depressive houellebecq novels to confirm his biases about the ugliness of the world instead of trying to improve his situation

am i projecting? i want the best for you anon. this kind of blackpill shit is not good for you at this stage in your life

>> No.12375436

Your parents know that you read books abour incels?

>> No.12375445

>not a single post about ripping the fucking cover off
I literally ripped the front cover of one of my wordsmith books because it's so awful

>> No.12375457

>only accept nudity if it's tasteful or artistic
anon novels are art

>> No.12375504

no fucking way

>> No.12375575
File: 465 KB, 1200x1827, las-partículas-elementales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12375595

Okay, I'll find it then.
We all do. He is pretty fucking redpilled about some things, but completely naive about others. So it's pretty good that we can talk about anything freely without worrying about being "offensive".
Uh yeah, that's actually pretty accurate. I'm not a very happy person in general. I have a couple of specific things that torment me, I won't go into detail but it's not the typical incel shit, I promise.
But I find reading/watching/listening to bleak/depressing thing cathartic, and a release that helps me. It's probably not good when it feeds my negative thoughts though.
Yeah I know, but it's just owning a book with a sexually provocative image as the cover, especially because it's a photo and not a drawing or something

>> No.12375630

I have this one

>> No.12375676

90% of the girls who claim to "omg LOVE food" can't cook for shit and you know this

I actually made a mistake in that post, I meant to say that TV is boring, while trips and food are something that literally everyone enjoys (and so not worth including in your description, unless you're either a hardcore globetrotter or a great chef)

>> No.12376082

I cannot believe this.

>> No.12377523

"'What's it going to be then, eh?'
That was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie and Dim, Dim being really dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar making up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening, a flip dark chill winter bastard though dry."

>> No.12377840

Unironically prefer the one with the old dudes

>> No.12377845


>> No.12377852

why are vintage covers so good

>> No.12378543

>Caring what your family thinks of you
>Having a family
>Not buying local from a secondhand shop
Nigga wat.

>> No.12378551

If your famalam is petty enough to laugh at good taste, fucking send them to the Sahara and let the Saudis nuke them when they make a fake sea.

Job done. Enjoy books and reap life insurance.

>> No.12378555

>women can’t into logic
>women are bad at rhetoric and have no oratory skills
>women have trash diction unless drilled by elite instructors into miming male loquaciousness or driven by dykish ressentiment, self-alienating high iq and hatred for their fathers and lovers
>women think that sowing and book clubs are hobbies
lol at you

>> No.12378556

None of mine look like that.

>> No.12378564

Remove the bad so that you may become good.
Buy the book. Rip the cover off. You will thank me one day.

>> No.12378572

Its always nice when someone still uses Greek letters in their post to describe personality types and other meme phrases because it means you can disregard the post entirely.

>> No.12378581

I hate traveling.

>> No.12379873

shut up, Emerson

>> No.12380982

my highschool teacher gave it to me as a graduation gift. she gave others treasure island and stuff like that. wonder what she meant

>> No.12381178

>It's interesting how people will accuse you of reading "pornography" while they're watching an non-stop litany of visually graphic sex scenes in television series. It's the same sort of people who say the song "Baby, it's Cold Outside" is sexually problematic while being simultaneously enamored with popular hip-hop that maintains a constant narration about banging sluts in the ass while banging other sluts in the ass on the side while getting head when not banging sluts in the ass. My point is that people are hypocrites.
You seem to be pretty much on point. These people lose their shit when they see books with sexual content, despite most of the time not being the books main point, while at the same time watching series that use sex scenes to catch an audience. So i would even argue that the see that they see and listen is even "worse" in that regard.

>> No.12381218

Well they are interests, but boring and vague shit that everyone likes.
Never got much the boner for travelling desu, most of the time people just want to travel and move to other big cities that are basically identical with a few expections and details. Most fun i had while travelling was seeing historical places and the diferent climate landscapes. Paying a fortune just to go to another city shopping, clubbing and street walking with the only diference being the native language and the city being a little more degenerate or not, seems useless.
Maybe im just too close minded.

>> No.12381243

Most people don't know how to travel really. They'll pay out the ass for shitty services and experiences they could have had at home too.

>> No.12381289

>And if your household isn't particularly bad
>Finding a good household
lol, im not even the previous anon, but your solution isnt nothing but a pipe dream. I much prefer to be in my parents house in a 100% rural area surrounded by nothing but nature, closing myself in the bedroom shitposting and reading in my free time, rather than in the shitty apartment i have in my capital city that looks like a russian ghetto.

>> No.12381333

its a shame their god awful spines and crappy book quality ruins it.

>> No.12381340

Same. City life is fucking disgusting