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12370082 No.12370082 [Reply] [Original]

>he subvocalizes, reading out loud in his head every shitpost on the internet, internalizing subconciously all the whiny and pathetic greentexts he's read here
>he takes hours to read 50 pages, and think that less than 150 pages a day is enough
>"but what about comprehension", the brainlet cries.

>> No.12370085

Subvocalizers are indeed pitiful creatures. I wish I could them all down, as an act of benevolent mercy.

>> No.12370086 [DELETED] 
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Good job projecting, faggot.

>> No.12370098

I'm pretty sure you can read 50 pages in an hour fully giving intonation to them, maybe you need anxiolytics.

Maybe you'd remember your verbs if you actually read full sentences.

>> No.12370102
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do people above the age of 4 actually do this?

>> No.12370111

I subvocalize all /lit/ posts with effeminate, nerdy voices

>> No.12370131
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Huh, you're right. One of the perks of not being a subvocalizing brainlet is the ability to process the information at a rate much quicker than even my decidedly fast typing speed. Sometimes it backfires in embarrassing ways such as a post above, since I never proofread. Well, at least you can avoid that, being forced by your limited intelligence to pronounce every word in your head as you slowly drag your attention across the sentence.

>> No.12370134

These threads make me super self concious and concentrate to much on not subvocalizing

>> No.12370146
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>> No.12370154

thank you

>> No.12370167

yep, it's called smelling the roses.
pretty nice way to live life even if I have to pick what books I read with slightly more care.

>> No.12370177
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>mfw can read effortlessly without subvocalising but read out loud when nobody's around because I enjoy the sound of my voice

>> No.12370183
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>tfw I read out loud when people are around and get standing ovations when I finish a chapter or scene

>> No.12370198

>actively killing your inner voice
Npcs the lot of you.

>> No.12370220
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>being inner voicelet

>> No.12370250

>im big smart so I write basic sentences wrongs
ok buddy

>> No.12370475
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Defo gonna try that from now on.

>> No.12370533

don't fap too much!

>> No.12370764

I feel ashamed and I can't help it

>> No.12370805

Is not subvocalizing an actual thing? Doesn't seem possible.

>> No.12371015

wondering the same thing, should i try to practice not sub vocalizing or is it only possible if you never have originally

>> No.12371019

if you learn to speedread it will come natural
but it's obviously not the right way to read anything with prose, it's a content only kind of thing.

>> No.12371029

>there are adults on this very board right now who subvocalize
Do you also still need help wiping your tushy after doing No.2?