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12350938 No.12350938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books gave you this feel?

>> No.12350948

My diary desu

>> No.12350951

War and Peace

>> No.12350961

i've never played a video game, am i missing out?

>> No.12350965

Anna Karenina

>> No.12350971


>> No.12350986

I haven’t played in a long time so this is mostly nostalghia, but Resident Evil 3 and the Metal Gears I played were great. Sometimes I talk with friends about PS1/PS2 games and drop titles like CTR, Dinocrisis, Black, Megaman x4, GTA, Drive, etc. and I don’t regret playing any of those

>> No.12351026

Les Miserables

>> No.12351042
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>> No.12351054

12 rules for life

>> No.12351076
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Short answer: all of these.

>> No.12351114

At least 40% of the books on that list are not going to give OP what he wants.

>> No.12351137

I haven't played a video that made me feel like this in forever

>> No.12351163

Unironically never let me go

and this >>12351076

>> No.12351189
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Well, what book?

>> No.12351204

The God Delusion>>12351189

>> No.12351216

Honestly, imo, you missed you, but you shouldn't worry about it much anymore. Video games are best consumed by kids and teens, and they had far more impact before the internet. If you start playing them now, they won't affect as they would have when you were younger, and very few modern games are unique and have the same amount of polish and effort as older titles did.

If you're planning on having a kid, wait until you can play with them, so you can enjoy it vicariously through them. If you aren't, maybe try getting into VR.

>> No.12351251

the iron heel

>> No.12351254

Remarque - all quiet on the western front and the black obelisk.

I think Catcher in the rye, back in the day... A farewell to arms i guess...

>> No.12351258

the trial

>> No.12351267

My most recent finish: Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12351273

A little life

>> No.12351275

You guys probably aren't a fan, he's not a classic writter or anything, but Brom's The Child Thief really got me, mostly because Peter was such a fucker in it.
God damn his paintings are good to.

>> No.12351283

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

>> No.12351292

Reading The God Delusion makes you crouch in a shower and contemplate suicide?

>> No.12351301
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>> No.12351320

what is No Longer Human and why is it liked?

>> No.12351340

What is Nausea and why is it liked?

>> No.12351383
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>> No.12351398

This book was great. I read Kathe Koja's Cipher after and it was a perfect compliment.

>> No.12351405

What is the Bible and why is it liked?

>> No.12351469

Ha! Cucked!

>> No.12351509

Sex and Character

>> No.12351582

This in reverse is Top Tier. Otherwise American competitive garbage.

>> No.12351615

Hardly a decent game has been released after 2008 but the 90s-00s classics were pretty fun.

>> No.12351847

Have never played a video game that gave me this feel
for books, most recently Kawabata's Master of Go

>> No.12351986

>finish a truly horrible book
I have never done this.

>> No.12352007

Honestly this though-- It was like saying goodbye to an old friend

>> No.12352012

As I Lay Dying

>> No.12352023

Memes aside, BOTNS made me feel this. The ending is just kind of abrupt but somehow perfect. Should I read Urth of the New Sun? I almost feel like it could spoil the feeling of mystery that the ending of Citadel left me with.

for me it's Naked Lunch

>> No.12352059

Games have been one of my main hobbies for the past 20+ years and the only game to make me feel the magic I felt when I was playing games as a kid and teenager is Red Dead Redemption 2. Everything else i've played in the last 10 years has paled in comparison. Literature and films regularly grip me and I lose myself in them, videogames not so much.

>> No.12352157

Gravity's Rainbow
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12352188

It’s become a meme at this point, but Moby Dick. I’ve read it twice but will often pick it up to read one chapter here and there because they are generally short and sweet. Lots of other long books with short chapters are like that, Anna Karenina and Don Quixote too.

>> No.12353727

You missed out on a lot of amazing stuff back in the day.
But now? Games have simply hit the wall. Nothing exciting is coming out anymore because it's been done.
It's only worth getting into if you have a solid group of friends to play with, but even then, just wait for the VR era to actually happen (Which will probably take 3 years).

>> No.12353967
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pic related most recently. also Piers Plowman, the Panchatantra, the Shahnameh, and Animal's People
but when I was a tween I got this feeling from One Piece and Berserk. it's weird thinking back on that. if I read One Piece now...I'm not sure how I'd react. is there really that much craft in that manga, or did I just not know any better?

>> No.12354016

Truly a great book. Addie's section still gives me the feels every time I think about it

>> No.12354170

Give a chance to one game called begginer's guide

>> No.12354171


>> No.12354341
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this guy right here

>> No.12354410

Why Me is so sexy is this a gay porn?

>> No.12354428

>finish it anyway
Could reading be abusive experience?

>> No.12354438

You don't know until you try

>they don't make them like they used to
Lawnmowers, please

>> No.12354464

>The Painted Bird

>> No.12354648

Plato's Apology

>> No.12354676

The Wasp Factory

>> No.12354681

My Twisted World

>> No.12354774

Not sure ive felt this way in a long time, though possibly One Hundred Years of Solitude, and Infinite Jest even considering the last 80 pages or so is a phantasmagoric cluster.

>> No.12354782

Memoirs of Hadrian. Pls don't turn this book into a meme

>> No.12354790

The Idiot

>> No.12354837

Seconding this, also highly recommend The Stanley Parable. TSP is probably the best way for a nongamer to segue into the medium, it’s short, shows off some of the primary literary techniques that are unique to games, and demands basically no technical skill.

I think beginner’s guide is best played after TSP but it can stand on its own well enough.

>> No.12354890

American Psycho.

>> No.12354977
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The Things They Carried
GoodNight Punpun

>> No.12355058

Play Dark Souls.

>> No.12355216

11/22/63 by stephen king, the main characters life in that town was just so lovely (and his final reunion with the old self of his past love interest)

the 13th volume (or 12th?) of the dresden files (the one with the epic final). Best showdown i have ever read, fucking amazing i still get chills thinking about it FUCK IT IS SO FUCKING AWESOME GO READ DRESDEN FILES FFS

>> No.12355223

Growth of soil by Hamsun. Made my life better.

>> No.12355384

>the best way for a nongamer to segue into the medium
isn't it the other way around though? I mean the game's whole thing is to explore and subvert common literary tropes in video games, so it'd make sense for people who are already familiar with the medium to enjoy it more

>> No.12356412


This, and maybe Planescape Torment

>> No.12356430


>> No.12356497

>Reading a book.
>Realize it is not of my liking 20 pages in.
>But I can't drop it. Can't be a quitter all my life.
>Check how many pages are left ever 5 I read.
>Read those pages fast, ignoring most of the prose and skimming through sentences.
>Wait... Who is this guy again? No matter; got to push through.
>Read nonstop when 80 pages are left, drinking coffee and staying up all that night.
>Finish it and toss it across the room half an hour before going to work.
>Feeling like shit due to lack of sleep, almost cutting off a finger during the shift.
Worse than waterboarding, desu.

>> No.12356555

Magic Mountain

>> No.12356666

Depends on what you want
Do you want balls to the wall action? Mindless fun? Long sessions of strategic thinking and planning? Tryppy experiences?

Um sure there is something to cater to your needs

>> No.12356703

More like a truly terrifying book. Sections of The Idiot bordered on psychological horror. Truly not for weak effeminate readers like Tchaikovsky

>> No.12356723

>TSP is probably the best way for a nongamer to segue into the medium
congratulations, now that you've sat through some meta jokes you lack the context to appreciate you are finally ready to spend 10000 hours clicking on guys to make jam spurt out

>> No.12356770

yes but you saved so much time not playing garbage games

>> No.12356910

Huh, I'm experimenting with getting back into games through RDR2 and so far I'm not feeling it. Seems like a whole lotta talking and plot, but it's obviously not nearly as well-written as a good movie (still less a good book).

Meanwhile the actual game parts are fiddly as hell thanks to the controls, and it seems to involve a lot of work (keeping character fed and rested).

Early days yet though, so it may grow on me.

>> No.12356978

Unironically,historical novels,especially "The Egyptian" by Mika Waltari

>> No.12356998

say that to my face you fucker and see what happens

>> No.12357254

autism is a hell of a thing

>> No.12357447
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>> No.12357483


>> No.12357734

why tho

>> No.12358780


>> No.12358805

Fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.12358844

I know that feel. My parents never let me play vidya as a kid, so now I don't have any feelings of nostalgia for games, nor the desire to start. I have lots of time for reading though so it's all good.

>> No.12359084

I love story driven games. Games that made me feel like that pic was Nier Automata, truly great. Right now I’m playing Persona 5 and it’s giving me the experience of belonging.

You can only feel that with Japanese games. Bad Jap games are just repetitive, loli grinds, while the good ones are basically ART. The Jap care about art.

Western games can never achieve that level because they only have two goals. Make money (executives) and push diversity propaganda onto men. (Diversity hires)

If you want to experience games that approach Art, buy Nier Automata. Persona 5 is not on the same level, but great if you feel lonely, isolated, or purposeless.

>> No.12359094

Can someone PLEASE tell me clearly what makes Moby’s Dick so great? This is coming from a non lit fag. I honestly just want to understand.

>> No.12359112

I thought that was an okay book. Awkward, but a fine read. Why did you hate it so?

>> No.12359115

Have you read it?
It starts with a strong premise just to throw you in the very basic and constant elements of a particular type of work. You are tricked into identifying with a working class man and then feel the process of specialization that defines him.
Like Shirobako but with strong men instead of cute girls.

>> No.12359127

RDR2 doesn’t even come near to that level. Fun and engrossing, but drags on too long. Can’t compare.

>> No.12359143

I felt that at Anna Karenina but War and Peace really didn't touch me. Perhaps I'm too much of a brainlet or haven't payed enough attention to it.
I read Anna first and had a lot of expectation to war and peace and honestly was kinda disappointed

>> No.12359148

How am i ever going to read literature then? Big tombs have NEVER successfully absorbed me like the YA dystopias I read in the past.

>> No.12359382

All the Pretty Horses

>> No.12359578

I didn't hate the writing or storytelling per se, it was very readable and in fact I breezed through it. It's the content that made me feel extremely uncomfortable for days and want to scream under a shower. I've never before encountered such depths of depravity in any media or real life.

>> No.12360679

Not really. I mainly play them for the satisfaction of executing skills and overcoming challenge, something that's quite hard to find in my real life in such a direct format. They can be very gripping in that sense, a violent focus, but there's not many that are worth playing in the lit sense. Perhaps some isometric RPGs.

>> No.12360689

one of the only modern video games that relishes its own medium and doesn't try to a skinners box or a movie

>> No.12360711

The Giving Tree

>> No.12360729

The Idiot traumatized me

>> No.12360766

conversations of Socrates by Xenophon

>> No.12361469

hary poter

>> No.12361482

>1984 above Brave New World
Why do i come to this board?

>> No.12361490

nah fuck videogames. i mean when they were fun they were fun but they wasted so much of my youth and my and my parents' money and they did jack shit for me. probably 50% of the videogames i ever played were actually good and only 25-50% of the time spent playing even good games was actually worthwhile and fun.

>> No.12361500

Fight Like A Girl

>> No.12361525

The medications, the story, they style.

Really a good book.

>> No.12361559

Pierre in jail with that wise peasant whose name I forgot, Andrei's death.. That's some of the best stuff I've ever read

>> No.12361581

The only game to make me feel anything was Lisa: The Painful RPG, and my emotions were nothing like OP's image, It was similar to the feeling I had after reading Berserk's Conviction Ark.

>> No.12361596

The ratio of good/bad video games is lower than any other kind of entertainment.
This is inevitable, because making a good immersive game is expensive (good graphics, sounds), so to make profit you have to cater to kids and plebs, who make the bulk of the gaming population.

But a few manage to succeed, for example Portal is a modern classic IMO (despite being kinda reddit).
Also Far Cry 3 is an immersive and well done game, despite the simple Hollywood flick-like story.

I should also mention that I don't give a shit about indie/ugly games or some tryhard obscure shit that hardcore gamers jerk off about. I've wasted way too much time trying those games out only to be disappointed. A video game will NEVER compete with a book in terms of story, so why even try to make some "deep" indie platformer, it's dumb.

>> No.12361611

Depends. The point of games is interactive story telling so trying to explain that kind of shit to a laymen, then basing that game on that merit, is pretty hard. Especially when gamers are just used to all the other bullshit to find the little stories that we tell ourselves that we created out of the experience.

The best examples of this include Dark Souls and King of Dragon Pass. If you want, you can start off small and play something like Journey (which is a solid nugget reflecting that kind of experience) although if 8 year olds in the 90's can figure out KODP then you probably can as well.

However, there are also a lot of Japanese games that are super repetitive but weave together just stunning stories, like in the Persona series.