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/lit/ - Literature

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12344635 No.12344635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your philosophies/ideologies and why? Are there any books that represent this or have even influenced you?

>> No.12344655

Because I’m sane and want to live happily

>> No.12344665

Epicurus is okay but not worth shilling the way you do

>> No.12344710

My philosophy for life is this: actions speak louder than words, and I need to take control of my life and pursue happiness, as long as it isn't immoral or harmful. I believe that every person intakes a certain amount of "opium" in their life, whether it be watching videos or browsing websites (just something unproductive). Essentially, we need to break these opium patterns and better ourselves as individuals,and always be ready to take initiative and pursue our dreams and goals. It is only through progress do we improve for the better, and that could be anything, from going for a hiking trip, to reading an educational book. I believe in respect and obedience from a higher power (God), but I also believe that I must not let any human dictate my life by making decisions for me, and that I need to take control of my life in order to steer it in the direction that is best for me.

It's a very "had enough of being down in the dumps" attitude, but it is a very precious belief that promotes action.

Can't say I got it from a book though, but I did form it over time to change my boring life. I just wanted to be something else instead of a lazy gamer, so that's what I did.

>> No.12344731

All life is a text, and there is nothing outside the text
(basically I realized I’m always wrong)

>> No.12344766

Esoteric Hitlerist.

Most influential books:

Bhagavad Gita
The Genealogy of Morality
Political Theology
Decline of the West
Mein Kampf
The Lightning and the Sun
Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar

>> No.12344770

>I’m sane

>> No.12344845

I'm a Platonist
Complete Works of Plato
The Enneads by Plotinus

>> No.12344865

His ideas is just filling me up.

You should read as much books as you can and make your own picture. After that you'll find yourself.

>> No.12344955

>What are your philosophies/ideologies

The strong must protect the sweet.

>> No.12345037

Sadly my ideas are too novel and original to allow me to afford risking sharing them online before I finish writing my book about them.

>> No.12345069

Fuck the rich
And fuck brown people

>> No.12345087

Atheist christian
4chan and dosto

no books, fuck rich people doe

>> No.12345430
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Society of the spectacle
because I want to be free

>> No.12345452

I go by the manta: live, laugh, love
I dont read lol

>> No.12345465

I try to read as much as I can and formulate some kind of philosophy that I can say I actually adhere to, but at the end of the day I'm just Rieux from The Plague.

>> No.12345512

based wine aunt who wear yoga pants that show off her big ass

>> No.12345531


>> No.12345536


>> No.12345543


>> No.12345551

Techno-Anarchist, only because I was raised in a government town and see the futility of governments and political ideology that ignores the need of the masses to favour the few.

>> No.12345555

No. I don't believe in anything. How many times must I tell you that? I don't believe in anything anyone; only in Zorba. Not because Zorba is better than the others; not at all, not a little bit! He's a brute like the rest! But I believe in Zorba because he's the only being I have in my power, the only one I know. All the rest are guts. All the rest are ghosts, I tell you. When I die, everything'll die. The whole Zorbatic world will go to the bottom!

>> No.12345576
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based zorba quads

>> No.12345592

>Attack on Titan picture

>> No.12345703

>because I want to be free
LOLthe fag doesn't get it
no-one tell him ok

>> No.12345734


>> No.12345736

>Epicurus and Stirner together
nigga what

Not bad but needs work

Cohesive, if nothing else

Plotinus, my dude

>> No.12345746

Aristotle is the 'kid who was always picked last for sports' of philosophers.

>> No.12345968

I hate how this is either an unfunny shitpost or just a retarded shitpost. I miss old /lit/.

>> No.12346824


>> No.12347080

I'm an atheist republican war hawk because I watched Nuke Em High, Toxic Avenger, Surf Nazis Must Die and other Troma films and I was convinced that the best way to spur creative enterprise and strive for the highest human condition was to elect Chris Christie to US president in 2016 because there's a guy who looks like him in said movies (and sissy environmentalists can suck my sweaty beef-eating balls!) My main literary influence is the prophet Isaiah, and the guy who wrote Dahlgren.

>> No.12347087
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dao de jing
buddhist commentary on certain ideas like heart sutra
eastern idioms especially play on words using characters

these are the core. just simple sentence from these have more impact than hundreds of years of western thought.

arthur schopenhaur's essay and aphorism was the first time i sincerely thought a western philosopher had a beautiful mind. later when i learned how he had nothing but praise for eastern philosophy and religion it all made sense. i could forget everything else said and written by western thinkers but i wouldn't want to forget his quotes.
nietzsche's will to power really demonstrated his grasp on reality and willingness to confront himself. he didn't influence me but his ideas reflect a lot of what i think.
stirner gets a meme mention cause he's the breakout for egotism in the west, but his views aren't that well developed.

everybody else in western cannon isn't worth mentioning.

>> No.12347108

By any chance do you despise post-structuralism and enjoy metal?

>> No.12347110

Aldo Leopold

fuck deep ecologists desu they can suck a fat turd for providing an easy and ridiculous target to straw man ecology.
it's my job btw so all "deep" """"""ecologists""""""" can fuck off back to their intellectual puddle

>> No.12347129


>> No.12347210
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In a past life I was a proud and virile rooster with a harem of two dozen hens in the steppes of eastern Hungary.

>> No.12347217

can we be friends

>> No.12347236

I don't really understand philosophy. It all reads like nonsense. I hear it and it all sounds like baby talk and non-sense words.

>> No.12347242


>> No.12347250

This triggers me.
Get back on the boat you yellow coon.

>> No.12347258

>What are your philosophies/ideologies and why?
Something like a mix of Graham Hancock, Julius Evola, Savitri Devi and The Invisibles graphic novel. There is an occult war that has been going since time immorial and is part of the cyclic creation and dissolution of the unvierse. People are born as whites, Asians and high caste because of being virtuous souls while those born as blacks etc are secretly non-human demonic entities, the occult war goes in everyday life without us even realizing . Psychic Vampires are real, abound in most major cities, and will actively try to steal energy from and give cancer to virile young white men. The Atlanteans were Nordics and built the Pyramids,

>> No.12347270

>The truth is conditional upon race!

>> No.12347274

tbf, i only believe like, half that.

>> No.12347280

Discontentment inspires people to actively improve their lives and themselves. Eastern philosophy destroys your motivation and supplants it with wishy washy non-sense and communal identity.

>> No.12347287 [DELETED] 

What about the chinese? Do you recognize them as the other? Can you feel their evil godhead?

>> No.12347290

Calling eastern cultures backwards is really a polite way of putting it. They spend the last 500 years the way we spend the last 1500 years before that.

>> No.12347309

I spent years with my head up my ass about eastern culture, I loved everything about it. But one day I actually took a trip over the pond and asked myself, "What do you actually KNOW about the chinese people?"

>> No.12347318

The difference is that eastern morality is filled with loopholes and get out of jail free cards. Anything can be justified as an improvement in your understanding, you just keep asking questions until the original intent of the inquiry dissolves into nothingness.

>> No.12347319

And then what happened?

>> No.12347327

My religious beliefs are what I've come to call Inverted theism. My metaphysical beliefs are monistic angst. My political beliefs stem from sollipsistic dharmism. (All made up by me, but main influences being Deleuze, Land, my own experiences with psychosis, and the Bhagavad Gita)

>> No.12347349

People look at Tao and Buddhism and think thats what eastern people are like. But they take far more from Confucianism than they do from those religious philosophies.

Easterners are nothing if not a pragmatic people. There are times when I think, as a culture, they are bereft of compassion. It is not an institution, the way it is here.

We're losing that, its starting to turn ugly and wear at our cultural unity. We, as americans, were, and still are, a compassionate people. We don't always do the right thing, and when we do it isn't always for the right reasons, but there is a general expectation that people know the difference between right and wrong and understand the consequences for immoral action.

>> No.12347354
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Throughout my life, I've looked into and sympathised with ideologies and philosophies as diverse as Soviet communism, Gnostic Christianity, fundamentalist Protestantism, neoliberal globalism and exclusionary nationalism. None of them have ever stuck though, and seemingly the only thing that I perceive to be "true" (or at the least, "adequate") in dealing with the world's problems is the renewal of the respect and veneration of Femininity as a fundamental aspect of the cosmos.

I'll be mulling over and agonising about some sort of obscure socio-political problem I can imagine society facing, and I'll be at a loss of what to do or what to make of it. Then, in an instant, I'll remember the Great Feminine (whom I visualise as the gnostic Sophia) and my mind will instantly calm down and the world will just make a little more "sense", somehow.

So I guess you could say I'm some sort of cosmic "Feminist", but not in the shallow modernist sense, but rather in a very metaphysical, yin-centric way. Sophia is what keeps me going.

>> No.12347357

I asked myself why my parents generation sent a million men to deliver those nips from themselves. Why a mere generation ago we were willing to fight and die to bring freedom to a foreign land, to people who wouldn't even fight for themselves.

>> No.12347363

Not the worse explanation i've seen.

>> No.12347373

i'm not even asian. i appreciate western science, art, and etc in a materialistic sense but the western thoughts on spirituality and the world in general simply are not as a good as a sentence written by zhuangzi written over 2000 years ago
you have no idea what you're talking about. i'll agree they became stagnant but that's because they reached into backwards into genesis itself to view the world losing themselves. eastern philosophy is endless like a sea; the greatest minds spent their entire lives exploring and swimming in it because it's boundless. western philosophy is like a bucket with holes; after putting it on your head and experiencing the water spilling out the greatest minds got bored and went into other intellectual activities like math.
>destroys your motivation
you don't understand even basic stuff like nietzsche will to power so you're totally out of your league thinking you comprehend the esoteric nature of eastern philosophy.

>We, as americans, were, and still are, a compassionate people
absolutely no self-awareness.

>> No.12347378

The point is, we aren't gloating when we say our culture is superior and that our philosophy is the best.

We are just pointing out a fact, we are the good guys in world filled with bad guys, our philosophy brings people hope and makes the best out of a bad situation.

>> No.12347380 [DELETED] 


>> No.12347394

Christian values translate into action, Eastern values translate to inaction. Western philosophy teaches discontentment and tells you to improve upon yourself and your environment, Eastern philosophy tells you to accept your fate and give in to corruption.

The point is, when I see a man who is hungry, i can either feed him bread or watch him starve. I can wax poetic on society and its ills and how we arrived at this mournful situation and write a dissertation on every begger who ever lived, but he will not one bite of bread unless i share his burdens.

>> No.12347400

>I’m sane
Trannies are not sane, butterfly. Seek help.

>> No.12347413

If EVERYthing is ephermal, then nothing is of any importance. If its all so impermanant and sorrow is the nature of desire, then why not just give up breathing, go find a hole in which to die?

The fact is, the things we do here matter, if to no one but ourselves, and if you deny that fact and allow your self to be buoyed along, you're soul will follow the rest of the world down the drain.

The nature of the physical world IS corruption, but our soul is made of better, sterner stuff. It absorbs whatever karma it experiences here on earth, and it will follow you beyond the grave into the great beyond.

When you turn, be it from middle age, traumatic experience, or facing your deathbed, you will find yourself asking all kinds of questions you took for granted, wondering why you did this or didn't do that, but mostly, you will regret the things you didn't do, more than the things you did.

>> No.12347416

and then everybody clapped and said god bless america while fighter jets, which will later kill brown children in a school bus, flew overhead and rock&rolll started playing in the background. ronald mcdonald came out and a gave a speech on egalitarianism and mentioned that we need to arm rebels somewhere so they can blowup women and children to advance our political interests.

>> No.12347423


is he right about hegel?

>> No.12347426

Those brown people want to kill us and destroy everything we hold dear. They want to turn back the clock a thousand years and put a man in charge of every household, they want polygamy on a scale that puts mormons to shame. Their idea of egalitarianism is stoning women to death for reading books in the street.

>> No.12347433

sounds pretty based to me

>> No.12347438
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Politically I'm a populist-nationalist, so:
Sam Francis

Philosophically I find weak metaphysical solipsism and chronogeometric fatalism to be very convincing, so:

On Nature - Parmenides
Tractatus Logicus Philosophicus - Wittgenstein
Dream, Death, and the Self - Valberg
Rules and Private Language - Kripke
Foundations of Space-Time Theories: Relativistic Physics and the Philosophy of Science - Friedman
Time and Physical Geometry - Hilary Putnam

my metaphysics informs my ethics so I don't really care

>> No.12347440

Inshallah that will come true you dumb kuffar

>> No.12347442

adults with adult capacity don't make excuses about how they had to kill the 5 year old child because they won't obey.

if you had something so good to offer then they would willing take it. everybody wants to eat, drink, sleep, and except for oddity wants a better life for themselves, family, and whoever is kind to them. you make excuses about why you need to kill them cause you're just a little kid who knows nothing trying to pretend to be a grownup.

killing them is proof of your weakness

>> No.12347462

thats an absurd example of extreme hyperbole that has no bearing on reality.

No body is using 5 year olds for target practice and if that kid ends up full of holes you can bet its because his parents told him to hide in the closet with a live grenade.

>> No.12347472

Besides which, all of the problems america faces today are of a moral or spiritual nature. All our material needs are taken care of, hardly anyone starves and most of the working poor are either mentally ill or engaging in some form of substance abuse, usually both.

Our crisis is a crisis of faith, its moral crisis.

>> No.12347480

Jimmy Carter pls go

>> No.12347488

People in other countries have real problems that they have to deal with. 2/3's of the world lives under tyranny, they have to deal with idiotic autocrats and corrupt beurocracy riddled with authoritarian assholes who think freedom is the right to piss over everybody who isn't you.

We take our freedoms for granted in this country. All you need is one quick trip overseas to a place that isn't so pleasant to see that we are not the enemy, America is not the bad guy.

We do bad stuff, we make mistakes, but we are pretty damn decent, as far as people go.

>> No.12347494

is this satire and you're attempting to sound like an israeli explaining the palestinian conflict or you're actually this unaware of reality?
you can never lose morals or faith. principles exist even if your body vanishes. they can break your knees putting you on the ground, but internally your spirit NEVER will knee.

you don't have real morals, spirituality, or principles. if you did then you wouldn't need to make excuses for injustice your "side" inflicts on others. if you make a mistake then you own it and let your flesh, blood, and soul experience the pain of making it. principles don't ever bend or disappear for a moment of convenience in argument.

>> No.12347502

I can't keep up, are the Eastern philosophy guy or the Christian

>> No.12347522

It all just sounds like white noise to me.

I have no idea what I believe.

>> No.12347524

i'm eastern philosophy guy >>12347087

>> No.12347529

A lot of people seem angry, and I'm angry too, so i just get caught up in the fervor of whatever is going on at the moment.

I don't think a dog cares that much for philosophy, I don't either.

>> No.12347550
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Neoreactionary Right-Accelerationist

Moldbug - Unqualified Reservations
Land - Fanged Noumena, Xenosystems, Urban Future

>> No.12347554

oh okay, thank you, sorry

>> No.12347557

We only ever really notice someones values when they are changing. You don't notice that someone is kind until they do something out of the ordinary.

We take for granted someone is this way or that, and thats why they do something, we assume that all values apply in all circumstances equally. Who you are depends on where you're at and who your with at the moment.

People lack a great deal of consistency. If I were an alien looking down at humanity the only moral principle i could determine from their behavior is that they seem to worship chaos, cause they are never more one thing than the next, attributing any permanent quality to them seems to be nothing more than a clever guess or rough estimation of circumstance.

>> No.12347579

What i find is that for all their dialogues on morality faith and the nature of the universe, most philosphers don't actually apply those principles to their lives, those that value knowledge don't devote their life to education and cross-displinary studies, those that value love avoid relationships, those that value freedom lead boring lives, those that value kindness are rather callous, i've yet to find a philosopher who wasn't a hypocrite of the highest order.

>> No.12347596

You could almost say that these people make a living lying not only to themselves, but everyone around them. They spout non-sense to cover up their own personal insecurities and perceived failings, twisting their flaws into assets and their lackluster ideas into genius and high prose. Its a culture of self-deluded nitwits who think far too highly of themselves, megalomaniacs with enormous egos and utterly pointless lives.

>> No.12347602

Hey Eastern Philosophy guy, what do you think about Lin Yutang. I've been reading My Country, my people and it has opened my mind into eastern culture.

>> No.12347604

When I wanted to be a writer, I at least had an idea in my mind of the kind of star I wanted to be. I wanted to drive fast cars and date beautiful women, I wanted people to love and admire and respect me because I brought joy into their lives and made them forget their troubles.

Philosophers are a strange beast. They claim to not want all those things, they attract to themselves a coven of misery, they deny themselves those things they sought after even when they are given freely.

Its a bit like trying to spoonfeed a cat.

>> No.12347607

Your 'culture' harvests prisoners of conscious organs and sells them on the black market.

>> No.12347611

Damn, that sounds cool and kinda hot.

>> No.12347618

go china.

>> No.12347621

not those organs, you nutball.
though given what the chinese use for aphrodisiacs, i wouldn't put it past them.

>> No.12347660

I know anon. Thank God for those magnificent bastards. Thanks to them I can drink all the coke I want.

>> No.12347690

it's confusing cause i'm making statements of permanence while holding ideologies which show how ephemeral nature is and explain it's all impermanence.
i'm not a sinophile versed translated literature. my favorite stuff is single sentences, poems, and idioms from thinkers influenced by buddhism and daoism.
they need to be more humane and drop hellfire missiles on weddings like us. damn slants recycling prison organs. they should start using more aborted black fetuses to be progressive

>> No.12347694

My philosophy is hiding bait threads and garbage threads and tripfags and reporting them invariably.

What I'm saying is that I reported and saged your stupid thread you fucking retard

>> No.12347695

Live a fulfilling life through enjoyment of working to better yourself and those around you. Less government is often better, but I do like the concept of monarchy if it's meant to revive society. Don't poke your nose in unwanted business, and do what you belief is right without trying to grab power for the sake of being in control. You're only in control of yourself; everything else comes at the pleasure of the universe. I think having a family is probably the most important thing you can do for everyone. I am also a relaxed Catholic.

Tolkien influenced me drastically.

>> No.12347702

Not him, but, I think that he was a very good writer, but I feel like a lot of the stuff he wrote in forties (especially Love & Irony) was written for an American audience to persuade them to support China against Japan. It's kind of transparent.

>> No.12347714

>i'm not a sinophile versed translated literature. my favorite stuff is single sentences, poems, and idioms from thinkers influenced by buddhism and daoism.
Oh man, too bad. I've been coming to terms with eastern culture, contrary to our common beliefs, are actually very pragmatic. But at the same time they have a radically different way of thought product of a different philosophy as Buddhism. And overall they are on a strange synergy or hard balance between both of them.

Thanks anon and yeah, most of his stuff was written for a western audience but nonetheless it was one of the main ways for us to truly understand chinese culture. I still believe on his prophecy than every 200 years everything on China goes to shit.

>> No.12347734
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>it was one of the main ways for us to truly understand chinese culture.

Please don't get me wrong; I love the guy and I love his works, it was only a small collection of his catalog that bugged me for a silly reason.

>> No.12347740
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I'm Animism/Slime Theory/Semiotics. Like a Peirceian David Abram, who isn't doing anything with their life. Yea, I gotta bigged-brain.. biggered-cock. Ain't I cute.

>> No.12347743

>are actually very pragmatic

Oh, and if you like Pragmatism, maybe you should about John Dewey's work in China in 1920's.