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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, 201E1F24-4B40-4856-8936-5B1BD33315D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12317756 No.12317756 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12317761

that cover doesnt make any sense

>> No.12317762

Terrible cover. Good book.

>> No.12317764

it's postmodern, it makes perfect sense

>> No.12317765

that's quite ugly
but reading joyce is always good

>> No.12317767

If indeed the cover could be described as postmodern then it still wouldn’t make since given that the book is a work of modernism.

>> No.12317769

it could have been postmodern without being ugly as fuck

>> No.12317770
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>> No.12317775

I like the cover

>> No.12317778

The imitation of Christ - Thomas Kempis

>> No.12317797
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>> No.12317802

>A portrait as a of the artist young james man joyce

>> No.12317836

What is that skin color, 56% white?

>> No.12317868

Caucasian with poor liver function

>> No.12317877

Hispanic, execpt flash made me look paler

>> No.12317885

The Republic, Nicomachean Ethics, War and Peace

>> No.12317921
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It's good folks

>> No.12318092
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>> No.12318105

>a portrait as a of the artist young james man joyce

>> No.12318132
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>> No.12318143
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>> No.12318151

Introduction to Philosophy or Way to Wisdom - Karl Jaspers

>> No.12318153
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Just got this for Christmas
Excellent rear

>> No.12318158
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>> No.12318166
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Not my first time but I'm keen to read it again

>> No.12318180
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>> No.12318197

is it any good?
>I mean it's not some cult shit is it

>> No.12318199


>> No.12318285

based and Romepilled

>> No.12318310
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>> No.12318611


>> No.12318658
File: 3.37 MB, 5312x2988, 20181227_111937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very academic and doesn't go super in depth on any individual figure but it gives pretty solid summaries of the religious-feeling/mystical-relation-to-that-which-is-larger-than-oneself aspects of different philosophers' work. I was initially especially drawn in by the inclusion of both Ecclesiastes and a reference to James' Varieties in the title, but the book covers a pretty solid spread of people. Not very far in so far and a lot is review for me but I'm a lot more interesting in tackling Plato's Phaedrus now.

>> No.12318678
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Finished this morning. Being reading:
A history of the Arab Peoples - Albert Hourani as well, will focus more on it now before i go on my middle east trip at the end of jan.

>> No.12318749
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Better than thucydides t b h

>> No.12318762
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this and blood meridian

>> No.12318767
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Currently in book 2.

>> No.12318838

What kind of name is Tad?

>> No.12318995
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I've been doing a thing where I read 20 pages or a chapter of fiction and 20 pages of nonfiction a day.

>> No.12319049
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It's pretty good so far, 100 pages from finishing.

>> No.12319324

it gives me cronenberg vibes, is it any good?

>> No.12319331
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>> No.12319334
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>> No.12319344
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These two

>> No.12319427
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Women like Joyce don't write anything but prose. They meander along turning tricks and attention whoring and then abruptly tell you it is your fault when they leave you forever because you were never truly a concerned lover, you didn't pry at the depths, nor could even your sentiments reach her womb let alone find completion inside her splendor.

>> No.12319436

Only a historian could get away with that title.

>> No.12319461
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I like my cover better.

>> No.12319806
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I have Flowers for Algernon and 2666 in my kindle and a copy of the last one. Also I paused reading Albert Ellis and some book about telomeres.

>> No.12319815

That cover makes me furious

>> No.12319827
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I'm trying to read more Russian lads.

>> No.12319831

that cover is disgusting

>> No.12319847

The Bhagavad gita

>> No.12319850

Wordsworth's Prelude and Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R Donaldson.

>> No.12319886
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>> No.12319933
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I'm almost done reading this and I'm about 200 pages in Les Miserables.

>> No.12319966

The dolls of fear? Im not so good with my spanish

>> No.12319976

The grins of fear, or something like that.

>> No.12319978
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How do you like this one?

>> No.12319979

Just trying to focus on The Optics by Ibn Al-Haytham right now. I believe I’ve discovered a mistake with his logic last night, proposition 35 is either translated incorrectly or done incorrectly.

I’m on the theorems surrounding concave spherical mirrors.

>> No.12320653


>> No.12320753

On the Road. Also just started Leaves of Grass

>> No.12321024
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>> No.12321030

mein kampf

>> No.12321033

That's a really neat cover

What is your favorite story so far?

>> No.12321046
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Me too, which edition? Picrel is mine

>> No.12321072
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Not him, but I bought this big as fuck edgy metal looking edition. I'm regretting it.

>> No.12321078

Jordan Peterson - 12 Girls, 1 Cup

>> No.12321083
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>> No.12321227

Just finished
>White Nights
>Notes from Underground
by Mr. Happy himself. What a guy. Think I'll read some pleb shit next for a break.

>> No.12321236

Flowers is great. I teared up. It's not a pleb book like /lit/ would have you believe.

>> No.12321435

Can someone explain this one to me? I don’t understand what it’s trying to convey

>> No.12321450

*tickles your tummy*

>> No.12321495

Sounds like something Joyce would write desu

>> No.12321499

Second this, I love that book

>> No.12321514

Regretting getting the particular edition you chose or the book in general? That cover makes me kek

>> No.12321543
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which cover is better? the penguin centennial one or yours? I ordered pic related but I feel kind of wary. I imagine mine's the better edition, though.

>> No.12321549

This any good Anon? I’ve seen it around

>> No.12321566
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Just finished reading Beccaria, not sure what will be my first book to read in 2019.

>> No.12321591
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Currently this

Analysis halfway through: all i want to read about is the judge..too much description.of rhe.same plains/mountains/wasteland over and over again

>> No.12321600 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12321610
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>gathering of the pseuds up in here

>> No.12321616 [DELETED] 
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reposting because wrong angle

>> No.12321618

Yes, I was talking about that particular edition.

>> No.12321619

i'd squash your faggot hand like a pretzel, boyo

>> No.12321623
File: 1.61 MB, 2448x3264, Śaṅkarācārya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting for the 3rd time because my phone always rotates the photos

ummm... sweetie I'm 6'6

>> No.12321632

Ayn Rand-The Fountainhead
Friedrich Nietzsche-Beyond Good & Evil

>> No.12321749

They're both shit but I personally prefer yours because it's slightly less boring

>> No.12321754
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you are onions fed american. i'm european, i eat foods from the ground, from the forest and the rivers. you live in cardboard house, i live in rocky fortress.

>> No.12321797

I’ve got this cover and it literally spoils the final paragraph on the back of the cover. I was fucking furious when I saw it because I was already 80% through the book. Who thought putting the last paragraph of any book on the back cover was a good fucking idea?

>> No.12321896


>> No.12321951

Dead Souls

>> No.12321989

I don’t actually think he’s a historian. His podcast is fantastic though

>> No.12322053
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girlfriend got me this for christmas and its changing my life

>> No.12322056


>> No.12322097

this guy is changing his life. why is it cringe?

>> No.12322198

Wow, spoiling an almost hundred year old book, what were they thinking.

>> No.12322837
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>> No.12322838

I legitimately thought it was like some sour grapes feminist had scrawled out words on the cover to read: "AS A YOUNG MAN"

>> No.12322841

are you meant to have read another edition of it before reading that one?

>> No.12322906
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I'm rather sick of the main editors contrived bullshit about his degenerate lifestyle and how he is in love with a stripper. The other things are interesting so far though.

>> No.12323248

How is it

>> No.12323339
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>> No.12324341


>> No.12324471

He in my garage

>> No.12324486

you're interested in the autistic ramblings of a shut-in over the schizoidal self-examinations of a jobber? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

>> No.12324509

Crime and Punishment, Moby Dick and Foundations of Leninism by Stalin

>> No.12324515
File: 32 KB, 261x400, Knaves Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Knaves Over Queens a Wild Cards Novel edited by George RR Martin. Wonderful series.
Trying to find Texas Hold'em (same series) in Epub.

>> No.12324522

paged through a friend's copy of this. Couldn't tell if it was pretentious bs, a desperate attempt to appear clever, or actually worthwhile

>> No.12324758

thanks anon, will read

>> No.12324804
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>> No.12324821
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